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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Here's fauna! As they say, you will remember the devil and he is here as here.

The three-headed reptile leaned out from under the snow and was immediately cut down by friendly blows of swords. The already decapitated body was completely out of the lemon snow and stretched out into a string.

Emmanuel enthusiastically sang:

— We only need one go, that's us. My first move, my last move, and everyone's dead. I am a girl-the death of my method is simple! One blow was left only the tail!

The boy President trump is not so fun to notice:

— Funny, little Emmanuel, here thousands of improbable monsters and not known, if the end of the, this multi-colorful hell.

: To perform the Emmanuel bowed, bright head.

-I hear someone roaring! Maybe we should run that way.

The boy-President trump doubted:

-Have you not had your fill of battle, maybe there are millions of them and they are immune to our swords.

Emmanuel grinned carnivorous predator:

— What a cowardly Donald you've become.

The boy-President has logically answered:

-I'm careful! Especially as we are necessary to the people.

— I think I hear a woman screaming.

President Putin, a child, broke the silence.

The boy-President doubted:

— It could just be an imitation. He shook his sword. — Although okay began to bolt!

Being light boy-President trump ahead of Emmanuel. When, cutting through the slum with a sword, he flew out of the thicket, his eyes appeared an idyllic picture. A tall, long-legged girl was running away from the terrible monster. She was completely naked and beautiful, her hair fluttering in the wind like a Golden torch. Kind of monster raced after her, could enter into the horror of anyone.

The boy-President blurted:

— Beauty and the beast! A little corny, but what else to expect in the astral worlds still.

The rapid tramp rushed overcutting Castiglione the beast. Each head was different, one a crocodile, the other a dragon, the third a boar, the fourth piranhas, fifth Cobra with hood, the sixth as highly enlarged jaws of a tiger. The monster was huge as a dinosaur, and was in no hurry to swallow the prey, obviously enjoying its torment.

— Six-faced monster of Hell, underworld guardian of the gate! He's herding people! Then as the donkey roars!

Waving his sword, the boy President trump sang. A great warrior of the United States, rushed to the meeting. The beast stopped and let out a fiery whirlwind. The boy-President was ready for such a development of events, in a jump dodging the fiery stream, he slashed the crocodile's head. The skin of the monster was extremely hard, the legendary sword only slightly nagrubil armor-the skin.

The boy-President trump frowned, the fight was not easy. The huge monster roared and continued to spew streams of flame.

For a brief moment, the boy-President was in the river of fire, came up in a cascade jump in a tenfold somersault and again thrust his sword on the already half-punched crocodile head. Ink-amethyst blood spurted from under his skin. The boy-President trump caught his bare, clinging legs behind his back, tiled skin of the monster, burned like a blast furnace, then before other heads reacted, managed to separate the crocodile's head from the trunk.

Outwardly, the young warrior yelled:

— First puck in the goal!

A girl's cry was heard.:

The centre-forward Emmanuel comes into play.

Snow Amazon rushed into battle, avoiding the fiery ocean, and where this beast could emit such violent streams of flame, she jumped on the head of a piranha.

Behind the edge she heard a scream, the language of hell covered their little friend of the child-President Vladimir Putin.

The girl Emmanuel didn't pay attention. She just reeked of magic, the time from the time changing the fulcrum, away from the plasma clots of the dragon's head. When fat twenty times stronger than the armor of the tank ".-" the skin manages to nagrubili then everything is not comparable easier. Piranhas head flew off, astorgas bluish-purple blood.

Following a grinning bowler hat, carried a boy-President trump had the head of a tiger, Emmanuelle plunged down a boar's head. Dying monster changed tactics. Instead of molten lava, liquid helium poured from the mouths, and a monstrous cold bound the loins. Squished her bare girlish, graceful feet on helium, Emmanuel sequestered the dragon's head,

The President-a boy tramp, in turn, rushed to the Cobra. She stuck out her poisonous tongue, swung the sword and tongue drummed. After flying a couple of tens of meters, he crashed into a crystal palm tree, hissed and went limp.

The boy-President trump cut the hood, and then several strong blows snatched a thick neck. Barefoot Emmanuel, in turn, successfully coped with the dragon's head. At the last moment, the monster managed to release several warriors with curved swords. But for man-made terminators, these are seeds. Half a dozen strokes and it's done. The last fighter, knocked down a sword thrown from the top. Battle was over, he was smiling, half-naked Emmanuel squinted eyes in side and provocatively winked at.

-And here is our child-President Vovka Putin. Him to confess'm tired of waiting, and he learned to fly.

The child-President, brandishing a sword, murmured:

— I as a vampire on their mentality, and vampires all fly!

— Don't believe everything you hear from your enemies. They calculate your build, frolicking fools.

Emmanuel knocked on the finger of his bare feet on the head girl of the Queen.

The child-President Vladimir Putin awkwardly turned around, his whole skin turned into a blister, the eyes on scarlet's face burned with emerald stones. Hands rotate as the wings caught in hurricane mills.

Emmanuel took and sang:

— Do what is not supposed to, it's sweeter than even ice cream. Maybe Donald and us become vampires.

President-the boy giggling, agreed:

Never too late! But how much blood do you need for a tigress?

Not much. Barrels so five or six! I can't eat any more!

Girl-Emmanuelle Queen island childish, that wasn't her way.

Trump dryly suggested:

— Let's see the Princess.

Saved them the girl climbed the tree and lightly frozen onto the barrel, it had to carefully remove.

How did she survive? Tanned Golden-bronze skin, covered with hot and cold burns, glass plants left numerous cuts and wounds. It was only a thin piece of pink fabric that do not cover the thighs, and only emphasizes the elegance of lines. However, the attentive eye of the boy-President trump immediately determined that this girl recently wore jewelry and jewelry. She was half-unconscious, but she tried to keep up.

Who are you?

As it seemed to her in Russian, said the girl-Queen Emmanuel. However, snow Amazon did not really believe in the success of the interrogation. The answer suddenly sounded in plain language.

-I'm the Queen of Avarcade!

The barefoot girl shook her head proudly, her Golden hair spilling over her bare shoulders.

I'm the goddess of war!

The girl-Queen Emmanuel rubbed her hands with hot snow. Then she extended her palm to the naked Queen. She stared at her in confusion.

Emmanuel with the broadest smile, said:

— The outstretched hand is a symbol of trust. The warrior seems to say, my hand is empty, I am unarmed. And you need to reach out your hand in return.

-I got it! The Queen spoke softly. And rubbing the itchy sole of her bare foot, she added.

-We have similar ideas expressed, making the finger a figure eight, clockwise.

Emmanuel enthusiastically exclaimed:

— Great! Looks like you were overthrown by a usurper.

Avarcade confused.

What makes you think that?

The girl is the Queen of a space Empire, logically answered:

It's elementary, why would you say that for the sake of pleasure strolling naked in this crazy forest.

The Queen in exile trembled all over.

— We have to leave this place quickly or else...

Sit on my back! Shouted the boy-President trump.

— The child President will be carried by Emmanuel.

The Queen in exile did not mind, she was shaking all over, and she could hardly restrain her moans. Warrior trump felt how tense her press as convulsive shudder muscular legs. The Queen's bare feet were black and burned with blisters. After a run through the hot snow, the girl was badly injured. The boy-President trump felt a mixture of pity and voluptuous desire, which awakened naked flesh, tightly clinging to the neck and shoulders. Of course it's the Queen, and you're a teenage athlete with a body full of hormones.

Emmanuel on-business asked:

-Which way to run, to get out of this quagmire!?

Almost naked Queen answered:

— Towards the dragon playing the violin. There's a place we call bright hell, crossed by a river. None of the kind of people are able to cross it on their own. But you are not people, and white angels and you have a chance.

The boy President trump almost choked on saliva, Emmanuel let out a laugh and squeaked:

-Know us here.

The boy-President trump was surprised:

— Where? Do we know?!

Avarcade even stopped shaking.

"So you are the ones whose coming is long awaited by the human race in our country.

The girl rubbed her palm burned the sole, itching very much and continued:

"I knew right away when you killed the monster Gama. Only white angels under the power to topple this monster.

The boy President trump stroked the naked burned leg of the deposed Queen.

— So tell us, much detail.

The Queen gently removed the white boy President's hand and muttered:

— Good! When it is in the valley of life, had flourished wonderful country. Its inhabitants knew neither old age nor death. All were well-fed and happy, children were born, but it was not crowded, as our boys and girls could go through the Golden gate to heaven, settling in other countries and heavenly spheres. But then they came! Scary horned aliens. They were armed with swords, evil and treacherous, and our people for many centuries of the world forgot how to fight. They were received as brothers, despite their fearsome appearance, but they knew neither conscience nor honor. Horned folk, they called bebesi suddenly during the wedding feast, attacked us. The king and all his courtiers and relatives were killed, and all the real power seized four-armed bebes their high priest Tapir. They have ruled for two centuries. Many people were killed, and those remained to live, became slaves.

Continuing his run, the boy President trump listened attentively, not missing a word. Yet he decided to insert the language.

"If the whole human race is enslaved, why do you call yourself Queen?"

The exiled girl muttered:

-Bebesi not able to multiply, as people, even though I live a very long time. And they have a legend that human woman, with Golden hair becoming Queen is able to regenerate in bibescu and to produce other babeshow. Here they are when the expanse of the heavens I was born, then a toddler, they named me their Queen. They thought that I would become rude and cruel, they hoped that soon my horns would break through, and I would be covered with wool.

The girl shook her Golden hair and continued:

But as the years passed, and this did not happen, and I was sickened, how they mock people. And I, being the Queen, issued a decree-to free all people from slavery.

The Queen banged her bare leg on the side of trump and continued to squeal:

— I gathered the right guys, and tried to catch them by surprise. But human beings were powerless against black magic.

The girl licked her lips, she was very thirsty, her voice rang like silver bells:

"And then the high priest and his horned accomplices attacked me. They tore off my Royal ornaments, left me naked and helpless in this place. These spaces are called Hell because no one has ever returned from here.

— And bebes?

Curious Emmanuel asked.

The Queen continued with a sigh.:

"The high priest of Tapir and his right hand, Maha, wield powerful magic, and they used it to bring me here. And even given the spell in the way that I did not immediately kick in.

Then I see. Kill and drive all the horned usurpers!

Shouted the emboldened child-President Putin.

The Queen put her index finger to her lips.:

-Hush, you see there in the distance shines the river Matara. No human has ever been able to cross it.

When the boys-presidents and star Queen ran closer, then not sure have become on Bank. The yellow-garnet water was as viscous as jelly and very sticky.

Emmanuel tested the mirror surface several times with her bare foot. Then she turned to the boy-President Trump.

"You know, Donald, if we run at top speed, we can go over the surface with you."

The boy-President doubted:

"Are you sure there are no more treacherous surprises?"

Emmanuel strongly objected:

— No time. Look at your Queen, she's freezing.

Trump was forced to agree:

— Then we'll split up and tear through the slime.

The boy-President and the star Queen ran away from the shore, under bare feet continued to burn hot snow and freeze the icy grass. Then took the ultimate sprint speed and artillery shells flew into the sticky surface.

When you're running on all cylinders, and it is not sticky and does not get stuck. They rushed and shone bare heels, from the side it seemed that they do not even touch the surface of the treacherous river. Several reddish fanged snakes tried to jump to the surface, and the swords were immediately cut down. They fell and slowly sank into the pomegranate jelly.

Finally, the boy-President and the star Queen reached the shore, with a run jumping on the blue sand Donald trump, felt the elation.

Outwardly, the young warrior exclaimed:

Now to town!

A warm wind blew in the face of the boy-President and the star Queen, the grass became soft underfoot, the sound of a brook could be heard in the distance. The exiled Queen, covering her mouth with her scarlet lips with her palm, yawned painfully:

I'm sleepy. Take me to the sapphire stream, its water heals all wounds.

Emmanuel jumped, asked:

-Where is he?!

The Queen nodded her finger to the side and passed out.

The boy-President trump philosophically noted:

-What if there is no benchmark to follow, the direction, the direction of the pest.

Although poke of the finger concept is not certain, the boy-President and star of the Queen, despite the burden behind rather quickly achieved the goal of really bright sparkling stream as if she were filled with honey. The child-President Vladimir Putin threw herself on him lips, and I greedily sucked the liquid.

"It's a thousand times better than the blood I spilled during my presidency!" In fact, I've been in power for twenty years-not like you for eight years and under the butt of your knee! — Said Vladimir Vladimirovich, with great effort breaking away from the drink.

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