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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Анжелла looked at Veronica and seeing Veronica doesn't understand that she wants to say, explained:

-Yes, you now even cleaner before you take, will think ten times and посоветуются with someone, not to mention something more! And in the criminal world of the road for you closed because you're not from there, and the death of your husband, not a reason to let you down, get it!?

-Of course! — agreed Veronica myself thinking, when this unnecessary her meet and talk.

However, in the words of Анжеллы truth, and it would be useful for her upcoming reasoning about the structure of their future.

-Listen, Анжелка! I will not heal! I understand everything! — Veronica told her and suddenly decided slightly run over to the quickly from her ticklish further. -Better help financially! Money there, you know?!

Hearing on the request to help with Finance, Анжелла sharply засобиралась, remembering that she had some urgent matter.

-Well, you call, if that! — had said goodbye to her former friend Veronica knew it for sure — not once dived into bed to Behemoth.

-Well! Veronica walked her eyes лохушки, from which flows the last hope, and then some time watching the window, куак that goes on the road in the Park lucky and happy that you've met the one she used to wildly jealous, and they now have a reason to laugh: she is full of shit.

When Анжелла disappeared up the stairs leading from the children's Park on the sidewalk of the Avenue, Veronica finally got out a notebook, stockpiled in advance for this purpose, became подсчитыывать your finances and plan upcoming expenses.

After a couple of hours, she has already compiled a preliminary plan of their further existence. He was a genius. It only remained to resolve several issues with the former subordinates, while also finding ways to defend уплывающее from the property of her late husband. It seemed to her that she invented an original and successful plan that promised her success and prosperity. It only remained to begin to clear the way and the first Bush roots that had to clear out of the highway to success, was the Armenians Garik. It had to liquidate quickly and quietly. Veronika and hurried to the meeting with Gvozdev, which in this respect held for her key role.

No, she was not going to agree to his bed proposal. This path meant only one thing: sink to the level of gang whores and потаскух, and not of the highest category. Then she would definitely not get out of out this swamp into which and touch not going to. Everything that should have been Veronika from a Nail is a pistol. She was ready to pay for it, a thousand dollars, all the thousand, коорую with it tore. It was really cool. Gun — she had heard about it from a Hippopotamus — according to current times, can be bought for hundreds three, if he was clean, and "moonshine" — General and moan would not cost.

Veronica was like a gun to her sell Gvozdev. And she quite rightly expects the success of the deal, as it gave a good price. For the money her gun would sell any, but unfortunately one else from the criminals did not know she is close. And we must act quickly, so the meeting with Gvozdev was it so important.

Nail подрулил to the cafe a little later than agreed. He saw waiting for him at the entrance to Veronica and grinned at this time in some kind of stupid, but the generous smile.

"You're late! — showed the watch Veronica.

-Yes! There are a few! — agreed Gvozdev, has a strong smelling of booze.

-Not afraid to drive drunk? — Veronica asked, when he, passing it forward, made an inviting inside gesture.

-A-a-a! — waved his hand to the Nail.

When Veronica passed by him in the door, he did some strange maneuver with tilt, just wanted to kiss her. She held up her hand, загородившись:

"But-but, whoa!

They again took a table for two in the arch, which has always been the hotel of a Nail.

-You know, how am I today a hundred dropped? — Veronica asked to give a conversation liveliness and defuse the situation.

"Well?! — shook his head Gvozdev interested.

Forty five! — boasted a girl.

-Where is this so? surprised Gvozdev.

-And here! playfully said Veronica, making it clear: you say you want.

-Today the market of dollar fifty cost! — informed her Nail.

-Well, it's the scammers! — Veronica grinned.

-Throwing — not throwing, but by the New year to sixty допрет — I promise you!

They brought ordered Gvozdev dinner: chicken Kyiv, the decanter wild ash tincture, cheese, lemon, sandwich with caviar.

-Tell us. — offered her Nail, raising налитую stack.

-What to tell? — Veronica asked, supported it.

-Agree to my proposal?! — Nail knocked over a glass in her mouth.

-No, Nail, does not agree! Veronica put her stack on the table. -I did not need that yesterday I asked!

"Oh, look how! — he began to chop, but it was clear that he was expecting another answer. -Quickly you everything changes!

-Yes, rushing forward into the twenty-first century! — agreed to Veronica.

-A-a-a! guessed Nail, Veronica could tell he was very upset. 'Well, well! Come on, come on!

-A nail! — it is slightly пригубила stack. -Me from you else you want!

What, exactly? asked Gvozdev are intrigued.

-Would you brought me into the criminal world! — blurted out Veronica.

Ha! he nearly choked once stacked wild ash. -What are you, girl! Why on earth!

-Well, first of all, not a girl! And secondly, I'm a widow of a Hippopotamus!

-Well, what? — surprised the Nail.

As what?! going Veronica pressing issue at its argument.

Nail shook his head:

-No-o! No channel!

-Well, at least, to acquaint me with those on the position! suggested Veronica.

"Listen!" — evil protested Nail. "What you think about yourself?!

Veronica began to chop, after a pause. In silence they ate ten minutes.

-Let's drink! "suggested the girl. -Pour!

When they raised the stack Veronica suggested:

-For future cooperation!

Ha! "grinned the Nail, but the toast supported.

After five minutes Veronica finally moved to a question that really worried her the most.

-A nail! I trunk need! A gun! Any! You can "moonshine"! Thing greens give! — in one gulp she blurted out the learned ahead of time and many times repeated phrase.

Bandit again nearly choked, this time with a sandwich. He looked at his companion intently into her eyes and trying to understand where she was headed.

"Well?! You will sell? asked Veronica.

For me, kind of, shop on the trunks?! ironically smiled Nail.

-Well, I don't know, " shrugged her shoulders Veronica. "But I'm from criminals but you no one else I know, so to thee, and I'm asking! Same thing I give! You still наваришься! Cool! — she hoped that her arguments take action.

Nail thought. Veronica trying to hide his excitement and extreme interest result answer, waiting.

-Serious statement! — finally, заключилл Nail, зыркнув several times on the companion изподлобья. -Barrel — a serious thing! Why do you need that?!

-Need! -Veronica replied evasively, she added. -For self-defense!

-Type believed! — Nail got up from the table, piano шатувшись, said risen to the waiter. I write down the debt for a table! Tomorrow cabbage'll — I'll give! — he shook his head, and Veronica bandit beckoned to the exit. -Почипполинили!

They went out.

-Take the wheelbarrow! — offered her Nail smoke. -Well, what I'll say! he continued already in the car. -Trunk you need?! My ideal?!

Veronika first't understand the proposals, then when and now they were on the road, said:

"I am quite serious!

-Where to? asked Nail at the traffic light at the intersection of Hundreds.

-Home! — Veronika all tensed in ожилании answer.

Nail drove through the intersection, folded before момтос right to драмтеатру.

-Barrel I'll get it! "he promised. 'You've bunk!

"Is that so? — she seemed surprised Veronica: she already knew where he was headed. It boil some tantrum: "That all it should be? As the chain failed?". -Well, you and cattle, in a Nail! Veronica couldn't keep the resentment, although it was completely not at hand. -Sorry my husband alive no! He'd heard this from you — shoot him like a dog!

Gvozdev was silent, concentrated driving along a deserted street.

-Listen, and what he did to you, were he alive? "he asked finally.

-In what sense? "said Veronica.

-Well, are you in Moscow that with this poet in a hotel doing?! Horns instructed him until the money he got it from?! — Nail went on the offensive.

-You mean you're a candle held?! going Veronika from last forces.

-Not hold, type, but rumors...

"Shut up, idiot, and then for Bazaar отечать you will! — cut Veronica, feeling the pressure mounts.

-Who are you to the Bazaar before you answer?! — outraged the Nail with a drunken rage. -After the death of Hippo you're just a whore Sumy, breed! Your future's now or become a whore, or a harlot! All!

He sharply and evil braked at the entrance of her house.

"Thanks for the ride! Veronica quickly opened the door, giving him herself, although she saw that he was going to follow tirade, jumped out of the car. And before Gvozdev out behind her, as she had already disappeared into the entrance with the code lock.

"With a Nail her relationship ended!" — angrily thought Veronica, remembering that her house waiting for another sexually anxious Dzhigit.

Chapter 22.

Veronica felt and happiness, and anxiety at the same time.

The shooting comes to an end, and soon had to return to Moscow, back in the "Cosmos", remembering that her soul trembled. He saw her now like Бастилье, in which she was to spend the rest day.

Битлер a long time already had to fly to London, but was still with her. It was not hard to notice that their deeds he may be the first day is finished, and now just got hooked on Veronika, unable to extricate himself from the shackles of passion, which she had tied him to himself.

But she, too, had stuck in his feelings, like a fly in the sweet nectar.

Now it seemed to her that Битлер was always, and the life she had lived before him was not the life, and the only expectation Битлера.

They couldn't even really talk, because then, just as there came a minute of privacy and immediately plunged into a passion, were interwoven in one whole and could not leave.

Veronica awoke from oblivion and realized that turns out to Битлера she does not really loved.

No, of course it was someone's wife and someone's lover...

Mistress! Mistress never. This condition, like it was in "Cosmos", was as prostitution, only of a different quality, when a woman suffers his lover, his whims and his presence in my life for the same reasons that becomes a prostitute. Only the client she has one, sometimes several. In General, the mistress is a kept woman, the same prostitute, and motives of the entry into intimate relationships are the same. Only the phenomenon is so widespread that the Puritan morality, condemning prostitution, closes on such relations eyes, as something that seems to be palatable and common. Although prostitution, if you look, more honest than the attitude of his mistress to her or his worshipers.

However, what her deal about all this stuff! Mistress she had never been, although married Hippo came, indeed, as the girlfriend, calculates the carefree living the rest of your life.

She had the novels she allowed herself with men, but nobody could tell that she was his mistress. Men she dropped as soon as it became uninteresting.

Though now, with the height of his new experience, who had thrown her into a pit sales of life, she could tell that the novels and these were some children. No depth of feeling, no exaltation, no ecstasy. She even couldn't remember when at least once experienced a women's satisfaction, as насытившаяся cat, in those ties that were all that was happening to her now. It was the most real childhood: girl allowed the boys to her amused and soiled her hole his incompetent писюльками. Ugh! She knew she would, that this is different from real sex, as the grey twilight of a Sunny day, did not admit to myself and anyone close.

But Битлер! Битлер was for it all! She gave herself to him with pleasure. She took pleasure on his member, launching him into the vagina, anus, in the throat. She seemed to get enough of them, and could not, and is not even considered this insanity. She gave herself Битлеру fully at the cellular and molecular level, at the level of their DNA, as if he was the only key which opened the casket of her happiness, hidden somewhere far away in the depths of her cosmic essence. And she was absolutely not important, what he thinks about it, no matter what he does not know what passion she burns all and then, when he's around, and when he's not around. From the first to the last atom of its multi-billion dollar universe, called Veronica Бегетова, belonged to this man unchallenged.

And she is not worried about that soon it will not close, and she again be used as a doormat, let the Supreme category, but still, cloth, whose fate was in the hands of others: in memory of Битлере recorded in each cell of her body, will remain forever.

Yes, it was sad that it is about to be completed, that flashing "ready!" has already been given, it was even a little uncomfortable to understand that because of it he spoils his life, his career, because I must be in London with his family, in his Bank. But it was his choice! Veronika and only spoke in himself, in his soul "Thank you!" waking up and seeing that Битлер still here beside her.

And this meant only that again will be a bright Sunny day, full of feelings, love, sex, sun and happiness. And he thinks about it wants, she is not against! And even allow him to think that she just суперпроститутка that gives him such pleasure as he had been taught — that is unlikely to, and, most importantly, wants to deliver ever any other woman. It was not important! It was important that she met this man, and now he is going to stay there, in her body, in her memory, her feelings forever.

Perhaps all her life, all her squabbles, all her fears and adventures, were sometimes problems, all the dirt in which it is immersed, and even now sat in her ears were needed only to meet Битлера! And now she was agreed to pay such a price, because suddenly aware that he was its higher purpose, which simply would not have happened with her, if her path lay not so, not through Moscow, not through "Space"or "mother." Otherwise Битлера would not exist. And her life would have passed in vain!

He was like a flash in her life, озарившая meaning of her existence, which did not seem to her now so bizarre and strange, so vicious and dirty. After all, someone to enter into her life Битлера, just calculation of the best, and may be the only route to achieve this meeting, for which, now Veronica knew it for sure, she was born.

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