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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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— Yes managed to beat in strategy. But practice is quite different. And it is necessary to understand!

The Queen girl smiled. She has such elastic grace.

The warrior took it and winked at him and offered:

— And now maybe something new to test!

That girl is the Queen said to the two boys-presidents:

— And now a new test cycle. And, of course, together with me, my handsome!

Trump stretched his lips wide in a smile, and said with a joyful tone:

— Like you — I'm in fire and water is ready to go.

Putin replied with much less enthusiasm:

Again, there will be some trouble!

The girl-Queen said:

— How can you? But we will be the test of cruel! And since you, Vladimir Vladimirovich lost Trump, the body you have at the time of the test will be worse! He deserved a head start. Then came a girl made Nude Amazon only ankles were bracelets in the form of a woven wreath of ruby and sapphire flowers. She put the ring under Emmanuel's bare feet. Kissed the lady in the bare soles and crawled away, on his hands and knees.

And the girl-Queen stamped her bare foot on the ring and everything cracked and blazed a glow.

Twisting the wild whirlwinds into a spiral, the boys presidents and the beautiful Queen flooded their streams of fiery lava. The trio of friends, more temporary companions rotated in the searing applauses flight, eyes burned out glow. It seemed that around their living sea, consisting of fiery devilishly mobile animals.

— Lake of fire and sulfur!

Said the girl-Queen.

— You see she's a hell! For God's sake, have mercy! Forgive me, a sinner.

Putin shouted at the top of his lungs.

The Queen girl spoke in a panicked tone.

— You should have prayed before! Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Putin burst into tears, the body really let down:

I don't! God, I don't want to suffer forever! Have mercy on me. I the Crimea from Ukraine took only to protect the Russian people. You angels help me.

Despite the external bravado, the boy-President trump and the girl-Queen were also upset. The prospect of eternal torment was not pleasant. And most importantly what will happen now with their White dream about the individual planets to control.

— We as flies flew in a web, and now we can only tremble.

The boy-President trump said it and grimaced, skin slightly sore.

There's a girl-the Queen remarked:

— What's that hanging around your waist? you were naked.

Warrior trump, groping his sword, cheered.

It's not biblical Hell! Well, who will let us into hell with a sword.

Vladimir Putin, who became a child, squeaked:

— Them! Shamans of the Mongolian or even Chinese... It is why I contacted them.

Emmanuel also felt for the sword. She remained naked, only near the hips was wound a red sash. All the decorations of the girl-Queen and amulets disappeared. She so???? even beautiful, without jewels, so as itself was a jewel. The Amazon girl screamed.

— Here he is and kladenets on place. Where's three? Vovka Putin check at a belt.

It was very hot and sweaty hands of the boy-President Putin not very well obeyed his master. With great difficulty, the child Vladimir managed to pull out a treasure trove of lilac gold.

Donald trump said in a victorious tone, flexing his muscles:

-I have a great sword ninja, Emmanuel, Dobrynya Nikitich, the child's Putin Alyosha Popovich.

The smile of the President-the trump boy looked radiant, from the pearl teeth of a beautiful, athletic-built boy, the flame was reflected.

Warrior-President growled:

-Complete set. From the propeller!

Emmanuel waved her muscular arms, trying to give the flight more direction.

The girl-Queen said passionately:

— Oh, why girls-Amazon in this world, not fly as birds! After all, we can do it with the help of only technology!

Donald trump logically noticed:

— You know, I think we're missing feathers.

The boy-the President of the United States slightly leveled the flight. The flame of hell was not burned, but very tickled barefoot, heel boy, wanted to laugh, eyes watering.

Trump noticed with fright:

— It feels like we're falling.

Cheerful Emmanuel again showed language, chirped:

In any case, hard soft worse.

Trump muttered, rock large teeth:

— When jumping without a parachute.

The flames of the underworld began to change color from Golden-orange, it began to turn in the emerald-blue.

Trump replied with some doubt:

And you know, I usually draw red-hot red, not blue, so still the question of where we are.

Emmanuel, who herself preferred to remain in the dark about the final destination, squeaked:

"You mean we could have been thrown into a fiery Paradise?"

The boy-the us President noticed:

-Parallel worlds a lot!

— Have you seen at least one world?

Putin, who had become a child, entered the conversation, tears dried up, and now he could hardly restrain his laughter.

Trump responded with sarcasm:

-Glimpsed a fairy tale, and now will preload your children's feet, the flame brightens.

Suddenly, quite unexpectedly, the flame disappeared, and they appeared in the crystal transparent atmosphere.

Girl-Queen and the boy-President chorus have exclaimed:

-Welcome to Hell!

Baby Putin in fear closed my eyes fearing apparently horrific sight ready to appear on the surface.

Emmanuel and the boy-President trump on the contrary looked in all eyes. Before their eyes appeared pretentious and colorful valley. Huge purple-sapphire palm trees, meadows, sprinkled with orange-lemon snow. Trees with white leaves in the form of cakes, and painted scarlet, brown, gold, lilac, amber and other flowers bushes. Kind of a slightly crazy world.

Emmanuel giggle noticed Scalia fangs:

— It's more like iriy than Hell.

Vladimir Putin opened his eyes, his face lit up with a childish, sweet smile:

This is vampire heaven. Let's see what the bloody rivers flow here.

Indeed, in the frame of orange snow flowed, casting rubies of the river. Water or blood that was in them, luminescent, giving a dazzling bright light.

Donald trump strongly suggested:

— Let's dive on the grass, who knows what's under the snow.

The boy-President and the girl-Queen picked up under the arms of Vladimir Putin, who became a child of ten years old, and together dived, on a purple grass. The landing was not particularly heavy, the Constitution of the body of the boy-President and the girl-Queen is perfectly balanced, Putin, though the child is also not from the weak ten. Grass, however, was like a crystal, shattered, painfully obkomov not yet had time to heal, only after the received burns to bare feet of children and girls.

— Oh, what a crazy world.

Emmanuel gritted her teeth. Child Putin bit his lip, wincing and suffering pain.

— Strange palm trees are rising, but chilly.

Muttered the boy-President trump, gently stepping barefoot teen-athlete at the brittle grass. He faked it to the sapphire palm and put his hand on the bark. His fingers immediately frozen, and they had to tear with great force. The boy-President trump winced, his knuckles had just broken, violent whirlwinds and they did not have time to fully grow together.

The former President of the United States became a boy with surprise said:

-There is not less than one hundred degrees of frost, it is only strange that there is no frost.

The girl-Queen to the tireless Emmanuel logical said:

What do you want? It's the underworld, the devils like humans only the other way around.

Vladimir Putin, who became a child, ran up to the snow, stepped barefoot, with children's legs on a snowdrift and wildly jumped up from it, the round heels reddened at once.

The boy-President trump sarcastically pinned:

— What's the frost like?

Child Putin replied sincerely:

It's hot. Like iron in a forge.

Prompt, Emmanuel jumped, scooping up a handful of snow, he sparks, prospecive fingers.

The Queen girl murmured:

— Really like coals in a dam. But no more than that, in principle, you can go on it.

— Wow! The eyes of a child Putin popped out of their sockets. The boy President sang loudly.

— Palm trees freeze, and the snow burns — in the world this does not happen.

Naughty Emmanuelle made a snowball and launched the child Putin. He dodged, and, wincing from the pain, rolled up in response to the stinging lemon of the ball, but missed. The snow hit a palm tree, the tree hissed and flared. Burnt cherry-green flame, it went out, disintegrating into a crystalline mass.

Possessing an analytical mind, Donald trump noticed:

-Interesting reaction, it would be good to take it with you, analyzing in the laboratory.

Emmanuel thoughtfully scuffed the snow with his hands. Then the girl-Queen left a few graceful bare snows, her surprisingly seductive and sexy legs, cooing:

— Yes, it's wonderful, and you can admire and enjoy the spectacle!

— Only without any experimentation here. Whatever this world is, it is better to pass through it unnoticed, without attracting attention.

Cut, let on himself the severity of the boy-President Donald trump.

Where we going? East or West?

The child asked Putin, slightly pulled, annealed, baby feet ached, and icy grass to soften the pain.

The boy-President of the United States shrugged his muscular shoulders:

-And for this we need a compass, which can be said from the position of the heavenly bodies.

Emmanuel earnestly uttered:

— That the sky is crazy.

And in fact, if you need the sun for orientation, then there are as many as six. It looks like blue pearl roll, and he's spinning the likeness of the red-hot red-opasnogo crocodile. Crocodile, too, shone and his mouth he bites the bun, from which she gives a bright flash. Another luminary resembles a blue-sapphire violin, near it also revolves the likeness of a predatory dragon. This is a dazzling shining poisonous emerald light beast, from time to time touches the strings with its teeth, making rolling sounds on the violin. Well, the final characters are easier and clearer sparkling gold samovar with a beating string and the likeness of a fat, half brown half pink cat.

Giant cat, from time to time flies up to the samovar and turns the tap, pouring a dazzling white beam.

— It's probably another planet! Probably even another galaxy!

Thoughtfully scratched smooth, boyish forehead trump.

— And maybe another universe!

Inserted, too, still did not really know Emmanuel.

-No! Cannot be such that some pathetic ring that pressed his bare, sexy, round the promenade, we scored the middle of nowhere!

Quite reasonably noticed the child-President Putin.

Possessing the qualities of a born leader, the boy-us President Donald trump logically offered

— Then this is Hell. Let's go straight for the dragon. First, he's the biggest, and secondly, dragon is the symbol of Hell. On the way, we'll catch a tongue, interrogate and find out where we are.

— Logical!

Agreed to playful, half-naked Emmanuel. And shook her very beautiful and seductive Breasts, with glittering like a Mature strawberry nipples.

The three friends, or rather comrades in arms trying to hide, moved in a direction where the deafening flickered musician-dragon. Naturally with so many bodies there were no shadows, all shone through, and it was very difficult to disguise. The boy-President and girl-Queen fled as if cheetahs. But, having acquired the quality and size of the child, Vladimir Putin, although he ran like a good racehorse, still very far behind the boy-President and the girl-Queen.

In addition, the poor boy-the President of Russia was very sick, children's feet, he now and then had to jump from the hot snow to the icy grass and Vice versa. Importantly that this was the world, contrasts or burns or freezes, without halftones.

— Wait, I can't do that.

Child President Vladimir Putin with difficulty restrained himself, so as not to burst into tears.

-Maybe put him on his shoulders, and will bear on the queue, so will be faster.

Suggested kid-President Donald trump.

— I don't feel sorry for the boy.

He nodded, very beautiful and muscular Emmanuel.

I'm hungry! — Almost in tears, wailed the child-President Putin.

The girl-Queen had been offered:

— You see what wonderful fruits grow. Let's rip.

And barefoot boys girlish legs, took and removed from the tree wonderful beauty.

Such bright and colorful to look very juicy and delicious fruit, the taste was like glass. The child Vladimir Putin long spat splinters, from-for a mouth blood began to drip. Usually courageous and brave boy-the President of Russia began to cry again.

-This is hell! We are doomed to starve!

— In Hell not die!

Trump was not too confident.

Did not believe God's order

Become a scary vampire wanted

Do not hope, you will burn not immediately

Eternity in torment-sinner destiny

Recite a verse, and not quite to the point chuckled Emmanuel. Is she nervous after the "awesome" buzz in the torture hall where it was held hardening, before a serious fight. Language mutters as a broom.

Everything sparkles like the morning star,

beauty, but only here,

In the underworld of evil dungeon,

Imprisonment awaits us!

Sang written beauty, almost naked.

-Don't be afraid we would only get to hell, and there we have it! For horns and on the sun shining!

Very cool Emmanuel made a threatening gesture, from the blow with a crash collapsed icy palm.

The boys-presidents and girl-Queen continued movement on crazy the forest. In addition to the palms in the wild grove met, gray-brown-crimson they ate greedily pulled him to his branches with curved needles. They were a mixture of liquid nitrogen and burning Napalm. Donald trump sitting on the neck of kid President Putin and free Emmanuelle, easily shied away from the predatory grips growing in the pit of plants.

Naked legs of the girl-Queen of the stars easily parried the blows and attacks, flesh-eating creatures.

— Apparently someone decided to try on us new pesticides.

The naughty Emmanuel cut it.

-Or maybe herbicide! We are not the mole.

Cut off, an increasingly angry boy-President trump.

— Interesting, and where local fauna?

Timidly put a child Putin.

— Shut up traitor, you'll bring trouble.

Emmanuel growled, and threw her bare foot child Putin on his back. At that moment, one of the prickly branches reached out, hitting her with a red-hot paw in her bare chest, right into the scarlet nipple.

— Ooh! You've made me feel sick! Emmanuel Roared.

The boy President of the United States seemed very pleased:

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