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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Well, well! They пыжаться, portray themselves as believers, Orthodox. He, incidentally, brainy guy could go far, but to join the party did not, when offered, and the cause is not explained, of course, afraid... do You even know that a little earlier, for the commitment to religion shot at us in the country?

-Well, Yes, " she Veronica.

-Well, — she continued, "Mama", — he suffered, in General, in life for the idea. And when I with them I read passages from the Bible, the couple begins to my ears and shout that in the Bible написанол can not be. "It is, they say, is not the Bible, and some pornography!" I just tell them to take and read for yourself, with your own eyes!" Not to take! They say: "you got the Bible's wrong." And this book I have on the shelf picked up! So the Bible is such a book! In it everyone sees what he wants!

"Mom," beckoned standing not far "жеманного" waiter. He bent over her, and she whispered something in his ear.

Veronica before relaxed in a comfortable chair under a towel, накинутым naked body wet even after the pool, tensed slightly, pricked up his ears: "mom" at any moment could anything "отчебучить" and conversation on religious themes easily in the next moment could turn into something obscene in terms of morality.

-Now it can be! — explained the "mother" of their whispering Veronica turned to her and noticed that the girl was a little bit worried. -I warned you! — погрозила it to her finger, that you was cool and calm, like a boa constrictor.

She was silent for a while, as though trying to recall what she said and continued:

-But there is one very important feature that I like in Christianity. Rather two. Would like to know what?

-Yes! — Veronica nodded. Really curious to hear "mother", which showed unexpectedly deep intelligence, it was a little scary at times, as the beast with the knowledge that you and so intelligently on the surface of life which was seen only a hat the size of a pinhead, can be simultaneously so smart, such enlightened, such эрудироанной, such greedy, so dirty and such cruel.

First, is "mother" made in the air a spectacular gesture. is that Christ is always portrayed naked! Yes, he covered for decency in intimate places the image of fabrics, but it is in such a remote from his body position, as if in a slant that you understand that this is only a measure of decency. After all, executed on the cross them naked to them then less clean. There's nothing to say, but when a person dies with him of all that was inside, in his кишечниве and bladder, comes under the influence of gravity. Muscles don't work, сфинкстеры, rings of muscle tissue, which are as cranes, relax that the urethra, rectum. Therefore, in theory, on the cross of Christ should be pictured without service, by the way, the gospel is the moment where his clothes divided between the guards, the keepers of the crosses. But since he, and there is covered by the loins tunic, suggests itself analogy in the image of Christ naked and in other cases. And this is a sign that Christianity works even with a human body in the image of the Savior shown naked, and deeper, so that the inside, with a soul...

Veronica wanted to ask her, "Why do you tell me all this talking about?!" She questioned " " mother's" expression on высокпарные crown, but she decided to remain silent. This was still better than a grasp of the basics of the profession in kind, though she had no doubt that she will. But it was unclear why "mom" got in religion. Here it was totally unreasonable!

-...And the second, " she continued, "mother," is Mary Magdalene. She was a prostitute. Do you even know who I'm talking about?!

-Well, Yes! something tried to remember Veronica

She was the nearest helper Christ, by the way! Yes, she расскаялась by the Bible. But she repent, if she was committing adultery is not the прихоте their desired. I think there's a deeper, incomprehensible sense. The fact is that, by and large, life is forcing to prostitute women, many of whom are not inclined to полигамным relations. There are married, and that one little guy. But occurs and Vice versa! Yes, even you, Lada! Now, you're полигамная bitch! Men love! Well, not однолюбка, that's for sure! And let you put in the machine, so you брыкаешься all, how touchy!

Veronika, oblivious, she wanted to argue, but "Mama raised her index finger up:

-Let me say, I love to hear you out!.. And in the image of Mary Magdalene, most likely, expressed hidden suffering woman who against their will should take a man to survive. Here there is another sense! If Christ is the Supreme symbol of human сущестования, depicting his chakra, located above the head of the human being, that Mary Magdalene is the lowest sense сущствования human body, which represents the chakra pleasure, pleasure, procreation, located in основнии spine. Here is the alpha and the omega, speaks of Christ, the beginning and the end of the path. Such a living symbol, consisting of living симовла unity and contradiction, like it or not, is no longer in any religion.

There was a group of waiters with trays.

Soon the "mother" invited her to a meal lifted and stretched her hand with big-bellied wine glasses, one-third of beautiful red wine.

-Certainly, I do not pretend to deny it, she continued, with some dignity, plying his knife and fork on the plate, in Christianity there is a way of Holiness and purity. It's the Holy virgin, but our profession is not true, but because I cultivate in Christianity only what is close to me. By the way, here is another image of unity and contrast. Mary Magdalene and Mary. You know, understand only the images and symbols of life is not enough...

-Why are you telling me this, — I could not resist again from unnecessary question SIP of wine and feeling some greater degree of freedom and рскрепощенности, Veronica.

-I?! — "Mama" even stopped to chew, staring at the girl. -I'll slowly do prostitute-class!

-But is it all it's necessary to know a prostitute? "said Veronica.

"Mama" again stopped eating and looked at her, as if focusing on the fact that it begins to go beyond the prescribed her behavior, because they are not friends, cute talking on a picnic, and the present status has not been canceled, but then continued, as if he put another notch minus student behavior, which should be corrected:

-Ordinary — no! But, where will you be — Yes! You know, you're not going ordinary as a call girl! You'll be a priestess of love, which is my Church Eros. Even in ancient times were the vestal virgin, who served in the temple. They took the men also took as their street girls. But to the street were commoners, and to весталкам to know. And differed one from the second also, as heaven is from earth. And if you think I am wasting you time, I can make you a number of ordinary girl, although today!

-No, no! — scared Veronica such a prospect.

"Then don't anger me! warned of "mother". "I'm not laughing, but I think your punctures! It already has three! I will stand up to ten! But when this happens, I simply'll throw you in the trash ordinary life of a prostitute! Back there's no way!

Veronica thought. "Mama" joked, and she realized that this sauna, ti sumptuous breakfasts and conversations on the abstract, it would seem topics, not just a whim, and indeed the process of learning is one of the most difficult subjects — the skill of prostitution. And yet she understood how insidious this woman, that all those seemingly bullying, she had to carry and transfer, were just the price to pay for the entrance ticket to the elite, in which the "mother" was going to devote her, and their questions and remarks she just sawing the branch on which sat above the foul-smelling muck usual routine of prostitutes.

Ten надпилов and females breaks and it falls in this fetid puddle! She made three!

Veronika all being felt "mother" does not lie with her, and plays that she really coolly considers its faults, and when there are ten of them, calmly and coolly faced her with a trail leading, let not fabulous and beautiful. But вссе small Palace some welfare — better fate of all possible in her position.

Ve is in her mind Veronica, and she once again promised myself to never ask "mom" no questions asked, not sarcastic, and, in General, be below the water, quieter grass. And if следующуб minute she will get cancer or forced to do миньет, treat it the same as in the school belonged to the fact that ended the lesson of literature or history and began the lesson of physics or chemistry — no!

In fact, it already succeeded in the knowledge of some of the foundations of a new existence. Now she simply and naturally worked in the presence of men as if they were not, coolly mouth engulfed by a male member, placing his feet and took a man in the back and in the front is like washing the dishes or doing something simple chore. She would have never before повеила anyone if she was told that she would be such that it will simply be оключать shame, disgust, embarrassment!..

Until Veronica became absorbed in her own thoughts, "mother continued to speak, and she regretted that she attended:

-Conclusions...you can do a lot. Well , now you, what mind first go? asked, "Mama" , and Veronica have that thought, changing the face grimaces, khots had no idea what she asks.

Well. you, " "Mama" not заметива puncture Veronica, I would be the first thing concluded that from a good prostitutes in subsequent turns good wife: husband does not change, — why do that to her. Incidentally, the term "walked a lot" akin to this. But нагулалась is not the fact that continue to walk will not suddenly met a suitable size and temperament. And a prostitute, she наработалась, she no longer necessary and the gift. So I have good girls, not a cheapo, of course, the opposite. In the other direction to go, and good, go very well married! My girls are the best wife. And they take pleasure to men with money, position, at the age of. You know why? Because many of them had already divorced more than once, children raised up, and I want семйного happiness, including in bed. My clients, who use my girls are so accustomed to the highest sample in bed that their already nobody and are not satisfied. And they take my girls to be his wife! They them I have and buy! And that, they know that for such a wife as for ккаменной wall: a loving husband in bed — true courtesan, children, usually no, betrayals, and so, with racket and a whole bunch of every deadly stuff, which you can run with an average woman, took off the issue! So, in this book, Lada, I find joy and peace. By the way, you know, is different than the Talmud, the old Testament and the Quran?

-I don't know, Veronica shook her head.

-You should know that, because you have different clients: atheists, Orthodox, Catholics, Jews, Muslims. With all you should get along and find a common language. You're the believer? asked, "Mama"

"Yeah, крешеная, — Veronica nodded.

-Well, it is now fashionable! — agreed mother. -So how do they differ?

Veronica was silent, because I already gave the answer, and "mother" seems to mention this:

-Nothing! In описателной part — nothing! In fact, it is one and the same book, the same God, the same way of occurrence and development of mankind, only created in different confessions. Well, Oh well! All these books you will read it, but my advice to you for the future — all it seems an atheist, not a believer! It's easier! No problem!

Veronica wanted to ask: "But what about the cross?!" — and only then remembered that she was not wearing his already many years. She doesn't know when she had put it on your neck for the last time.

Gradually, the conversation Breakfast came at the end, and with it the theory. "Mama" called the Chapter of Genesis, that tomorrow Veronica will ask. She leafed through the Bible and laid down the page to be read.

Well, today lessons finished! summed up, "Mama", then waved the towel and beckoned to Veronica. "Well, now, pussy Lada, give mother a few minutes of joy!

Veronica without delay stood up, took off her towel and pressed her for a hot woman's body.

Chapter 13.

Veronica walked away from the Central city market, feeling on the patio pocket weight from waste paper, on which she exchanged a hundred dollars.

-These карбованцы, perhaps, ten kilogram pull! — думула it. -Yes! Heavy ридненька currency! And if I swapped its three thousand?! Me that filled up like a bunch of these colorful wrappers?!

The girl inquired. She left the bag in the room Garik. Or rather did not leave. He's already in the Elevator caught up with her and took the bag:

-Will be an occasion to return! he said, pulling the bag from her shoulder. -I understand that it doesn't bother! What is there?! A bunch of cosmetics and all kinds of stuff, but... Will be an extra reason to go back!

I knew he had, as the road to it is the bag! Maybe if it did not occur to her to take, then it really would disappear from him, disappeared in the city! Yes, Garik some scent!

"And suddenly it starts to rummage through the bag?! "she thought. — Found under подкладом, though dense, but still, something strange, crispy under strong pressure?!"

Veronica became uneasy, and began to convince myself that this will not happen: "In the end, I hid the notes are not directly under the Atlas padding, and under a layer of a dense paper and foam that were under it!" she understood that now safer place than Garik Suite for her bags no: bring on the market when around happening not the news that was even more dangerous. Veronica remembered the scene with the retreating over the crowd dollars, warning Sashko that everywhere they pickpockets,and decided that it is even good that Garik took away from her bag.

She briskly walked back along the waterfront without the river towards the hotel. The city woke up, there were cars on the road, везед were visible people.

At the front администраторши Veronica opened her old, as she seemed to light overcoat and took out of his pocket hefty stack, the size of bricks, перетянутую rubber band.

-Changed? asked Veronica duty, whether in surprise, whether with relief that her pay, then rummaged in his journal. So, here's your receipt! Two million three hundred thousand karbovanets! "she Veronica.

"Well, now, " thought she, " if the Bank changed — just enough!"

Veronica separated at random half a pack of karbovanets, pulled them out of the pack and filed администраторше. One мусоля fingers, carefully began to consider the bill.

-Another two hundred and fifty missing! she concluded and turned her eyes toward the girl.

She added a small stack of karbovanets.

After calculating Veronica sat down in the lobby on the modernistic chair, and, lounging in it now felt like she tired mentally. "Now would be a lie down! Sleep! — размечталась girl. — Bath would take!"

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