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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Both fleet maneuver as careful boxers on a ring not hurrying with exchanges of blows, and try to probe protection. The opponent's ships, heavy and massive, try to press force fields to a bright star. In reflections of a giant star are reflected in several levels of composition of shadows from the space submarines which are occasionally dumping annihilation clots. It is clear, that sinkh, want to use advantage in massiveness as if to whip with winged Tiger tanks the mobile rival. Soldiers of Purple constellation perfectly understand it. Therefore starprobe vehicles of stelzan go up if to apply such concept of space. The commander Vil Dezumer coolly directs battle. He nods the to the deputy to Selena Belka:

— The shortest way to a victory, twisting maneuver the confusing calculation of the enemy!

The beauty Selena sparkling a five-color, wavy hairdress with shoulder straps of the four-star general, a ringing voice of typical Amazon answered:

— To confuse the opponent, only the ball winded by chaotic threads on exact calculation can!

Foes of Sinkhi too, even with some hysteria accelerate, their starprobe vehicles, apparently, even dance from tension. As if fat women dance by the light of a giant fire, so looks the movement of spaceships of Gold constellation. Here the 5-star general of space fleet gives the order to interrupt acceleration and to go up inertia. Selenium moving with long eyelashes — they coil as thin snakes, whispers:

— Speed is good everywhere, except haste and aging!

The enemy is even more accelerated and gets advantage, all terribly hanging from above. Advantage everything accrues. The enemy is ready to fall, like a kite upon a hare. In a gravioefira the very unpleasant peep sounds:

— Primacies got!

The squirrel and Dezumer amicably raise a middle finger up... Suddenly sharp turn — and almost deprived inertia (compensation by means of geomagnetic radiations) star planes of stelzan rush in the opposite direction, down, with running start on a circular orbit approaching a star. The opponent is developed, beginning to pursue. Starprobe vehicles of stelzan nearly concern a prominence, then fly over the photosphere of a star. Despite protective fields, in starprobe vehicles becomes hot, drops of sweat flow down on intense bronze dark faces. The opponent's ships went too for rapprochement with brightly flaring star therefore in passion of prosecution did not notice that pilots of purple constellation managed to come them into the back. The part of the fastest starprobe vehicles arrived before the others, using force of an attraction of huge Kishting that it was much prompter, than the opponent expected. The concentrated blows of lasers to a rear guard, explosions of the damaged starprobe vehicles which got under the concentrated blow followed. The opponent tried to be developed, but force of an attraction plays against it. And while it did it, other starprobe vehicles of constellation managed to fly up, synchronously bringing down all the striking power on the enemy. Now starprobe vehicles of the opponent are forced to accept battle in unequal conditions, being pressed by gravitation of a big star, losing both the speed, and maneuverability. Besides, the force fields of the enemy connected to gravitation installations also press the adversary, forcing to give a lot of energy of power boards on protection against radiations of huge killingly burning star. Having included force fields to a limit, starprobe vehicles of space fleet of Purple constellation pressed the enemy, trying to push off it on a plasma surface. There was a furious exchange of blows gravio and mega laser beams. Because of a short distance and coupling of fields it was impossible to use rockets and bombs therefore various arms of laser and pulse type were put to use. In these conditions battle computers on flagman starprobe vehicles direct. In the first violin of the funeral symphony began to play ecolasers, vibrobeams, blasters, mazer and other types of luchemet. They splashed out energy and streams of light, generating unimaginably difficult multi-colored fireworks. The weapon literally threw out beams in the form of fiery spheres, scissors, triangles, polygons, polosuya space, destroying matter. Only the fotono-plasma computer could understand such cacophony of destructive light. Radiations and hyper plasma were flown to embraces, trying, to strangle each other is similar to the mad, dancing in vacuum boas. But unlike this species of reptiles, blows flaring the substance heated in quintillions by degree, destroyed designs in thousands of times surpassing in durability the Titan! Unexpectedly the system of stelzan changed degree, and they brought down all force of a plasma whirlwind on the command ship of the opponent. Two stelzanovsky starprobe vehicles blew up, but the giant leader of the enemy detonated in a radiant lump, similar to a minisupernew star too, and blazed a hot flame and right there went out. The starprobe vehicles of an arthropod of the enemy deprived of the commander-in-chief turned into the coward herd of sheep which lost the shepherd. Further fight turned into banal beating. The remains of space fleet of sinkh were simply dumped by force fields on a blue-violet star where they and as scraps of a blotter burned down in plasma radiation, having sprayed on photons and quarks.

The telecast was interrupted by a storm of applause of the fighters-stelzanov watching the latest news from star border.

The triumphing exclamations were heard.

— Yes are well, great soldiers! Nobody can oppose to will grandiose of grandiozdneyshy God emperor!

On the image created by the enormous sparkling three-dimensional projection joyful faces of members of crews of the fighting ships are clearly visible. The anthem of star fleet is executed, triumph exclamations are heard. Solemnly congratulations from various members of command and personally from the emperor sound.

* * *

Lev Eraskander to this day sitting on inertly sparking lead in a slave collar also stood up, violently applauding winners of this quite large boundary battle. The enormous 6-star officer did not pass a case to pin up.

— Look, Dzhover, your doggie to us podlaivat!

The boy outright took offense. He for a minute, really, forgot that fight was won by stelzana, fierce invaders of Earth. But as they were similar to people, these cheerful guys in boyekostyuma! And genetically stelzana are much closer to people, than opposite ant and mosquito quasihumanoid sinkh.

— I applauded not as a doggie, and as the person! And it sounds is proud! Your guys fought safely and quite adequately, but did not sit in the back as some. — Eraskander shook, a sinewy, strong fist.

— Who sat, a macaque? — Stelzan grinned.

— You! — Fearlessly the young man exclaimed.

The officer roared, having grabbed thick hands the fighting blaster.

— Give, I will kill him!

Dzhover Hermes considered it necessary to interfere.

— This is not your slave, you have no right to touch him.

— And you that, you allow that I was oblaivat by a virkunsky maradoga! For impudence it should be flogged a neutron switch, having torn off meat from edges! — Enormous stelzan cried out as the scalded hippopotamus.

— This my business as to punish it. — In Hermes's voice uncertainty was felt.

The lion felt how the rage and therefore made up the mind to a desperate step boils.

— If you are a man, but not the coward, then battle against me honestly, barehanded!

All officers amicably clapped the hands and whistled. The idea was pleasant to them. Many saw the previous fight with the monster, and it was interesting to them whether it will resist against well trained officer of army of stelzan. The officer wanted, was to tell that to fight with a pet below his advantage, but views of his colleagues said that if he refuses, then will lose all respect. Of course, terrestrial macaque to it not the rival.

— I will fight with this animal, but if I kill him, you Hermes will not receive compensation.

— And if it evaporates you? — The haughty owner-stelzan giggled.

— Then I will give you one thousand kulaman! — The strapper growled lupanuv by air a fist.

— You drive vacuum unless your spirit will send me them from the parallel world! — Hermes showed an ugly face in a grin, and other soldiers laughed loudly. Cottons of a palm and exclamations were heard:

— We for it will be charged!

The two-star general with a nose of a kite and an angular face of the SS-man, bellowed:

— Stake, dragons!

Officers right there began to conclude a bet. Some at the same time even threw off uniforms, poigryvy massive bicepses.

Ktar Samaza, so called the 6-star officer of space special troops, became in a fighting rack. Most of soldiers of Stelzanat were grown up according to the uniform standard. Males growth in 210 centimeters, a plus-minus weighing 150 kilograms two units, females were 200 centimeters in height, and a plus-minus weighing 120 kilograms two units. However among high command structure the break off could be more. This fighter was above, and heavier than the average standard. Having thrown off a uniform, it bared terrible muscles. They were rolled by enormous spheres under skin.

— You are already a corpse! I will break off as nadlazer paper!

The young man facing it was easier, and it is less than growth though for the years too not really small, about 185 centimeters and 80 kilograms.

Samaza furiously attacked, using a difficult combination of blows, both hands, and legs. For the weight it was surprisingly fast. A lion, having hardly evaded, managed to leave and, having made a somersault, cut to the opponent up to fish soup. The blow only enraged the giant, and he managed retaliation to get to the boy into a breast. On a swarty bronze breast bruise developed. To a limit the officer of army Stelzanata who is pumped up by hormones was the real machine of death. But also the human fighter did not concede to it. Smaller weight provided big maneuverability. And Eraskander relied on ukhoda and sudden counterstrokes. As his opponent did not swing the arm to slam "mosquito" having put all the power, and beat shortly and sharply, without forgetting to put blocks, it was not possible to strike a direct shot to it in any way. The lion remembered words of the Sensei again:" Accustom the opponent to one series of movements, pretend that you are not capable of bigger. When he relaxes, will begin to neglect protection, strike a series of non-standard blows, strike painful points". Council was wise, and the young man tried to follow it. Ktar flew into a rage directly in the eyes, he, really, neglected protection, nevertheless few times he managed to touch the terrestrial fighter on a tangent. By habitual effort of will Lev suppressed pain and when the enemy once again revealed, he struck unexpected sharp counter blow. Then still the whole series of the accented blows, prompt as lawn-mower cutting torch blades. The opponent was shocked and literally broken in organic crushed stone.

One of officers thrust in the guy a charge from a paralyzer, and that it to such an extent would destroy living tissues of the opponent that any more even the perfect technology of regeneration would not help. Paralyzed the young man, and the half-dead officer was taken away right there by the robot hospital attendant. Everything it became terrible, if Ktar dies, then to all of them will fly for such violation of army regulations. They gave amicable good on the actual duel of the officer with the insignificant slave gladiator. Having hastily paid off at the rates elite humanoids, they left the hall and were hasty dissolved in the boundless palace of entertainments.

Dzhover Hermes took away the fighter, having shouldered an insensible body, and too left from the room. Of course, business will be hushed up, but how many will shake out "money" on bribes. Having seen that Eraskander already recovered, the boss the sharp movement, dumped it on a floor.

— At you broke a head? You do not dare, so to beat the officer of the empire!

The lion fearlessly answered:

— If he is a real man, then and blows has to receive the presents, man's.

The courageous answer was pleasant thinking himself abrupt to a stelzan.

— You are, of course, a good fellow, filled up such mighty fighter. Be you my son or at least from our race, you would be waited by bright future. But you are a slave from the birth. Understand it! Also do not try to get of us the best. If you are, it is obedient, your status will be raised.

— What difference! It will only change lead length! — Having twisted a face, the young man represented the highest extent of contempt.

— No, there is a difference! If you want to live, you will understand me. We will depart to black sector soon. I ask, behave as the obedient slave. There it is too dangerous! — Hermes shook finger at Lev as if it was not the terrible soldier, but the little boy.

Chapter 8

We do not know the mission,

To battle against the enemy, or to live in bondage!

So really our generation

Will not be able to break a yoke of slavery?

Having taken seat in the enormous magnificent car which is looking like a shark Barracuda, Hermes and his slave rushed according to the widest prospectus, flying with a speed of the good jet fighter. Very tall buildings flashed a kaleidoscope.

The lion with interest peered again at the imperial city. Convex the area of square mile billboards, it is dazzling the sparkling most difficult scale of the most unimaginable flowers as if beat with information on brains dumped through them. Many advertizing constructions radiated also in other ranges which are far behind visibility limits of the person via the special cyberscreen of an aero mobile capable to transfer even gamma and gera-waves, etc. The impression shook and considerably was beyond adequate perception. They love animals with volsheblaster of to advertize!

Stylistics of buildings and enormous skyscrapers are typical for stelzan, various, sometimes fancy, but geometrically correct forms, a set of the diverse flowers and corners. Surprising multifigurativeness of multikilometer palaces, skyscrapers and, at the same time, harmony. Everyone, even the poorest, the representative of a type of stelzan had slaves and servants robots.

Recently enormous clans of industrialists and oligarchs bred. The former barracks system was infected with fat luscious spirit of capitalism and a private property. There were brothels, heteras, a casino, the exchanges and many other things. Despite cruel repressions, practically all bureaucrats and relatives to feeding troughs took bribes, practiced kickbacks, those who were an exception became derelicts. And it is a sign that the great empire just about can get to deep crisis. The capital of a galaxy Greyzinar of course was more and more magnificently, but also this megalopolis blew the mind of the person.

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