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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Veronica delighted embraced each other with Vika, and they long to jump on the stone platform, which had a wonderful landscape of the surrounding area, all in green and turquoise.

The sea is calm, warm and gentle shining to the horizon thousands of brilliant sparks. Veronica was a thrill with delight.

Morning all whirled in her life, as in a well-oiled mechanism. No sooner had they arrive in Rome, as they were immediately put into a car and driven away in the neighbourhood of Palermo, where they were supposed to be shooting.

Veronica смортела the silhouettes of gigantic volcanoes, очерчивавшиеся on the horizon, framed by clouds purple silhouettes, the green mountains, vineyards, fields, whizzing, on the picturesque пейхажи around, and her soul sang for joy. It's about this and could not even dream.

The driver, толстоватый Italian fifty years old, all the way he looked at the beautiful girls sitting in the back seat and smiling said something, purring on the melodious and beautiful language. At any time зыркал at the vetch, which of pampering, as he turned, he immediately made legs and showed him her pussy. Saeed, who was sitting next to him, knowing that she gets up, and then showed the driver gestures that he was watching the road, but the Italian paid no attention to him, and turning my head, обалдевший."

All the way from Rome to Palermo Veronica and Vika unreasonably bathed laugh of delight and pleasure, from the amazing excitation, which led their journey. Was so great, that they suddenly found themselves somewhere far away from what seemed to be now the cool, distant and dusty Moscow, in the hot, bright, like a piece of glass spring rain washed Italy. It seemed now everything will change.

By the evening they reached the sea. To do this, it sometimes appeared from behind the mountains, flashed somewhere on the horizon, closer, farther away from the road. But now lies before them throughout his vast, magical beauty.

The machine on which they carried, stood on a rocky area, with коорой like the cliff magnificent sea view.

The driver made a halt. Here, somewhere in the bushes on the other side of the road, was a source of water, spring, fell from the cliffs. Italian something chattered, smiling at the vetch and went with a jug to the spring. But Vika did not go, although not seriously раззадорила Italian uncle, to the men she was indifferent, and the never with them slept.

Saeed stood on the edge of the cliff. Mountain landscape, обрамлявший sea, apparently reminding him home. He happily threw his hands behind his head and stretched, поделал bend to the right, to the left, sometimes looking at the jump, naughty as children, girls.

Five minutes later the car moved further and soon reached a small village on the sea, immersed in gardens and vineyards. Driver will not turned back, realizing that the woman with him just playing.

Air Italy, warm, aromatic, smelling the wine, the sea, flowers — life, intoxicated and дурманил mind Veronica.

The car was approached by a smiling man, about thirty, round glasses. He climbed into the open back window and saw the beautiful Slavic women, all crumbled delighted and compliments on the beautiful but strange language.

Veronica always heard singing, мурлыкющий like to singing and pleasures born language. During her childhood Italians flooded her hometown, where they built pipe plant. But then she was small and now regretted not know this beautiful language, vibrating warm, the sea, wine and passion.

-Адьямо, адьямо, синьоро! said something came to said, coming out of the car, mustachioed Italian, showing a neat two-storey house with a tiled roof, near which the car stopped.

He understood nothing, but guessed that they are invited inside, nodded, showing that the girls followed him.

The young man round glasses and opened the door of the "FIATA" and made a hand invitation.

It was funny and fun talking with people, not understanding the language and guessing. What they want to say and gestures.

Guests conducted house, at the dinner for their arrival stuff buffet.

Everything was tasty and unusual, with many dishes were very exotic and unfamiliar Veronica. The food was simple peasant, but in Italian extravagant. Them, like a compote, fed delicious, like not strong, but then giving yourself to know the young wine.

Then the Italian in glasses, who directed the film, in which they arrived removed — this became clear after talking жестикуляциями and attempts to link the concept of two different languages, he was capable of Vika and her upstairs and showed them a room with two beds.

Bona note! — wished Italian, and soon his steps died away on a wooden ladder leading down.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Vika, flushed with wine and impressions, immediately pulled Veronica dress, all that was on her clothes, and soon they were passionately making love at first on the floor, then on the bed.

When the Moon appeared in the sky and it was growing dusk, Vika примостила Veronica on a wide wooden windowsill door wide open to the village street the window, and, turning to yourself for a long time, and gently caressed it with his tongue, sometimes distracted and hotly whispering in her ear:

"Oh, my filly Ukrainian! I love you!

In the morning, opening my eyes, Veronika didn't even know where it is. So it was unusual to Wake up in a hotel room.

Remembering that he had a wonderful Italy, in a beautiful village on the shore of the sea, and with the unspeakable pleasure stretched.

The sun is already shining in a cloudless sky, the yard горланили roosters, hens cackled. You'd think it was somewhere in Ukraine.

Veronica got up, came to the door wide opened window.

At the bottom of the curve village cobbled street, some little boys discussing something, showing off their window. Perhaps yesterday they spy through and saw bare ass Veronica взошедшую in the window, with a silver moon in the sky. Noticing her in the window they smiled her alive, were waving, attracting her attention.

"Life is probably really simple thing! thought Веронка, looking at the village boys, with the hope of sending signals and remembering recent conversation with an interesting and unusual young man in the plane. -If you want something, ask! And sooner or later you get!"

Vika still asleep, tired wine and night entertainments.

A knock at the door, entered Director.

He wanted to say something, but saw a beautiful Veronica standing completely naked at the window in a Bang, and examining the rural landscape in a strange country, just froze, admiring.

A ray of sunshine penetrated between her legs and overshadowing her белра and back. Brown hair Veronica, shimmering gold in the sun, fluttering in the light the wind, вихрившегося in the window, as if he thought, lifting, combed, and stroked them.

-Grazia, Grazia, синьоритта! "Italian.

Veronica turned to him, blinding him with her beauty. "Mom's" lessons were not in vain, and she has now a shadow of confusion. She, in fact, was not ashamed. What of it? After all, what she saw and experienced, to stand like this in front of a strange man completely naked?! What a trifle!

Woke up Vika, she got up, pushing his blanket looked at the Director, then the Veronica.

-Why is it on you staring at?! she asked her, scratching down to the pubic. Baba naked eh not seen?! asked Vika already непонимающего its Director. -Erotica shoots!

-Well, maybe because he and stared that shoots! — said Veronika, protecting the Italian. -Beauty sees!

After Breakfast, they were taken to the sea, where already there were shooting. Here stood plywood and wooden decorations of buildings, models of ships, a few trailers for staff, chairs under umbrellas, cameras, miniature rail roads cut along the coast.

The translator was not all explanations were supplemented by expressive gestures, but the situation gave to understand that people make money. Veronica several times forced naked run on the Bank. Thus, just ahead on rails rolled the trolley with the operator and the camera, and she felt how to shoot close-UPS.

Then there were the shooting стояшем here the layout of a sailing ship, like a discarded storm on the shore. This shot of the scene of her love from спартанцем, not even with some ancient warrior in lats over the naked body.

Veronica turned in different poses, removing the hot spots close-up, then a few times doing doubles in обятиях "Spartan", which portrayed that having intercourse with her in the one position to another.

The "Spartan" really all loose. And Veronica felt that she is repulsive even, than if she had been forced to have sex with him for real. Doubles shot several times, and it felt like his lifeless genitals beating on her legs from behind, touching him like a soft lump раздаржая its немощностью.

Shooting continued in an emergency mode until the evening, with a break for lunch, during which Veronika ate, not bothering to clothing.

In the evening, when they were alone in his room on the second floor, Vika long spat.

"I don't understand! she demanded. "They that comes only when they want, or never rises?! Nasty so, ugh! — she's men could not stand, but it was for her too. I never thought that it could be disgusted when the man does not cost anything, he poses as a sex machine! I thought that porn shoot hard, because there health loosened! You put on some doubles in a row, but cum. But here, at all. The roof can take! Now, here годок поснимайся and mind тронешься! No, it is better to be simple whore — that's what I say!

This continued for several days. Saeed accompanied them on the shore, and when work started, looked at shooting from under my umbrella прищуренным eye, the whole разморенный heat. In the evening he remained somewhere in the lower room of the farmhouse.

-Tomorrow "mother" is coming! — informed her Vika, as they lay in each other's arms in the evening.

-How would you know?! asked Veronica.

Saeed said. Warned! "replied Vik.

-Why? "said Veronica.

He knows that I'm with you sleep! Here and warned! My mother was very nervous. Jealous or what?!

The next day there was really the "mom," accompanied by a handsome man of thirty-five. It was hilarious, some beach-resort mood. It was an expensive white dress embroidered with gold, glasses in gold, wide-brimmed hat.

"Well, Hello, girls! "she said, turning as if to all.

Then took her by the waist and led me in the direction of:

"Well, like you, Lada? Like in Italy?!

-Yes, thank you, Madame!

-And I miss you! — seductively threw back his head, "Mama."

Here away from Moscow, from the "Space", her words sounded like something different, it's like a shrinking in the eyes of Veronica against the background of the surrounding magical splendour. Got even old привечке that it almost etched, съязвить. But Veronica kept myself, realizing that this was just her illusions, and sprained her mouth in a smile.

In the evening everybody sat down in a rustic house, where lived Veronica and Vika. "Mother" was shining success, health and happiness. Beautiful man was a mystery for all and attracted the attention of the participants of the ladies. He sat next to "mother" and watched the whole evening on Veronika, as if fascinated.

"What?" — Veronica asked, noticing that Vika is sad beside her.

She was slowly wine from the clay mugs, then whispered in her ear:

-"Mama" you at night, take in Palermo!

-Who is beside her? "inquired Veronica.

Is Битлер, a German, but English! In London lives. Ten years ago left the Union. He financed the film. See, as you stared! It is possible that "mother" thee to him скормит! "replied Vik.

-Why? "said Veronica, but she understood that "mother" can "feed" her to anyone who will pay, without explanation.

-Because it's the "mother's" movie! — raised their awareness of Vika. -She started shooting! Битлер arranges the financing! "Mom," she is a rich нашенским standards, but worldwide — zilch! — poverty! You know how much money to this фильмец off?! You know how much she it is working?! Hoo!!!

But Veronica was not interested.

After dinner, "Mama" invited her in her limousine, where was he handsome man. Again he looked at her fixedly. "Mom," sat next to Битлером, opposite Veronica, and limousine rode in Palermo.

Almost immediately, "Mama" discreetly from him made Veronica gesture with his hand, revealing a ring of thumb and index finger. This meant that Veronica must dissolve his legs so that before the guest appeared all its charming beauty.

Seeing the sign, Veronica casually moved slightly on the seat of the pelvis forward to Popa not so much buried in his soft skin, like a sink, revealing the sash and drew his precious pearl, gracefully spread her legs.

Like a light in the darkness turned on. Look man involuntarily moved down to her thighs.

"Mom," she shook her head, dissatisfied with the fact that, despite the training, Veronica herself hadn't thought to do it, but also her eyes well-groomed pussy.

Veronica turned toward the window. She was fun to watch on volcanoes in the distance, on the southern landscapes мелькающюю outside the window to light, the blue horizon of the sea surface, neat, like combed, juicy green plantations and vineyards, picturesque, like a tale scenery, landscapes with налепленными them houses with tiled roofs, gardens, mountains, fathomless depths of the sky, a huge city, to which they drove up.

She suddenly wanted to stay here forever.

Realizing that this is impossible, Veronica glanced at the sitting opposite her in the cabin of a limousine. They both looked down at her divorced feet. "Mama" something signalled. Now, it showed a ring of big and ring fingers, in which окунала average, and слекга her head angrily implying that the girl relaxed.

Veronika completed the "mom's" signal, lifted and put a hand under her seat, sitting down on top of her, so that her toes peeking out from under her злачного flower bottom. Slightly leaning towards the window, which swept wonderful emerald landscapes, Veronica imposed a huge finger into the anus, and the index and middle launched at the vulva, sometimes penetrating the vagina, sometimes caressing the tip of the clitoris.

The corner of my eye she saw that the man begins to boil.

Soon her pussy and let the juices, Veronika and I suddenly felt strongly was excited itself from this game. The situation around: Italy, sea, limousine, handsome man — all this was exciting.

She threw a wet, inviting look at who was sitting opposite handsome. Veronika not претворялась, you could see how it all comes passion

Битлер looked at mum. Apparently, that prevented by his presence, go to him in the attack. Then, Mama", noticing the look itself excited from the observed game, moved to Veronica, drew her to him and began to kiss the kiss, slipped her hands under the dress girls and became passionately knead her Breasts, simply by reducing crazy. "Mom" and she was not opposed to partake of her youth and beauty.

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