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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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— No turning back! — Trump's words sounded tragic. The boy President spat blood.

Guy is President and the girl-Queen: hot couple fell into a trance, they all haste ran, jumped, mentally tried to slow down the rotation. Trump was sprained ankle, but he managed to reach the goal, and Emmanuel burned, the flame licked his shoulders, insidious fire at the last moment changed direction, passed over the naked chest and strawberry nipple girl Queen. The young sorceress of the Amazons, however, did not pay attention to this, trump noticed this, touched her firm skin:

— You don't even have blisters. He sounded surprised.

— What, you know, fire burns only those who fear him. The Queen girl said resolutely.

The boy President pointed a finger in front of him.

Here's another guy. You don't know who the beat is.

— We hope not! — The girl-Queen of the trimmed braid.

The last simulator was the most terrible: spears, axes, swords, maces, ramrod, sledgehammers, as many as thirteen tubes with flaming Gehenna, as well as an abundance of forks and other cutting and stabbing objects which are even difficult to find a name. Even strange, that they turned around without noise. The idea was to be a terrible roar.

— This looks like the end! — Said Trump. Sweat mixed with blood was running down the young President's forehead.

— No, if worse than the beast and can not be, so the maze "Path of hell" ends. — Out of optimism, Emmanuel.

— That's hardly it, it's too long. The boy President said skeptically.

— And now we need to pray and give the body flexibility of water, the speed of the wind, the heat of the fire, the strength of the dragon skin! — Resolutely clenching his fists, said the girl-warrior and Queen.

"I saw a dragon once, summoned by the Supreme sorcerer of the United States. — Not with the blue, blurted out the young man-the President.

— Not lying? Why didn't I? Emmanuel frowned.

— You slept in a cage, and I was on duty. — Simple, without imagination said was a joke trump is.

Emmanuel laughed and squeaked.:

Believe, have the forces of Seth and other spirits.

The girl-Queen and the boy-President was on his knees. The boys prayed for a long time, even tears came from excessive zeal. Then, leaving his head empty, clearing away thoughts, they barked and jumped, diving into the sea of sharpened steel. Emmanuel and not remembered as she was chopping, that did, body has worked on their own, it has been moving and smelled, killing and winning. All the impressions came together in a spiky tangle. When barefoot girl got out of the elements, the first thing I felt that the cuts increased, but still alive and all in place. But her beloved trump, jumping out immediately, collapsed quietly moaning.

Emmanuel bent down, something was clearly wrong, but what the novice herself stunned by the cascade of impressions, is not realized.

— Get up trump, we're through.

— My hand is Emmanuelle, I lost my arm and now helpless. -In a voice of the unbending guy-the President tears were heard.


Indeed, trump's right limb was severed at the elbow, oozing blood. The girl-Queen gave a whistle:

— Now on two have us three hands.

But the advantage of one at all. I can give it, but I can't lend it to my love. — Trump and sorrow ceased not to be trifled with.

— Well done, not lost sense of humor. The main thing to survive, say the wise men know the secret to grow a limb. Comforted, stroking the stump of the beautiful Emmanuelle. — Remember, we even lessons on this about passed.

Is harder than to seal the wound, but it is possible, except that deems me valuable enough to spend the magic. — Trump's voice sounded doubtful.

"Cripples are not necessary even among the lower servants. Let's tie her up so you don't run out of blood. Emmanuel Suggested.

The boy-President has said:

— What?

— A piece of a loincloth. — The girl smiled slyly.

Emmanuel tore off the strip and tied it as tight as possible. Accustomed to pain, trump clenched his teeth. He looked at his stump.

— Here I am now a cripple, I hope temporarily, but with one left hand, I am not so valuable. The young President said bitterly.

— Well, maybe even the opposite, the more you'll think in battle. Now, I hope the hard part is over. The girl narrowed her eyes, whispered a brief prayer.

However, even here it did not become easier, the path was littered with hot coals, and arrows flew from the sides, molten drops fell from above, the sharpest discs whistled through the air. However, the girl-Queen and the guy-the President, or rather his body often ran barefoot on hot coals, on the feet they were stuffed with a fair amount of corn, but the corridor was too winding and long. On it to run it was exhausting. Several times Emmanuel and trump were, and they pulled out arrows, blades-Scorpions of naked, mutilated bodies. They were still lucky that no vital organs were not hurt. Gradually coal was becoming less and less, that they ran out, it was cooler.

Emmanuel, she poured sweat and terribly exhausted, was supported by falling from foot trump:

— That and this flour does end. Let's sit down and get some rest.

Bare foot girl is the Queen shook off the soles of a little blood.

The young man-the President whispered:

— I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty.

— Neither do I, but we have no other choice. Where to get water. Said, barely stay on his feet, Emmanuel.

— My legs are killing me, I can't go any further. Trump said with difficulty.

— Yes, you can! Besides, how to know what awaits us in the next world. — Barked, dry mouth, the girl-Queen.

— Remember, we participated in séances and we were the souls of warriors and scholars. — In a weak voice trump sounded hope.

— We do not know, whose spirits, though that death is not the end obviously. The soul, I know, is able to leave the body and move outside the flesh, independently, or rather, obeying a mental order. Emmanuel was gaining confidence.

— Now the flesh is giving me constant agony. I even think about stabbing myself with a sword. — Muttered the suffering trump, the boy-President.

— And give birth to the son. After all, it can't do a dead man, and want to have a baby with you. — Sure said the girl-Queen.

Here, compress will in a fist and go on. — The guy-President spat evil into the wall.

The young man-President and girl-Queen, still some time sat, massaging hands, each other. They kissed and then moved on. Traps still came across, but they became much less. But it was getting colder and colder. At first, it was even nice, especially crippled burnt feet, then, when the stones were covered with frost, and the top began to hang icicles, start to shake. They've been walking without a torch, but the walls were given a flat, dead light. Trump could not resist, ran to the icicle and stuck to her mouth:

— Thirst is killing me. He explained, slightly embarrassed.

"I wouldn't mind a drink myself! Stated, still perfect in suffering, the girl-Queen Emmanuel. — No wonder drunks spend all their money.

What a pleasure it is to lick the ice with a cracked tongue, it seems so sweet, and the water, melting, flows into the throat, quenching a terrible thirst.

They licked one icicle after another and could not get enough. It seemed that they were in Paradise, and eat what they have only read in textbooks — the legend myths about wonderful ice cream.

Time flies imperceptibly, but happiness we suddenly, the thirst for disappeared, and then, as if blow to the forehead, they felt the rogue the coldness and hunger.

— We have to go or we'll freeze. — Ordered, feeling alarm Emmanuel.

— But let's stop suffering.— Looks like Trump didn't care.

I don't want it to end, I went or a better run, safer, and warm up. The Queen-girl suggested, though her legs were weak.

"There is some logic in that, though it may be to skew the distance using teleportation spells. The young President said hopefully.

You know him!? Emmanuel's skepticism increased.

— We are not taught this, we must be the highest adepts. And we swore not to use magic. What a heartless teacher of a higher power. — Trump said it being sure of the correctness.

Running helped to keep warm, only there are like very much, even strange, because they were starving. The corridor narrowed again, then turned to the side, and then it became quite dark.

— Light torches. Emmanuel Suggested.

— You have two hands, so do your best. Trump said, clanking his teeth.

The torch was with a secret that could burn for very long, not Tsareva. Emmanuel noticed.:

Like and no of frost and cold.

"The fire will only light us, but it will not warm us. The young President's voice was hopeless.

The light is a great blessing, and the corridor blazed with all the colors. The walls were mirrored.

That's beautiful! — Trump said admiringly

Very beautiful, despite his wounds, the burns on the girl-Queen, with very strong muscles.

It's beautiful! Only here is mirrors the most wily trap.

As if to confirm his words, a shadow flew from above. Emmanuel barely dodged, slashing at her with her sword. The Ghost suddenly appeared denser and shattered into two parts. They turned, flying like ragged blots, plopped into the wall, breaking like balls of mercury.

In the same second from all sides of the mirrors rushed terrible cast a variety of shapes and colors.

— Ran trump, I know you have no strength, but this is our last chance, for the love of me. Emmanuel cried out in the last hope.

Her legs wouldn't obey her either, but fear spurred her on. On-the-fly girl-Queen, destroyed the substance and felt the horrible touch of ghosts. She had, as a punishment, to feel the touch of hot iron to the bare flesh, but there was incomparably more painful. She couldn't even hold back the scream. However, the pain increased speed and rage, like any price to avoid it.

Touched and trump, he screamed, swinging like a pendulum, but ran from it even faster.

The mirror corridor seemed to have no end. In addition, from the floor jumped out the skeletons, they wildly jumped, swinging braids.

Emmanuel beat on them, but received in the answer. And hard, her muscular, bare feet turned into a solid wound. However, the dead flesh is not particularly strong and succumbed to the sharp blows of the young President and the girl Queen.

"Death valley" was coming to an end, as trump missed the sharp blows of three skeletons in the stomach.

— Oh, my guts are turning out. He groaned.

Guts really fell out of the cut belly. The young President felt very ill and began to fall.

Risking everything, Emmanuel leapt to him, chopping off the dead. The braid they cut off her two fingers on his right leg, but the girl didn't notice this. Crushing the bones, put the guy on the shoulder.

— Calm down, I'm with you.

— Don't leave me alone don't leave. — The President-the boy was ready to show self-sacrifice.

— No, what do you take me, I never leave my first love. You wouldn't have left me. — The girl the Queen leaned forward, kissing a guy in a bloody forehead.

"I had no choice but to go out and crawl down the same corridor as you and still be stuck. You have a choice. — Each word sounded quieter than the previous one, trump was losing strength.

The girl-Queen courageously declared:

And I did. Better to die than betray!

Emmanuel continued to work our way, when suddenly he was facing huge, the size of a bell tower, the skeleton. The monster abruptly and swiped the axe. Emmanuel ducked and tried to slip between her legs. At that moment, a jet of hot air hit her in the face, and trump's body was ripped off her shoulders. The giant axe rushed after him, on the way having met the unfortunate one-armed young man-the President.

— Farewell, I wish to survive! He shouted, dying, and then fell silent.

I'll survive. Emmanuel promised, hacking at the skeleton's legs.

This time, she failed to crush the flesh as the swords bounced off the thick bone. A drop of poisonous green blood. You can see the monster is not quite dead. In the shower Emmanuelle boiling two desires — to avenge or to escape. Wanted to punish the monster for the murder of love: the first and therefore particularly strong, but did not occur, as actually achieve this. Another option: to survive, to get stronger, and then to understand in the first place with the white magicians that expose individuals to such a harsh test, and to avenge the murder of their parents.

Emmanuel ran away, and the skeleton followed her in pursuit, giving no respite. However, a beat late. On the shoulder of the monster shook the body of the tramp. For some reason, the monster threw it at him. Maybe played the role of distorted perception of the giant creature. There's a girl-Queen again bumped into the trap, in particular, fell into a pit of stakes, but in time, leaping to catch hold of the edge, and pulled himself together to move to the other side.

Then two huge logs with bronze tips in the form of rams fell on it to the right and to the left. Emmanuel managed to Dodge, but her opponent got his foot in. I heard a terrible crack, bone limb crumbled. Turns out dead flesh can feel pain. From such a nightmarish funeral cry, the girl fell, clutching her ears. She was attacked by a large lizard like a dog, and Emmanuel stabbed her in the eye with a dagger, received in response by the tail on the ribs, the tip cut to the bone, breaking through the chest, and tearing off the nipple.

— That attack! By all the gods, I will survive.

The body of the tramp had fallen on her. The girl picked up began to cold the body of the guy.

— I do not know, trump, how it will happen. But I'll make sure you're buried with all the honors. — Said with the fervor of Emanuel, panting from running.

Then she barely remembered acting in zombie mode. Scars and cuts became increasingly, and forces all less. Everything merged and transformed into one element. And shoulders is still a considerable weight, the fact that it was for Emmanuel more than all the gods, and even life.

When she came to the last door, she didn't have the strength to even approach it. Emmanuel fell, unable to rise. Perhaps, she would have lain long, but behind there was a roar and there was a terrifying handsome-saber-toothed six-legged tiger.

He came slowly, turning over his paws. Came to Emmanuel licked, opened its mouth and took a bite of the charred and scratched a girl's foot.

The girl-Queen roared, and slashed her swords into the face of the beast, rolling sharply. The tiger jumped, but Emmanuel just collapsed, and the beast crashed into the door. The blow shook them, a monstrous energy entered the beast. The tiger did not even have time to roar, turning into a handful of ashes at once.

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