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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-I was offered to participate in the robbery of one very a rich private collection. It is in our town...

Here Gregory hesitated, looked at me, and continued:

-Meeting of this, judging by the way they are interested in is very rare and has a rare and valuable editions of books. But I was not interested in the book. Just there are people who are ready to pay well. If the deal succeeds, then we will be rich people. We pay well. If you believe my friend, of us have so much money that will be enough not only pay off all our debts, but still good carousing.

-If you don't believe? — I asked. — If you do not believe your friend? While, eh?

-If you do not believe? — Grisha thought. Apparently, the question caught him off guard. — If you do not believe... If you don't believe, then it is better not to undertake this business.

-Here I him and do not believe, — summarized the hell I under our conversation.

My logical reasoning stunned him.

-Why? Why won't you believe him?

-Who is speaking?

-My acquaintance.

-And with what joy should I believe him, tell me, please? I've not seen.

-But I-I-can you believe? I'm your friend!

-You can, and then not always. Sometimes I myself believe that I want. Yes and you could around your finger to circle, as Fig not do.

-Wait, wait, I would know about three months. And during this time he has been so useful to me and not again proved that he is a great guy.

-So where you hooked up with, if not a secret?

Hooking Bab, offended Охромов, or трипак. And I met him. This is first, and second...

-That same second? And secondly, hooked — again I repeated this word, made him stress. — Not you, and you, understood?

-How do you know? 'retorted Grisha, and I realized that I was not mistaken.

"I know, tell me what's wrong.

Grisha felt confused and silent. Silent he long, looking down at his feet and picking his toe of his boot ground and then strongly somehow said:

-Listen! Enough, perhaps? I you suggest. And you...

"Okay, okay — I hurried to go on, I promise. That'll listen to you very carefully.

-I don't need you I just listened! — outraged Grisha. — First, I need your consent to work! Otherwise I'll continue to anything to her.

He paused and then added:

-If you agree, then I'm all your debt translate themselves, both in school and in the city. One of your consent we go to all the creditors and rewrite your debt to me. Isn't guarantee that worthwhile thing?

I was thinking about. This turn of conversation caused a storm of emotions in me, but I'm not going to lose out. I suddenly почувсвтвовал, as my shoulders falls the heavy lump of excessive debt, which I was unable to repay and deep down, thinking about every second, but was afraid to admit it even to himself. It is worthwhile. For the sake say goodbye to your debts, I was ready to go, it seemed, on anything, so I immediately replied:

-Well, I agree.

Face охромова already cleared up

-Now, — he continued with enthusiasm, firstly, I have already told you. And secondly, he bought my card debt.

-Card debt? — I was amazed. — You that, playing cards?

"Hmm... Well, like you say. Now I'm not playing. And then played. But since I paid with a card club, there anymore or foot. That's it and there was this friend. I was very tight, and he helped. To me, no one could help. Me nobody could help, no friends, no parents, and he, you know, paid off for me, completely.

I can imagine. And many, if not a secret, you have debts?

-A lot. About fifteen thousand.

-How much?! Wow! And he paid for you?

-Yes, paid. When I banker struck opposite my surname in debt book of zeros and signed.

-Yes, screwed you, lad, I said, puzzled.

"Why not?"

I don't know I think so.

Охромов paused, thinking.

"You might be right he said finally. But not so bad as you think. Just a man help me when it was bad. That's all!

-Yes, but fifteen thousand for beautiful eyes no one will spit out! Crazy! Fifteen thousand!

-But it is not just laid out. Recently he found me and said that he is very bad with money, and I need to return his debt...

-That's why I say that you're screwed. But you got involved not even then. When he paid for you such a crazy money, and not even then, when you've lost so much money, and then when you went to play for money on the card, especially in such a place as underground club card. What are you going to do now?

-I told him that I had such there is no money...

-Can't you understand that you have already bought?!

-Considerations leave at itself. I became convinced that this man a real friend.

Yes, but I'm not your comrade?! You I never even hinted at that playing cards!

"But you could not pay for me...

-And he could! He could! I'll say once again that he bought you. And, in General, направсно you contacted with all this уголовщиной. House of cards... there now like you, only fools and shoes.

-How do you know?

-Know. No need to stick your nose where you path is ordered.

"I was there not only lost. Sometimes I were lucky, it's just not as often so I've been playing around.

-And not badly lost money. If you were to me the true friend, told about their underground passion for much before, not now when it is time to order a Requiem.

-What are you babbling about? What a memorial service? Not me ahead of time to bury, and so dramatize everything!

Chapter 9.

Let me digress from the fascinating narrative of his adventures, believe me not-so-rosy, romantic and isn't even a romantic, if they поисходят not somewhere and not with someone, but you yourself, if you participate in them, risking their health, well-being and even life itself. All the colors of romance immediately disappear somewhere, barely Alo bit dangerous adventures begin to pursue teBOJ against your will, and you already that he is not happy that the world is such and not only books, but also наявву. Believe me, I did not want to with me what is here told, but what can you do if all of his dissolute life I prepared himself so many dangerous and laborious tests befallen me in the moment, when it is least expected and the least I got. Yes, that speak, and the time for adventure, especially such was not the most suitable. Here was scheduled for release, and we had to part with school forever. It was hard to somehow improve their business and less worthy leave. While there's such temptation.

Yes, but I like all the same to distract from the topic of the story. What is interesting to you, probably, know the subject? Of course, I want to talk a bit about women, and, more specifically, the relationships that develop between the cadets and young women, occupying the city, where had the fortune or misfortune to sit on our military school. And these relations are to pay attention to them, including you.

May occur legitimate question: why are these relationships, even if they заслуживют attention? Yes, the answer is I that it was due to them that I had the opportunity to leave the school наизаконнейшим way. As полуилось? All in order. While still distract the glory of sex. All in order.

"Oh, these women!" "they say men. "Oh, these men!" — people say women. "Oh, these have sex!" — дружо say all of us. But where they still get away? It is life itself, and is, moreover, a big part of it. Drama, tragedy, catastrophe. The soil of all this sex and the passion and the underlying interests and desires that arise in connection with them.

In each city, and is, as a rule, the larger the city, not less oblast, where there are military schools relations cadets with the local population formed in different ways. I have been visiting many of my friends who were with me in the Suvorov military school, and have the right to say, the contrasts are striking.

The fact is that in many major cities with a population of close to a million, as a rule, military schools not less than two. Of course, there are cities where they do not, but it's not about them. Therefore, there is, as they say, will give more choice knights, and the knights't mind помутузить each other and not only on причинетого that do not share of women, but because of deep undisguised hostility to other genera and even types of troops. And this is besides the fact that clashes with civilian guys also are regular and frequent. In these cities there are fans of every school, and every girl, not supply a deep aversion to the military, sooner or later has to decide and to give preference to one of the schools, or rather, his agents or representative, depending on the needs in the number (about the quality of a particular subject). Now, in such large conglomerates and сосредоточениях drives selected ссамцов, I apologize for comparison, what are military schools, tied tight nodes of the most complex and contradictory relationship.

A good example of this could serve as cities such as Kharkov, Leningrad, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, and many others.

Take, for example, Kharkiv. Caught here and lay since time immemorial fierce enmity between the aviation уилищем, armor, missile, and even a few others. Only and hold on! If a patrol blue shoulder straps that they catch the gunners and tankmen, its not touching. If a patrol in the city came out tankers, those caught and drag for the slightest carping in the commandant's office and flyers, and the strategic missile forces. I didn't touch it those parts. Standing in such cities outside уилищ. They also made their contributions in this Gordian knot in it.

As for our school, it turned so that it was only in the regional town of medium size. The cadets were generally sole преддставителями military, as such. Was not in Sumy no parts, no other military formations, so many passions in a specific city, having a place of dislocation of military formations, and in the past it.

Yes, we were all much easier. Girls don't need to be gone over between schools. They certainly knew that ессли cadet, артяги", and, if the military, then a student. But, may be, in that simplicity and was very complexity of our lives, it is this that's uniqueness and following from it предвзятост thinking of local people, especially women.

Generally, the fair sex, age close to the young and younger in relation to the cadets were divided into several groups of conduct.

Well, first of all, the most intelligent or a conservative, or, as we call them? These generally were never about the cadets ' environment, have never tried to get to know some of the cadets. The motives were different. Some were on the short leg with the city субкриминальной "блататой" and kept the "chip", because there with them did not stand on ceremony. Nourishing undercurrent of contempt for the military in General and to the cadets, in particular, local blatnaya public humbleness of those girls on a gun shot, except that used them as a bedroom bedding, but not more.

The second group consisted of girls, one day at his naivete and inexperience associated with the cadets. But лешившись the most foolish and not romantic image of innocence, and having experienced the abuse from their side intimate or public, pidpalyvshy, so to speak, thoroughly wings, they feared a repeat these meetings, taking in the head bad prejudice against the military form in General.

The third group consisted of a small group of girls, задавшихся purpose or, let's call it differently — a dream of marrying a military and not just military, but оицера (is there still and ensigns in the end). These communicated only with the cadets. Of course, each of them destiny were different, but many of these prudent virgins achieved their goal.

The fourth group consisted of girls of easy virtue. Among them were adventurer, and prsto fun loving person, from which the city has already everybody'd kicked out, and just sick young women, what to hide — there are also (I mean a special kind of lady's trouble, some kind of sexual gluttony, akin to gluttony, making the possessor of such a miserable figure, a slave to his irrepressible гипержелания). This need was cadets nothing but fun Viachorka and, if possible, the same merry-night. As the saying goes: "the night was dark".

Here, perhaps, and all major groups where possible, undoubtedly, different variations and deviations. Well, that is the urban девоек in respect of cadets. By the way, not only urban, because we should not forget that Universities горола learned from other cities, and of the farm area. These were to be found in the third and in the fourth group, very rarely in the first, and I almost never in the second.

How to treat girls cadets? Here are the various groups highlight be significantly less. In General, men in the majority, as is known, the easier to look at relationships with women than they themselves. This, by the way, lie troubles many of the weaker sex, often обманывающегося illusions. But still, I попытаюс allocate and among the cadets at least three groups.

Well, first, it is, perhaps, the shameless rake and прожиги, not wishing women from nothing, except the woman. These males keep wearing out many naive and групеньких females, but mostly preferred to have fun with divorced ladies, do not pretend on anything but easy to communicate, скрашивающего their одиночство, and bed. Divorced, of course, divorced, but I would порезвитьс and with more юнными creatures than they, however, was risky.

Our rake and carousing, not to much to risk, patronized mainly from other towns and rural girls whose parents were far and therefore could not seriously interfere and will scandal. But under their influence are often caught and local, горолские girls, especially of those that love to have fun and spend time in some disorganized кампашке.

Among like these cadets were a lot of people inventive to all sorts of subterfuge, the adroit, "slippery". They did not shun called strangers or invented names and surnames.

I remember one case (and how many I've seen enough for four years!)

Came to school one girl, and the chief of the school. "I, — says — pregnant from your cadet. And he's hiding from me!"

Such incidents were not uncommon, and our head of school or how many are not surprised: you never know what happens in life. Well, he said to the damsel this, well, if it happened, we will help you find a "daddy", but just tell us his name, what he's course, or else we can not find in College, not two, not three and even five hundred cadets. Well, the girl and says, "Roller Torsion!" General Pro-discover laughs: he because a cadet was, and the girl answered: "Sorry, girl, but cadets with such name no! And, in General, the surname is extremely rare!" Here's the situation. Girl, clear reimbursement in tears. What to do? And rightly so, I won't be gullible and naive. Sorry for her. Of course, but who is to blame that she had no technical knowledge and no it is not suggested that a roller torsion a chassis of armored vehicles.

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