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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Gerda licking her lips, and shooting, says:

But the iron Reich, we were told, don't worry!

And again as will fire! What a girl! Which nothing can stop, or persuade to turn from the chosen path.

Gerda grins and shoots again ... Shakes her bare, chiseled legs. Here is a warrior — just super and top class, from classes.

But Charlotte's firing. And knocks out Americans. Then beeps like a mouse:

— I am a girl that super and Hyper! And then as a wink, and how to move on the enemy.

Christina pressed her bare toes on the joystick, and rattled:

— I am such a beauty that they call me super...

And as accorded and will show language. And then he chirps:

— The most senior pilots in the fighting on the ground...

And here and Golden-haired Magda, as he chirps, and jump like a ball. And also banging the enemy. Sending their projectiles very accurately. And the American tank is split apart. And all done with bare toes.

Then squeaks:

— Happiness is only a respite, a bright flash in the darkness problem!

Well, warriors fight heroically on land. And here in the sky of the battle.

And then, Albin and Alvin became the most successful Luftwaffe aces. After as girls brought down each more thousands of aircraft, their awarded specifically established under such supermen degree of of the order of the: of the Knight's view of the Iron cross, with platinum oak leaves, swords and diamonds. And the girls do such aerobatics show. Their cooler is simply not the case.

Albina from one turn knocks down a dozen American planes and says:

— Let there be peace in the world below us!

Alvina with one turn cut off a dozen of the steel birds and squeaked:

And forevermore domination is the best!

Albina again lupanula on American planes, and growled:

— Life Yes, we will be happy!

And bare toes on the trigger.

Alvina is also slashed, according to the Americans and squeaked:

— And will not die we are under adversity!

Pilots fighting on jets. Everybody gets crushed. But there are more serious weapon: combat of discrete. They're very powerful. And if they do, they will. The machines themselves, however, are more interested in using a battering RAM. But it does not beg their capabilities.

And on discrete rush, Gertrude, and Eva. Beautiful girls are ready to fight really hard. In their eyes sapphires and diamonds sparkle.

And, too, of course warrior in wearing bikinis and barefoot. And how sexy their bare toes are pressing the joystick buttons. And beat out Americans.

Gertrude even sang:

And dust as from carpets,

We knock it out of the clouds...

And will not stop,

And not change its feet...

Shining girls face,

And they are barefoot!

Warriors are amazing, simply amaze with the excitement and pressure. And their, in fact, floats invulnerable and invincible. Really this is the beauty of aerobatics.

Here Gertrude accelerates will diskret. And just three dozen American cars are broken in a laminar jet. Warrior shouts:

— I'm a super girl!

And shows the language... It all, of course, the beauty of active Shine.

Eva sang, also knocking down planes:

— Yes in our glory there is no obstacles! We'll beat and break everyone!

And again push bare toes of the legs on the joystick buttons. And sweeps away U.S. cars like a broom.

Yes, it is clear with these girls do not compete...

But fighting and Soviet tank crews. Natasha and Zoe sat on the ACS E-15. And that war with fascists ended, and to live on something need to. And the girls are two adorable Russian blondes in the army.

The machine is still very practical, and not removed from service. Guns and "Panther" against "Sherman" and "Pershing", is enough.

Russian girls also in bikinis and barefoot. Here clicks with bare fingers Natasha on the button of the joystick knocks "Sherman", after which fairly Peeps:

— I am the warrior over all forces!

Zoe, too, presses the button on the joystick. Defeats the enemy. Carries it to the chips and squeaks:

— I am a monster!

Then both girls laugh.

The boys are also fighting against the United States. But it is not so interesting. Although Hans Fire shows itself very cool. The boy is fighting barefoot and in shorts despite the cold weather and snow. This is Alaska and February. And a boy of fourteen, blond, almost naked, with two guns. And bare feet throwing disks, affecting Americans. This kid ... has been fighting since he was ten! A real phenomenon.

Hans threw a grenade with his bare foot and said::

— For the Fatherland, that all more beautiful!

And the terminator kid whistled out of all his nostrils. That's a boy, a real fighter.

Still a year younger than Frederick. Also in the room wearing only shorts grapple. And throws a bare foot drive, hitting the American in the throat. And after that the boy sang:

— Glory to heroes! And Prussian gods!

It is clear with these USA soldiers not to resist. And by the end of March, most of Alaska was captured. In April, the Germans and their coalition advanced to Canada. And at the same time, entered into Mexico. In may, the Nazis managed to occupy half of Canada and capture Toronto. At the same time the Nazis entered the United States.

Fighting took place in June in Philadelphia. Americans in every way tried to gather in a fist, and to reflect invasion of fascists. But the forces say, the right was very much unequal.

Trump refused to storm Philadelphia, and ordered her to just surround. And moved his troops on.

And again a beautiful girl fighting. Here is in particular a redhead Augustine and the blonde Svetlana. They are on the ACS E-25, with a high-pressure gun, more rapid-fire, and high-speed projectile, despite the short barrel. A caliber of 75 mm is sufficient.

Augustine fired, hit "Sherman" and noticed:

— We'll have lunch as always!

Svetlana pressed the joystick with her bare toes. Struck the American "Pershing", and tweeted:

— In this regard, nothing will ever stop us!

And both girls laughed. And they showed long, pink tongues.

Warriors as they should be: always ahead! They can be said at all girls-super!

Natasha and Zoe also fight. Send a shell for a shell. And amaze Americans. Here it is girls the beauty and heat them in the chest! As these girls, but not love!

Natasha presses her bare legs, fingers on the button of the joystick, and tweets:

Yes, it will be in the sky a bright star, Soviet, great country!

Zoe took a shot and sang:

— Glory to Russia, glory! Tanks are rushing forward! Division in the red shirts welcomed the Russian people!

And warrior just so cute.

Natasha presses the joystick with her bare toes again. Inciting American gun, and squeaks:

In the name of the Motherland of the Soviet Union!

Zoya makes a shot, knocks another, American car and vyakaet:

— We won't bow our heads.

However, when their self-propelled gun exploded on a large mine and stopped for repairs, Natasha noticed:

— Should we Russian girls go to the Wehrmacht?

Zoya logically have observed:

— This is our vocation to fight! So let's go and fight!

Natasha giggled and sang:

— I'm used to fighting things! Bottles of many, very many see the bottom.... In men in love, believe in love! A long time ago! A long time ago!

Zoe noticed.:

— Russian women are not bendable!

Natasha agreed with this:

— Of course! And fight desperately!

Zoya took, shot and squeaked:

— But pasaran!

Natasha confirmed:

— Enemies will not pass!

And both girls shouted in unison:

— Glory Of Great Russia!

Then continued firing. Smashed the gun ... Cut down the bunker, and broke through the wall. At all acted as if tornado. If we sweep the capital. In them such forces, and relief musculature, on envy men athletes.

Trump has led the war very confidently. Now the German troops came to new York. Started his assault... And then the newest self-propelled gun — "Sturmius" in business. And if she really swings into, you will not find anyone. There reactive mortars of a caliber of 600 mm! And destroys, as if falls vacuum bomb!

Leaves no chance of any calculations on at least some advantages.

Trump acts quite coolly and skillfully, and at the same time cynically.

Here the Germans began to storm and Washington. Gerda's tank crew is on the case.

Girls conduct yourself the fire and laugh.

Gerda pressed her bare toes on the joystick button and tweeted:

Yes, it will be a red banner over the world!

And as wink at their counterparts. Such a cool and bloody Krahl. If he presses, he won't back down.

Charlotte also fired, using her bare toes, and hissed with rage:

— I'll tear you up like a blotter!

And wink! And let the real lightning out of his eyes! What a woman. And red, and very beautiful, just does wonders.

And then there's Christina, as bare toes will press the joystick button. How to launch a deadly destruction, and squeak with aplomb:

-I'm a real terminator girl!

And her hair is Golden-red, and the girl herself is very pretty. And press it relief. And the legs are seductive and sexy, as they want to shower with kisses. That's a real terminator girl. Shoots himself at Americans and squeals.

And then there's Magda with Golden-white hair. The most beautiful of girls. She has such grace and so much sexual energy. Neither to give not to take — a wonderful beauty!

And sang even:

— I beauty Shine, and all kill!

Magda grins and winks. It the dream of every girl to become a warrior and to kill everyone.

But this foursome breaks through on the pyramidal AG-50 to the White House. He takes a couple of shots. A white flag is thrown. America seems ready to surrender.

Trump, rubbing his hands-says:

— Hurry up! How many can be their kill!

And now white flags throughout the United States. So all very menacing and zealous happened! Trump won again!


After the fall of the United States there was only one force that could prevent the Third Reich. It's Japan. And what a little breath, trump attacked June 22, 1949 country of the rising sun.

And the war unfolded with violent force. But the troops of the Third Reich were stronger, and more numerous with better and better technique.

The fighting unfolded from the US to Burma. The battle was boiling like a volcano. Many killed and wounded. But the Germans had the initiative from the very beginning. And advancing in all directions.

Natasha and Zoya also fought on the self-propelled gun AG-15. It's a better machine. It is impenetrable for shooting from all angles. And at the same time light and mobile. And she's got a high-pressure gun that practically punches through all the cars. Although the caliber is only 75 millimeters. And reflects projectiles as they do not let.

Natasha fired at the Japanese tank, and pierced through it. And tweeted:

I'm Superman!

The girl is really cool.

And bare toes pressed joystick buttons.

And Zoya also shot, hit the Japanese, and chirped:

For the glory of Russia!

And the girl winked at her partner.

Russian girls are very cute and both blondes.

They shoot without a miss,and the Japanese gets.

Natasha fired and hit a samurai self-propelled gun. She punched it with her bare toes.

And tweeted:

— Glory of Holy Russia!

Zoe took and sang, then shot his bare, chiseled legs:

In the name of Svarog!

Natasha is very beautiful. And how to turn the tables on the Japanese. She's sexy. This is Komsomolskaya Pravda.

And here is and pilots Soviet with the Japanese are fighting. Here are Mirabela and Aurora two Soviet beauties. Also fly myself and the Japanese shot down.

Mirabela as the will swings into. And cut off the enemy's shots guns. Such a wonderful beauty. It has so much splendor and type. As such a girl not come to love.

She's shooting down the Japanese ... she cut off a couple of samurai planes. And winked at the enemies.

After what sang:

— The anthem of the Motherland sings from our hearts,

In the entire universe there is no its more beautiful...

Squeeze tighter knight machine gun,

Die for God this Russia!

Aurora, knocking the samurai muttered:

— Don't die, and better win!

And warrior was far more militant and a formidable. Very fighting girls.

Mirabela opened fire again. Cut down the Japanese, and hissed:

— Glory of our Russia!

Aurora took and tweeted:

— And thanks to all the Russian gods!

The girls are so great. And they have so much grace...

And German pilots Albina and Alvin. They have shot down more than two thousand planes. And for this received of the order of the new. Namely Knight's crosses of the Iron cross with platinum oak leaves, swords and black diamonds.

Quite remarkable guys. More precisely girls. And they are very beautiful.

And shoot down Japanese...

Albina said with a smile:

— In the name of Third Reich we will win!

Alvin with large enthusiasm answered:

— We will win! Yes to glory our Motherland!

And also knocks the Japanese...

Well, the girls have already shown their class.

But descole with Gertrude and Eva. Also hit by the Japanese without any mercy. And has happened to to your doubts.

Gertrude cutting off the Japanese and squeaks:

I will conquer!

Eve, too, turned around and rammed the enemy. And shot down the enemy girls zealously.

In short, Japan could not resist such power. And a few months twitched and was captured by the army of trump.

After that, the Third Reich finally became a world hegemon.

This was followed by the seizure of the last sovereign territories. And the introduction of a single world currency, army, police and authorities. As well as the unification of education, and everyone should know German. That is subordinated all and took under control.

Girl-the Queen said with a smirk:

— In the intellectual game won Donald trump!

The boy-President Putin objected:

— It's all in virtual reality! And if it were for real, the heroism of the Russian people would grind the hordes of the Third Reich.

The Queen replied with a smile.:

— Combat capability of parts and their capabilities are shown on the basis of calculations of the strongest computers and a set of parameters.

In this case, you have shown your level in conditions as close to real!

Putin shook his head:

It's all relative... In particular the factor of guerrilla warfare was practically not taken into account.

Trump exclaimed with enthusiasm:

— I would not allow guerrilla war!

Putin obviously did not trust it, but to argue, in General, it was useless. And he shook hands with Trump and announced:

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