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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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A raspy voice whispers in my ear, soothing me.

"Don't worry, I got you. It's okay."

Big, soft eyes stare at me with concern.


And the world goes black.

Gotcha B.


I'm never drinking again. It's all because of Faith. Damn her and her stupid drinking competitions. I am a tiny blonde, for God's sake! Of course I'm a lightweight. But no, she just had to...

Wait a minute...

I'm not in my room. And it's not Faith's room either. Oh God, just how much exactly did I drink?

I get up abruptly and immediately regret it. Apparently my head doesn't want me to get up, because now it's bringing me a lot of pain as a protest.

I fall back on pillows and inhale. A familiar scent fills my lungs. Something spicy and fresh. A little on the flowery side. Faith? No, that's not her. There's no danger that makes her smell so deliciously sexy. And that flowery scent? So not her. But it still smells nice, would be really good on her. I think I'm going to do a little shopping with Faith when I get back.

Get back...

Oh shit!

I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom, ignoring the pounding in my head. Yep. I'm still the 17-year-old version of Buffy. That means it wasn't just a nightmare, and I really did beat up a demon and then pass out.

It's great and all, but none of it answers my main question. Where the fuck am I?

"Hey, you're awake. I thought you'd be passed out for a week or so. You sure are strong for such a little thing."

Why does everybody have to point out my height?

I turn at the sound of a voice. Here she is: a smirk, crossed arms and confidence. But there's no leather. Actually, there's no pants whatsoever. She's wearing a skirt!

Talk about dreams coming true. I always wanted to see Faith in a dress. Well, I saw her once, but I was too wrapped up in my own world to notice anything besides me and Angel.

You were such an ass back then.

Not gonna argue about that. I have more important problems right now, though. For example, Faith's doppelganger, who's looking at me with an amused expression on her face.

"Hey. You're the one who brought me here?" I ask, looking back at her.

She smiles. "Um, yes. You were just... First you're full of fury, and then you were out like a light. I was so scared, but you were hurt, so I toughened up and carried you to my house. I hope I haven't done anything wrong?"

I chuckle. "Well, I guess it wouldn't have been better if you just left me there, so yeah, you did the right thing."

She grins. Cue the adorable dimples.


Whatever. I love dimples and I've always admired them on people, regardless of their sex. Probably because I don't have them. The girl's grin grows wider. I guess she likes me. In a totally friendly, non-sexy way. I smile. Time to turn on Buffy charm.

"So, I spent the night at your house, but I don't know your name."

"Oh, right. I'm Danielle. And you are..." She looks at me expectantly.

"Buffy. I'm Buffy."

She gets that look on her face when she doesn't believe me. Most people think this is a look of unwilling submission, but Faith uses it to show her confusion. I just met her, and I already know all of her facial expressions. That's kind of freaky.

"Buffy? Really?"

"Yes, really. Why are you people always picking on me? " I roll my eyes and pout a little.

Are you flirting with her?!


She just lets out a little laugh.

"No, it's just... Okay, shutting up now. You saved my life, after all."

"Yeah, about that... I kind of..."

"Adrenaline rush. It happens," she interrupts me with a soft smile. "I understand. No questions."

I let out a relieved sigh. Thank God she's not as stubborn as Faith is. She would have pushed and pushed until she got some answers. Come to think about it, I would have done the same. This girl is just full of surprises.

Then again, maybe that's just her way of thanking me for saving her life. Either way it's great.

She looks like she's about to say something, but the growling of my stomach kind of beats her to it. She just laughs with that throaty laugh that I lo... like so much.

At least I got you to admit that you like it.

Yes, I do. There, you got me. But it doesn't mean anything.

Now that you're goo -oonee...

Imagine it, Faith likes Alicia Keys. I caught her singing that song when she was in a shower. She pleaded with me not to tell anybody, and I gave in. But now I know what a big softy she is, and if she doesn't behave, everyone will know too.

"You're spacing out here." Danielle's voice rips me out of my little world, and back to reality. "Look, I'll go cook us some breakfast, and you can clean up. A spare toothbrush is in the cabinet."

I nod, smiling. She smiles back and runs her hand through her gorgeous locks.

"Aright, I'll leave you to it." She turns and walks out of the bathroom. I sigh. She's so much like Faith and at the same time she's nothing like her. There's no danger that makes Faith so... well, Faith. I don't know how to explain this, but all the girls I've come across with never excited me so much as Faith does. It's something unique and unmistakably hers. That's what got me so drawn to her.

That was some speech, girlfriend.

I just smile and shake my head. I better be fast if I want to have a breakfast, because Faith or not, those girls can eat. My stomach growls at me, agreeing with my train of thoughts. I turn to look in the mirror and groan. Time to do some damage.

After we had breakfast, we went to a living room to watch some TV. Her house looks so much like mine back in Sunnydale I get the urge to laugh. I don't though because she probably already thinks I'm weird, so no need to add to it.

"So... Are you new here? I haven't seen you."

Ah, questions. I was wondering when it would start. So now my question of the day is do I tell her the truth and risk being handed over to clinic, or do I lie and don't get much needed info? A tough choice, that's for sure.

"Um, well... You see..."

"Are you one of those cool guys that save people from supernatural things?" Danielle asks me in a hushed tone, leaning closer to my face. I can feel her hot breath, and it gives me a chill.

"Well... I... Why are you so calm about this?" She just smirks and edges away.

"I've seen some monsters before. And a girl kicked their asses just like you did. Well," she looks away hesitantly, "maybe not so... you know, brutal, but she did anyway." I sheepishly smile.

"I just had a really bad day. Usually I'm not like that, so you're safe with me." She loudly sighs with relief and wipes away imaginary sweat from her forehead. I giggle in spite of myself. This girl sure is a comedian.

You like us with a bit of humor, don't cha?

One word: Angel.

Beat me this time, B.

"So," I begin, "When was the first time you saw a demon?"

"Oh, that's what the cool kids call it these days," she smirks. "Well, it was a week ago I think. He was this scary ugly thing. It was really bulky."


"Where was it? Where did you see it?"

"Geez, chill. What's with the rush?"

"That's how I ended up here," I stand up and pace. If this thing is in here, maybe I can beat some info out of it. "It opened some portal thingy, and now I travel from universe to universe. I've been in two already."

She lets out a low whistle. I turned to look at her. She has that awestruck expression. Probably thinks that my life is so great and interesting. I sigh.

"Look, however cool that sounds, my life sucks. I would give everything away to have a life like yours. School, friends," I look away, "Boyfriend. Do you have one, by the way?"

She wrinkles her nose, looking like she just remembered something. A second later we jump when there is an unexpected (for me, anyway) doorbell. Danielle looks at the door sideways and sighs.

"It's probably Gill," she smiles, "my boyfriend."

I glance at the door sideways and then back at her.

"So you have one."

"Yeah, he's..." Really annoying guy, if he likes to ring the doorbell so much. "I should probably..."

I nod at her.

"I'll go to the kitchen, see if there's anything to drink, if you don't mind. Oh, and if he asks, I'm your cousin from England."

"You aren't British enough." She smirks at me.

"Whatever, just answer the door." Bratty reply, I know, but I was smiling when I said it, so I guess we're cool.

"I won't be long." She gets up and goes to the door. The bell was ringing almost nonstop now. The guy has the patience of a... well, Faith. She's all short-tempered like that. And possessive.

But Danielle is so different, it's almost scary. She's soft and can be shy. And she's a cheerleader. Come on! Faith as a cheerleader? Sure, she'd fuck one, but actually being one? So not her.

Hmm... Faith doing back flips in a miniskirt...

With a visual like that, no wonder I get ya hot.

I'm so kicking her ass when I get home.

You know, that Faith-the-narrator thing is starting to bug me big time. But I just can't help it!

Back in Cleveland, my inner Faith-voice and I had a fight. In my head. Yeah, I know — crazy. After that I didn't talk to real Faith for a week. She was so worried that she had done something wrong, she even went to Willow for help. And she always did that cute frown whenever I was around, which was just adorable. And then...

Anyway, my point is (yes I do have a point) that this annoying Faith voice in my head? It just shows me how little time I spend with my sister-Slayer. I miss her so much I'm making up conversations with her so it'll seem like I'm with her. Like we talk and laugh and hang out. Which we don't. We're even more distant now than in Sunnydale, and I have no clue why. Maybe it's my fault. I drove her away with my cold replies, and now, when I actually want to be her... friend, she doesn't believe me.

Maybe. But talking to real people in your head doesn't solve the problem. I mean, that's just crazy. That's way more than Insanity.

Looking for the L-word here?

No! I just miss the way we used to be! We're the Chosen Two, destiny and stuff. Aren't we supposed to be together?

Like, in a totally platonic "best buds" way. No girl-on-girl fantasies here, no sir. I mean ma'am.

So, we are the only Originals left. It was supposed to draw us closer to each other, right? We have to have some sort of... connection.

Down-low tickle, girlfriend.

I close my eyes and there she is, victoriously grinning at me. Yep. My mental image of Faith is always with me.

"Zoning out again!"

Wha... Where?!

Danielle giggles (now I know how Faith's giggles sound, yay) and nudges me with her elbow. "Bet he's really special if you daydream about him so often."

I just stare at her for a moment.

"How did you... I mean, why would you assume I..."

"Assume my ass," she laughs. "Your eyes get all dreamy when you think about your honey. Tell me about him."

"Um, well," I give her a weak smile. "There's no one to tell about."

"Oh come on, it's obvious! Okay, if you want, I'll start with the sharing. Gill," she lovingly looks in her boyfriend's direction. He turns his attention from the pool game to Danielle and goofily grins. "He was a real nerd once upon a time. But he came here and now he's the coolest guy around. He's caring, and loving, and just plain... different."

"Who would've thought," I muttered. Danielle's guy is the strangest boy I've ever met. Back at Danielle's, after he finally entered, he stared at me with a dumbstruck expression for a good five minutes. Then he tried to be all badass and stuff. I can see right through his act, but Danielle seems to be happy and in love. And it's none of my business, actually. Oh, and I was kinda grossed out when they kissed. He's so not her type.

Now how would I even know what her type is?

Little, blonde, bitchy. Ring any bells?

Maybe, for Faith. At least I hope so. There, I said it. I want me to be Faith's type so she can be my Prince Charming. Princess. Whatever.

Anyway, after we shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, we decided to go to the club Danielle works at (and rapes the mechanical bull when she's off her shift). Now it's 11 p.m., and there's a crowd of teenage boys and girls drinking, dancing, and just having fun. But fun is not what I'm after.

"Danielle," I turn so I'm facing her. "Can you show me the place where you've seen that bulky demon?"

"Sure, let me grab my jacket and we'll head out."

Jacket. That pale blue thing. It's not even leather. Okay, I need to stop comparing them to each other, that's just wrong.

We exit the crowded bar and go out into the fresh summer air. She shows the way, and we move towards the road.

"So you didn't tell me about him."

"Actually," I glance in her direction and glue my eyes to the road, "there is no boy. And no honey."

She gets that disbelieving expression, but encourages me to go on, nodding her head. I breathe deeply.

"There is a girl. And I'm not sure if I have feelings for her at all. Well, now I'm almost positive, but I don't know how deep they are. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole thing. But I..."

"... always zone out whenever you think about her."

"Well... Yeah."

She chuckles.

"Buffy, I think I know what kind of feelings you have. It's called love. Look it up in the dictionary and there will be a picture of you and your girl smooching."

At least she has Faith's humor. Oh joy.

"I don't think we'll be making with the smooches anytime soon. We have a history that isn't pretty. We'll probably kill each other before we get to the good part. And I do mean kill as in `kill.' We tried that before."

She just snorts. What a great answer.

"It's just an excuse."

Um, what?


"You heard me. You're afraid. Now don't give me that look, it's my opinion, that's all."

"Yeah well, you're wrong!"

She holds up her hands in surrender, looking afraid and amused at the same time.

"Don't kill the messenger. All I'm saying is maybe you just need to come out of that denial closet? I'm sure that girl likes you just as much as you do."

But what if she doesn't? What if that isn't enough? Or maybe I'm just another notch for her?

There `s always been this chemistry, I can't deny that. But lust and love aren't the same things. If I open up to her and she just uses me, I don't think I could take it.

"It's normal to be afraid." Daniell's soft, husky voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "But if you don't try it, you'll never know what could have been. It'll be okay, Buffy. Don't get so upset."

I don't even realize I'm crying until I'm pulled into a strong embrace. Guess all the stress caught up with me. I sob, shaking, while Danielle strokes my back and whispers soothing things in my ear.

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