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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Several figures on jet with rapaciously oskalenny muzzles, motorcycles at lightning speed flew between trees. Vladimir managed to notice their terrible boyekostyuma. They were not pleasant to it, somewhere he saw similar. Precisely! Contemplated quite recently, before explosion in the underground bunker. Means, in this world these star parasites govern. And he felt fear, the painful, persuasive, freezing from iskoloty heels to tips hair. Goblins with propellers did not frighten, it was the fantastic abstraction, and stelzana — people outside and demons inside — caused subconscious animal horror. Tigers tightly grew to a palm tree top, somehow there were no forces to force themselves to go down on a magnificent grass. He reminded the cat who is strongly frayed by dogs and saw a tiger. It is very difficult to cope with fear.

Chapter 9

Around treachery reigns,

That just shame and shame!

Such circumstance,

That deception became a norm!

Any planet of a star superimperiya has the control system. With common features of operation regardless of that, a colony it or the mother country. In everyone space systems there is the category of traitors, the morons who are obediently serving invaders. Certainly, there are such and on Earth native collaborators-politsai who are actively cooperating with the occupational mode. What remained from the states was liquidated at the very beginning of board of the greatest empire. Armies were completely disarmed, nuclear and any weapons of mass destruction are withdrawn. The system of the power was cleared and taken under total control. Despite this, public administration, though in strongly crippled look, partially remained. Over people of Earth still there were local officials, ministers, generals, clowns presidents, municipal police. In a type of intergalactic colonial restrictions, and also the special status of the planet Earth a role of self-government was notable, and control was partially exercised by means of general traitors.

The largest cone from them, the head of planetary municipal police and the president of Atlantic Ronald Daklinton. This semi-Indian semi-Black (Or still term of Sambo!) Fagirama Shama enjoyed a special favor, he had to play a key role the operations "Misinformation-3".

The thickish general in ceremonial an operetta look a uniform was extended to the front, trembling before the general of a Purple eye (so called occupational divisions) Gerlok. The severe look of its excellency from Stelzanat got expression of a cobra ready to a jump. Generalishko-kollaboratsionist coward shrank under the heavy drilling look.

Gerlok growled as a tiger moreover swung fists before a nose of the subordinated native:

— To you it is entrusted, urgently to bring together municipal police and to mobilize all people faithful us. It is necessary to show the planet cheerful and happy idyll. Our main enemies are insurgents, mean murderers who are hated by all conceiving population of the planet Earth. These are the killing bacilli infecting and harming happy life on your planet. — General-stelzan theatrically lowered a voice, having covered a mouth with a palm. Pure demonstration though the special anti-sound field surrounding an office of the satrap did, is absolutely not necessary.

— For the slightest information leakage punishment by death by means of extraordinary tortures follows. Your police officers became too choosy, all of them will report to the computer of colonial management. Though not all people are banded and are kept under control of the colonial computer, it is time to fasten urgently collars to one and all people of Earth, at least, in the main areas. For you total shadowing will be established.

The general Ronald slightly bowed, stirred disproportionately large stomach, besides he was afraid that it will be touched with a weighty poke.

— It will be executed, the great marshal, — the flatterer purposely overestimated the general's title. And shaking with fear, the puppet added.

— We will try to make everything as it is necessary to you and your nice empire, but people are people, they should pay by all means colonial dollars, people of Earth are forbidden to have your sacred kulamana.

— You receive everything that we will consider it necessary to give you. And you will be responsible for a failure at full scale. Nobody for any back will not hide, the instructions given you have to be immediately studied. Start performance of this task. All others will receive instructions of general purpose! — With the deafening roar the general Stelzanata cut off.

When the sliding door opened, "politsay" shy began to mince to an exit. His black, typically Papuan face involuntarily shivered. The fat threefold chin went a black oil wave. Without having kept. The general Gerlok from all scope cut a leg on the fat back of the head of planetary police. The blow was good that the black hog with wild squeal took off for a corridor, having flown by kind twenty meters. On the way huge hulk crashed into a gold statue of the soldier of Purple constellation. The statue was cast in traditional style: and ultramodern plazmamt medieval knightly armor, thrown up on a shoulder. Just holds apart from laughter! Doors automatically moved, having left the prostrate and whining Daklinton in brightly lit corridor where he was picked up by protection.

The soldier of Purple constellation constrained laughter and well smiled. He, as well as the majority of stelzan, did not love black and narrow-eyed. Of course, this toady will complain to Fagiram, and the governor, on the contrary, most of all trusts these creatures. At first sight, it is not logical, black and yellow-skinned people suffered the greatest loss from aggression of stelzan. Movable by animal hatred, Lira Velimara managed to dump the gene ZILKUL viruses especially dangerous to the southern people to Earth. Unlike bombs and gases, these viruses infected the planet for long centuries. Owing to their application two most prolific human races decreased to the sizes of the average European country. Stelzana did not struggle with viruses. First, the racial theory about superiority of white dominated also at them though, in general, because of bioengineering technologies all blood completely mixed up. And researches of genes showed absurdity and a bredovost of any theories about racial genetic superiority. Other idea was the fact that the European people have a bad reproduktivnost, and people of Earth will not be able to restore the number. But here gave miss — destruction of economy and a padaniye of cultural level led to birth rate growth. Especially prolific were most rebellious Slavic people. And Blacks were much more obediently and behaved more predictably. On the other hand, excessive obedience does operation of the planet by business excessively boring and routine. And small guerrilla sorties entertain fighters, brightening up monotony of occupational service.

— Fagiram will only laugh at this terrestrial primacy, — it is very amusing to beat him! — the gibbon in a uniform squealed, rattling the meta-blaster, the saber capable to burn out half of Europe. — Especially when received a leg under the back. What it grease if properly to evaporate it, then from fat it is possible to weld considerable amount of excellent soap, and it is possible to make magnificent gloves or bags of skin. Genuine human leather is very much highly appreciated in the black market of the empire of Purple constellation. Especially it is adored by women. If this pithecanthropus sdurit, he will be very glad to pull his skin on the lamp shade...

The general ran out on the platform. The couple of almost nude girls of servants was hit a neutron scourge on golenky, harmonous legs. Suntanned maiden skin was unstitched by a stream of microparticles, scarlet blood dripped, began to smell fake, unfortunate natives began to squeal and but instead of escaping, fell on knees and exclaimed:

— We at your service master!

In Gerlok's laughter there were the whole falls to poison, humiliating followed:

— And you take and hang... — And right there a roar of a wounded boar — I do not joke! Pulsarney of the whore, pulsarny!

The next humiliating torture, itself you put on to yourself a neck the wire, but operated by cybernetic elements loop. And a wire in this case not simple, but capable to think "creatively".

Brings up poor natives for a neck, forcing them to sag, jerking golenky legs. This lasso works sophisticated, will a little extinguish, and then when eyes jump out of orbits, and at girls languages fall out, slightly releases. And at the same time the loop sings:

— The moon, the moon, blossom flowers! There is not enough loop on a neck, for the dream embodiment!

The general Gerlok zealously claps, his anti-gravitational boots allow the satrap an inomiryanina at each step highly to come off a terrestrial surface. Stelzan strikes with the most ordinary elastic bludgeon biting blows in maiden heels. In the head the reminiscence of sale of a large party, svezhesodranny human skin, to the merchant from a type of sinkh rushes.

Usually similar affairs turned with mediation of space is criminal Perigey cartel. But in this case sinkh wanted to catch, a solid jackpot, having bought up at once big party of hair, bones and skin. Of course and it is more favorable to Gerlok, does not share with star mafia.

The transport destroyer covered with the strong camouflage field left the terrestrial atmosphere and moved to the broken shadow field of the asteroids drifting near constellation of the Alpha Centaur.

It was not pleasant to bandits... And here four brigantines led by a frigate go because of a black stream.

The criminal group, wants to settle scores. Starprobe vehicles as if the predatory fishes living at big depths the stellar light at the same time in this part space is almost not visible that increases similarity to underwater battle. The short barrels of radiators located practically from all directions — the notorious Hedgehog system.

The ten-star officer Vira Skolopendra, Gerloka flitting a wingless butterfly on the right, it was expressed:

— We dismissed mafia inomiryan the kindness! When heart fills mercy — the purse for some reason becomes empty!

The general was quiet, giperplazmomt povinuyas to the telepathic order of the owner, showed an iridescent picture of a fighting quest on the hologram. Generally the general assumed a similar quirk of space mafia.

The five of the ships is closer and closer... They are confident in forces and do not disappear any more, the frigate even throws out the rocket dispersing ultraplasma blots, then another.

Vira turning over in air, sparkling zhidkometallichesky boots, maliciously, but without sign of fear Gerloka asks:

— At once we will give up or let we will be brought down at first?

The general strictly it is also very sure ordered:

— To follow in advance defined course, to ignore the opponent as the nullified vacuum!

Stelzanka nervously giggled, stroked gently as if a favourite doggie, hanged in air giperplazmomt. The weapon moved with antennas and provereshchat:

— My fighting power makes the 30th megacurrent, a total charge! — And the technical monster, similar to a ten-barreled hybrid of abruptly fancy gun and Grad launcher, sang:

— There is a lot of enemies, but our chance — to finish abrupt! Main road to mow that is poor — the supermighty hand!

Gerlok moved with a finger and giperplazmomt itself dropped in to it in a hand. The general fired a bunch of harmless light in not the fighting mode. There was an image of naked females of several races executing erotic dance. Having once again fired having forced to fight among themselves diverse girls and declared with a type of the winner:

— And what they think that at me and really the anti-photon head?

Stelzan ran a hand over the scanner, peep was heard — the black vacuum within several million miles was suddenly painted in violet as shiner under an eye a shade. Starprobe vehicles of the enemy stiffened, were extended and a moment later all five ships at once disappeared. As if erased a shot in the movie. And violet color of vacuum turned pale, then was dissolved as if absorbed by the crude soil blackened. The scolopendra stridently gave a whistle, and puzzly began to blink:

— It as at you so turned out? — As it is masterly purely annihilated!

Gerlok from the ulybochky American businessman sealing to suckers unusable goods answered:

— A zone of a kollapsichesky ravine in space. They, chernodyrny mafiosi now in other point of the universe.

The ten-star officer still did not understand, twisted the head and squinted as if thus it is possible to expand the review. The voice of the brawny little girl shivered:

— How so? Why it is not on the celestial map?

Gerlok having lowered a voice before whisper, said:

— It is possible to close it, to open. When it is closed is invisible. — Having caught the subordinate's eye, the general hastily added. — Is not present to use as the weapon it is possible only in this place. Otherwise we would receive a way to neutralize, even zorg...

Memoirs were interrupted. Gerloka caused the grown hateful governor Fagiram again.

* * *

The powerful empire of stelzan has billions of space starprobe vehicles of the diverse types. From tiny, the sizes about a swallow, but capable to fly between stars, short-range pilotless intelligence agents to huge leaders superbattle ships, dimensions about a good asteroid. The type of arms is also extremely numerous. These are luchemeta of all models and the rocket of various designs, vakuanalizator, paralyzers, vikhrpolya, plazmoizluchatel, volsheblaster and many other things. As sometimes there can be sophisticated destructive an imagination inomiryan, the star give to number of killing opening. Incalculable types of arms are borrowed the conquered worlds, but it is a lot of also own opening. The army which conquered billions of planets shakes by a variety of the arsenal, but, nevertheless, it is absolutely powerless against the only starprobe vehicle of the Commonwealth of free galaxies.

However, logician of soldiers Stelzanat: There would be an occasion to kill, and a trunk always to be put on!

To star fleet of Purple constellation, incalculable numbering more than the ships, than grains of sand in the Sahara Desert it is necessary to reconcile to this sad fact. To cross boundless open spaces of boundless space, to fly from the end in the end over the giant empire, the ships of fleet of stelzan needed considerable time. For zorg this period was rather short — one hyper jump that makes less than a day, and hi to you, younger terrestrial brothers on reason. However, it was not difficult to be expected, stelzana tightened time to the maximum. Numerous checks and inquiries, dense bureaucracy, obviously far-fetched red tape and constant delays practically in each sector of the mega-empire. Everything with obvious intention to humiliate the empire of zorg.

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