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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Soon on the table nothing left but the remnants of the once beautiful and bright cans and packages of food.

-OK, — Sergey stood up from his seat. "It's my turn to go to the restaurant.

He checked with myself as to whether he had cherished red crust and left the compartment.

What are you looking at?! — Suddenly asked me shipmate, when you left her alone in the compartment.

She reached for the door closed lock, raised the bar is a pointer to the not given in the case and then open the door immediately, and addressed me again:

-Give me a light, soldier!

-Not a soldier I, officer, " said I, trying to remember if I have a cigarette.

"But you soldier-ie?

-A soldier? — Not I understood.

-And now this! — She reached out to me and placed her hand on my pants, dropping her exactly where, barely lifting the elastic costume, were men's charms.

Even through the fabric of the clothes you could feel it was hot, and her hand, and I felt that the passion stirred in me просыпающимся beast.

Hannah rose slightly, поддернув up skirt and throwing up her canopy, revealing a belly, and I suddenly realized that her feet bare, hip nothing covered, there is nothing, neither cowards nor of his trousers.

By the unexpected turn of events, I was not myself, turned everything inside, something fell, something is up, and I felt stronger загораюсь unintentional, but only a burning passion, располосовавшей me to the belts, дерущей, tugger to pieces, scratching the inside of his sharp animal claws...

"Strange how similar the husband and the wife, — I thought, already taking Ann. — What is, however, all this crap!.. However, Marina now because somewhere with Anton! Oh, now I play!"

Passion has entangled, enveloped me, took possession of my soul, subordinating it to their low desires, and the whole world falling with me in sin, turned into obsession.

Chapter 30.

I woke up immediately, but it seemed that the whole eternity passed. No one followed me. However, and it was day. In opening the front door, which I beat, beat slanting rays of the sun.

"This is a dream," I calmed himself, got up and went down the dark, гулкому corridor. Rolled through several steps per turn and found himself in the darkness. No sound, except гулкого echo of my steps, reached my ears.

Ahead again there was a closed door, that I came across with a full speed. Behind her was a strange world, as if bathed in green light that came from nowhere. Sky overhead was not. It replaced the solid haze, сливавшееся with the same expanse beneath their feet. There is no space, perspective, while at the same time present some extent, however, gets as if from nowhere and like nowhere пропадающая like hiding in the fog.

Under your feet rubbed grain each other a big, green, translucent sand, not having thickness, because, collapsed into it, stop immediately hung over some elastic emptiness, however, grinding reached my ear, as if the ears were laid wool.

Right and left grew strange trees, whose branches, just covered with frost, the same translucent green, reminded corals. They, these plants were separated, separated from surrounding me green mist беспространственности, but still did not have the volume, while at the same time I noticed passed them that their crowns are reshaping just as they would in space.

Strange trees marked the semblance of road, having neither meters length. However, I moved it to высящемуся ahead of me, sparkling green glow of the castle or Palace), made like emeralds. He, too, seemed to accurately drawn at some indeterminate distance from me, but as you approach it grew, though it remained flat.

Green sand over, and I stepped out on to the stairs leading to the entrance to the Palace. Each next step if arose from the painted front of the plane of the building and also disappeared behind me, merging into бестелесности with everything else, disappearing in the haze of the emerald.

Each of the steps, railings them, were like crystal, if there be a green crystal, or emerald, filled with reflections all around the surrounding light, берущегося from nowhere. The same effect had accompanied me and in the castle and in its shimmering in the depth of a semi-transparent and do not have the thickness of the walls of the corridors. However, I could not touch anything from the surrounding me. Something prevented me to do it, whether someone's will, whether my own fear that I barely touch the emerald railing or, if сочащихся light walls, they disappear. Even the door when we had to open them, do it yourself.

So if in a dream, and I was relieved newly agreed that it is still strange, but, nevertheless, the dream.

Corridors led me into the great hall green, tall doors which opened by itself. At the rear of the emerald wall was painted a throne of glory someone left and right side are the same flat, like everything else, were vassals of the citizens.

Coming closer to the throne, I saw a huge creature that had occupied the Royal place. It was like a dragon with a prohibitively large, sharp as needles, horns, проткнувшими high black cylinder and who have directed under the emerald vaults rooms. Green, сверлящие, prickly eyes of the dragon nailed me so, and I felt turned himself into a flat безвольную picture, not having the possibility to move either to the side, neither forward nor back. Among the challenges on both sides of the throne, like an emerald shade vassals were Varvara and Alena. They silently, like all the other looked at me from a green безразмерности, and their stillness gave them an even greater similarity drawings made talented and diligent hand.

"You come to me, " came the voice, and I realized that it says being on the throne.

It разинуло fire-breathing mouth, the only red in all of this emerald world, and deafening laughter, like a thunder shook all around. Dragon leaned over to me, probably, wishing to look better.

-Why come? He asked, and answered for himself. — Probably, for this.

From the hands of Alena he took the casket and clawed paws pulled out a pistol and a cross.

-Why do you need this? Ah, apparently, to shoot and isolate themselves.

I was speechless and couldn't answer.

'Well, try it!

Suddenly he grabbed the cross as a sword and began poking, riotously laughing at the same time, his vassals, bursting like soap bubbles.

-See, I'm not sorry. I do not pity, though this is my servant. I have millions of servants, millions!

Indeed, in place of the missing soon there appeared other shadows vassals.

Soon he got tired of it, and he, putting it in a box back, returned the cross and a pistol in the hands of Alena.

'Give it to him, he said to the girl.

Alena, all the same flat, joyful and not angry is the same as all the rest, indifferently impartial, while still remaining the same flat, approached me and handed her a box.

I took it, trying to look into her eyes and understand what was going on inside of her, under his insensitivity and lifelessness, but her eyes went somewhere by, through me, and I could not pass through deep.

-Took — go — произнесло being on the throne. — Поиграйся, but not заигрывайся. I will look how you obtained it.

Ice laughter, even more terrible than before, split the castle, as a mirror of thousands of sparkling emerald fragments, blew it, and bright green flash blinded me, hide all the rest. Then she faded, replaced by an eerie darkness...

I woke up in the icy sweat, feeling that I was lying on the door in the dark corridor, and under the right hand me a box. Already without understanding anything, I turned around.

Darkened door flickered distant stars. Suddenly it appeared phosphorescent silhouette. Involuntarily edged, I opened the box, he felt a heavy gun, led dog and barely aim, pulled the trigger.

In the dark flashed and scattered sparks, hewn from a silicon striker something hissed, then bahnul, полыхнув reeking flame.

Me being wrapped in a cloud of acrid smoke of gunpowder, and when it cleared, I saw that the output is free.

On the street stood a suspicious silence. With the help of. Small craters I put in the trunk of холщового кисета the eyes of gunpowder, put pyzh, scored his ramrod, then poked the hole in the barrel of a round, slightly oblong bullet, which in a bag made of boxes on the weight was with good kilogram, then poked the silver crucifix in his bosom and into the street, rapidly passing through the village, immersed in the darkness before the house of Ivan Noodles, in which a single dim light was on.

Here before me terrible picture appeared. The house was just wrapped phosphorescent silhouettes ghouls, заглядывавших in the window, карауливших the door of the house. There were so many, that I not only got confused, not only was struck dumb and afraid, feeling that it is just ridiculous to speak out against this hordes of the ancient antediluvian gun on reloading of which would every time one minute.

"Удирай before it's too late!" — Whispered the voice inside of me. — "Gun you have. Hardly anyone of them begins to chase you. Tomorrow you'll be safe. Don't shoot! You ruin yourself and not just yourself. and so you shall be saved. Let the rest..."

However, the gun was loaded, and despite all the fears and concerns asked to fire, and in spite of противному, vile voice, I stepped to the house of Ivan Noodles, raising his arms and taking one of the vampires on a fly. I just didn't have the right to be embarrassed, and therefore had to dangerously closer to вурдалакам, that the happiness is not noticed it before a shot thundered, which seemed deafening, like thunder, in dead silence, have shrouded the village.

One of the vampires plunked down on the ground, uttering horrible, squeaky groans, the others rushed to me at the same moment, and had to run for failing to put even a pinch of powder in the barrel of a musket.

I ran to the bridge over the river by feeling on the go in оттянутом to earth pocket pouch with gunpowder. Part of the vampires went after me, but others remained to guard the house from which the sound of the shot someone appeared on the porch, grinding her door.

Behind me I heard some screams, cries, затеялась romp заглушаемая footfall plaguing me ghouls.

Staying behind the bridge, shaking from icy fear hands I put the barrel of gunpowder, somehow scored pyzh and poked the bullet, thinking that this way I would not be able to cope with the countless полчищем ghouls. They meanwhile, were already quite close, when finally was my next shot.

One or two of them even fell down, but the rest continued their pursuit, cramping me farther to the woods on the side of a marshy valley.

On the way to the woods I managed to take two to three shots, but in their haste they proved wrong and failed to hit any of the pursuers.

Before me was a fork. One of the roads led through the woods and fields in a Large Василиху, another, more narrow and overgrown, to the stable. I stopped here in meditation. I had a choice, but the feeling of traps, whichever of the parties had continued my flight didn't leave me.

By this time, the sky has clouded clouds, cold wind rose, an increasing trend, breaking the yellow leaves from the trees and метущий exactly broom them somewhere with him known goal. He reminded that took their rights autumn, besides soon заморосил nasty drizzle.

"Not enough for them to appear in Large Василихе", — I thought, and turned toward the stables.

In fact, my soul is just not lying to such a path, and hoped to get out of this terrible mess sometime within the local landscape. The most important thing was not to lose the gun until it ran out of bullets.

There was a lot of strange in all this fell down on my head out and myth. My mind demanded associate occurred during these weeks of events in a logical chain, identify the causes of the subsequent one, but she, not having had time to be, immediately broke up into separate pieces and fragments, not состыковывающиеся between themselves and contrary to any logic. Reality and dreams, what happened a week ago and what happened yesterday, ghosts, real people and what could not be called a figment of the imagination, nor a part of reality, something amorphous resulting, переплывающее from one to the other, — all this is mixed up in one heap, turning in my head, in my mind in a mess-mash, which, from what end does not подступись, was one and the same. Soul resisted this sticky mess, which is mired mind a quick, разухабистого running, but unable to break free.

Don't you all our life consists of separate Islands, pieces firmly anchored in the memory of events, fragile, thin bridges logical connection between them in one wonderful moment-erased, breaking, breaking down, and these blocks, set in a free-swimming., touching each other sometimes the most unexpected faces, the most incomprehensible way, and think, and produce memories of what never was...

Appeared ahead stable. In the Windows of her, similar to the loopholes was dull, muffled light. I rushed to her, understanding and at the same time not wanting to understand that its walls will save me from vampires. Shiver ran through the whole body clammy, cold crawl. Had no choice: there was непролазный forest undergrowth, overgrown with bushes and undergrowth, where they caught me without a doubt much earlier than would have been to do it in the barn.

I'm locked behind the door, sliding strong bolt and propping her log, in the dressing room, from which were clearly visible horse stables and the passage between them, covered with hay and illuminated by some dim bulbs under the ceiling. A horse quietly standing in their stalls, and only some of them raised their heads and looked at me now through the strands холок her black eyes, in which was read itself serenity their simple life.

Fingers obeyed bad, though намерзлись, but I still managed to load the pistol before. Than first blows were heard at the door. However, it выдюжила, only затрещала of the frenzied head, but I shuddered inwardly from all this, and felt that I was losing the presence of the spirit. I could see very well, as she jumped up on Петях, giving arc, as soared подпирающее its log.

Followed by a second push, even stronger than the former. The door seemed bent almost wheel, затрещала, swung on it. The deadbolt threatening's about to break. Log it came off to the far wall of the waiting room and зарылось in the hay.

Putting tremendous effort of will, I forced myself to move, dragged log to the door propped her again and only just managed to lean her, as was followed by a new, third impact.

I was knocked log. It jumped up and boldly my body out of the way, so lightly, and again it came off in the far corner of the waiting room. I rolled over on his back on the clay floor, looking up, saw that the door is still holding out. The strength went out of me, and I was unable to now not only re-drag a log, but even rise up from the earth. Shoulder засаднило, sore exactly вывихнутое and the entire left half of the body, which I have relied on the log was now as if my.

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