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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Misinformation an imer Konoradson transferred all provocations and attempts of humiliation, stoically showing tranquility of the Spartan (In Ancient Sparta it was accepted to smile during flogging!). When strangers, absolutely still wild children play pranks, not to the person to the aksakal to fly into a rage. Bernard Pangor strongly was nervous and openly showed discontent with imperial bureaucracy. The thunderous voice similar to jingle of metalcutting, young zorg reprimanded, seeking to dump the emotions.

— This impudent mockery at clever persons and common sense. What they want to show themselves. The nation which ten thousand more cycles loosened the earth with mattocks back, thinks itself masters of the Universe!

The senior senator behaved always expressly quietly. Its deep voice was as an ocean surf:

— It is quite clear, my young friend. Someone wants to tower, humiliating others, and also showing that it detained the general inspector. The small dog of bark on a dinosaur feels as a tiger. A problem of others, I believe, to hold us as long as possible to hide all traces of the mean crimes against reason. Logic quite characteristic of bisexual beings.

Already familiar strawberry hamster tonenko peeped: "Does not love a sylph, the Sylph wants peace".

Having extended an extremity and, having carefully stroked the reasonable pet is limited, Bernard already slightly asked more quietly:

— It is strange why marasmus and a cult of a brute force is so strongly widespread in their environment? Not only to stelzana, but also the aspiration to aggression, to capture and wars is peculiar to other bipolar beings. The same arthropods of a sinkha, it is not much better than the chordate colleagues. We, three-hollow, have no such cruelty.

Konoradson looked at thirty two measured projection of a hypervisor. There was a broadcast of news of two and a half thousand places at once. Despite imposing of information streams, thanks to fractional measurements of the image did not mix up and, they could be perceived as separately, and all at once. The senior senator, having thrown the beautiful candy which is looking like a Christmas-tree decoration to a small animal, answered:

— At them other structure and absolutely nonidentical course of evolution which differs from our development more, than vacuum from printseps-plasma. The two-cavity left a mark on behavior and on natural selection. To take, for example, the relations of a male and a female. Initially the male could rape easily a female, and the this animal was stronger and more aggressive, the more chances at him were to reproduce similar. It conducted to the fact that in posterity the most aggressive and cruel genes got the best, so evolution went a militaristic way. Force, impudence, aggression increased from generation to generation. Stelzana by means of council, and then and the superministries of eugenics put this process on a scientific and industrial basis. And bisexual primacies too quickly propagate, at rather short life. It also reduces the value of life of each certain individual.

While an animal of a fantastic life form battled against the inflating, porous, luscious candy, Bernard having reclicked the program of a hypervisor, probably he was busy with search.

— But unless stelzana did not manage to achieve success in extension of life? They are not so zheltorota. — Spoke in a bass a contrabass zorg.

Konoradson shot from similarity magnificent, a fountain pen at a butterfly, sparkling color crystals shestikryly with the little crocodile head. From the six-sided golden, covered with pebbles edge, the droplet which on the fly changed forms and was poured by iridescent shades took off. The figure as if Kapitoshka from the children's animated film, sang: "eat me, a dish I for you!". The crocodile butterfly murlyknut in reply: "firm relish hi". The voice of the senior zorg became, is sharper:

— It seems primacies was successful dream, they could decipher the aging mechanism, also at them it turned out to reprogram genetic structure. But at the same time they sharply accelerated growth of the fighting soldiers who are grown up in incubators. Stamping of the population goes more and more in high gear and a large number of live machines of death appears. These soldiers because of accelerators grow so quickly that they have no childhood. Actually it is not reasonable individuals. Stelzana went by the anti-evolution directed by mad reason. Progress does them even worse, force increases rage, generating additional sufferings.

Bernard looked narrowly at an exhibition of military equipment of Gold constellation — the empire Sinkhov. The tank walking in the form of a scorpion with three barrels stings and a triangular attack plane, showed, the maneuverability... Not that! There are some caterpillars, swinging bludgeons, storm fortress. They are met by robots by dense volleys from radiators. Mokhnatenky beings blow up, bursting as ripe tomatoes. Here exact hit carries also a dinosaur. Bernard boomingly growls from indignation, again switches and razrazheno says:

— And why we managed to avoid a similar lawlessness?

Crocodile to a butterfly bites off pieces from multi-color "Kapitoshka". That after each sting takes other form and peeps: "even if teeth drop out, let appetite, but to bank of honey with chocolate will disappear, nobody to us will forbid to eat". The senior Zorg answers:

— We had everything in a different way. First, all three floors were approximately equal on force. And one individual could not force others to sexual intercourse, even exclusively brute force. Yes, even if two agreed to rape the third, and in this case it was impossible to conceive the child without intelligent harmony. There cannot be at us children, contrary to our volition, or desire at least of one of a Trinity. It was necessary to agree, think, think logically. To prove advantages of this union at the genetic level, for the sake of the benefit of future generations. — While Konoradson told one more being, a small lizard with a trunk of banana and decorated with three rows of petals of a scarlet tulip, was stuck into a magnificent sapozhek of a zorg. The footwear left three zhidkometallichesky extremities, they tenderly stroked an animal, on a mordasha and petals. The senior senator continued to utter. — We always lived very long, and children at us appeared and grew extremely slowly. Considerable life expectancy allowed to accumulate more knowledge, experience and logic. Small birth rate gave less reason for wars or an unnatural cannibalism. We learned to respect and understand life, recognizing its infinite value for each conceiving individual. On this strong base: kindness and justice was based, and our morals will be eternally based on it. Force without good, lifts a civilization as hung up a loop!

Chapter 10

Space everything shivers and flares —

In battles wild there is no respite!

The assembly of monsters attacks and shoots,

You without restraint scorch to enemies in reply!

Two hyper marshals Gengir Volk and Kramar Razorvirov were furiously cut, using heptahedral ultrastable hyper plasma poles — the educational weapon, in a fraction of a second can become fighting. The movements both one thousand bicentennial "grandfathers" were prompt, sparks poured rough falls. Mirror walls a sparring hall repeatedly reflected movements of hyper marshals. The giants bared on a belt poigryvat the large muscles rolling as tsunami waves, under light-chocolate skin. They were titans from whom aggression waves, and lightnings of categories as if from tridents of furious God of the seas Poseidon proceeded.

— You lost, Gengir, you passed nine blows, and itself put only six! — Poe-boyish hazardously and loudly exclaimed Kramar.

Enormous tow-haired Gengir with laughter answered:

— Not, I you desintegrated it, my laser concerned you the first. In real fight you would be already dead.

Kramar indulgently grinned:

— It would be only the burn. — Stelzan jumped, having several times overwound in a somersault back to front, having on the fly spoken in a bass. — The best way of a stop of an old age continuous movement of a body and boiling of thought! Perhaps still we will warm up, I suggest to arrange a sparring with holograms.

— No! — Gengir resolutely waved the head. Also struck a leg a piece of ice. Crystal splinters, were scattered by crystal — I prefer live targets!

— And I too! — The hyper marshal exclaimed (several million fighting starprobe vehicles with billions of soldiers in submission!) Razorvirov.

Gengir roaring as pack of tigers a voice, read an impromptu:

Anything there is no world more boringly;

Where rest and grace reigns!

To what tranquility postylo,

Better to give the life in fights!

Kramar Razorvirov having got an eight-barreled volsheblaster, having thrown it the left hand, added:

— On pieces of reptiles to break off!

— Yet war, the best impressions did not begin we will be able to receive only in dirty sector. — Noticed, having slightly moderated a dance Gengir Volk.

Weapon: in the blaster the special chip giving the chance to talk is built in, sang in confirmation of his words.

— Only the fear grants us friends! Only pain induces to work. Therefore I want more and stronger, to be discharged by hyper plasma in crowd!

Kramar stroked the blaster:

— Thoughts, remarkable at you. Without otbitiya of others ugly face, you do not otjt own!

Gengir Volk, showing canines, confirmed:

— If I only could, I all inogalakt would destroy. Rendered to the Universe service!

— Also left us without slaves and entertainments! — Kramar negatively shook the head. — The donkey is beaten always, but killed only when he ceases to bring benefit! Courageous kills the enemy, the coward — the slave!

— The Universe is big also process of annihilation of defective is eternal! Just about big war will begin. — Gengir pensively rolled up chilling eyes.

— Let's gambol better now! — Kramar sparkled the natural, but casting metal teeth.

Two bosom friends ran out from the hall and sat down in the strengthened aero glider. Executed in the form of the cyclic tank, the car could make intra galactic flights. The giant starprobe vehicle remained behind. From a distance the multimillion squadron of Purple constellation reminded a scattering of polysyllabic geometrically correct mosaic. Separate starprobe vehicles were allocated, extremely terrible look, and the asteroid sizes.

Here dirty sector between two planets Gyurz and Fortka. Everywhere fancy garlands numerous lush institutions hanged. They soared directly in vacuum, one of them strongly similar to a huge squid, from time to time threw up from itself holograms — in them representatives of inogalaktichesky races and life forms made blameworthy gestures.

— A brothel, a casino, a disco — everything that is necessary for two old veterans! — with youthful passion Gengir Volk said.

— Let's have fun, we will twist space in a horn! — Kramar Razorvirov added, swinging luchemety.

Stelzana put an aero glider on the protected army parking and, having included antigrava, rushed on an air passage. Their latest boyekostyuma which just arrived on arms could gather sublight speed, and at hit easily maintained an atomic bomb, annihilation bullets, the majority of types of the laser. In flight Gengir Volk wrote out the most difficult pirouettes. Passion seized it, in this place often there were unauthorized murders. Directly towards to it the hippopotamus with eight ears and a crocodile tail flew. Gengir rammed it, having impudently brought down a force field. From a powerful poke the alien fell head over heels, from all scope having squandered a giant billboard. From blow bright flash followed, and on the place of falling cracks dispersed. The part of the advertizing screen went out. Small as if centipedes, robots ran out on a surface, hasty repairing the screen, brushing away the scattered remains of an unlucky hippopotamus.

Gengir burst out laughing. Having picked up relay, Kramar Razorvirov made a loop and from all scope crashed into similarity of a big bear with four snake heads. From a crushing blow the reasonable animal flew away on hundred meters, having brought down two more representatives of inogalaktichesky fauna. One of them consisted of radioactive elements, the blow caused chain reaction. Several seconds later small explosion, superbright flash followed, then the wave walked, having scattered several hundreds of flying motorcycles and inogalakt soaring on antigrava.

— Yes you are just a sniper! — winked Kramara Gengir Volk.

Razorvirov rigidly beat off the fragment flying to his party and answered:

— It is time to be taken up, now the police will fly here. And still that worst of all, the division "Love and life" can appear suddenly.

Though barbarous murder of inogalakt to two hyper marshals, of course, will escape punishment, but why to waste time for an explanation with Department of love, terrible intelligence agency of Purple constellation.

Having developed, stelzana jerked in a fancy labyrinth with a set of the courses and corridors. On the way Gengir Volk could not refuse in pleasure to hit to himself on the fly couple of suckers humanoids. It was pleasant to it to look at the scattering pieces of meat and a stream of blood which, rolling down biserinka, soared in vacuum. Having passed assembly of elaborate constructions, stelzana reached quickly the building squid. Width of a construction was kind twenty miles. Each entrance had mighty security guards covered with the weapon. However, Gengir and Kramar only contemptuously grinned. "Pugalka" of inogalakt are terrible only in appearance, actually, their arms became outdated. These models are powerless against modern boyekostyum. Having exposed the weapon, massive as elephants, guards squeaked by mouse voices:

— An entrance fee — hundred kulaman.

Hyper marshals exchanged glances.

— In my opinion to pay us — in vacuum dimly... — Gengir yawned.

Kramar indulgently nodded:

— It is a lot of honor — evil messages! Weak pays in gold, strong pays off with steel damask steel!


* * *

At so high-ranking stelzan near at hand strong fighting arsenal. They even should not snatch out the weapon, it is enough to give brushes fighting situation as it jumps out almost with velocity of light. A moment of an eye — and protection is paralyzed. Then by means of cyberprograms of a stelzana easily broke the door covered with a force field and illegally got into an underground institution. Jog along corridors, wide with a twisting ornament, was cheerful.

Two bosom friends followed further and further. Soon they got in giant width to a good mile the hall. Here at the same time ate, saw, played. What here you will tell, various life forms, at others a mouth of cachalots, and ears as mainmast sails. Was also stelzan much. Representatives of rod race were the most impudent, inconsiderately trampled on any decency. Kramar Razorvirov a leer examined game little tables.

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