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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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It was unclear how such a powerful country молго based on the defunct agriculture, blatant mismanagement.

In a Ukrainian village, though the earth the same seems to be enough, every scrap of присмотрен, treated kindly cherished owners. Землица worth groomed, вскормленная ready now прыснуть generous yields in the spring. And here, everywhere you look kin — mediocrity, забытость, сиротливость, as if the owner had no possessions, if not the land of fertile land, and a desert, no man's territory. Everything is left to chance, as if people here dusty bag from behind the corner пристукнули, and they whole life, дебилами and go, wander, the misfits on the ground that their hands are needed.

Wherever they look, everywhere felt some incompleteness, carelessness, carelessness. Sometimes came across some strange, frightening even his despair facilities.

In one place Veronica saw the deaf, high fence, welded flat radiator batteries. All rusty, uncoated, he hid his wall plot around a house, and the roof was not visible.

She was horrified: "Who needed to construct such a Scarecrow? Why? Why is radiatornyh batteries? Why so high?!"

In essence fence looked like his push, and he will fall. He did not represent any serious obstacles.

Maybe the master of the house so afraid of others, which огородился the fortress, as he probably seemed a wall in two and a half meters high, although near-around, nothing more than a few холуп, with falling apart жердянниками, with покосившися shutters, Windows, full of dirt and dust in the openings through which the inside and the light hardly penetrated, and was not. May be, on the contrary, he would be exalted above the surrounding rural дебилами and the old ladies, lonely graduating from sentence on this God damned land. Maybe he just didn't know what to do with inherited him on the occasion of or наварованными improved shields. But in any case the type of the fence and the surrounding ruins has been shockingly awful.

If she even had a million dollars in exchange for the fact that she remainder of days spent in such a manor, Veronica would abomination has rejected the proposal. It seemed that the fence was just scratching the rusty claws souls of those who lived, if they had them.

"But how will the children live?! — she was horrified. -They will grow дебилами and moral freaks, if all childhood will hold for such a fence!"

If Veronica were offered to paint the scene, she would have called him: "Castle of the king agricultural Soviet of the Russian poor"! Name turned out the same ugly, as the landscape itself — match!

And such a hopeless picture was everywhere. Veronica sometimes it seemed that she was brought down to Hell. Yes landscapes of the Russian backwoods around nothing but paintings hell reminded. They were gloomy, sulfur and disastrous, as if there already occurred, and maybe even ended апокалпсис.

"In Ukraine there is no such thing!" — she wondered.

No, it was in Ukraine one place where it was неустроено and abandoned. But it was a zone of a nuclear disaster, which left residents, and where reigned морадеры, растаскивая radioactive belongings throughout the country. She had once seen photographs of these places, brought there from her uncle, заглядывавшем travel to visit her parents. Once he liquidated Tu accident, and his album, which he had taken with him. There were several pages to restore, " Zh on kin. They also reminded the Hell of war. Veronica then got really scared when I saw those pictures. She decided that they filmed the scariest place on earth.

And around here, wherever you look, there was a disaster. All Russia, to Moscow was laying one мертвящая, frightening accustomed to a different world order eyes, the territory of disaster. But because there was not the Chernobyl zone, lived around, and, most likely, simply there were people like наплевавшие on his life and проклявшие themselves.

Looking at the devastation, which she had not seen one, living in хлебосольном edge, through the Windows brusque passing over the vast expanses of the Russian carelessness, as the horse of the Apocalypse four horsemen, the Chechens-executioners, on Board, "Mercedes", Veronica now understand why Sergei Esenin called this country that he loved, "the Country of scoundrels". For which he paid with his...

The picture of the surrounding landscapes disturbed by Veronica in addition to its state of nervous tension. It seemed to her that life ends. It seemed to her, dragged to the thick places in the darkness cockroaches, at the mercy of Кащею dragon or Snake. And Niko could not prevent it. There was nobody who would be for her to intercede.

Veronica suddenly with all piercing clear why Hitler wanted to destroy Russia, to destroy and to flood Moscow.

He saw the people, like a cancer, like decaying decapitated corpse, which threatened its plague infect the whole of Europe, and has already infected the Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltics severe virus халявности, nonchalance and dependency, to degenerate from the once great that inhabited the Great Rus', started by the Kiev, in some low-energy biomass that his slow деградацей растлевала the rest of humanity, as a weed rated the huge space. Than retreated further those who in the nineteenth century called himself the great Russians, were moving away from the real roots, the more извращлся their path. And even the Communists, who have graduated from аппокалипсис Russia, загнездившиеся in Moscow and St. Petersburg, were just a logical link in the chain path into the abyss. The same that Hitler saw Gogol and Shchedrin, who discovered the vicious essence strange Russian state. And those were just the writers. And Hitler had a powerful военнной machine. And if not for the intercession of heaven and Vernik knew perfectly well that Russia was only saved the heavenly intercession of the MostHoly virgin, the facts about which so thoroughly concealed from people in the security services he would carry out his plan.

A strange country this Russia. Three hundred years of transformations and reforms have not given virtually nothing. She has not changed under communism, not change after them. Nasty essence of the Russian state, sometimes naked, sometimes well-kept not one iota подобрела. For him citizens were always only подножным food, firewood, which was firewood item in the house of the nobility, of whatever nature it was: иерахической statehood under the monarchy, the party caste system under communism, the financial oligarchy and the state leadership in the future. And this little group will be to the very end, when she has the strength to hold grip on the vast territory of the globe, filled оболваненными, полуголодными, умалишенными from the hopelessness of existence, helpless to such an extent that in protest can't even strangle, and just eke out their existence, people accustomed to the скотским conditions in which they have appointed to live обирающая them on every step of the authorities.

"This is a real socio-political gangrene, struck Veronica, and Hitler only wanted to cut that affected her part of the world to save the rest from rotting! But he has failed! And now everywhere, it is already evident that the disease has become the last stage".

In several places, she drew attention to пронесшиеся past the ruined Church. They were demolished domes of the city, and even from the upper part of the Church is gone, and their ruins completed the picture безутешного landscape. For all the thousand kilometres she did not see any not that active, but at least the whole Church.

In her hometown of all the churches were maintained and operated. In Ukraine it is not seen one of the destroyed Church.

Veronica was strange reason all heaven заступились for Russia, where most of the churches were cast down by, plundered and destroyed.

And she knew another thing that is not customary to say in Soviet times. Residents of the city welcomed the Germans as liberators, with bread and salt. Of course, there were other, those that went to the guerrillas, cadets артучилища that died fighting on the outskirts of the city. But mainly, were newcomers from Russia, and not the indigenous inhabitants.

And what, indeed, the Communists, who Veronica associated with Russia, because it was рассадницей of this plague, were better Germans?

Yes, Germans shot Jews. But the Communists, most of whom were the same Jews, staged at her home in the Holodomor. The sold укаринский bread gathered bloody requisitioning detachments, расстреливавшими peasants for the slightest disobedience and harbouring food, выметавшими all of the peasant's barn under the net. People who have grown and gathered bread, die from starvation, eating corpses and children. Millions in Ukraine died in this terrible time. Can those who did it were better Germans, then the shot? Knowing the terrible stories of her grandmother, barely survived the time of painful suffering of ordinary, innocent people, about the wild things taking place by the grace of the Communists, and, therefore, of the Jews, верховодивших in Ukraine before the German invasion, Veronica would not deny that whether it was in the place of those who survived the Holodomor, it would also came to the Germans with bread and salt and herself would have showed German soldiers, where disappear the executioners of its people.

Of course, the Germans, too, were not a gift, and exported from Ukraine compounds leached and people to work in Germany. Veronica was not going to justify them for it. She could not understand, than the Russians, great Russians, with whom she has always been associated communism, were better Germans? The fact that they have won? The winners are not judged?! So won't they — the intercession of heaven: devoted to know it.

That's the Chechens, the descendants of which are carried her now in a black Mercedes at the mercy in Moscow, too, were behind Hitler. And they Stalin avenged mass of links with their native places. But Ukrainians do not avenged — most still Ukraine for he was. Though here too loyal Communists of people missing!

"Brrr! — Veronica tossed her head пытатясь freed from their high-sounding reasoning. -I was at the mercy driven and I about some strange things рассудаю!"

A Chechen, the one that pushed her into the salon, slightly turned his head and looked askance at her, as if to ask "what are You?! Sidi, not rock the boat!"

Veronica somehow remembered "prisoner of the Caucasus" by Leo Tolstoy.

"Yes, now and in the Caucasus does not have to travel to captured by чеченам get! — усменулась it. -Even the threshold of the house to go it is not necessary! The capture of exported! And Moscow is now as the Caucasus, it turns out?! There, probably, Chekhov more than in the Caucasus! Of course — where all the money of the Union, now Russia! But still! Fish place was, the Moscow! Only me why there to understand?! I'm a little fish in a Metropolitan scale! Yes Russia is now probably destined to the second coming be under the Caucasus, since her head was removed — the king was shot. Stalin верховодил, now the Chechens. Of course, if Russia was left without a king in my head! However, that to me Russia?! I was taken God knows where!"

Been a few hours Mercedes raced swiftly crossing the villages and settlements, towns and cities, in Moscow's side, taking her farther from home.

Her soul hang like a rubber band, one part of which remained at home, got ahold of his apartment, his own beloved, comfortable and nice city, and the second was with her, and from inside the stronger was aching all the best singers sang nerves. It seemed that they now's not sustain pressure and explode.

In the cabin there was silence was heard only the faint sound of the engine. All were silent, and Veronica was not myself.

Yes, it would probably be better if she said anything, for something criticized, he was threatened. Even if called her most recent words, it would be easier. But for all the time the road no one said a word in Russian (unlikely Caucasians размовлялись on украинньской мови). And it was worse than any of the attacks.

Sometimes they vigorously перегоривались about some things in the wrong Veronica language, and then she tried to intonation guess what it is. But it was not easy, because Veronica was lost in guesses what awaits her.

When you already have, and it is possible to simply remain silent, to listen and learn, then you get some advantage, and this lets you know what to expect there, where the words should be surely and swiftly respond words, otherwise you will eat. For the time of life with the Hippopotamus Veronika have to understand that many things in the world of gangsters decided on понтах. No, of course, the rule of "the rights of one who has more rights" worked, but only a very interesting way. to the right was the one who tongue was suspended better, and who could really make something extraordinary, for all to see, as he is outraged, and, therefore, rights. Cost during the "Bazaar", verbal skirmish, lose, lose your rhythm exchange of claims, "предъявами", threats, attacks, as you can assume, that you "blown" arrow.

On the other hand, if you're wrong, but you behave aggressively attacking the victim so as if they've got something moved, and not thou he, in a fit of feigned rage he can move or shoot with a hot, all this adds weight you, and if the opponent funked it with this your behavior, then you're as good as his "deceived" and won the encounter. He still can show to those who oversee disassembly, looking, for unjustified impact.

Especially this technique works well if you were invited to parse, and the victim came with a roof, not with her, or мелковат, or he does not have it, and he just asked.

The irony of her position was that all of her knowledge were now useless. She was carried, as for interrogation. It was not the shooter. It just caught and brought to that. From whom she had escaped. The funny thing was that Veronica knew her just throw the money, because everything was paid on arrival. It was a vile, disgusting! But people worked: given the slack — get and sign it! And it раковинка called Behemoth хрустнула and fell apart, revealing the pink flesh for поживы, and her shamelessly began to eat!

No matter how far it was to Moscow, but the evening "Mercedes" joined the flood of multi-row automotive sea, luminous ahead of hundreds of red and yellow lights, and the oncoming — private sheaves of white light.

Now their вдижение slowed down, and a couple of hours they drove through the capital's traffic jams and congestion, which started even on the approaches to Moscow.

Veronica again started to shake in anticipation of the nearest junction. If expensive distract her outlandish scenery of devastation and lofty thoughts, now nothing but the night lights and cars to be seen. But she felt that the journey's end, and there will be unfavorable for her isolation.

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