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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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The next onslaught followed, and there was a strange calm, don predvesav ee anything good. It became clear that the vampires left attempts to penetrate stable through the door — and it was good, because the next attack she could not stand, but now looking for workarounds.

Horse woke up excitedly snored, ducked their heads and скалили upper lip. Some of them became nervously laughed, feeling bad.

For some time I stayed in the stillness, until finally felt that I could somehow move it, then переполз closer to the box, took the gun, and stuck the other hand, a good hand in his bosom, перевалившись on his back, and, having felt the cross, sighed somehow relieved.

Restless friendly neighing of horses made me shake. I raised my head and saw that the aisle, past the pens to me rushing huge wolf, the one that once we saw here with Alyona in society barbarians. The mouth of his, repressive Alai, greedy, разинутая in the full extent, oozing hungry, bloody saliva flowing language foamy stream and слетающей with высунутого its end in different directions. Rapid, long jumps at a furious gallop, he flew to me with a speed shot arrows, and his blazing brutality and evil eyes shone itself determination and foregone the outcome of the throw.

The gun was in my hand, but I was not even able to lift it, because wolf was approaching faster. The corner of my eye I saw a black dip in the back wall and guessed that they opened the exit gates, that there probably were.

The wolf was already close. He made the final jump, hanging over me. I instinctively closed hand from its terrible jaws, and it so happened that the barrel of a gun landed right in. My finger itself pulled the trigger, and, although there was no hope that shot sounds, he sounded like a miracle, but not too loud, and it gurgle in his throat predator. My eyes wolf big neck and burst like a soap bubble. The head of the beast, biting teeth barrel flew to the wall, and the decapitated body of his, фонтанируя blood, collapsed on top of me.

Vampires were close. Bad knowing what was happening, I got out of weakening the hand of the crucifixion of his bosom, and, pushing forward, fenced off the oncoming hordes. Suddenly they seemed frozen in a few steps from me, just not overcome this distance.

I saw their hands, they reached out to me by its blue fingers. The skin was deathly pale and синюшна, and only on the cheeks burned unhealthy crimson blush. Their eyes dim, поволоченные haze, deathly detached, though not belonging to them, somewhere in the depths of the fire glowed thirst. Greedy fever and shaking her members, and it was disgusting show, causing severe nausea and disgust.

Astonished by this power of the cross, I felt a feeling of heaviness pulled hard on my hand, holding his, and he pushes her back. Undoubtedly, it was an act of ghouls, seeking to break through to me through the unknown protection, and it is felt rather strongly, because very soon I felt that keep crucifixion is not so simple fingers brush, shoulder and the arm tired, as if holding a weight of one and a half пудовую weight.

Unable to make more such power, not having the ability to intercept cross the other hand, because my body still was not completely obediently me from hitting the log, I dropped the cross on the ground, sticking tailored to a cone end of its Foundation in clay slightly damp floor stables.

Vampires are only waiting for this. The distance between us has declined immediately by a few steps, almost half of that, and now their dead hands hardly wouldn't hit my head, stirring, for example, blue fingers, like tentacles in three to five inches from my body.

Opposition protecting me the power of the silver crucifixion not eased. On the contrary, it seems to become even stronger. Vampires like to feel that my strength was diminishing with each passing minute. I'd have to put even more force than before, and I didn't know what else makes my ноющую from excessive fatigue brush keep the cross. Now it literally was vomiting my fingers, as if drawn by an invisible magnetic force iron nail. And only a raving despair resulting from the consciousness that is the goal, the last hope of salvation, even to the same surprise that someone using this simple, symbolic tool gives me his protection from evil spirits, gave me strength to stay.

"Infernal beast! — I thought with silent anger. — You want to take me! Want to drink my blood! But you'll never make it! In vain you pull on their bluish hands with hooked pale blue fingers and black nails! You do not drink my blood! You don't get me! Out of spite, vile creature, I'll keep this cross, I will defend myself, even with all the forces leave me! You don't get to me till my throat until my heart beats!"

It was unknown how long have and how many more would have continued this silent confrontation, as suddenly толпившиеся in the corridor between the pens with horses vampires a little parted, and pushed forward, Stripping them of decayed rags, turned to dust unknown how many centuries and how many years ago clothing, Barbara.

Seeing me, helpless lying on the floor, she ground her teeth with the злорадной smile, her voice cracked and coming as if from another world, struck my ears after a long absence of sounds of human speech:

-Ah, ha ha, so we met, my friend! I long to get to you, but you deftly avoided my traps. But now no one will catch us. Even this foolish shepherd, Ivan Noodles! He's dead. It killed the one who forced me to return it to you these trinkets! She pointed with his long finger with a sharpened fingernail-like claw on a silver cross. He also warned you not заигрывайся! However, he knew everything that would happen.

She stepped to me, and I was horrified to find that the power of the cross, остановившая vampires, not acting on it completely.

-Ivan Noodles dead, and the one who killed him, took away his душенку in Hell, and soon it will be fried on a slow fire. Now it's your turn, " she approached one step, and the crucifixion, which I kept holding, sticking in the ground, turned to the crowd of vampires. — I will drink his blood! "She threw up her hands up. — Now I am very hungry, and let no one dare to approach it, while I enjoy his red milk. Then I'll leave it to you.

Among the vampires came discontented гырканье.

Turning around, she twisted in fury face kicked his Shoe silver cross. He flew out of my fist, hitting the wall with a pure bells, bounced back and unexpectedly struck a witch, вонзившись a pointed cone under ground in a rotten chest witches, hitting her in the heart. The wound was out something brown-black, rotten. Barbara grabbed with both hands on the crucifix, trying to wrest it from the chest, and slowly, with гырканьем and wheeze settled on the ground, kneeling. The same liquid that oozed from the wound, went to her throat, and she collapsed dead on the side.

Vampires rushed to me over the corpse.

In my eyes ran over suddenly a beam of heads of garlic, somehow stranded among the straw and hay. Feeling the fingers vampires clinging to my clothes as he could on all fours, полуползком, I rushed towards him, remembering that ghouls stops garlic smell, grabbed the bundle and, being in a close circle of ghouls, which stretched in my throat and could not share me with a desperate knows whence the undertaken violent force, and began to crush garlic head and shove them where the разинутую mouth, who under his breath in his face. Vampires have forsaken me and отбежали half a step.

Somewhere far allegedly shouted cock. For Windows became quickly dawn, and why some glad morning came, I lost consciousness.

Chapter 31.

At the door somebody knocked on the door, then yanked the handle, then pulled her stronger.

Hannah pushed me anxiously and одернула down skirt, but I already had an orgasm, and shed, large drops of SIZO-whitish semen fell on black cloth, шлепнулись on the floor.

I began to feverishly dress, feeling the beats me nervous tremor. Anyuta was fastidiously and hastily отряхиваться and deliver feet incriminating us in wrongdoing thick drops of the BLOB.

From the moment I opened the door, collided with a furious Sergei. It's all dirty, and twisted his face had an expression of suffering, pain and resentment. In the hands of his ridiculous wobbled basket of products and new portion of cognac and wine. Cheekbones Sergei were pale, his eyes gleamed all сметающей fury, large, clearly distinct tumors slowly, with a hidden, suppressed energy upcoming storm of anger pumping up and down.

Easily removed me from his path, Sergei entered the compartment, also silently turned the basket over his head обомлевшей anjuta and poured it on his wife, then the same plastic basket of magnitude struck her in the face, rolling slaps her why she fell, hit the wall beside the window.

Sergey turned to me. I decided that the next blow to me, but he only said:

"Don't worry, I won't hit. Bitch wants the cable is not to jump, don't you know this saying? Don't know, ever know. Yeah, again he turned to the little Hannah at, — I did not think, that my tenth wife like that quickly gets older.

Sergey spake unto me again:

-Now, that's when it happens. That's when a woman Matures and goes in life... Okay, go. Go.

He pushed me into the corridor of the car, and I'm at a loss stood at the window, which was twilight, and there was not visible. I wanted to go away on its place, but it was inconvenient, because the role of a coward, who left at the mercy of виноватую woman, I do not relish at all, but back in the compartment where were Sergey and Annie, I didn't dare go back and hesitated in severe doubts at the window, pretending to be me something interesting in the darkness that stretched on the other side of the glass.

Five minutes later the door lock behind me again clicked and Sergey, coming out of the coupe, stood next to me.

-You beat? With difficulty I interrupted awkward silence.

-No, slapped twice on the ass. Paternally. Said things to collect.

I don't know how it all turned out, I was embarrassed in front of him. — I don't want actually. It itself...

-Better say: she herself, — Sergey looked at me gravely and intently. In his eyes was anger and malice, but I involuntarily looked down. — Okay, let's go to a restaurant and sit.

-And with it? I nodded at the coupe.

-What's wrong with it? — Eyebrow Sergei of us jumped in surprise. — Nothing will. Now belongings to gather and forward.

-Where forward? — Not I understood.

-And where it wants to. I'm not going to keep. Now here is some station, and ссажу her. And maybe tomorrow morning. Okay, back to the restaurant.

-Now, I'll catch up, you go, Sergei, " I told him and went to his compartment. I just wanted to check if my money, the ones that I still have, after all my misfortunes.

In our compartment continued infinite, to the end booze and talk. Smoke stood a yoke, and the campaign was attended by some new faces, which was not earlier. Apparently, in the whirlwind of drinking thrust of new passengers. However, there were old acquaintances, known to me, Nikolay Mikhaylovich and Dmitrievich. Anton was not here.

I dived into the coupe and felt the pocket of his coat hung on a hook in the coupe.

-Hey, where've you been? — Подковырнул me Nikolay Dmitrievich.

-Yes! — I tried to laugh it off, was relieved to feel the stack of bills and crisp bills letters of credit.

-What were you in the pockets of the роешься? — Did not stop drunken master of the campaign.

-Yes money I'm taking. Your money — for credibility I took from his pocket the money in the banking package, and put it under his nose приставшему me трепачу. — In, see?!

'Yes, ' agreed многоженец. — Ah, so you рэсторан going?! Ah! You look! And our campaign, so you don't like! Let's stay.

I decided that now the money back is better not to put otherwise, they will "leave", and clenching his wad of cash in his hand, went to the corridor, without waiting for the blow drunk quarrel, and reassuring themselves that does not frightened, but I just do these people have nothing to divide.

Someone tried to grab me by the sleeve, but I'm confident that these blatant trick Nikolai Dmitrievich, with the power of anger and drew back his hand, feeling the bursting at me elastic sports jacket.

-Wait, wait! — Came to me after him. The voice was different, and, turning round, I saw an полураздетого major in unfastened navel green shirt with ragged shoulder strap and болтающимся tie, пристегнутом at the navel clip to пологу shirts. — You that, countryman, do not know?

Major drunk step, falling from wall to wall of the corridor, came back to me, trying to open wider заплывающие eyes. It seemed to me that the officer I was wrong, but gave him the opportunity to catch up with me.

-Countryman, where are you going? Mayor tried to attack my shoulders in a drunken hug, but I have removed him, thinking that something good he "обделает" me. "Don't you recognize me? It's me, Кудлов!

-To me this name means nothing.

-Well, how, countryman. I remember, but you didn't. Large Василиха. Disco. Baba two. You, me. A bottle of moonshine.

-A! Finally I understood what he says, and now I remember it, and that is not a very good evening. — I remember.

"You thought that I was mistaken? Кудлов semen is never wrong, remembers everything! Even in this form, the mayor broke into a smile having shaken in front of me with his forefinger.

"Okay, okay, semen, — I patted him on the shoulder, looking around and wondering what Sergey long time already sitting in the dining-car, " I will come, and we'll talk.

-Countryman, wait! Where are you! PAL! — she shouted from behind me, when I briskly sprinted down the hall.

In his hand I've crunched the money, and placing them in the back pocket of sports pants, I suddenly realized clear and shrill in his terrible, naked simplicity of the question, subconsciously сверливший in my head for a few minutes, a big hole, "Look, you have given away all their money, the ones that you were left to your mother died?" he suddenly popped to the surface of consciousness, this painful question, and make an end of him immediately and for a long time, if not forever, I said to myself, as snapped knife, ruthlessly and rapidly саданув them in the veins of pain: "No!"

"No! No! No!" — I had no time to think more about this, there was no time to argue with his conscience may be задавшей this tricky question, I didn't want to stir their feelings, like a lot of dirty Laundry, by which it would be better to pass without touching. I raced in the restaurant, where I waited for some fiddling Maypole Sergey, former and current sadist and murderer whose wife I just slept. I was in a hurry, running away from his conscience, and together with terrible horror, преследовавшим me to tag along, I felt a pleasant coolness in the place where must fit the human soul. I liked that it was silent. Silent, because there is no...

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