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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The elevator strongly accelerated. Lev too often switched parameters to confusions. Soon they got to unfamiliar sector. This zone seemed empty and ominous. But whether it is possible to reproach with it the wounded guy? The elevator constantly went zigzags to the parties, moving across, down, on diagonal, confusing all directions. It is necessary to stop, otherwise it is possible to stop by in an underworld. Only how to stop this box? Perhaps to press the red button? The elevator not from an old rarity, and at stelzan too of scarlet color blood, and is worse from it will definitely not be.

Lev Eraskander having appeased a shiver in the fingers covered with blisters, quickly pressed the red button...

Chapter 13

As could happen that progress

Gave to Earth other direction,

And cave and stone regress

Struck people of Earth during one moment?

The answer to it is very simple!

Silly it is not difficult to gather,

The savage did not grow to revolt —

It is simpler to operate fools!

Hammered into a crown, Vladimir Tigrov reminded the monkey intimidated by lions. As lions, certainly, there were soldiers of Purple constellation. Having taken a detour, they settled down just under that tree where the frightened boy hid. Somewhere in the distance majestic music began to sound, in the same time and several caterpillar robots appeared. On the top everyone the robot the fixed flagstaff with a big flag of the great empire flaunted. It was a bright seven-color cloth красно-оранжево-желто-зелено-изумрудно-синего-фиолетового colors. On each strip there were about forty nine sparkling stars. Stelzana believed that three multiple degrees of the seven symbolize infinity. And according to religion of Purple constellation, exists seven the parallel mega-Universes from which this the small and not organized. Transition to other Universes is carried out after death, marking new even more nice life, and boundless, cruel war. And in this case seven was also not considered as final mathematical number, and it is rather a symbol of great variety.

The anthem calmed Vladimir, he suddenly remembered that he was not frightened of the witch, space Kali, Lira Velimara and that it is a shame to person to be afraid of bad people with blasters. Especially as the president Polikanov proved that stelzana are mortal, so can be won. To hope not harmfully, but to lose hope most perniciously! When the anthem abated, dissonant sounds of a song were heard.

In bright light the marching column was distinctly visible. Judging by growth and round smiling faces, it were children. Very suntanned, to blackness, as if the African Blacks, almost naked, only with a thin gray piece of fabric around hips. Neither to give, nor to take, savages from the tribe of a tube-yuba. However they were not backward children. Native children, as suddenly some seventh feeling Vladimir Tigrov realized, not bad knew geography, liked to study history of the ancient countries and the continents which disappeared Putin of total war. Let, even podpolno literally going on a razor edge (a denunciation local politsayev and forbidden knowledge you will be let on buttons and bags!) drawing cards a nail on barked. The majority of them had straight fair hair, partially by nature, partially burned out on the sun. Dense heads of hear, but the truth which is too started shaggy as at children peasants from medieval frescos. And physiognomies quite European, without negroid lines, pleasant and cheerful. But the most important, they sang in Russian.

Great light of the empire,

Gives to all people happiness!

In the Universe which is not measured

It is finer to you not to find!

Brushes precious,

From edge and to edge!

The empire was stretched,

Mighty sacred!

Star radiant,

The way to people lights!

Owns force main,

Protects the planet!

Children sang and marched as pioneers on a ruler, trying to measure out accurately the barefoot, covered with small grazes and bruises legs the pace, without losing mid-flight speed. Similarity to a pioneering was added by buglers and drummers. Drums beat an army tattoo, buglers blew from time to time. There were no ties, but they were successfully replaced by red collars. In hands children had axes, ropes, saws, other devices for wood rolls. Of course, they came here not just to sing, but also to work.

Trees cut and dragged manually, from equipment there were only vehicles and kono-caterpillars here. Too a product of genetic engineering, like shaggy, multi-legged horses, but much quicker and with natural solar batteries instead of wool. From the point of view of stelzan, mechanization of work not only is not necessary and is even harmful. People strongly bred, it is even more of them than prior to aggression, and work is not enough for all. Here the majority is also engaged in the cabin of the wood moreover at the same time and sings. However the woods already cut so many that in the immediate environment all warehouses are hammered. Therefore many woodcutters are forced to go on tens of kilometers further. Children work quietly, even with some enthusiasm. A look at children also quite healthy, the muscles developed figures athletic such at their age at modern generation a big rarity. As if it is the best shots from school of the Olympic reserve dragging in couples big logs and it is dashing, the striking striking blows axes on thick trunks. The balanced food, fresh air, physical activity yielded such tremendous results. Probably other contemporaries of Tigrov would envy such life. It is enough to be able to read, know the multiplication table and to be able to undersign. Everything that over it is under a strict ban, exceptions became only for certain most notable helpers of the occupational mode. Vladimir, however, was angry more and more. How it is possible to work here so quietly for invaders, to sing the anthems glorifying these animals? It was a shame to it and it is bitter for the, and here to go down — there was not enough courage. Was znoyno, young hard workers, sweated and their black bodies shone as if oiled. Four soldiers with an emblem of a purple eye (occupational forces), obviously, missed. Usually they did not patrol woodcutters in quiet areas, trusting it politsayam or to protection robots. Hot and the truth was not, so a special form besides protective functions of easy armor, also regulated temperature of the environment which is directly surrounding flesh of invaders. It is necessary to have a good time somehow. But how? Of course, in bracelets or in luchemeta, they have computer games, but it is not that chic at all! It is far more interesting to mock at children!

The senior fighter from protection in Russian ordered:

— Everything, break! Let's play soccer!

Boys, of course, were delighted. Accurately (try, show negligence with such cruel owners!), put tools on grades, then flashing, patches, barefoot, greenish-violet from a grass, started collecting branches. Young hard workers began to construct already from branches and magnificent, large leaves numerous gate. As patsanit there was much, and teams has to be not less than dozen. The senior on a rank the strapper invader stopped children:

— We will play other soccer, soccer of our great empire. We are four against all of you. And a ball at us only one. There are your gate, here ours. A task — to hammer a ball at any cost. We start!

Any, means any. And stelzana began to beat children. Under the guise of game it is pleasant to otkoloshmatit the one who is weaker. Especially nicely if you beat similar to. Polutoratsentnerovy strappers crippled children, wrung hands, legs, edges, and even hurt the heads. And when children, having united pack as if savages of a mammoth filled up one of supervisors-invaders, villains started the weapon. Bodies of children cut to pieces a little bent, brighter, the beams of blasters which on the contrary are growing dull on the trajectory. In air began to smell fake meat, the smoke vikhritsya, full sufferings groans of the dying boys were carried....

— Fascists! Barbarians! Sadists! — By a hysterical voice it was distributed from a top.

Having forgotten about own safety, having lost an instinct of self-preservation, Tigers hastily went down from a tree. He wanted to spray also ruthless executioners, and all is superfascist Stelzanat on quarks, having dispelled on the Universe. Having been ahead of him, space animals cut the laser, having cut dense krone. Vladimir broke from the chopped trunk. Having crashed down from height in twenty meters, it strongly hurt. When Vladimir regained consciousness, he was already fastened a wire to a palm tree and with curiosity considered. The senior supervisor was already quite skilled fighter therefore he with a particular interest looked on suddenly the fallen-down captive. Quiet tone in which only easy curiosity appeared stelzan said, carrying out by a nail on an iskoloty sole of the boy.

— Pay attention. It has a light skin which considerably darkened and even slightly singed on the native sun. On his legs there was a footwear until recently, and nails had accurately hair cut. Hair too not under a nulevka shaved off, work of the hairdresser is visible. I speak, this is not the local native. You should not kill or torture him, it will be better to hand over him in office of "Love and the truth". Riddles to solve not our this business.

The strapper in the boyekostyum blood-stained by children's blood nevertheless risked to object:

— Really we will not torture him and we will lose such pleasure?

— If it the buzzwig, then to us flies for unauthorized tortures. Let's better catch and will torture someone from local...

The leader clicked the control panel, and graviotsikla of stelzan flew up to owners, inclined wheels, as if inviting stelzan to saddle "horses". The senior supervisor already wanted to jump on a mechanical racer, but did not keep and still got a lash.

— Let's recover consciousness of the captive and we will a little blow up.

The blow quickly returned all completeness of feelings still obscured hardly perceiving someone else's words, to consciousness of Vladimir.

The strapper stelzan beat strongly, the boy shivered and even cried from some blows dissecting skin. On the thirtieth blow Vladimir fainted. To it in a face splashed cold water from similarity of a siphon...

When the young captive hardly opened eyes, opposite to him the attached black boy with a fair hair and blue eyes already hung. He was tortured quite primitively, in a savage way with fire from a self-made torch. The local boy twitched, cried out like a stuck pig, his already quite good muscles strained in violent effort that even the rope cracked. When he from painful shock fainted, monsters cheered up. Sons of the dreadful empire in the terribly vile, joyful excitement went bananas.

— Sadists, geeks! — it is hardly heard whispered Tigers.

At last executioners paid attention and to it.

— Pray, a white macaque! Let's look whether you when to you roast heels will be able to keep silent!

The fanatic stuck the burning log to a naked leg of the young man. A flame rapaciously licked a heel of the unfortunate teenager, blisters were instantly blown up.

Pain was terrifying, only even more strong feeling of hatred allowed to constrain shout this time.

However it already exceeded all limits of endurance of a human body, and Tigers this time for a long time lost ability to feel surrounding dreadful reality.

* * *

Any, even not longest travel sometime comes to an end. Short, on Universe scales, and enormous, on human concepts, hyper jumps the starprobe vehicle "Freedom and justice" inevitably approached Earth. The bureaucracy of the empire lost the decency remains, creating all new and new barriers on the way of the movement of star inspection.

* * *

On the planet Earth mass preparations were humming. An important role was played by municipal native forces. The largest cities and settlements were put in order. To the population it was free of charge distributed worthy vestments, at least in large settlements people should not remind backward savages. This, really, was a problem. It is not enough factories on production of clothes and stocks in warehouses it is insignificant are small. It is possible to refer, of course, that people ran wild, but then can accuse of it the imperial power. With food problems never also were. Thanks to climate change, installations of fokusator and mirrors, on Earth there was practically no night, and genetically improved plants yielded a harvest of 6-8 times in a year, and fruit in general all the year round fell from trees. Because of it the population of Earth too bred, but its cultural level sharply fell. Got used to do without clothes, food itself in a mouth as if in a national tale jumps, about the Internet forgot (its intergalactic, space modification is dirtied by various annihilation programs and viruses so that travel in a kinezprostranstvo is similar to jog on a minefield), and the television is watched only by helpers of the mode and native oligarchy. And the good clothes to them only since recent time were allowed to wear. The others were accustomed to thought that they only working cattle.

* * *

The commander of elite special group of collaborationist special troops "Alpha stelz" the colonel Igor Rodionov a fast elastic pace went along Anzh-Katuna Square. Once the Red Square of Moscow was at this place. The capital of the strongest, the Russian Empire, extensive, mighty and rich on the earth, was wiped out by the first blow of annihilation rockets. On its place there was a half-ruined huge village now. In days of old the whole world shivered, looking at terrible Kremlin walls. The power the strongest of the strongest — the Great empire dominated on the planet, having pressed down the power the United States of Armetiki and Sitay, having rejected these countries from positions of world leaders. And now... Where this former power, half-forgotten history? On the place of the capital — one huts and there are no more than dozen of the multi-storey gone to pieces buildings. The mankind was not uniform yet, but a role of Russia of the world leader and a superpower appeared more and more accurately on the accruing sinusoid. The Russian Empire enduring numerous take-off and falling restored control over all territory of the USSR. The cruel energy crisis which captured the planet Earth allowed to save up money and resources for further expansion. Having used that the army of the USA up to a throat got bogged down in dragged-out war with the Islamic world, troops of the strengthened Russian Empire helped Arabs to expel at first armetikanets from the Tersidsky gulf, then under the pretext of fight against terrorism the army of Russia took all oil fields of this region under control. As a result all countries — from Ilzhir to Andiya — were fastened under rigid patronage of the new great empire. Sitay it was forced to reconcile to a role of the younger military partner of Russia. The economy of the USA fell into a condition of a collapse. On the quiet it was succeeded to return control over Alaska, to crush grown decrepit and not too the necessary Veropa. However, in recent years, before star aggression armetikanets partially restored the power, staking on new technologies. Business went to war, but the last military developments gave every chance of a victory of Russia and East block. Before world supremacy was no distance. But now it is crushed by an armor boot with a magnetic sole.

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