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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I ran, probably with half a kilometre through the dark streets and yards of these deaf quarters, but my pursuer was stubborn, and steps behind my back and knocked low and heavy as inevitable doom. My strength was waning. I just lost my breath. And then ducked into one of the entrances first got home. Switch off and paying off the light, I bullet flew up the stairs and stopped on the third floor, choking from the swift rise. There was a lift, and I pressed the call button. She lit up in the dark with a red eye.

At the bottom of footsteps. Someone come in the door, breathing stopped, but then faster than I expected, began to go up the stairs. Soon came the clatter of somewhere nearby, and in the twilight I saw a barely visible shadow of a man who rose to the platform. He walked in my direction, heading for the Elevator shaft. It was dark and hardly my figure was visible. Apparently, he was just checking not hid whether his victim in a dark тупичке.

I stepped back into the darkness, but this time the door opened a lift, and a faint, dull light from there clarified the just me.

Stalker my stopped, probably taken aback with surprise. Although he was looking for me, but something now puzzled him , so give me courage and determination. The Elevator doors were between us, but a little closer to me. After making a few quick movements, I jumped into the cab and clicked on the first available button.

The Elevator doors were closed, but the Stalker my back, and put his stake between them. Now I saw the face of a person who is so relentlessly chased me. It was difficult to determine how much he really was, because fear has replaced every curiosity. However, this was a husky fellow. On his face was obvious rage and a wry grimace of anger, but the dull expression quite заменявшее both, talked about a lot, if not everything. "This, if caught, then be sure to kill!" — Flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning. Inside the lump and it felt as if I was alone not with man, but with a wild animal, predator, which is according to nature, alien to mercy. It was useless to persuade. And they had only to defend to the last.

The Elevator doors had stumbled on a stick, зажужжали engine and again began to open. It became obvious to me that now followed by a strike and attack, and the Stalker вломится in the Elevator. And if he does this, I come to an end. So I did not wait for such an outcome, first strike, kick, hit the stick out of the opening door, and the second, a fist that was pointed his forces in the face преследователю. The fact whether from the unexpected, whether it is valid from the force of the blow fell to the opposite wall. The Elevator doors closed, and I had gone up. "Well, now all — not lag behind", — сквозанула малодушная thought. As if not from the very beginning it was obvious that this will not be far behind now.

Having reached the top I listened to the darkness, but nothing like the movement or steps are not heard. The Elevator doors began to close automatically. I framed leg. They opened again. The sound of their engine roared echoing through the mine entrance.

My head is Mature simple plan of salvation. We had to wait for the Stalker here, and then, as soon as he appears, take the Elevator down and give a tear or drop into a nearby staircase. But time passed, and no one climbed. In addition скрежетания and buzz of the doors of the lift, and then натыкающихся on my leg, nothing was heard.

Still so could not continue indefinitely, and, realizing that much risk, and it would be better to be patient, I left the Elevator and went to the stairwell.

A faint light shining from the street from the dim street lights through the window of the entrance barely covered it. But immediately saw the shadow of a man standing on the landing between the floors. He apparently was raised very quietly, stealthily, and now waiting for my curiosity overpower patience. And it happened! He was cunning, my pursuer, and when the shadow came to me on the stairs, then it's just that I realized how underestimated his abilities hunter.

I rushed to the Elevator, trying to realize the stupidity of the situation. It does not happen! Why chasing complete stranger that you've done nothing middle of the night?! And fought-he that with familiar? This stranger is his sacrifice, his game! Mining, which he intended, and should now in whatever was to come along!

In the most dangerous moments in the life of all why something is happening in slow motion. These three steps to lift stretched into eternity, like the rubber is. I saw how slowly closed the door of the Elevator and saw that they were to be shut before my eyes, and then... then it will be too late. I simply don't have time to have time to wait when these doors will open again, go into the Elevator, press the button and leave.

And they closed right in front of me. The tree I crashed into them all over, and отлетая managed to click the call button, then turned around, guessing in the twilight выскочившую behind me shadow of a man.

The Stalker was at hand. Elevator opened again. And when he ran up, intending to its Drin over his shoulder to sadanut me hard, I made a lunge, she sat down on one knee and hard put forward a fist with the other hand bent at the elbow, closed the top of the head. The attacker came across belly with a running start on my defense. I immediately stepped back, as if dragging a hand to him, giving him a run on, and pushed him into the Elevator. Then quickly clicked on any of the buttons on the panel. The guy was crouched on the floor in the cabin, apparently, cool impaled on my fist, but realized that I was going to do and tried to prevent it, trying to hit me on the arm with a stick. I snatched the number of his hands, and would himself for reliability as it should RUB his back. But the doors closed and the Elevator went down somewhere.

I rushed down the stairs to beat his enemy, jumping over three stairs at a fourth. But still did not: one of the floors of the road again blocked my pursuer. In my hands was his cudgel. But something glittered in his hand in the twilight of cold steel.

With fear I immediately turned around and, despite the fact that panting from the constant bustle, playfully threw himself back up. Guy breathed me now in the back. I thought he was waving a knife and now I get.

At one of the sites I turn poked its end of the stick that had the power, and got away so that at the top had to call the Elevator and met him at the edge of the stairs, ready to dangerous fight.

-Oh, you kid! E-e-e!!! — I first heard it, did сиплый voice and even surprised that until this moment, we all was silent. 'I'll show you!!!

His shadow jumping rapidly ran upstairs, and I met him again poke a stick. He jumped back. But in the next second, in front of my face whipped his hand. I missed this swing, but he didn't touch me. The next sweep of the I hit on the hand with the knife leg from below, but missed, but now he grabbed my leg and wanted to put the knife, but the same got me a heavy blow on the head with a cudgel, grabbed her hands and read сумраки entrance вскриком and матерщиной abuse. My foot was free. I recoiled, and immediately run to hit her on the face of the enemy, then, without giving him recover, struck several devastating punches above its stake again on the head, covered with his hands, wondering how I can so cruelly beat a man. But then realized that this is all from the wild animal fear that all this time ran my body, making my consciousness many things purely instinctive. In fact it is only that he wanted to punish me!

I beat the enemy mercilessly where and how horrible, causing countless blows without stopping. It seemed like he was supposed to fall or at least throw in flight. But he stood there, dodging and shielding their eyes from the shock, as an experienced fighter, accustomed to these types of attacks. And suddenly I was born and quickly began to grow fear that now I выдохнусь and stop its beating. And he will remain standing, and then comes his turn. This fear cool down my strength. My bangs were for him, that kicks flies for the elephant. And suddenly I stopped, bound with this sudden opening, wondering what to do next.

At the same moment the enemy, using this, slashed at me with a knife and grabbed his wounded hands club. Wild pain through my body. I heard something crack. Not that it was torn fabric of my clothes, it was torn my skin. Suddenly I broke some screams, deafened me and spread around the entrance together with glee and the roar of the adversary.

I suddenly thought that I cover. That's that! No, no!

In contrast, the bullies I had had enough and one blow.

Somehow pushing away from you the enemy, or, rather, rebounding from him, I rushed up the stairs, but paused on the step and sat down on the stairs. As if specially for him it was more convenient to deal with me. The last of my strength left me suddenly, and I didn't even move seeing as me logged blow, like a sword of the executioner over the victim. All I could do is just tumbling sideways earlier than would have made me do it a shot. And the number of hit me on the head and shoulder. My body piercing pain took away the hand. Then the attacker struck me three times in the left side of his chest with a knife three times. But the knife all three times came across my wallet full of documents, securities and money, and only the third time out from the opposite side, poring over a centimeter in my body.

I three times while screamed, and fell flat on his back, thinking that now I do I was such a disgraceful, stupid and ugly end. Strange and contradictory thoughts raced through my head.

I was not afraid, because the thought of death has ceased to frighten. I realized that I now really happen to die here, in a strange city, in a strange house, in an unfamiliar entrance. I only wished that went to the dark in these crazy quarters unknown even why, but then decided that regret it now no longer has any meaning, because nothing in this world has no sense for me. Even the soul there was some peace. I became extremely easy and free. I always suspected that I would end his life as something bad. This has been talked about the numerous and stupid events and accidents that have made my life miserable and devoid of sense, foolish and sinful.

And now all this was only an accident, some unfortunate accident, which could not be, and it would be better if it was not. But it occurred. And marked the end of my unlucky and offensive жизненки.

"We had to go with him to the world, when you had weapons," sluggish I thought with some almost indifferent regret observer. Only the pain of the wounds and shock still made me feel something. But it somewhere departure, faded...

The guy tried to pull out his knife stuck in my wallet that was in the pocket of the heart, me stepping foot on chest heavy boot. I was supposed to be at least if it does not hurt, it hurt, but I just silently watched him. It was a feeling that I'm watching some movie, and I see it from the side, as if not from the body but from somewhere nearby, from a simple space. As a spectator in a cinema. And everything happened for me now that a third-party кинокартинкой, without feelings, without feelings...

In the porch light came on. There were far footsteps and voices. A guy once frightened and looked at me, his face was genuine fear. He climbed down the stairs to the floor below, for some reason it stopped there, but I soon heard the rumble of his shoes, drops lower and lower on the porch. Soon it stopped.

Several floors below opened the Elevator door. We heard the voices of the people. Slammed the door, and all fell silent.

In the lighted now the entrance there's nobody left but me, lying in the middle of the stairs with funny sticking out of the chest with a knife. He still went in the chest, and from there bleeding, having under me already a puddle. A wounded hand also bleeding from a long incised wounds. Another, "отсушенная" in the arm, too little fretted. My body lays in itself, and the consciousness is near, as if by itself, almost impossible without cooperation between them. "It ended the evening!" thought ironically I. Tried to somehow some way to move it. But everything was not like mine.

Again there came a sound. This time the door opened above, on the last floor. I immediately heard a child's thin frightened voice:

-Oh, grandpa, grandpa! Look! That is in there?!

"Well, go home! "Replied the old man's voice.

Clicked and the door creaked, and all was still again. Some time later, the door creaked again. The bell rang, the clank of the castle, muffled whisper:

"Well, neighbor, let's see. There someone is lying. Does killed.

To me descended нагнулись and probably noticed that I'm still alive.

-Look, like a knife sticking out! Wow, just in the heart!..

-Yes, I see! You come on, better, help me! Alive seems chappie!

-Ooh, heavy!

-Come on, come on somebody else with the neighbors...

-Where is it?

-To me yet...

Soon they raised me on hands and suffered.

Chapter 6.

When I woke up, he felt a terrible shaking, from which have hurt the insides. A few moments later it became clear that my body lies on the cart of straw. I held out my hand, and she ran into something fuzzy and warm. It was a wolf. He was lying next breath.

Before I could hear muffled conversation of a few people. But I couldn't understand what they say, like in my head, everything turned upside down, mixed up, and I forgot even her own language.

Gradually, everything fell into place, but the conversation had ended, and someone just cried aloud in the dark:

"Wait, Shaggy!!! Wait, your mother!

Cart wheels creaked and froze.

I turned my head and saw that they had reached, like, the house Pelagia, sat up, happy to discover that the arms and legs intact, and nothing hurts.

-Alena, call Panteleevna, only not panic наводи.

In the house Pelagia is still a light was burning, and from there came the sound of the already weak, but the cheerful singing.

To my ears heard a soft knock jump, then, light steps, and then I окрикнул:

-Not have anyone to call. I had already come to life.

-Ah, — with enthusiasm, animation, who responded in the darkness — well, then слазь went into the hut.

When we went into the house, in the porch of the reflections of the room has been seen that coming three: all men are over thirty and kind of harsh.

Pelageya came out to meet us. She was подвыпившая, but was apparently still good.

-Where-t you vanished, granddaughters? Here in the dark for such a walk is nothing. Animals range of wild forests roam.

-Yes what animals, grandma! — Interceded someone came. — All have long interrupted.

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