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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Emmanuel makes a gesture: they say, do not dream, and do not catch fleas!

The boy-President trump, philosophizing further, said:

— This battle quite not the first, but... The first pancake can also leave a lump, and the first fight only a victory as otherwise, it not the first, and only!

Emmanuel ran her hand down her throat. Chiseled toes naked girls legs nervously crushed the grass.

— Maybe the young demiurge you will end up punished? Almost with hope, seeing the fluctuations of the boys-President, said the Baron. Others only looked around, hoping for a favorable force majeure. Or maybe a sudden help, a lucky lottery ticket. Not bad to use and clever fraud. Like, for example, the fifth ACE in one deck, or hidden under the visor of the Joker cap.

Suddenly it was cold, as if blown from the North pole.

To them and actually walked up the fifth card and it was a woman, and is so big that it always lured the young man or eunuch without a beard.

Donald trump felt uncomfortable. All the more breath have the young boys became heavy, relief muscle ached from fatigue.

In this case, the giant, of course, were not even in the minority, and the singular. With heavy footsteps, but at the same time, breathing calmly, Marquis demon Madame de Starinovskaya reminded that what is so obvious:

In front of us, barefooted, the scarred sucker, but against the best soldiers in the world!

Donald felt a surge of anger after that.

Warlock-druid hoarsely croaked:

Is a good sucker... Laid a whole squad of decent, selected soldiers. I wish I could be that yellow!

The boy President winked back and spread his legs wider.

— We're five against the baby! Resented by the mighty Marquis.

Emmanuel shook her head and squeaked.:

— This child will give you a head start!

Giant, shivering, and jerking shoulders, said:

So what? This is exactly the case when appearance is only misleading. "There are those who have already fallen, too, was not less than fifty, or rather a whole hundred! Where are the falcons now? Lucky guys with moans crawl away from the crimson lists.

The huge woman radiated anger.

The boy-President Donald, as if confirming the words, did not even look back, with a wave of his left hand forced to let the bloody bubbles of another Saracen.

Emmanuel could barely contain myself to not to jump into the fray.

— And because I squirm, Suddenly began to instruct belligerent know-it-all warlock-druid, — that the pound of raisins did not put of the opponent.

Queen-a girl shouted:

— He's Superman!

The boy-President trump was attacked by another mercenary, this time from among the Mongols. He tried to shoot the kid with a bow. The boy-President, moving away from the first two arrows, caught a third hand and forced the enemy to take the tip in the throat.

Then he put his Shin with a turn, finished off another savage.

But the giant Baron continued, which seemed strange to such a large man, to insist.:

— Yes I — it is ready to revalue and from Holy angel award winning. No desire to die in the Prime of life, or even worse maimed.

Emmanuel, mocking, showed language: pier, it is not given to you!

The Marquise whistled through her nostrils and shook her head.

And her neck is like a Buffalo....

— No, calico comrade! — Firmly and categorically exclaimed the General. — We after all here the most strong the magical loaded have picked up. The General sniffed. — That's what we decided!

Emmanuel made a sign to her husband, saying, do not let yourself talk.

For him, the arrogant General, he graduated from the Castilian count:

— That's it we will tcolorbutton, our Holy cherub.

The boy-President has shown in response to the fist.

The General asked again:

— Well, do you agree?

The giant Marchioness nodded, and turned her head.

Instead of answering, the count thrust his sword into the ground and immediately pulled it out, making a caricatured brutal face.

Emmanuel gagged himself with his fist mouth so deafening not to laugh.

The Marquis and magician said angry inhuman growl, and Baron remained nothing how to assure:

"Cowardice is the exact opposite of caution, since the first curve leads to a broken trough, and such a place is too damp to feel safe!

Girl-Emmanuelle Queen squeaked, holding myself on the chin:

— Safe as a worm!

The Marquise grunted.:

— Oh, no pathos, no pompous phrases!

It was hard to believe, though.

— Yes, I can also without unnecessary tinsel. I'm just not going to give in! The Baron pointed with his fist to his chest.

Donald trump frowned, preparing for a decisive battle.

The Marquise gave short orders. ;

Okay, children of the hare! We then reach the diamond-shaped support reserve and take a defensive position. The giant woman lowered her eyelids and explained. — On the one hand, we use the strong point as an additional protection from its rapid movements, and on the other, we will be securely covered by the wall of the tribune.

The boy-President Trump was not afraid at all, he only rubbed his itchy, wounded shoulder.

The count clicked his tongue with pleasure.:

What an idea! Here the dummy is such a surprise....

Emmanuel made a sign: we are not fools! And with her bare toes, she crushed a dung beetle.

This maneuver apparently a very skilled warrior from a noble family. The boy-President Donald Trump to the extreme howling fire siren did not come to the interior. Approaching a close-knit group of defenders, the blond boy and the us President-terminator gave:

Who selinitsa hedgehog, he will go to consumption as a sexual brush!

All anything, its cut heel — foot pain. But he is a warrior of a great Empire.

And just a little bit closer, fifty feet from them. Young hero-President some, albeit brief time studying the material and bristling with magical means line of defense. Searching for the Achilles ' heel and choosing the right moment to strike.

Wow, whining his children's veins, and the shackles he rubbed up blood ankles.

Young body warrior Donald trump pondered. He wanted to finish faster, but also to provide for different, and cunning, sophisticated.

After all, there is quite a difficult team gathered.

In any case, to overload themselves with weapons should not be, but naked to attack dumb.

He's a man it's time to have even grandchildren, and great grandchildren, turned into a snot rod.

Making a flip boy-President trump grumbled:

— Win always it is difficult, even foolish enemy — ease comes only, when celebrate victory of reason!

Beautiful Emmanuelle whispered, loud enough for his keen ear caught ogolna:

You're perfect! Kick me in the groin with your bare heel!

And then came the final passage of the General, is able to see God's judgment of the battle. The only stunted and thin the attacking warrior, remembered films about various gurus. The young warrior-President, imitating the Eastern school of martial arts, took a few special breaths, catching up in the blood as much as possible bioplasm and oxygen. Spent hard, a child's sole to cover, choosing the stones to go for the gusto, so that's rubdowns and jet pulled away like a frenzied boar. Hung like bunches of grapes with weapons, the five protectors immediately moved, slightly changing the position of the massive trained bodies and increasing the emphasis of the legs. Mighty Marquis very deftly and hurled a short spear.

She's a woman made of muscle.

Cool Donald trump saw it coming. The boy President did not even move to the side, and the momentum did not allow such a maneuver. Therefore, it is elementary repulsed with heavy sharp like a shard of a diamond-tipped projectile exhibited across the hilt of the sword. Weapons are slightly deviated down and flew between like twisted wire legs terminator-popdance. Automatically Donald trump estimated force, accuracy and prudence of a throw.

Yes, this is probably the most dangerous of the enemies.

And sweat opponents have proceeded plentifully, in spite of supportive magic. The boy-President trump, seemingly returning his sword to its original place, at the same time with which the account barefoot jump brought a sinewy hand far to the left. Creating a false target by opening your right side completely. The famous General fleetingly as a flash of a hail outside the window, regretted that he did not dare to throw a spear at this moment, and in the next second the famous commander, who was in trouble worthy of the series, first dropped out of the protective row.

Because the boy President trump wound up his relief with a triangular bicep arm far to the left for an elementary swing. The second sword flew like a disc launched from a ship's crossbow, struck the General on the ankles and cut him like a sickle millet.

Emmanuel, shaking her Golden hair, squealed:

That's them!

Donald snapped.:

— Opening an account in the Bank crave addition, opening an account broken enemies, you want to decrease, but the gain in any case depends on the calculating savvy!

Girl and a starry Queen-in-one bellowed:

— More deeds, less words!

And friends were fierce. It was over the fallen General, unceremoniously trampling his body with forged red gold boots, and slipped, turning heavy weapons, the Marquise of Demons. She made a furious attempt to overwhelm golopuz, but still has repeatedly wounded the boy Donald. The lady has violated the plan, yielding some frenzied fury of a Panther. In addition, she herself imitating the boy tried to move the enemy with a boot. And she has a Shoe with a steel sole and pointed like a dagger.

Not like this barefoot, scratched boy.

But Donald trump-style Aikido pushed onezero warrior. So he lost his balance, with a big head helmet flew off, loosened hair blazed like a flame torch. While the Marquis de Plusi Belier ( this is irony, Angelica was not as healthy and skilful in military Affairs, although shot and good!) with gusto took a massive handle of the sword in the red-orange head. The beast woman tried unsuccessfully to hold the elusive thread of consciousness, got a knee in her temple, and fell to the ground like a gutta-percha doll, a puppet theater.

Emmanuel, squealed:

— Go peck their kite!

Donald trump said with a sigh:

— In the bed Department, the man must take the initiative, even if it is necessary to lay the enemy in the underworld!

Yes good oholic, Cheetah with swords.

The rest is still up three apologist for war magic spun around and barked:

"Death is not an old woman with a rusty scythe, but a passionate maiden with a gold braid, who is waiting for a guy with impatience, never to be late with a date, and his marriage will end with the most hopeless need! That's just shy away from it!

It sounds beautiful, but we also need the speed of the blades.

Soldiers, giving wisdom patter, tried to repel a new attack, but got right above the knee Russian sword, cut the tendons, forced the Baron to sit down in pain, lowering his hand with a shield. Here the boy-President Donald trump remembering the Boxing film( the top of the forehead is the strongest place in the skull!), and in the next moment of chin military opponent knocked all the spirit grochowska a little higher cover plate housing the head of the kid-terminator.

Emmanuel scared screamed,.

Have the most young warrior sparkled in the eyes of. Giant Baron staggered, clumsily enough fingers for air, vomited blood and became like a flat tire, fell back.

Emmanuel breathed a sigh of relief:

— The head is scrap!

The young warrior trump couldn't resist the giggles and gags:

Usually the expression to work the head has a figurative meaning, but unfortunately the term head is scrap, as a rule, literally!

And then the bare-headed President winced, stepping on the sharp edge of the metal with his bare sole.

The count hurled at the boy-President of the dagger, but then, bare toes catching the children's feet, blasted back, but an experienced warrior has shifted, the tip only slightly nagrubili armor, rastoropov to small blood skin. But the shock of the throw forced the warrior to fall to the side, temporarily inoperative.

Emmanuel shouted.:

Be like Tyson!

The druid warlock who had been taken to the fight had seriously cast spells that turned the air around the attacking boy President into jelly. And he on the contrary has accelerated sharply. Yes, seems really contrived to cut the lacing in all okolicu head.

Magic was moving sorcerer is like the flight of a bullet.

But Donald trump, with difficulty overcoming the resistance of the air, a little (good growth is small!) set down under ten sirens howling sword and rushed with their kladentsom in the attack on the lower level. A cunning deceptive maneuver, like a young terminator, intended to cut. What to cut?

For a moment, kid-terminator flustered.

Yes, the hooves of a druid sorcerer, shod in outlandish shoes with oddly turned up socks. The sorcerer took advantage of this and was about to slash the blade on the back of the opponent's head, when he directly into the visor buried the handle of the same enchanted Mace. As for the media virtually weightless does not interfere with aggressive popdance to move, being secure of Donald trump at the waist.

Emmanuel whistled and stamped her bare, graceful foot with delight.

Blinded by pain and blood from his broken teeth, the warlock staggered back. That's a heavy Mace, so the acceleration punched the enemy for "head". At the druid from behind and nostrils blood rushed, he collapsed on his knees and with a groan tried to tear off from the head of the crumpled helmet. Donald the passion put to an evil mage blade in the eye, triggering the killer instinct.

Well — war is war... Any man, that warrior is born!

One last, this time really the last enemy.

The boy President trump took a deep breath. Blood and sweat, dripping, veins swollen with tension and ringing.

By that time the Count had stopped his staggering and even bent forward, as if looking for the eyes of his offender. Then jumped on the enemy, waving like wings mills two. But this time Donald without unnecessary hardship moved attacker between the eyes with a magic Mace. A crushing blow plunged a relatively young, but formidable opponent trampled gravel.

Well is this the end of... the muscle cramps from fatigue.

And there was a dead silence. Interrupted only by the heavy groans of the wounded. And young Donald trump's body suddenly, which, however, is not surprising felt terrible fatigue. The swords were heavy and the boy President put their ends on the ground... The soul is a mixture of joy and you win and mutnosti — so many people are crippled and killed.

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