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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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When she replaced away all thoughts and just laying was as if not a human being but a bunch of cells, their conglomerate, so suddenly formed community billion unicellular that all of a sudden decided to посуществовать together, to cleave to each other, the pain became much weaker as the brain, which was itself already a part of that conglomerate, it was not necessary to send the annoying pain signals from all parts of the crowd to someone, the one who was the owner and the master of this multi-billion community had something to ease his suffering. Because this someone, her soul, I couldn't stop it. And therefore, exclude, and his body continued to lie there, staring, unblinking, blankly at the wall.

So her soul was not so painful. But I still had to endure the pain, exist with it and put up with her presence. And if she was not so painful to think, then Veronica'd definitely look into the issue of how to reduce these aching veins, which are tied her soul to her body, how to break them and fly away from this crowd of pain.

The day was passing, clouds, which was close to the sky somewhere, without meaning. Somewhere in the West it has become clear, because shortly red, теребящие consciousness rays of the setting sun coloured the white wall of a room in pink tones.

Veronica was still so painful that she could not even ask someone who did not want her life continued: "what For?!"

Soon consciousness, натерпевшееся has taken a sufficient dose of suffering, left it, heeding her entreaties, and Veronica was in полуобморочное oblivion.

When she returned to consciousness, and her reverie was Veronica realized that and lay with open eyes that saw nothing all this time.

When he awoke, she once again immersed in the ocean of pain.

In the room someone walked in. She heard клацает castle. Sound hurt резанул in her ears.

It continues, as before is gone, lost, lying on the bed naked and naked, but she was painful to think that even there was no way ashamed of his срамного species. She couldn't move my not that arm or leg, even thought! Even the head to rotate the other way to see who came in the room was unbearably painful, and she lay there, listening to the conversation included, which cut the brain through her ears, like a saw.

These were two women, anyway voices were women. I heard they roam number, something обуждают among themselves.

-"Mommy" said here tidy up! — came to Veronica режужещее brain sound fluctuation. This was told by one of the included. Sound was from a distance, apparently, they were still in the hall of the room.

-A-a-a! 'd been something? — cut the brains Veronica another question.

On колящему consciousness sound of steps it was clear that the women entered the room.

Fu, as stinks! Who's crap?! — was indignant the first, again bringing Veronica its вскриком pain that was stronger, as discussed already somewhere near.

-And won! On the bed of lies, bitch! Обделалась for yourself! explained second, hitting her созаннию new sound wave.

Only now, when this was said, and she Veronica felt stink-sensations of smell too pressed brain pain — and realized it was the smell of her stool.

One of вошедхих rushed to the window. I heard she frantically tries to open it, and these sharp sounds stabbed brain Veronica like needles.

-Not! I didn't understand the humor! "screamed the one that pulled a transom window. "I'll suffocate! Why we need a bitch full of crap cleaning?!

Window opened. Veronica felt in the room bursts into the icy wind, burning her undisguised nothing body.

Every touch blows air, every impulse, which concerned the skin, caused Верониике such pain, as if her body has been erased with a knife.

"Hey, calm down! — урезонила возмущавшуюся second, again саданув ears Veronica close sound. It seemed to her that they speak so loud, as if fired from guns. -I'm telling you: "mommy" asked! Why are you not remember that you were, when you are devoted?!

"Well, if that is not obosralas ' definitely! — she answered somewhere away from the window.

-How do you know what she did?! said the second somewhere quite close, and Veronica deeper the voice. -You, mozha, not so ябли like her! Her, heard I, for three days flogged in a row! Look: пиздень all red, all the way from the blue! Turvy! As an ass of мортышки! It won sperm vomited! With litre probably! You can imagine how much her mouth наспускали?! Here, the whole "Space" was that it?!

The first is now also came closer and said the second of the ear Veronica so that she again nearly fainted from thundering sound:

-Yes, well, she charged! To be stunned! Mama do not cry!

Now they discussed somewhere over it, and Veronica their speech pecked on the head with a frequency of drumming, increasingly, by driving out of her life.

-Got telke! — agreed to the second.

-Well, I don't know! Something she "мамку, too, прогневила that it's here now! Me, I remember, cultural and отъебли three bull, and all! On the dedication and over! As this!.. This as a whole herd of bison fuck in all holes!

-Look! She's not asleep! — noticed first. -Turned away, in the wall looks! Overhears, eh!

In view of Veronica got a woman. Someone looking into her face, leaning over the body.

-Beautiful! — отрезюмировала first, she looked into her face. -Oh, how смазливенькая! Listen, friend, would be a man, there would probably have отъебла would again! And not looked like that обосранная all lies! I have already shorts помокрело!

A woman spoke directly above it, and Veronica seemed to her ear cry out from the horn, stunning fevered brain decibels:

"Hey, Yes I of this heifer was excited right all!

Someone even looked into the face Veronica, leaning over her body.

-Yeah! — extended a second.

-Che Yes-what?!

-With such мордашкой and with such delicate body will get her here on the not to play! — sympathetically've a second. -On расхват will!

-You count up, man, I was excited all! — not appeased the first screaming Veronica in the ear, is intentionally trying to give her plenty of pain. -No joke! With me don't remember when it was the last time! Huh?! So from a woman get Horny! Well, it is! In General!

Friend moved away from Veronica, and was not so painful to endure their conversation.

"Let her отмоем soon! Look, what a juicy, fleshy clitoris! As plum! And pulsates so tantalizingly! I'm used to it so sponges and she fell down!

"What's stopping you?! Извращенка! Take him, and suck!

-So shit W circle! Let her отмоем soon!

"Listen!" In the nature! — урезомла the first second. -There Didelot lying! Take помаструбируй! Stand down!

-I che your Didelot?! Me and vibrator cum't help! Let her отмоем quickly!

-Отмоем-отмоем! Not only to you трахала! — the second said. "You see, Baba unconscious lies! Hurt, probably her! Even with the eyes cannot move — looks at a single point! Here, mozha, have to call an ambulance, and you clitoris now suction! You fool!

-No, you know, ambulance "mommy" does not give cause! Girl, if something was wrong заподозоит, consumption puts forth! Here let alone make it!

We heard that the women began to clean the room. To the sounds of their voices now have increased delivering pain rustling, crunch and скрябание.

-Sorry, if you will die! "the first one. -Beautiful! I the beautiful, young girls Oh how I love! Alive remain — Chur my girlfriend! I her to take! Angelina line. Let him go to the other place!

-Yes it without your work will not проворот, calm down you! — objected to her second.

Women for some time silently removed, and Veronica seemed happy that on the brain she no longer writes fraction of their conversations.

"Okay, where are you Didelot is then seen?! Go драчну a bit! agreed first.

-Listen, caulk hole then you will! — was indignant the second. "Let's order to put things first! Grab her leg! I for another! Dragged me to the bathroom!

-And you know that when возбудишься, be sure to cum, huh?! — goes first. -Arousal orgasm without harm! I don't want my lips then, as plums inflate due to the fact that I was ignoring spike!

-Oh, грамотейка! Well, go, go! Only be quick!

-Yes, I was in five seconds! happily responded first.

Veronica felt like something taken out of bed, and a light shudder bed her body, all of her muscles, piercing the unbearable pain. She barely kept groan, who wanted to escape from her body, because moan was as painful as everything else.

From the bathroom five minutes heard some sobs and sighs.

-Manh! Help?! "I heard from there invitation voice first.

-Come on! "said Manya from the bed Veronica, hitting her on the brain wave of sound.

-Well, Man?! — called first.

-Took five seconds, and already five minutes in пезде its колупаешься! In a couple of fingers pls — helps! — she gave her good advice, Manya.

-Listen, I am free tips are not needed! We have now — the country of the Soviets. Would be better if that helped! — urged her first.

But Manya did not move from the spot. Veronica felt that she was standing next to her bed and looks at her.

Five minutes later he heard the approaching shuffling steps.

-Phew, force coped! — also has on the brain Veronika from a close call. -Well, you, man, bitch! No, to help a poor girl to complete the process!..

-When you girl was?! — laughed Henriette. "Two hundred years ago?!

-Okay, I'll remember! she first.

-Enough to show off! Finished?! Grab her leg and suffered in the bathroom! — ordered Manya, taking the bull by the horns.

Veronica felt her take, like a doll stuffed with cotton wool: from the pain she could not exert any muscle. They took her off the bed and for arms and legs suffered through the room to the bathroom.

Girl's head hung limply down, went back to the ground, a high forehead nearly touching the floor and labeling it pretty, iridescent hair blond hair. Its mouth opened under the weight of the head.

At each step of supporting her body, доставлявшем her pain, before the eyes of Veronica now swung upside down floor of the room, its walls, doors and шагавшие the face of stout legs in stockings a mesh.

-And пезду she really разворотили! — rang out from behind a sympathetic voice first. -I will have some compress make!

-Yes! -agreed Manya somewhere near, head over to Veronica. They were her stout legs, маячившие before the girl's face. -Went to the maid! Let thanks say that remained alive!

Stayed? Suddenly окочуриться? — doubted the first.

-Yes ought not to be! 's going to head off! — appraising said Manya.

Veronica put into the bath, наполненую warm water. She experienced some semblance of bliss. Body pain became much weaker.

Now she visible Manya and the other one, which has opened a window.

Veronica saw his body, legs bruised and purple bruises from tightly gripping their Bicycle her hips male fingers. Pubis, her womb was припушхим, inflamed, like налившимся blood excitement. Skin on it was blue. From under the crotch became blurred brown stain soluble in water excrement, which she испражнилась while lying alone in the room.

If it wasn't so painful to think, she'd be scared of its kind, it is possible that even cried in sorrow, but now it was all the same, only it wasn't so bad as before.

Women began to wash her, leading to her body sponges.

Manya looked into her eyes, trying to understand consciousness Veronica or no, and then she asked:

-Friend, do you, in General, in feelings?

Веронка't told her anything. She was very hurt not that tense muscles, even to hear the sounds, sense of smell, think.

Chapter 5.

Veronica seemed that it must have been already довольньно a lot of time since the taxi driver went for tickets. She could not move in a narrow aisle between the seats, lift and push from the hips to face the hand to watch on the wrist часиках time, but the feeling that today's departure from Moscow every minute more and more moves under the question mark, grew stronger. It seemed to her that the train was about to go.

In the cabin of the taxi was dark, damp and cold. From the rubber mats on which she lay, something unbearable stench. Body locked immobility in the narrow hallway, коченело from chilly dampness.

Finally, near the machine on the street were heard approaching хлюпающие wet snow steps shoes taxi driver.

-Listen, Chica! — the tone of communication Garik, climbing into cab, suddenly became quite different. -From this moment and on the week I'm your master! Understand?

Veronica was still down in the aisle between the seats, no answer taxi driver and trying to understand what is going on in her life.

Her except fear in the soul felt it loses in General any control over what's happening with it, and is very worried about her and the Scarecrow.

I realized I say?! — Garik lowered the arm, he felt the collar of her coat and, although the view was puny and dead, and raised it up by the scruff, like a kitten.

Veronica saw quite near, the reflections from the street, щетинистую cheek Armenian. In her face smell his rotten breath, and it all, scared, became helpless from the consciousness of his helplessness and obligations to obey someone else's will. The more disgusting was that it had now become submissive some армяшке that it is not even that cute, and now it is despicable and disgusting. She suddenly realized that once again sold out!

-You see, — Garik was led her cheeks some pieces of paper, continuing to hold the scruff of the neck, like a kitten. — I took us эСВэ!

Veronica couldn't understand. She tried to deal with what is happening in her soul, that tells her this arrogant Armenians, why he so conducts himself with it, why so unceremoniously suddenly started to treat it as though it were some шантрапой, not pretty, bright, brilliant young woman, worthy of admiration and worship!

Garik let go of her collar, and Veronica, as Kul potatoes, collapsed down onto the rubber polik between the seats.

-Lie here! again ordered her Garik. I'll go with the guys will get to the car we looked for a week! 'll take a week-long-sex-vacation! Love хохлушек! And you, in General, a beauty! I'll immediately spotted when the first time you drove, because remember! Didn't think you were me достанешься! And with whom are you was in that time?!

With a husband! Veronica was surprised that her voice засквозили хныкающие notes as-a teenager who surrendered to the adult.

With a husband! There was two. This is what style is your husband was?! Thin or fat?!


It's a solid guy! And the second one? Who's that was?!

So, the employee him?!

-A-a-a! Well, where is thy husband go?! — surprise asked Garik. — Divorced? Something quickly! Or he snapped at you?! Although it hardly would have thrown! Yeah, you eyes and the eyes need — you are very beautiful! Guys, probably stick to you! Aisle. Huh?! Хохлушки in General, is pretty all the women, as the selection. But you! You are a true beauty!

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