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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The lion admired a marvelous view, having forgotten about traumatized. An unexpected list, and it was prebolno knocked by the big broken finger. He slightly was mistaken in the last fight, having not precisely struck, and broke a finger on the right leg. Having gritted teeth, hardly it constrained pain.

Unexpectedly the landscape changed. The aero mobile parked, having as if flattened about a wall and, they instantly it appeared in a spacious hotel room. It is moderated magnificent, and the excellent review. The young man with genuine surprise, threw up the hands and exclaimed:

— Wow! Well and prompt change of scenery, as if installation at cinema!

Dzhover did not keep from malicious smiling:

— Yes, the fighter, you just began to learn technical achievements of the Greatest empire really. Was also not a black hole in a fight, only now you should work much more seriously, than earlier.

Despite playful tone of the owner, in his tone it was felt ominous, and obviously unpleasant.

— It why? — Eraskander mechanically absorbed the head in shoulders.

Hermes said weakened by tone, touching fingers of the right hand a charm with the tiny computer:

— Our ladies got wind what you are a giant of big sex, and want to have fun with you. And it is serious! Our women extremely love sex. I think, you want to take a fun too.

— With all at once!? — Lev's voice did not express enthusiasm, from bed work.

— In turn. At once several females, and only at will. You well loved Vener? — Dzhover rubbed a finger a charm, and the big holographic image flashed. It was the octahedral fortress stormed by barefoot warriors in short skirts and hooked swords. Defenders was by the form as soap bubbles about ten thin legs.

— I was not prostitute male, and wanted it! — Angrily Lev said and witty added. — The love is such game where the third will not be called!

— And these should be wanted. — Hermes threateningly shifted eyebrows, the volsheblaster itself guided ten barrels on young, the slave. The owner rigidly, but logically added. — The woman the most desired of all dobych, and the most hateful when production devours the hunter!

— And they will pay you how to the owner of the slave? — Ironically the young man grinned.

— Well, present that it just entertainment for personal pleasure. — Hermes blinked eyes, the hologram movie theater was replaced, and now in a big hotel room as if lapped emerald, with pearl foam of a wave of the ocean, three sailing ships entered boarding fight. The slaveholder Stelzan added. — You do not understand the happiness — human boys especially such young as you, can dream of so stunning adventure only.

— For money? It not entertainment, but prostitution. Without shameful financing I, maybe, also wanted the whole harem, and for money be put! — To a lion was and offensively and it is a shame, he understood that the similar offer is rather humiliating, than flatterly.

Dzhover began to roar, and from barrels of a volsheblaster dense sheaves of sparks fell down. Stelzan nadsazhivatsya by a flow of words:

— Well, a human spawn, I will hand over you in the Ministry of love and life, then will understand what penalty for non-obedience! Yes, for one Urlik you have to sort on the spare part! Mercy to slaves, is also inappropriate as a white dressing gown in mine! The tree of imperial prosperity, demands watering then, fertilizer corpses and pesticides from blood and tears!

Lev Eraskander twisted a finger at a temple, but having seen a pleased smile of Hermes, understood that he stelzan apprehended similar gesture as a vainglory to the wit and intelligence. The young man quietly noticed:

— Pain is not so terrible, it the natural satellite of everything living. — The boy unsuccessfully tried to grab with a palm of one boarding boats departing from a piracy brigantine. The projection — the hologram gave the image transparent that Hermes and the situation surrounding it were perfectly visible, but at the same time thanks to spectral stratification realistic when each detail of fight is visible. In particular as delightful naked females freebooters (probably stelzanka) and the erdifik fighting with them are attractive: beings with the crocodile heads, paws, tails of a lion, and figures of gorillas with a gold curly hair. But of course the attention was riveted by girls-stelzanki. During a fight, their well-muscled bodies, shone from sweat, and a charm in the movement, were so seductive that physically strong young man felt desire, natural flesh call. The lion quickly added. — I firmly told that I will not be a gigolo, but if you want, I will talk to your ladies. It is even interesting, especially, on Earth it is rumored that stelzana do not grow old at all. — Eraskander darted a glance on drinking up honey in a corner, a cockroach in a turtle armor and the goose head. Hungrily took a sip. — Not bad or as in your opinion kvazarno, but now I have to be at the daughter of the local governor.

— Yes, I know, she already paid me therefore now I will give a ride to you to it. — Hermes very in a disgusting way sniffed, and with a type of the real pusher winked. — And you are a nice toy!

The lion with hatred looked at Dzhover.

— We love each other!

Stelzan-hozyain made gesture, to the room flew, the cybernetic servant. Hermes roared:

— Properly feed the slave! To be necessary for it many forces!

Executed in the form of a dolphin with the flexible fins flying separately (probably carrying out in this case a role of hands), the robot let out a wide, greenish stream of light on Eraskander and with surprise said:

— Young stelzan will receive a full set of food for vital forces... — The food automatic machine became puzzled. — It at you such game in slavery?

Hermes angrily bellowed:

— Yes, and that is not visible! Stop up pulsars in printseps-plasma and execute the order of the one-star general of trade and commercial troops!

From a belly of the robot there was the little girl's patronage on tank caterpillars instead of a lower body. The hologram, having addressed Lev a sweet voice, said:

— What you will desire the nice soldier of the Invincible empire. What I go!

Dzhover shook the fist at the hologram weighty:

— He is a penalized person and has no right, to choose. Give it a maximum of an active protein, vitamins, and all that allows to pass adequately hour the Claim! Feed quicker!

— I will obey mister! — From fins of the robot columns of lilac light took off, and they violently moved apart a jaw. In a throat together with a stream of radiation something poured down, with a smell, pleasant like condensed milk.

But Lev did not feel taste as language and a mouth, was pressed by an elastic force field, and the young slave had to swallow convulsively, this similarity of kissel. To a throat was shchekotno, but in a stomach pleasant heat spread, and hungry spasms were replaced by blissful feeling of satiety. Only one is bad, it is not meal, and actually gas station of the ancient car with primitive internal combustion engines.

In the head of the young man not quite pertinent thought, but why the body of the person, still fills energy with such trivial and inefficient process as oxidation of hydrocarbons flashed...

"Filling" took place quickly, and in a mouth there was an unpleasant metal smack, the stomach slightly became heavy, but on all body energy zastruitsya... The thin strip of fabric on hips could not hide, excitement and the power overflowing the young man Eraskander.

Hermes noticed it and in his hands too as if from air there was a neutron switch:

— You the boy stallion already I see it is ready! Give went!

Floor in gostiny number floated by itself and, again pushed out them in Aeromobil. Hermes ordered the autopilot:

— To the palace number 39-12-4!

The car jerked on streets of the giant city the empire. One of buildings executed in a look by old times of SAU with three thick barrels suddenly shrank and almost instantly left under the earth. Eraskander suddenly bryaknut:

— And whether Vener waits for me?

— Now we will check! — Hermes, made auto-inquiry, having pressed the confirmation button, in reply peeped by an indifferent voice of the robot:

— The hostess Allamara was called with the confidential purpose, in the next days do not expect!

Stelzan-hozyain roughly slapped the boy on a rigid muscle of a shoulder:

— It is better for those! Drive to the Planet-wide House of Pleasure and Pleasure at once!

The flying car instantly changed the direction, pictures of the marvelous city continued to flash behind transparent plastic. Ahead the two-kilometer bright orange spider with twenty four feelers ornamented by a flower ornament loomed, at top seven-color similarity of a tulip with the pestle which is scurrying about up-down sparkled. Giant drakonye the mouth of a mechanical arthropod smoothly revealed, passing the air car.

— Here we also arrived!

Dzhover Hermes again idiotically grinned and appeared in a magnificent space suit. In the building three-dimensional holograms where various individuals from stelzan to magnificently diverse beings in the wildest and perverted according to the person ways various sometimes carried out ritual of a coition flickered. Three-dimensional projections moved, seemed live and bright. There were similarity of a female centaur and radioactive jellyfishes. Interiors of their body when pairing flashed tiny nuclear explosions. Some individuals, similar to narcotic hallucinations of the artist avant-gardist, represented in the form of enormous holograms a coition with eruption of cascades of lightnings or splashes of a hyper plasma lava of the form changing to a raid and radiations of a boundless range in a variety. Hyper plasma splashes in the form of three-headed eagles, then it is instant as plasticine figures will be transformed to butterflies with a set of wings, it is already mix of the small fishes and flower buds swinging petals. . And it is absolutely improbable, creatures, indescribable in a form, making the act of reproduction, devoured energy from environment, forced to be condensed the atmosphere and it merged streams of heavy rain which having fallen a surface right there down began to hiss and smoke.

Lion it is dumbfounded looked and it is lost blinked... It was beyond its representations, as the sane person cannot imagine in principle. From lips of the young man saying broke:

— The person can mentally imagine everything — except a boundary behind which boundless human nonsense comes to an end!

Hermes did not react to it, he greedy peered at projections, breath of a stelzan became frequent and it became heavier.

The naked very tall star with a seven-color hairdress and a dvenadtsatikhvosty neutron switch came up because of the hologram. First the stelzanka seemed huge, but with each step, decreased, there were no almost standard slightly higher than two meters of the size yet. She walked, vigorously rotating smart hips with hanging on them thin is dazzling the thread sparkling radiokamenye. Shoes on high gilded heels in pebbles loudly knocked on a semiprecious covering.

Behind it the being consisting of seven facetted balls with pads in a form frog, but on soft small pillows moved. Balls were poured as if precious stones under streams of several stars, and an attractive face... Well directly Mickey Mouse in the ancient time cult children's toon. Stelzanka stopped, showed a predatory panther large, three-colored teeth. Its smart eyes with the image of a seven-final star on an iris of the eye, stood on the handsome Lev Eraskander.

— What kvazarny yuling! From what quark you took it?

Hermes cunning blinked the eyes, having winked (here bad habit of the pusher!) the right, poisonous-violet eye:

— Trade secret! I will tell at additional expense!

The enormous woman a brawny hand attracted the tall, weaved from cast muscles guy to herself. Her long nails sparkled mix of the sprayed sapphires, emeralds and ultra-plutonium.

— I will pay you percent, as well as agreed. I believe, it is absolutely logical to lift a payment for the young man. Already more than one thousand three hundred females scanned an image of this young lion. They will just tear to pieces it!

Hermes carnivorously licked to himself language full lips:

— It is stronger, than you think! Will sustain! And for me there is something that I did not miss here?

The hostess of a brothel beat out also fingers a sheaf of an orange spark and asked, involving a nose, graceful with a small small hump, flame dope languages:

— To you females of privates, officers or from among inogalakt? But sex with nonprotein representatives of other worlds is illegal (and it can be dangerous!), it is possible only for an additional fee. At choice from hermaphrodites, to forty-hollow...

Hermes carelessly waved away:

— Better with females of other galaxies and corporal structures, eternal a sparring partner already bothered.

The animation muzzle similar to a scrap of a beads from a dress of the queen of a small animal, buried to the young man in a shin. The nose was extended with a shovel, and rubbed gracefully acting, under dark and chocolate skin of the little boy of a vein. Eraskander murlyknut, from a pleasant tickling, and the rough rake passed to the pink, covered with the fragrant ointment which is pushing away dust and dirt patches. Color of the sparkling balls, a strange being, began to change towards emerald-blue part of a range.

— Desire of the client — the law. — The head of the house of passion shouted to the amusing favourite. — There is Alavaleta back, you in vain think that this boy the kindest soul. Before you, actually, terrible young of wild animal capable to become in the future one of the best soldiers of the Boundless empire. — Then tone of the star from pathos and sublime was replaced with the most ordinary and even missing. — And you, the Young lion, follow me!

— If everything is as it should be, I will show you the imperial palace in the galactic capital of Greyzinar, — is hardly heard Hermes whispered.

Having joined hands, Eraskander and the owner of a brothel came for a mosaic wall. From there the female laughter was distributed, and the thrown-off clothes rustled. Appearance of the young man caused a roar. Several naked maidens rushed it, having stuck with greed of hungry bloodsuckers. Bodies; bronzo-brown the person and lighter a stelzanok were weaved into a ball, he felt how in a rush of passion it is strongly bitten for a shoulder, and at once by three juicy fragrant maiden lips, try to catch a mouth of the slave. Hands seized a fair hair of the boy, saddled him, hurting, long nails stuck into shovels. The lion violently worked, like the live car, but his reason was far...

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