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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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As a lightbulb, with over her, which made somewhere in Asia, then brought across the entire globe here, laying and long gathering dust somewhere in warehouses, then shook in trucks, then lay on a shelf in a store, yet it is not bought, which then again, maybe weeks, or months waited for the time when it will finally вкрутят in the socket, to Shine, and then burned down, and then just throw in the trash, and it will fall down there's still unknown how much, until проржавеет and not fall apart until the turn to ashes, remembering all the remaining беспролезное the time of his existence, as it's bright lights above the head of Veronica, over the wonderful bed, where she devoted herself to love and passion, and Veronica now knew it was the time when we should just burn, not thinking about tomorrow, because tomorrow is still to come, she wanted MLM no, and it still awaits the completion of a garbage pit...

Every morning in their room rang. First, from the Bank where the Битлера have simply lost, then from the house, from far and maybe the only happy cities of the world, London, which simply could not be different, because there lived Битлер.

He thought composed, lied in the telephone receiver, proving that there is a need here on the set, bore some crap to stay in Palermo, at least for a day. And Veronica knew that the reason was she.

She, of course, it was nice to be aware of this. But that was not important, because he would have left or left, Битлер settled in it forever.

She was unbearably sad. A chill of despair and imminent parting behaviour was in every way stronger in her soul, and she replaced away disturbing thoughts, trying to prolong the heat inside or its illusion, with every day it's getting harder to do.

Of course it was an illusion! He knew who she was! And hardly it was important for him what she feels! And even the fact that Veronica was a prostitute against his will, was unlikely to change something. Yes she did not try to explain it to him. All of two weeks, that Битлер was with her, they were wildly indulged passion. And Veronica could not understand: whether she has changed so much, whether he was the man who came to her as a key to the lock. Sometimes she wanted to ask him what he thinks about it, but she did not dare.

Came the last day of shooting. Veronica realized that rolled up the scenery. She once again starred in some of the last bed scenes, where depicted предающуюся Masturbation on lonely bed abandoned beauty. The shot somehow did not like the Italian Director, and he was forced to shoot it again and again.

Битлера this day, as she got used to it already, on the set was not, and Veronica realized that this is the end of a sweet fairy tale. At the heart of the полоснуло knife, she wanted зареветь and barely withhold giving.

After noon "Mama" called all in a rustic two-story house. From the whole situation with a fan finale. At dinner she said Veronika:

-Do you stay in Palermo another week. You bought.

By the evening for Veronica went Битлер. She could not believe: a tale continued.

It turned out that he already had to fly to London, to resolve their urgent case and go back. To her! To Veronica! And no matter how it was called, "bought" her or done anything else. Битлер, it Битлер again was near!

It was like a miracle! It seemed that someone where they were cooked in a cauldron of human destinies, accepted her accidental begging and gave Veronica another week in Italy, Palermo, and most importantly, the week of Битлером!

Лалмпочка burned again, as if she had a second spare, the secret spiral. And, means, it is still too early to remove from the base and disposed of in a landfill!

She was just in seventh heaven, as if this week must not finish it ever! Her dreams come true!

Veronica remembered how close beside her in the plane in Rome, at any international conference, flew a nice young man. He told, that does not work anywhere, does nothing and lived in clover. Veronica then also wanted to live, and she wondered how it was possible.

-Very easy! I distributor network campaign! My main task is to create passive income. It was a little, but every year my income increases, and now I go on conferences as a guest of honor, stand before beginning distributors.

It turned out that almost half of the plane, which flew from Moscow, was filled with his team of distributors, which he was carrying to the conference.

Veronica always heard about the network campaign, and even had a few girlfriends, who made the suggestion, around, around, but she never thought that they could achieve such a result. When she told a friend, she was sure that they simply luring her into his net.

But the young man tried to lure her, he just telling her about how you can your thoughts to change their lives влучшую or worse:

-Think about what you want to achieve, not what you want to get rid of. Law of attraction — the greatest mystery need to know. Perception occurs through the prism of consciousness.

Veronica listened with interest.

"Remember, " continued the young man, " that your thoughts are not materialize immediately! Between an idea and its materialization there is a certain pause period of time which separates the desire of its materialization. He needs to man realized exactly what he wants, because correct materialization then it is almost impossible...

Veronica remembered at these words, as she walked along the embankment of the Arrow and suddenly, with a special passion made... she even literally remembered as that! It was such a passionate and powerful desire! But it was somehow wrong because materialized in the form of Saida, "Space" and "mother"...

"...it's very important positive emotions then instructed her young man. -The more often you experience positive emotions, the more they will be sent into the universe and repeatedly come back to you! Concentrate on positive emotions! This is the secret law of attraction! This is the mystery of life! Your life may be just phenomenal!

Veronica, and believed, and did not believe his occasional companion. It sounded so beautiful, so simple!

Against his words was the whole experience of her life, family, friends , and acquaintances. If it was so, as he said, then all would be happy people. But most of them were miserably.

However, most people in the plane, flying from the grim Moscow in Sunny Rome, were distributors his стрктуры. He was beautiful and well dressed and looked unhappy and flattened life. And Veronika suddenly wanted to get out of his close Mirka and go with this man, down to itself the future that she wanted to have.

All flight time she listened to him. He hadn't called her in his network, has not offered her to join its structure, and is corrupt. He just рассказываел her how to make her life better:

The first step is to ask, tell the Universe what you want! And the universe откликнится your thinking. Write your wishes in the present tense, as if размещаешь order, choose a dish from the menu of the Universe. The second step is to believe, that the ordered fulfilled. This is very important! No one knows how to get what he asks. It's just that some are asked and поом immediately cancel their orders, say nothing, or it will not work. And others just know that it will do. Doubt bring a feeling of disappointment. Replace doubt confidence in the implementation of the plan. The third step is to take joy. As if you've already got what she asked for. Faith must be supported by corresponding emotions, otherwise do not have the strength to materialize desired. Don't think: I can do, but don't want to. The universe loves necessary event, do not hesitate, no doubt! Act! Be careful what you pulls! Desire enters into physical reality together with you and through you...

It was amazing! Veronica listened to the narrator, turning over the events of his life, and had found largely confirm his words. Most of the events were the result of her fears, doubts, and passionate desires. Sooner or later they incarnated in her life.

-And you get what you want just because you want to. Your dreams you do the lighting only fifty meters of the dark road ahead, which drive through the night life. But if not to cover them and not to choose the road, you can very soon be in a ditch. You should ask находишся whether in harmony with the Universe...

Veronica mentally smirked. Here she is now, of course, was in harmony with the Universe, while flying in a plane, carrying her to take the erotic film. She listened to the young man the freedom that the man could give himself and could take from himself, and on them now and then glancing askance said from the rows in front. Yes on her panties! I wonder what is he now began to do if she took his hand and pressed his palm to its hot clitoris, пульсировавшему under сарафаном.

Veronica shook her head: "No, girl, you've become a whore! Where did you get those stupid idea!"

She again tried to listen to the guy, unsuspecting, that girl he rubs in the brains of their nonsense is a young prostitute who was driven to act in erotic film, and she sits next to him in only one motley сарафанчике-разлетайке and black stockings a mesh belt-support...

-We who make the rules, " continued the young man in the Universe, no rules! Start with the materialization of simple desires that you know what's available to you in the implementation of, for example, with a Cup of coffee. Materialization desire takes as much time as you myself назначишь on it!

But Veronica in fact now wanted to put his hand on the clitoris. It would be a materialization! She imagined how it does! Then bethought that it is very easy! She needed no "order" to the Universe, to go and do it. It was necessary only to have the courage! But if materialize, that he placed his hand on her злачный bump! It is interesting!

-...you first have to change their way of thinking, enthusiastically continued to tell her NetWorker. -Debt receipt come — because you're waiting for her. Reality — residual effects of past thoughts. Change, make a list of what you could be grateful. Gratitude is the most important. Very thankful for what you get. Should be thanking soul...

Veronica again tried his слушалать, it hardly overcame their naughty thoughts that crept into her head. "Really, " she thought, trying to escape from them, and that if I focus on what I have, and I am grateful! I will every morning and evening, to think, and for that I am grateful!"

-... "stone of gratitude", — continued the young man, looking at Veronica. -Installation of gratitude. Another setting — visualization. You need to use a feature of the mind, mentally represent, what you want...

Veronica immediately presented himself descending in someone's company through the vast sea by speedboat. Boat flies through the waves, jumping on them, sometimes buries itself. Behind some rocky, white as sugar, banks covered with green кучеряшками vegetation...

The brain does not distinguish if you do and it really упражняшься, as instructed by her companion.

And Veronika all явственее imagined myself rushing along the waves on a gorgeous, speed boat in the company of a beautiful man that she loved, dressed in a white t-shirt and white trousers. The man at times, taking your eyes from Dali, translated him with high-captain's bridge, where he stood for никелитрованным штурвалчичиком at her, загорающую at the stern and the love which stares at him. She could not see his face, but for some reason it seemed to her best friends, the only one of all men on earth...

-Try to fix only one end result. Ask yourself the feeling of real presence, feel joy, feel happiness. Without this visualization will not work. This will be an outlet through which will be manifest to all the power of the Universe. Trust in this matter of the Universe. This should not be a duty or a routine, to experience the joy of sensations...

He remembered her as then she guessed, asked the Universe... No, she just imagined lives with this beautiful man on the shore of the sea, the house, the Windows of which you see his infinite horizon blue and never gone from Italy, which is fate.

Veronica then wished: "I want in my life there was a man: smart, beautiful, rich and good — which I like, and he for me to the sacrifice. I want to meet with a man who pulls me out of here!"

Chapter 23.

Veronica softly opened with a key lock and entered the apartment.

Everywhere burning lamps and sconces. She walked through the apartment. Garik slept on her double bed, lounging across. He was naked. In the corner of the room holographic video porn film showed that Armenians dug in her discs and videocassettes.

"That's the perfect moment to kill the bastard! thought Veronica and headed кужню for knife for cutting meat. -May be well that I Nail not agreed about the pistol! Everything will be covered over! No one will know!"

She returned to the bedroom with a huge stainless steel knife in the form ax, приблизалась to the bed, wondering where to strike.

A minute passed, and Veronika all waited, not daring to a terrible thing to do. Something stopped her. One second and one bold and decisive movement of separated it from freedom, but she could not do that. "No, I'm still not a murderer!" "upset girl.

She squatted next to the bed with a knife in his hands and stared at the sleeping on her bed naked man. Tears of impotent anger flowed down her cheeks. She could not even avenge the abuse, which over her made this arrogant Armenians.

Suddenly Garik woke up. It for a few seconds, not knowing looked at her, the huge sword in her hands, and only then guess stitched right through him, like a needle.

In this second Veronica realized that missed the chance to release. Now she замхнулась, but too late, because his hand gripped her wrist and squeezed so that the sword fell and pierced blade angle in the parquet дошечку. In the next second, Garik, rushing at her like a furious tiger, squeezed her throat and knocked on his back.

-Oh, you bitch, that conceived! his fierce face was very close, splashing her with his spit.

-Hate! — захрипела Veronica. -Hate!

He wanted to hit her in the face, but Veronica saw him swing, warned:

'You just try!

Hand Garik froze in the air, then опутилась the zipper of her jeans and began to unbutton her. Veronika did not resisted, she seemed отрешилась, and now obey his hands.

Garik dragged her from the floor at the red satin of her bed and enjoyed her body all night long. He dug among her things, digging into the bedside table, until it was imported expensive silicone Dildo with Dildo and anal beads that Veronica bought immediately after the wedding in the town's only currency полуподпольном sex shop secret from Hippopotamus, when I realized that the bed of her husband is not as strong as they would like, and now skillfully used them to excite her lust to the extreme peak, the existence of which in the design of his astral body, she had no idea. Then she was ready herself to ask him, to fill the emptiness of her body some content. And Garik seen it himself did what she asked in mind, because it is not said for all time of this exciting night n word. He turned her head to the image of a hologram, forcing to look together with a pornographic movies, but then again excited from the scenes of mass порева, skillfully совращал her body to the new coitus.

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