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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"Mama" climbed on the Nickel-plated ladder out of the pool. Waiting for her porters covered it big as Bathrobe towel. She sat down in a wicker chair, and took from the table a glass with some drink lightly took a SIP of her. then she put the back and looked at her, standing before her in confusion.

"Well?! Why the silence?!

Veronica tried to understand where the "mother" was headed. Until the beginning of the new orgies or even some stuff with his participation she had any second. And she knew it. But on the other hand, if something like that and started to prevent this Veronika was not able to.

-Okay! like spared her "Mama", Veronica felt after that shouting that nothing extraordinary to do further, at least in the near future. -Listen up! I see you shivering from the cold, like a leaf! Afraid of the new fuck?! A good thing to do! Its for you nobody cancelled!..

"Yes it still hurts!" I wanted to scream, Veronica, but I stopped myself in time suddenly remembered that this is the opposite may work as a detonator of a new execution.

-Now, I just want to talk to you! Come here! — "Mama" beckoned her finger closer to her плетеному chair. Veronica gave in. -You're in shorts?

-In shorts! — Veronica tensed.

-Take off! said, "Mama."

Veronica obeyed, feeling the pressure mounts.

-How do you feel now? asked, "Mama."

-Nothing, — well, what else she could answer?

-It is good for nothing! So stop! Let втерок bottom blows, the hair on кунке tickles... I'll redo it you, kick out of you stiffness and hypocrisy, stiffness and other vices, until you are happy you will not meet any man who goes to your bed. Understood?

-I understand! — Veronica replied, feeling a trick.

And I see not! — doubted "Mama". -I'm a dog on this matter ate and see how you inside now all wrapped up from my words... Oh, teach you need to learn!

-But I will not get used to this! "said Veronica against her will, she immediately regretted it, because after the words "Mama" took плетенного table, standing beside her chair lash with leather braided handle and a few short leather кнутцами, beam, squid tentacles, hogs hanging from it.

She put a tool to hem dress Veronica and lifted it so that you can see all the bosom of the girl and part of the fascination of her tummy.

Veronica nervous. It just all came back to normal, no longer hurt, they recovered and returned to its previous, a rare sight. She stood with stiff up the hem is neither alive nor dead, realizing that one wrong word, "soul" impulse or unnecessary shouting, although from the heart, but here's a completely useless, and its plunge into the abyss of orgies. Present here the men had stared at her charms with undisguised lust. She knew that as soon as the "mother" tells "FAS", it will tear, like wolves calf. She didn't want to repeat the experience.

"Shut up, you fool! — Veronica ordered to itself. "Shut up, if she does!"

-You husband cheated on? — suddenly asked, "Mama", continuing to consider its charms. She noticed that her whole потрясывает quiver and looked into her face. "That was the husband?!

-Was — Veronica replied, not knowing what to expect in the next second. She knew that at any moment, everything can turn against her, and after a call to follow the action.

"Mama", and dropped her skirt, and put lash back on the table, then surveying standing around the pool and asked:

-Do you know that they are mostly in excites you?

"No, " said Veronica.

-What are you afraid of! mom said, examining on the queue of their subordinates. Not your beauty it is possible to admire and enjoy, but it is not злачна! Your fear is what most effect on them! The more they see you quiver, the stronger are ready to rush at you as soon as I decide to do it! Understand?

-I understand! — Veronica nodded.

-And again I realized that come in yourself! said, "Mama." -I because you called rather for other! But if you will continue all tremble, I feel it is just a shame! Well then, hold on!

She погрозила her finger. Then, only gave her a look from top to bottom and asked:

"Do you want to sit down?

-What?! has not understood Veronica.

-Sit down, I say, do not you?! — she asked, "mom" for more than a threatening tone. She didn't like the girl concentrated on my fear, from which it was to learn to be released.

-I want! — admitted Veronica. She wanted to take a position lower, if it was really sit down to not hang around in front of "mother" in the same dress with no panties, when each moment could raise her skirt.

-Bring the lady chair! "Mama" someone in the side, and then turned to Veronica. -Undressed!

The tremor, which Veronica tried to overcome his own, has again increased.

-Two times I will not repeat myself! — "Mama" took a small Cup of coffee, which she handed porters. -Once you produce misunderstandings, and my patience has an end!

Veronica immediately dropped the dress and bra, it still remained, trying to stop trembling.

I just cold! "she said.

-Get in the pool! — asked her mother. -Поплавай! Get warm by!

Veronika not even slipped her, she ducked into the hot water, feeling passes shiver.

Nice hot water hugged her body and began to caress him. Veronica felt that upokaivaetsya. She slowly began to swim, not paying attention to men who looked at it from above. In the water she was comfortable, and, despite the fact that she was naked, felt safe, like a dress.

"Mama looked like she floats as a theatrical show, calmly and with interest, drinking coffee. Approached to it some visitors about something with her, talking into his ear. Veronica seemed that she floated like forever, only to be no longer стояшь in front of mom naked. Here she was much more comfortable.

-Well, the husband-what changed? asked "mom" from above.

Veronica shrugged, as though trying to recall whether there was anything as she asked.

-Yes, don't lie! — continued "mother" his tirade. -A beautiful woman it's hard to resist temptation! Yes and it is unlikely that you strain to do so! I just saw you guys stuck in batches, so do not even doubt that someone you once or twice a liking, and you're invited him to himself!

"Mama" silent watching Veronica. She seemed loved it. And Veronica decided to say anything more until she asked.

'I was thinking what to do with you! — continued its discussions "Mama", giving orders came from the restaurant to the messenger to the waiter. -You think that I am week you didn't bother just like that?!

Veronica continued to swim, raising his ears. She didn't know what to answer to this question.

-You have me, girl, all before the eyes! — continued "Mama", not waiting for an answer. -I read like an open book! If you like, I'll tell you who you are, or what you think? — "mother" had not waited for a reply, she seemed to read lectures or led some other professional monologue. -You маленькя provincial bitch! Note: I'm talking provincial not to offend you or to humiliate and to Express your essence. You really are a small provincial bitch. And you this Moscow and the gift is not necessary! You love their town, and more to you need. And again, you really love yourself! Do you think that your pussy... Understand me?!

-Yes! — Veronica nodded.

-Well, at least I'm not mistaken, this is good!.. Now, you think that you have it is the most raschudesnaya! Tell you a little secret: so says ninety-nine percent of women! But that's not all! Are you sure that all should treat you like a Queen, and, by the way, this probably has achieved a lot in their годочки. Do you think that this whole attached thy internally content, your rich inner world. Here I'll also reveal another little secret: your inner world, nobody needs! Everyone has his own inner world, and from thy them not to mark up...

Veronika all swimming, listening to every word "mother".

This time around that began some kind of vanity: they brought the second wicker chair, several waiters of the restaurant came with trays, capped white towels on top. Beside the chair of "mom", between the wicker chairs appeared Nickel-plated table, which began laying, putting dishes brought trays.

"You think you got here by accident, " she continued, "Mama", occasionally glancing, served as buffet, and gestures something adjusting. Prostitutes do you even for people not to think. Keep them for the women won't even third-class. And herself, on her own will never be a prostitute and did not. Yes you never even thought about that! At your discretion you had been very rude! In fact, they raped you! Moreover, it was Gangbang atrocities! You even in your mouth, probably никогла before, and had not taken...

Veronika, floating past the "mom", ears followed her every word, afraid to miss. She knew that this could be grim.

-But this was just the dedication, girl! A bit unusual! But... now, You're too unusual, isn't it?! — "Mama" again released her silence. -To me the girls they are asking themselves, and I don't take it! And you didn't ask! You're like a wild filly, which was caught in your native prairies! And that was under the rider myrrh, you first need to test! Clear?

-Yes, — Veronica barely nodded. She wanted to dive under water to nothing to hear and not see.

-Well, well! — continued "Mama". "I am not such a bloodthirsty, as you probably thought, but know I need to be afraid! You're afraid of me?

"Yes, " said Veronica.

-Well done! Love the honesty! — smiled, "Mama." -You know! When you realize that you are afraid this is nice! But when you talk about it!.. I am ecstatic! I don't know why, but I like to were afraid of me.

She took the hand of pot-bellied glass, and the waiter at the third filled it with wine from the bottle. "Mama" поболтала it and venerated nose to the edge of the glass.

Veronica suddenly saw myself as if from outside, from above. In a swimming pool floats bras she swims, beautifully spreading legs to the sides and back. It попочка looks from above, like a delicious peach. And she пчему the presented itself frog. Not a frog, as an animal, but just some girl-frog that lives in the warm pool.

"That's enough out there! Расплавалась! — окрикнула her "Mama". -Вылазь, come on! You will be with me Breakfast?"

Chapter 9.

Veronica with disgust about the experience cleaned her teeth in the toilet of the car. She did it once, then a second. But the feeling that her mouth turned into a nasty garbage can was not. Such it has never been done before.

She knew, of course, that oral sex exists, but believed that this exercise is deserving only of prostitutes and whores. Especially with нерусем!

However, sometimes she wanted to try, but only not with a stranger. But it even in the mind could not allow that one day her mouth the vile member shove a "chock".

-PAH — Veronika сплюнула from the memories of the experience.

It was almost puked. Inside, in the stomach of a sperm was Armenian, and that thought was dizzy: "How filthy. Why is this happening to me?!"

She went back to brushing your teeth, the third time, wondering what to do with swallowed. It should not have to stay there more.

Someone tugged at the door knob on the other hand, and pushed open the door. Making sure that the toilet is busy, there was a knock on the door outside.

Veronica asked cautiously. Heart thudded. She somehow thought it said. She listened behind the door quietly.

Suddenly, a knock was repeated, this time she heard a voice:

-Release the toilet! Border! Passport control! Toilet is closed! — it was the conductor.

Veronica opened the door and looked out.

The lavatories stood conductor.

"Come on, girl! Bryansk! I close my toilet on the passport control! "she is already in a calm tone.

-A passport control?! "said Veronica.

— "Hello! in turn surprised conductor, slightly bent, as if in a dance PA. — Where are you from, Queen, with the moon fell?!

In her voice there was irony.

-And what? could not understand the girl.

As what?! — conductor began to lose patience, took her hand, and began to pull out of the toilet. — Toilet me I have to close! Now border guards come!

-What are the border guards? has not understood Veronica.

-First Russian! explained conductor, graciously deigned to ignorance passenger. — And in Konotop — Ukrainian! Darling, Yes you are, in fact, what news do not look, do not read Newspapers?! "said the conductor.

-No! Once I was lately! — Veronica feel guilty профанкой.

-Well, you give, Princess! So the Union-it is not! Now, instead of Union — СээНГэ — Commonwealth of Independent States. Ukraine was separated, in General. However, it is not...

Veronica watched him frightened of surprise. Conductor closed the toilet and looked at her confused, stupid expression.

-Ah, C'mon! And Moscow goes! As with the villages. Not in vain: Moscow is a big village! So there! — conductor протолкнулась, pushed past stunned Veronica went fact briskly along the corridor, swaying from side to side in tact покачиваниям car, and cried to her, not turning around. — Go into the coupe, ready passport for verification! After a month, they say, still and customs enter! Then шмонать will!

In Bryansk — Veronica realized that it Bryansk only because said the conductor — in the coupe barged evil, wet from walking on the street the rain a border guard. With cloak-tent he poured buckets on the road, thick carpet, which was covered floor two-seater coupe.

He asked for a passport. First checked passport Veronica long looking up in her face and чтоз something studying in it and in the document, then began Garik.

Passport Garik border guard something not liked and he said to him:

-Just come along with me! Things while you can leave! The two of you like to eat?! he said Veronica and Garik.

-No! No! — in one voice they replied.

Garik disappeared behind a border guard. Coupe door closed. Воцариласьь silence, which was heard in the neighbouring coupe voices погранцов are checking documents.

If it was removed! with a hope for a miracle prayed Veronica.

However, Garik soon returned. He said nothing, just sat in front of Veronica at the table and stared насупленно in the window.

Outside the window was visible asphalt platform, illuminated by the bright lights on posts. There was some movement. Passed the border guards with dogs, сноввали railway workers with hammers and lanterns, stood under umbrellas are some passengers, who were led out of the car. Then them somewhere away. Some came back and sat back on the train.

Suddenly, very close to the window coupe Veronica saw said. He walked with a border guard. We could hear how he explains to him in broken Russian. Behind him, the border guards led several men who were with him in the train.

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