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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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What it events, Lev did not manage to scroll in memory. Let in strong sleepy gas a chamber, and the boy failed in a chasm of a deep sleep.

* * *

When the starprobe vehicle arrived to the place, he woke up. In the head was mutnovato. The world looked around is gray and ominously. It was cool, an artificial covering of a kosmoport in hoarfrost, pours a sleet. After a sleepiness in a metal box the shiver beat, and iskoloty a penal bed the back unpleasantly ached. The truth the scratches caused by females to the slave gigolo, bruises and burns managed to descend, the organism of the batyr was restored quickly, without leaving even the slightest marks. To be warmed, Lev added a step, for the first time he saw snowfall and, was is struck: how dreadful natural rainfall is. On the planet Earth, warm heavy rains running streams on suntanned skin always to pleasure especially as they never cause floods and do not happen long. Quickly splashing bare feet on the ice cold pools covered with a thin crust of ice, the boy almost ran, hopping similarity of a hopak. Strangely enough, but the feeling from breaking under the coarsened sole of the fellow of ice, was pleasant and exciting and, Lev tried to strike a crystal crust as it is possible stronger. Splashes drenched one a little pleasant subject with a svinopodobny snout, ears of an elephant and greenish crocodile skin. Rather dirty water soiled clumsily sitting uniform of the employee of the space airport. An animal, having stretched webby paws, began to whistle something. Some curse in strongly broken language of Purple constellation.

Dzhover terribly bellowed, having shown on shoulder straps of the economic general.

— You, a vile reptile, do not dare to offend a stelzan and his faithful servant!

The weighty fist fell upon an opposite green muzzle. The blow was good, the being swayed, but did not manage to fall. Prompt lougkig extremely excited Eraskander moreover with a turn, crumpled a physiognomy pork slono — a crocodile. Hulk flopped in a pool, and the protection standing in the distance cheerfully laughed, showing to fingers on a prostrate ugly mug, with the flattened-out ugly face. Brown fioletavaya blood flew down in a pool, extending a pungent smell of turpentine. Without being late, Hermes and Lev sat down in in advance prepared flaneur. Then promptly flew up, having frightened away spotty insects.

In sector somehow specially it was restless. In the atmosphere fish pangolins with peryevy fins flew. There were also beings similar to wolves with wings of a bat. Three-headed eagles soared some large, size about the star fighter. Huge dragonflies with needles of large hedgehogs flitted. Half-civilized not humanoid creations dominated generally. The sounds made by them reminded something average between wolf we howl also clatter of cicadas. Some of them too close flew up to the flaneur, threatening with collision.

Dzhover turned a rychazhok, and the wave of ultrasound dispersed the enraged creatures. Those with hysterical squeal and who is more reasonable being extorted by juicy curses, scattered in different directions. Hermes growled in reply:

— Defective inogalakta we you zapulsary!

Being curious Lev, on a guerrilla slang asked:

— And where we here prikimary?

Dzhover pointed a finger, from a ring the hologram with the index and an inscription took off: "In a brothel".

Eraskander without special enthusiasm, looked afar and calmed down — it is not similar to a brothel. The enormous multikilometer building with severe bazalto-marble walls stood out on an unfriendly background clearly. The construction in a form was similar to a medieval castle with thick teeths. Not far was also seen huge as the rock, the rectangular building. Barracks for slaves to not humanoids. This giant skyscraper reached a stratosphere. On a roof the launch pad of fighting starprobe vehicles settled down. Even the dirty sector was stuffed with troops of Purple constellation as a roll with raisin. The lion with surprise said:

— Looks so archaically!

The having exit to the mezhdugalaktichesky Printseps-Internet (Functioning in hyper space, and kinezprostranstvo vectors) which is built in in Hermes's ring, through the hologram issued information.

This construction, is the legendary Black castle. The well-known place which inspired local cinemas on shootings of tens of movies and writing of hundreds of criminal fighters and detectives. In it there were also battles of knights-inogalaktov on racers and in armor, it was necessary to endure to these walls attacks of pirates, invasion of the poisonous insects eating the atmosphere. The present is not so romantic; in the most ancient Black lock the whole network of lush institutions and a den of the gangster Lucher, largest in a galaxy, by nickname the Kvazarny dragon was attached. The symbol of the criminal world more than on twenty five miles bit into soil and there were over six miles in height, miles twelve in width. It was built for many millennia, and maybe by millions of years, until, when stelzana "made happy" with the occupation this galaxy. Walls were under construction according to confidential recipes of the disappeared types and were strong, almost like latest alloys, fighting, space starprobe vehicles.

Hermes shouted to the hologram:

— Go out! We do not need it!

The flaneur landed on the extensive platform literally filled by the flying cars of the most various, sometimes wildish and mad elaborate designs. Near the broken multi-colored configurations creatures, generally not humanoid type pottered about. Beings were multi-colored, motley, in scales, feathers, thorns, armor with needles and edges of type shaving, with suckers, plants, live minerals and is still unimaginable with what, not having analogs on Earth. The lion never before saw such variety of space fauna. It caused curiosity and subconscious alarm. There were representatives of different types, structures and forms. Transparent and in the form of the thinnest worms, tiny and enormous, there are more elephants. Even amorphous beings met. Hybrid types of all colors. Billions of original planets... Trillions of years of the evolution going waves, generated an incalculable variety of types.

The black lock was specially adapted for many intergalactic types.

Though the aircraft softly sat down on a dark-violet covering of a park zone, shook it a little as if from below tried to escape captivated by Zeus Titan. Dzhover and Eraskander without paying to it attention, left (more true the young man jumped out as a cheetah, and stelzan descended solidly in style of the ancient prince) and went to one of lateral entrances to this intergalactic "hotel".

The way was suddenly barred by two slonopodobny door-keepers with dozen of horns, they literally blocked up pass with the five-ton hulks.

— What race? Look? Persons? Invitations are? Your purpose of visit?

Unanimously, as if the overloaded dressers creaked strappers. Carcasses of "elephants" were dressed in a camouflage of black color with white flakes. In paws they held ten-barreled luchemeta of gun type.

— I am Urlik, on the slang nickname Ferrous metal. This is my personal slave Lev Eraskander, on a slang Lev. There is an invitation diskette.

The policeman clumsily took a diskette. Such small diskette with half-meter fingers was difficult to be held in a mighty paw, but the policeman had skill, dexterously inserted it into the cybernetic observer. That considered all information on persons. The violet bulb of the free admission flashed. Security guards slowly, even necks cracked, nodded, having passed a stelzan with the slave forward. The door from a heavy-duty alloy silently opened. A lion having taken couple of steps inside, the covering was warm and soft as a female body inside. Unexpectedly movable by naughty thought, the boy turned and winked at guards:

— It is unprofitable to protect the good, and others it is troublesome if you do not need guards then, you were absolutely ruined!

Horned mastodons, only clapped big as glazishchama sinks. Hermes seized the brawny boy by a brush and pulled:

— More bright legs!

From corridors of a starinneyshy den, pulled hydrogen sulfide and something else more stinking. The surface of a covering became firmer and colder, on walls the painted ugly faces of ghouls of various types were visible. Feeling as if artists avant-gardists competed whose drawing fast will force to stammer. And in completion to all paint highlighted.

Powerful explosions were suddenly distributed, chaotic firing began. The most difficult life forms watered each other with volleys of the diverse systems and types. The rolling voice of lethal megawadded shells was heard. Starprobe vehicles flashed and broke, corpses of ill-matched reasonable animals instantly charred, getting under killing beams of blasters, ecolasers and other types of the weapon. The lion saw space fight thanks to time which flashed a corridor, the lock to five holographic projections. The fighting ships of Stelzanat, despite suddenness of attack, automatically were under construction in system "flexible chain". Guns of huge calibers threw up clots of annihilation gifts which rushing on the broken trajectories stuck into the closest space submarines of a menagerie. Here, for example inomiryan began to scatter one of krupnevshy starprobe vehicles as if the burned-down cardboard. It seemed to a lion that he sees biped chickens with the monkey pads which are in panic running up along corridors of the padded space cruiser, without success of the painful "kiss" trying to avoid, a relentless flame. Saving modules as if color children's pills jumped out from damaged, the running-away, chaotically untwisted ships. The plazmorubka for all fighting models was so prompt. Looking at it, Dzhover-Urlik was stupefied with fear, he was not a fearless professional soldier. After the next shake-up which kicked up prickly dust from a floor, the economic general, at last, drapanut deep into the narrow black corridor lit with dim red light.

On the platform several explosions thundered, pieces of meat and splinters of metal reached an entrance to a corridor. Eraskander managed to lie down, but one of splinters nevertheless rassek his bronze skin, having passed on a tangent, and another cut off a short lock of snow-white hair. At the same moment ten impressive figures appeared at an entrance. Shveytsary-slonopotamy jumped aside in the parties.

Gorillopodobny shestiruky haligara squeezed into an entrance. The strappers armed with the most powerful luchemeta. Star monsters in armored suits with signs of municipal native police were densely splodgy with the multi-color, bubbling blood.

Hermes did not manage to leave far. A floor was too slippery, and it crashed down polutoratsentnerovy hulk. Here, in a narrow corridor, there was no slightest chance to evade from killing beams. Dzhover turned pale and raised hands. It looked quite properly. However haligar had a look the most ruthless and disgustingly aggressive.

Only Lev did not give in to panic. One detail interested him. In hands "gorillas" had powerful fighting gravio-laser machines of heavy army caliber. And meanwhile, soldiers of municipal police were given on arms paralyzers or gamma guns and that is extremely rare, the blaster of average caliber of the lowered power. Carrying gravio-laser luchemet of the class "Byrd" and other heavy army arms was forbidden on pain of painful death. Haligaram, as trusted the subdued race only weaker weapon though they were the most mass auxiliary force of the empire. Therefore, their form was counterfeit. And it were either space gangsters, or spies.

Hermes moved back along a corridor, shaking with fear.

— To stand, arthropods reptiles, otherwise you are threatened by elimination!

The commander's voice unexpectedly was thin and squeaky. It encouraged Lev. The young man, trying to give to a voice obsequious tone.

— My owner faints now. I have to bring it into myself!

Having picked up Dzhover for a waist, Eraskander imperceptibly got because of a belt a plazmometatel. And, without turning the head, shot at ominous silhouettes of opponents. It seemed to Shestiruky "gorillas" that the looking boy amusing savage only supports the mister, and giggled. With an inhuman force Lev could throw the owner in the narrow crack almost imperceptible in dim light of a corridor. He managed to do it synchronously, along with a shot.

Plazmometatel was loaded with the tiny annihilation rocket, and though they managed to take cover in a crack, the fiery plasma hurricane got also shooting. As Lev jumped a bit later and was absolutely naked, he suffered much stronger. The flame singed a face, shoulders, considerable part of skin, having partially injured hair. The brightest flash blinded also those who conducted furious dismantling on the platform of a kosmoport. Killed some, brought down someone a shock wave. At many organs of vision just failed. Firing ceased.

From strong blow Hermes fainted. The lion, on the contrary, landed as a cat. Civilians of Purple constellation were forbidden to carry the used infernal arms. It could use only official armed forces, and that with a number of restrictions. Could arrest for carrying such weapon. Eraskander terribly got into a fuss, he understood that he overstepped all bounds the law. Here it will become insufferably close from patrols of Purple constellation soon. The despair prompted an exit, having shouldered the owner (that his one billion centuries was cooked in hyper plasma), the young man jerked along a twisting corridor which was narrowed, extended. It ran about 60-70 meters. To disappear, it needed to find the elevator. It was extremely hard to run with such hulk for burned with all-devouring substance. The lion was dripping with sweat which corroded already painful burns, legs shivered. It kept only by ultraboundary effort of will. Already almost fainting, Eraskander ran up to an open door of the elevator, the lisopodobny little man just left it. He stood aside, with an indifferent look having passed fugitives in a cabin. Probably, the similar show was habitual.

The lion began to press the obscure inscriptions put on buttons feverishly. On a wall of a mobile cabin into which the tormented boy got the monitor screen sparkled, and it was possible to choose any direction in a boundless lift labyrinth. In memory one of ancient jokes flashed. Criminals got into the elevator and disappeared in the unknown direction.

But in this case it is not a hokhma, but reality of technologies of the worlds with history in many millions of years any more. On this elevator it was possible to pass tens, and even hundreds of miles in depths of soil of this unusual planet. On underground labyrinths passed between the cities and even continents. The majority of them were constructed long before occupation of a stelzanama. To the most ancient courses there was not one million years. From the black lock the whole underground network proceeded. The planet since ancient times was famous as a shelter for star bandits of all colors and races. This planet was a nest for villains where all laws were conditional. In this underground world with thousands of thousands of hare tracks of the courses confused more miraculously there was one of the largest in this part of the Universe a den of space mafia. Korolor's planet is more ancient than Earth much more sizes. It cooled down much more deeply, than Earth. Many sectors and the courses are not even marked on cards of intelligence agencies of the empire.

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