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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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The girl changed her fiery red hair to white and said::

— They will be even very inventive! And you President Putin will get power over the entire planet Earth.... Only of course after you've done everything! Not before!

Trump in a business inquired:

— What guarantees?

The girl answered honestly:

— Our word! You see, when a king in ancient times was given the job to his servants other warranties of awards but the word of the monarch was not required!

Trump suggested:

"Perhaps you could give us the most precious thing you have."

Hairstyle have girls has become black as coal and she hissed. Trump and Putin was doused by a wave. Beauty roared:

— The most precious thing we have you just have to get! And do not require more guarantees! It's you people, the vows, and we hypershop, every word is true!

Impatient trump roared:

— What exactly are we supposed to get?

The girl gently said:

— More about this later! For now!

The scenery changed instantly. The two presidents found themselves in an even larger room. It looks like a colossal stadium with a great many boxes, decorated with all the colors of the rainbow, extremely colorful. And the boxes sat, stood, fumbling girl. Stunner. Many millions of very beautiful and elegant girls. All were precious stones, half elegant shoes, half barefoot. Almost naked, but hung with beads, bracelets, chains, amulets, and hair of different colors pinned brooches, some tiaras of gems.

It is difficult to imagine anything more beautiful, aesthetic and seductive at the same time.

Loving trump stuck out his eyes and exclaimed:

— Wow! Just aerobatics!

Putin replied more calmly:

— I've never seen so many beauties!

A huge girl with a multicolored hairdo and a crown appeared before the presidents. She was not simply beautiful, there is no so say nothing not say. It was a real, bright, fascinating, dazzling deity.

The girl hissed:

— Men! Now we will give you new bodies, and we will send to the parallel universe! Swear that you will fulfill the order given to you.

Trump grinned and replied:

Do you believe in the power of the oath?

The goddess snarled menacingly and roared.:

"If you deceive us, we will burn The earth." All your relatives and friends will be killed. I offer you eternal life and power! You will get us what we need for our civilization!

Trump winked at the girl and said conciliatory:

Don't boil! We will do what you ask! In exchange for immortality and power!

Putin modestly noticed:

— But you can't negotiate the language of threats! And I would like you to do something for humanity.

Goddess smiled and answered:

— Humanity? I can give eternal youth to all people, but what about resettlement?

Trump with a sly smile offered:

— But if the Ground to do more? That would be awesome!

Putin gave a sly wink and added:

And this planet is growing, without increasing the gravity, and that it always covered the sun. — Then Russian President corrected himself and said. — That was many suns, which also would breed division and always lit up the Earth. Planet, on which a permanent summer, and rains go, when need to and the total number of resources immeasurably.

The goddess grinned and grew even bigger. Waves swept across space. Girl-the demiurge boomed:

— What do you think that it is possible and to sit on the head! But I can bring you down to such a hell that Dante will seem an innocent child!

Millions of girls threw up their fists and screamed:

— There are no irreplaceable people! Find other fighters!

Putin and trump felt as if they were squeezed by an invisible Anaconda. And it really hurt. And it burned like a hot iron. Presidents are in a tight spot.

The girl in the sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow crown, chirped:

— My last word — eternal youth for you personally, and the power of the planet! In case of failure, you will experience pain in a billion dimensions, a trillion circles of hell will pass!

The two presidents looked at each other. Wink... In fact can the mouse in the cat's claws to bargain? I heard the tortured:

— I agree! No other way!

The girl in the crown has decreased dramatically, and was the same height with trump and Putin. Her wonderful beauty is unique, and even apparently Leonardo DaVinci can not afford to capture this. The girl stamped her heel and chirped.

— You are going to fly with me... I will give you what the old men of the planet earth dream!

Here trump could not resist the question:

— Why do we only see girls? Don't you have any men?

The beauty in the crown put a finger to her lips and said in a half-voice:

— That's it... the Only pulsating, the jade phallus disappeared. And only a man can find it!

Even Putin could not resist and whistled:

— Wow! And it happens!

The scenery has changed. Blew an icy wind, and they were in huge, consisting of some mirrors spherical shape of the hall.

Now the Queen was barefoot, and leaving behind delicate traces on the mirror surface.

With each step, the goddess of the female world grew in size and became more transparent.

Trump mumbled:

— Okay ... so she's even sexier!

The Queen girl ran to the mirror wall and disappeared. There was a gentle voice:

— Now let's start...

A Golden stream of light poured over the two presidents. And the rays seemed material like a jet of rain. Trump, feeling tickled, laughed...

Putin was more reserved.

It was both pleasant and disturbing. The presidents mechanically joined hands.

Putin felt the firm handshake of trump. And then something new in the body.

Indeed something changed. In fact, their bodies were becoming increasingly blurry, as if the water was blurring the paint. And the flesh itself turned into rubber, or jelly. However, the feeling was very pleasant and even invigorating. You're becoming like butter yourself.

Putin thought that something similar he felt, having received a post of the Prime Minister, and Yeltsin's successor. It was a little unexpected.

Then the Director of the FSB was just afraid that it will be removed for the fact that his office missed the RAID by the militants in Dagestan. And how pleased that fell into the hands of enormous power. And even the Communists did not dare to put a spoke in the wheel!

The rays of light that tickled the two presidents constantly changed their color. And it became hot like boiling water, but rather bitter. The image of trump and Putin finally blurred and became indistinguishable.

Putin felt that he seemed to spread, and the body loses its support. He experienced something similar when the results of the elections to the Duma in 2011 were announced. The same feeling as if luck is leaving you, and fortune is turning away. You think your most glorious deeds are over. And who could assume that then there will be a fantastic accession of the Crimea. But really, it seems everything is there, but health goes. And have no strength to go for a fifth term!

And here offer you eternal youth! And eternal power! It makes you dizzy!

Trump also felt at ease. Get this... but now. You're melting like an icicle....

The President of America was not very successful in foreign policy. North Korea showed teeth and many believe it scared the US. From Syria, trump announced that America is leaving. And the Yankees are leaving Afghanistan. The only thing in Venezuela managed to throw hemorrhoid Maduro and put their man. But still not the fact that he will be obedient and will not get out of control.

However, at some point in politics as if everything turned out. And now you need to go on an adventure. For the search for the phallus supercivilization consisting of some girls! It's driving me crazy!

Trump loved to play poker, and secretly envied Putin, a damn good politician — who managed to do the impossible: the Crimea to attach without a shot! In fact, none of the action is not fired a gun. Although to explain this...

In General, at some point in the United States collapsed test. Just an incredible terrorist attack on September 11. The war in Afghanistan, which America does not need, is bogged down in Iraq. That economic crises, the rise of China. Strengthening the military power of Russia. And internal disagreements when the President faces impeachment and a congressional Commission is created.

Another thing is Putin, who never had disagreements with the Parliament, and even the Communists only imitated opposition. Now this is democracy.

Trump deep down dreamed of dictatorship. But he lacked the social support to carry out the coup. Yes, and in the United States has long been a democracy, and there is no desire of society to move to authoritarianism. With all the problems, America is the most powerful and influential country in the world under a democratic regime. So is it worth it to become autocracy. All the more authoritarianism is prone to self-degeneration. Dictators, as a rule, pull weaker successors. Is it possible to compare, for example, Maduro and charismatic Hugo Chavez?

In America, by tradition, the turnover of elites, which provides a dynamic development of society. So there is hope that China will rot in its autocracy and totalitarianism, and the US will still take up. And Putin is not eternal.

Trump and Putin stopped seeing each other. They seemed to dissolve, dissolved in multicolored, caressing, tickling rays. Then they were covered with burning, then cold.

Trump thought it was like the first sex, when a young virgin throws it in the heat, then in the cold. And such a unique feeling. But when you're a teenager then it's probably the most happy time in your life. You're not working yet, at least not all the time, but you're barely learning. And you discover the adult world.

In General, trump is used to living under stress. But being President of the United States is a great punishment. Although the economy was just all very well and, wages in America grew at a record pace. But foreign policy... Well, that at least managed to break off Maduro. At least some visible foreign policy success. And you look at new elections with optimism.

After all, it would really be a shame to lose only after one term and become a failed President. Two terms is the minimum for a successful ruler who wants America to remain a world hegemon for the whole world and increase its influence and power. And prevent China from becoming a new Empire? And Russia? Putin will leave, and friendship will be restored! In any case, there is hope that common sense will prevail. Trump, however, even glad of such a confrontation — how many defense orders will receive the US military-industrial complex.

What about the third term? No there's and the trump says: probably not!

The feelings of both presidents grew into a feeling of endless falling into a bottomless well ... Then followed a super-bright flash!

Consciousness seemed, for a brief a moment, has been extinguished.


When Putin awoke, he felt an extraordinary surge of vivacity and energy. He even jumped up, and soared in air. Next to him flew a tanned young man in swimming trunks, and very relief, like cast steel muscles.

What it seemed familiar to Vladimir Vladimirovich, and he exclaimed:

Donald, you!

A very muscular blond boy exclaimed:

— And who are you wolf? What you red became!

Putin looked at his body. It's transformed. Very muscular, tiles press and muscle knots, steel veins on the hands. Well, that's like, Brusly. Skin a dark bronze from tanning, and the figure of a glass, not a drop of fat. Just like trump.

Putin exclaimed:

— Transformed!

Trump yelled:

— Looks like! How wonderful I feel!

Putin laughed, it really felt so good. Not a drop of fatigue, a clear head, a body full of vigor and strength. The truth is only one thing confuses, trump's face is just like a boy. Not a single hair, the skin smooth as if polished. And now they look like extremely muscular teenagers. Yes, probably, world Champions in fitness among juniors such.

Having jumped to the cone of the hall, trump and Putin began to fall down. Really slowly, like the gravity was lower.

Next to them appeared already iconic girl in the crown. She was hung with jewels on her naked body, and on each finger of her bare foot hung a ring with a sparkling gem.

The Queen of supercivilization cooed.:

— You see, we kept our word! You are young and full of energy again! And ten times stronger than a human Olympic champion!

Putin said with a smile:

— Good! But aren't we too young? We don't even have a mustache!

The Queen said gravely:

— Why do you need a mustache and beard? You shaved them!

Trump answered for his colleague:

— Teenagers in our world are not used to take seriously!

The Queen laughed. There were four more girls in jewelry. The great demiurge replied:

— Don't worry! I will give you a large, Jupiter-sized planet, and a trillion eternally beautiful and young, obedient subjects.

Trump growled:

— I would like power on Earth?

The Queen responded harshly:

— Well, we don't have rights, the whole planet to impose unknown someone!

Putin agreed with this:

— Calm Down Don! We already own mother will not recognize you! How can we rule the Earth-by hiring space fighters or something?

The Queen nodded her multicolored head.:

— Of course! Common sense is stronger! And now ... you're so beautiful, maybe you'll make love to me!

Trump whistled and rumbled:

— How is it right here in the air?

The Queen nodded.:

— Zero gravity! Believe me you will be pleased!

Putin said in a harsh tone:

— I was President with virtually unlimited power. But do not allow myself to have sex with other women, although he could have a harem!

The Queen giggled and muttered:

— But you want to do it. And want me, so in our world there is no men! Let's give each other pleasure, especially since I'm not beautiful?

Trump replied with admiration:

— The most dazzling woman I've ever met!

Inflated both boys started shaking from excitement. They felt an influx of homos.

The Queen pulled them to her ... Bodies entwined in wild ecstasy. And it seemed like a tornado was raging, and thousands of volcanoes were erupting. And danced the stars in the universe. Broke out of a supernova and quasars. And the vacuum began to sing and light up. And there was an unprecedented, head-blowing ecstasy. The universe swirled stronger and stronger, in a mad cascade mutual orgasms.

After finally super and beyond the perception of the tornado ended, fresh baked boys were in the dining room. It was an Arsenal of incredible space, the earth's vastly superior capabilities of technology.

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