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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I was just animals, brainless, being issued in an enclosure for hunting and not seeing his dull consciousness source of danger. I ceased to be a man, одурев from beast, dreadful fear of their flesh, because the animal only and there is this fear and ceased with the death of his flesh, knowing the concept of "soul". Horror surrounded me on every side, and I realized how bad to be an animal, and every second tremble for his own skin.

Barely stupor fully chained my movements and the ability of the consciousness to generate thoughts, as those expecting it not been long in coming. They seemed to feel the apogee of this immense fear, опутавшего me its viscous web, and have now decided to act. I was standing in the middle of the street as if rooted to the spot, just a rabbit in front of a boa, and they seen it.

Twilight deepened, from every corner, from behind every Bush, where little bit was more shade separated dark silhouettes and crept toward me, narrowing down the ring. Mesmerized by this silent massacre, I couldn't lift a finger, as if turned into stone sculpture. But in my veins still flowed, though, and has become a viscous from icy horror, blood, in my womb was frightened soul, frantically seeking to soar breaching the petrified flesh. She failed it, but attempts to escape gave me increasingly growing pain, грозившуюся soon Eclipse the animal horror ferocious teeth of predators.

Creature approached. Seemed an eternity, and they have not yet crawled up to me. But the sun was going down slow, although his Golden edge was out of sight behind the trees, the light did the sky is still blue, and with those last rays of the sunset kept hope alive that do avoid the dreadful end succeed.

I couldn't see what was approaching me, my eyes were like dimmed haze, which were hidden dark beings, but all their gut in their silent occurrence felt hostility and ruthlessness, which was the power of darkness. Sometimes it seemed to me that this is a huge hairy spiders, then suddenly seen оскалившиеся jackals and hyenas, which in turn turned into black Bogomolov and locusts.

Soul vacillated in the body faster and faster, pushing like a rabbit when jumping from tearing lived with their heart, reverberates in heels. The pain from her torments caught up with fear, and in the next moment, when the nebulous black ring almost closed around me, touching my body with his проголодавшимися jaws exceeded, beats, become taller and stronger than he is, what consciousness очнулось and work with удесятеренной, frantic haste back to a sober logic and addressing the task of the salvation of the soul and body of the current situation with the speed of electronic computing machines.

-This is a dream! "it dawned upon me in the same instant it was not late to be saved. — This is a dream! We need to Wake up!

That lightning speed compared to the speed with which flashed in my head aching guess. As I thought about this, and immediately the contours of the surrounding lost clarity and linear forms, broke into a gray and black spots.

I thought I возношусь upwards, into the sky, and сомкнувшееся dark ring creatures had only лязгнуть with their jaws, taking only the edge of the soles of my shoes greedy teeth. In the eyes became dark and we could not understand, where do I fly or fall. There was something strange and unusual.

I felt that I was lying on something hard and cold, with зажмуренными eyes. Opening them again, I saw around the darkness, and my first thought was that it was over: I ate. However, looking to the left, to the right, I saw the houses in which dim tabs stoves, and feeling their members, moving his fingers, he realized that unharmed.

Me bright prickly asterisks stretches heavenly tent, drawn by the milky way nebula on the slope. Bright Moon flooded the streets of silver, ghostly light, eclipsing its radiance many of the stars around.

The streets of the village were silent, as the nature, затаившая breath with his restless life in anticipation of approaching ambulance storm.

Until I realized that I was lying on the porch of the house Barbara, and I immediately got up. Now, it occurred to me and how I got here, and with whom came from, and what, in General, only that the incident: the monastic castle, tornado, wasteland, village, — all this need not be seen more as episodes bad, incoherent sleep, inspired by anxiety, wandering in the fevered mind.

I sat on the porch, shook his head, went to sleep at all, then, as it was in vain, went on back to the bath to подмостка dip your head into the river. I could no longer be sleeping, because Ivan Noodles asked me very steadily and seriously about two things: that I was not asleep, first, and, secondly, to not entered the house Barbara.

First his request, I think, and failed, but about a second there were many doubts. In the dream, whether it was awake, but I was dreaming of the scene, as I open the door in this strange house, walk in, find the entrance to some strange dungeon...

No, I think I really dreamed it, because it could not actually be that followed it. This may be only a dream. Therefore, house Barbara I went into a dream.

I sighed with some relief, coming on the bridge, coming from the log baths on the middle of the coastal Slough, where apparently not dived again, climbing out of the hot baths, red as cancers, tipsy guys.

He knelt on the edge of the top ramp, I was leaning towards the calm water, the surface of which the black mirror of the stars, stood a quarter of meters below the creaking boards, violated the silence of the night, and dip it in her head, but imagined something now slippery and Mohnatoe hiding there in the deep waters under the bridge, would rise to the surface, but remains invisible, invisible in this смолянистой, mirror thinner, and now I grab my head and easy knocking over with a solid base, pull it into the depth where the most desperate my floundering only accelerate drowning. And maybe someone, the same ugly and hairy, jump out of the bath in the decisive moment, when will occur struggle, and push me in the water, if I умудрюсь cling on to the bridge.

Hesitating a little, I decided to drop into the water hand to dial in the palm of water and wash. However, and this is the guts not immediately. And I have a few minutes hesitated, but then decided that if anything like that can happen, then the delay is my only plays at hand, scooped up a handful of water and wiped his wet hand hot, outgoing dry heat face.

The procedure will bring relief. I looked guiltily at bath. Nothing happened. The door frame, as it can be seen in the uncertain moonlight, was closed. Foolish. I leaned down below and already two hands, to make it more scooped ice cold water from the pool.

After washing up, I grew bolder even stronger, feeling the pleasant cool night bursting with heat face, laughed in my thoughts over children's fears and. already afraid of nothing, resolutely put his head in inking the mirror of water, the next thing considered changing his already сигануть with the top ramp naked.

The water filled ears. Night underwater world lived some mysterious sounds and noises, occasionally reaching my ears. One of them caught my attention more than others. He repeated rhythmically. It seemed that the place of his birth is somewhere near, but not in water. Looked as if someone in a hasty step was moving on the мостку...

I had barely raised his head from the water and look like someone breaking my balance, pushed me into the water.

I settled on some depth, hearing surge and noise disturbed the water and клокотание rising to the surface and failing large air bubbles, enthusiastic my body in the water column and escaping now from under my sail надувшейся shirt and pants.

Desperately earning his hands and feet, I rushed upstairs, with fear thinking that if fulfilled one of my delusional concerns, then why not become a reality and another.

Somewhere near heard once more the sounds of falling: splashing and gurgling. I had come. I was on a wave splashes and wave. On the bridge, as it was clear no one was there. But someone dived only that, and I somehow fell into the water.

Grabbing boards of the floor, I pulled himself, first to my chest, and then almost immediately, using the buoyant force of the water, jumped on his stomach, rolled, intending to throw a leg.

At this moment someone firmly grabbed my ankles and pulled, and then pulled down, why should I again failed to hold on the bridge. I slid into the water.

My hands instinctively trying to push, but nothing met in motion. Although their eyes were opened, he couldn't see anything. Here it was even darker than the above, where somehow helped the Moon.

Someone again pulled my legs, and I went even deeper, feeling the water around was even colder, and the muddy bottom of the pool is very near and far to surface waters, air and salvation.

I could not discern the enemy: it was beyond my powers. He was agile and nimble, spinning somewhere near and vile, surreptitiously pulled me down, where, apparently, decided to punish me, their prey, finally.

I was scared. A few minutes ago, it seemed that my fatigue stronger and demanding any fears, and nothing can frighten me, but now...

Somewhere far above them there was a burst of new outbreaks. It was so high that could be compared with безмерностью cosmic abyss. I even tried to think what it could be, because this was not before. My soul is, apparently, already prepared to escape and was going to leave with a dying body. The relationship between them became miserable, barely existing. She went to the secluded his уголочек, as they say, sank into my boots, and from there waiting for the ongoing death, waiting for the moment for departure. She already looked for hope for the salvation of the flesh, and prepared to say goodbye with belonged to her hitherto body, as if death was already an accomplished fact, and no one was able to make her think again.

I woke up, not knowing where I was and what happened. Not at once it dawned on me that my back is based on the cool sand, me impassively shimmer not able to descend to the low of the earth, the stars, the Moon also is rolling slowly across the night sky, diving into the clouds rushing to meet her. The whole world was calm as a few minutes ago. He rested, and death would be my meant to him no more than the death of a mosquito than an earthquake or volcanic eruption with thousands of killed, than the death of the passengers of a ship or aircraft or an entire civilization, низвергнутой into the abyss together with the entire continent.

I glanced around. Next to me there was someone else. He was breathless, and gently limping over to him, I recognized him as Ivan the Noodles. It had no signs of life, and for a long time I was shaking and called him before out of his mouth came a quiet, long groan.

Ivan's eyes slowly opened, turning his head to me. Are reflected in them glares of the moon.

-What happened? — I asked.

He didn't answer, only his lips Nemo stir.

"Who was that? That pushed me in the water? Who wanted to drown? Do you know? Say.

Lips Ivan again called. Something told me to give him water, scooping up in the palm of the river, I poured it into a ротрот shepherd. He perked up a bit.

I stretched out on the sand beside him and put my hand on his chest.

Is you save me?

My fingers felt something sticky on his shirt. I raised them to his nose, then licked. The smell of blood is not deceived me. It was the blood.

-You hurt? — I was surprised.

Ivan nodded.

-I will carry you home.

However, whether I am broke so much whether Ivan Noodles was suddenly heavy — lift him up from the earth I could not, and so I pulled him along a narrow strip of sandy shore, moving toward the baths and the top ramp, dark silhouettes which were now fifty meters upstream. But there, where he began a grass conceals uneven, ухабистую, overgrown path up from the river, I had to stop.

I put Ivan so that his head was above their feet.

-Now, I will go for help and bandages, " I said to him and was going to rush for help, when suddenly the fingers of his unexpectedly strong movement went around my wrist.

I involuntarily bent down to the person himself the shepherd, slightly taken aback, but realized that he wants to say something to me and to manifest superhuman effort.

-Do not. I'm dying — донеслась to me its weak as a breath of speech.

-But I'll get somebody...

Fingers closed stronger.

No time to waste, I am doomed. I'll still die. And after a few minutes, when you come back, I will not alive. Better listen. Listen and remember. Now all it is important to remember every last words... And then make it necessary to do. Otherwise... I can't talk long. It will be bad. We must do everything. All that I say now. Are you ready to remember? You must learn and do. Ready to do?

But I don't know! — seized me suddenly panic, boyish confusion to circumstances, require from me too much responsibility.

"You got to, tone of voice, Ivan Noodles became rigid and severe. Now he really wasn't until sentimentality: death has already found his eyes smoky поволокой, he wrestled with her last strength. Pushing her away and still finding little to talk.

-Well, well. I listen, remember and do everything.

-Barbara end. But she won't die. It is necessary in притолоку door drive a nail or a needle. Ask grandma: it tells you. Tomorrow at the cemetery find an abandoned tomb in the corner on the edge of the forest. There grows an oak. Oak cut, burn to stump обуглился. Take an aspen stake, Allen will silver bullets and a gun. Don't forget the garlic. Bind his ligaments and hang it on the head of each grave, Ivan took a deep breath, swallowed hard. — Take thy cross, silver, he will protect you. Be afraid, be not afraid. The number of stay, the main thing, and the cross-hold. Every Mraz cross afraid, put it ahead of itself, " he stopped, gaining strength and panting. — In an abandoned tomb ruby осиновую gallows, bet black cat story. 't help Bay Colom, shoot a silver bullet. Fight to the end. Tomorrow is the day of battle... are You the one... The aid does not call... no-one goes.

Ivan closed his eyes, and I was afraid that he would die.

-But who are you?! Say it! — shouted and shook it I.

He труддом opened his eyelids. The eyes were no life, they were dull. However, lips moving back and forth:

Water man... You're a witness... You were there, where it was... He was going to eliminate the witnesses... I saved...But water man alive, sitting in the swamp. See, be careful... You saw the battle... It's forbidden... Only curse...

His words became невнятнее and quieter, and nothing more I could not hear. His breath, barely noticeable, quickly came to naught, and I realized that Ivan Noodles died, leaving me alone with his corpse and vast, hostile night full of hidden dangers.

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