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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I opened my eyes I saw myself on the white bed. His head ached, disturbing figure out where I actually managed to get. Looking back, I realized that I was lying on the upper shelf coupe, outside day, or morning, the train goes somewhere, перестукивая wheels on the rail joints. Below are people, two men and a woman. Not immediately I realized that it was my neighbors coupe: Эпполит Апполонович, Agafon Afanasievich and just Ella.

Not understanding why, I dumbfounded stare, then closed his eyes tight and shook his head.

-What's the matter with you? — I heard a voice from below, and opening his eyes he saw that Эпполит Апполонович, deftly pouring out on the palm of bubble Cologne and wetting his fingers and then patting her cheeks and chin with a satisfied покряхтыванием slyly squint at me. — The head of the VA-VA? at night we slept bad, Yes?

Embarrassed, I mechanically nodded and looked at the "just Ella". She smeared lipstick lip with the inherent to all women with art, compressing, revealing them, and closely examined his reflection in the mirror. The woman doesn't even looked at me, and I have some time sitting cross-legged on the top shelf, still trying to understand what had happened to me the truth and what is a dream, and when it was decided that ... trains, wedding Veronica and all the other no less strange events — nonsense too protracted sleep, pain, similar to the injection, the needle piercing right through my stomach. Lifting his shirt and looked at my stomach and saw round, затягивающуюся, заживающую wound the size of a Piglet, covered with clotted blood. Long, lingering wound on the leg does not hurt, but was clearly visible. I touched my finger to the curved scar through muscle on the back side of the leg and felt his rough сросшуюся, bumpy surface, блестевшую young, glossy отливающей skin.

Silently I dressed and went downstairs, trying to comprehend what a bunch of little fills my memory.

-What is the date today? I asked, clutching his face with your fingers, pretending продираю eyes after drinking.

-What are you, boy? surprised Agafon Afanasievich. — Really bad. See, you can not drink.

-Yes, — I tried to defend himself, but muttered something stupid and meaningless.

Sigh, Эпполит Апполонович called number. Today, as it turned out, was a day that has long disappeared in the past. I could not understand how he found himself in a train, which was traveling ten days ago.

Train landed on the high platform of the station, and I was surprised to find that it's still Moscow. Asking passers-by what day and the number that after such a question every time for me, as Frank drunkard, you bastard, but surely that the person clearly lost, they reluctantly all answered, and I realized that some wonderful, strangely went back in time, and could, waved his hand and firmly decide that night I dreamed something pretty crazy and strange, if not the wounds in the abdomen and leg, at least occasionally, but reminiscent of yourself and return me to reality, a fact, which would be more realistic, know that it is only a fruit of my imagination.

The day was just as then, ten days ago, and I did not resist the flow of events in advance familiar to me, but just wondering exactly how the detail in every detail of the repeated all, one after another, as if I was unlucky again come to the session of the film, who recently had a chance to see.

I again gave leave of ten days, and only at the station, already sending their things Luggage to the station of destination and left with a small suitcase filled with the most necessary in the trip of things and objects toilets, already bought a ticket on the train, like the ten days ago, going into town where she lived Veronica, I suddenly realized that the events of my life went in a vicious circle.

The temptation to go back would be exorbitant, but all the same, overcome its unimaginable effort, I broke out of the vicious circle, passed tickets and went to the Yaroslavsky railway station, from where my train departed to the East.

The joy of my victory over himself, over his own weakness still punctuated with bitterness that I did not use the chance. Something told me that exceptional service to my own weakness, it was all just the same, as already happened in those strange ten days, had sunk to an unknown location. And, may be, succumbed to the temptation and agreeing on the second round, I mired in kind of a pit deeper, and would happen to me something more horrible, and then two подживающими stripes on the abdomen and legs would not get rid of.

However, the temptation that could happen something good, and gave me no rest, tickled his nerves and compelled to doubt, but is not made if the error is the fact that now the possibility rejected, so that I almost went back in a fit of ill-splash fight desire and apprehension, подсказывающего insisting trying to convince me that it's not going to do any good.

In the meanwhile, I was already in the subway, несшему me a large underground ring, and as if through a veil, through the struggle of their reflections, standing at the handrails and nobody touching, watched as the middle half of the car firmly with the drunk man, waving one hand and, holding the outside handrail and turning, tossing around him, than obviously scared the next sitting of citizens, declared in the subway:

They told me Communists: "Vanya, here he communism, on the horizon!" and I walked to the horizon. And behold! Life is over, but to the horizon I never really did!!!

He started to undress, removing his pants, and at the next station and a few men finally dared useless after a verbal skirmish, grab his hands, dragged him, beating hysterical out, and I bent down and saw that it was my stop.

Chapter 16.

Pelageya told me that I picked up in the forest near the road without consciousness "Ambulance", who was on call doctor of Great Василихи to the already dead by the time Peter picked up in the morning, cold and wet of dew, the sticky deathbed sweat. I was brought into the village, and Pelagia, seeing my condition, realised that it is Magnin, went on the same Ambulance повезшей охладевшее body of Peter in the morgue, in the regional centre, in a Large Василиху, like there by wise old women, on friends what, Yes learned that one local babenka decided захомутать a coach ofitserika, so fast and cool all провернула that the feet fell, but away and now lost potency — rag telephone passed all the details of the case. Said that was when the officer tear potion, there's still a kid of her misfortune, but boy are not from here, and no one could tell who he was and where, perhaps even from the moon fell down, Yes flew back.

Pelageya guessed what a mess I'm in trouble, have collected herbs, which had to отпоить me from the plague potions, Yes hurried back was already gasping for breath, because if not here it until evening with me would happen the same as with the poor guy is a major, but whose eye village cheat. The force had a grandmother. Made broth and merged into my mouth already бездыханно-безвольному. After two days my health was getting better, and now, finally, I woke up.

Sat next to me at the bed of an old woman in a low voice telling horrible things. I heard after I left the village women rushed to look for me, led by distraught with grief wife dying of Peter. Excited exhortations barbarians, who wanted the black case and promised for the issuance of me heal her покалеченного, she had led a band of горланящих Bab in the house to Pelagiya and not listening to the old woman, turned them all the house, not forgetting the cellar and climbing to the attic. Not finding me, a woman uttered Pelagiya a bunch of nasty things, and promised in the event of the death of Peter perpetrate the violence.

Peter died in the morning, closer to four hours. The whole village was up, alarmed happened grief, through the dark streets exactly ghosts with torches flew to and fro on Brokeback street some people completely without confusing violating the night's rest. Pelageya not slept that night too. Offended impossible behavior, she did not resist the temptation, not to break away from the window that night таращила eyes, and not run out into the street, where the other side of the village, as if appealing sound, came tearing up the mute silence of the night, the heart-rending cry, which meant only one thing, that the last hope for a miracle dimmed, as догоревшая candle.

I heard story, рассказываемую aunt, with eyes wide open, although it would seem that happened to me during these three days, the dream, sticky and viscous, the enormous flying into oblivion, was to excite me much stronger and take possession of all my consciousness. But this did not happen, and, probably, because at times it seemed that nothing happened at all. Few dreams to play the man, and if they are constantly remember and think, then you can go crazy and fall into such madness, of which not under force will get out. However, this "dream" unlike any other dreams differed clarity of the show, in what would get up every time again and again, almost cost me close your eyes and think of it as something non-existent, as the combination of feverish visions poisoned brain. And it was a nightmare, увязавшимся my subconscious memory and вносившим now in my existence more sharp and deep shadows. Everything around me seemed now in a different light, and the future of the soft, rounded semitones at times appeared suddenly in ugly angular his predestination, which could not remember, but it was enough to see, to be afraid of hopelessness way. Rock like a rock in the fog loomed ahead of him and, although it was impossible to tell how far is it to her, close Lee, obviously something that will not escape its sharp granite hills.

Old Pelageya sat and talked, talked, and as if they themselves were floating in front of my imagination successive picture, as if I saw them every one.

-And where Alena? Asked suddenly I'm asking if he, himself. — Where Alena.

In my memory, however, came up in a completely different way. I saw Veronica. She smiled once, in the distant and mysterious evening, so much has changed in my life, when we are still, it would seem that nothing could separate, and I was sure that the girl has for me the amazing feeling, forcing see the world as bright colorful show pleasures, which somehow never noticed before.

-Alain?! And where is it to be! Here Alyona! I saw her the other day... Yeah so yesterday, at the funeral of Peter.

Peter was buried.

-Buried, of course. What?! On the third day buried. More impossible to keep the dead man.

"And you went to the funeral?

-Go so-t, of course. Funeral-t we a rarity. Soon and me in the grave. So-t from the side of the show, as it will be, and even forgot when I saw the most recent funeral.

-And here I was alone? I asked the grandmother after a pause.

-One, she said, but immediately caught on. — Do not be afraid! I left the room, the door was well locked.

I stood up, feeling that the move quite easily, with no signs of post-crisis weakness, walked over to the window overlooking the street and I looked out onto the street, I caught myself that I'm expecting to see there is something important.

-There are those who have not a hindrance closed doors.

-Just what are you implying?! — "Пантелеиха the" offended raised my voice. — The barbarian? So I told her too not an obstacle!..

But I wasn't listening Пелагею. On the street was Ivan Noodles. Shepherd picking his land toe of his поношенного, lost every kind, formless Shoe, stood with his hands behind him, and could create the impression that he stopped for a moment, interested in something on the road, and now is about to go further, but полудурок did not go out, and stood there loomed in front of the window, and suddenly he looked at me askance, as if I felt that I looked out onto the street. Making sure that I'm behind it watch, the shepherd went in the direction of the forest, and, being on the edge, made such a strange, incomprehensible movement, seems to be not binding, but it dawned on me that sixth sense, that he was calling me, and his gestures constrained because watches him for someone else.

Pelageya was next to me and looked out.

-Something you saw there? Stuck, as if glued to him.

I went to the Windows, looking out on the house of the barbarians. Whether stress eyesight failed, or actually, but the curtain in it window jerked and stopped, as though someone hid behind her. Leaving the comfort grandmother: "I'm coming!", I went outside into the yard, standing at the gate, slowly. If walking, but still hesitating whether to go this way or maybe go to another, began to pace, moving closer to the forest.

Shepherd I found quite far deeper.

-Listen, — I took it in my hands my wrist and began to knead it in the excitement, not even said Hello as if we had parted with him a few minutes ago. — Happened terrible trouble. Peter died, and was buried.

He looked at me and I noticed his pupils hectic, hectic light.

-So what? — Recently I began to notice that when she talks with me their good-naturedly-helpless voice, as in my replies appeared metal, mocking tone of sarcasm, and even the incident with stones not taught anything to me.

But the fact that they buried him not according to the rules, without burial services, without a priest, without censers, without any rites of the Church.

-So what? I continued to taunt him, not even feeling the slightest danger.

-Should be aspen Cola!

-What? You that. Uncle, nuts?!! What aspen Cola!

-Ordinary — equanimity shepherd exasperated me, and he apparently liked it. — Silver bullets you have no... you can still gallows supply, but it will be removed too noticeable. So. still garlic.

He thought his lips, looking past me, and I realized that so Noodles says to himself, making a plan of action. However, from his chatter absolutely nothing was understandable. Finally, I was this performance rather tired, and I said as cut:

-So, or are you now in order me to explain, to understand himself or do anything: even number on the head of teshie himself, though the bullet some silver with garlic seek. I went.

-Wait, wait! Shepherd kept me jerky movement, gripping the retrieved his hand and I felt his nails dug into my skin. "Wait a minute. Do you even know why the bullets and an aspen stake.

-I'm tired of your riddles — again I tried to draw back his hand, but it was useless.

"What do you know about vampires? Quiet voice pridurka produced an unexpected effect, and I felt the загуляло a whole herd of large bumps. The horror of some rotting, dilapidated old, half-forgotten stories, barely surviving in memory from childhood, when the summer nights we, boys and girls were going somewhere in a secluded corner of the yard or in neglected, abandoned gardens a few yards broke, were in the vicinity of our deaf urban periphery, frightened each other with all sorts of небылицами about the dead, witches, coffins on wheels, black cats, cemeteries with wobbly crosses and other stuff, trying to talk to as scarier, but more plausibly, that is why the effect of perception only intensified, and from the most successful stories of the girls screamed and could not calm down, and the boys, though хорохорились, but somehow lost interest in the continuation of stories and were not averse to move somewhere in a crowded place or start some noisy game to screaming and race disperse meanly, who had been hiding in the depth of shower fears.

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