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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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It was not succeeded to leave from a blast wave nevertheless...

The hot explosive shaft overtook Lev. Having flown by fifteen meters, Eraskander crashed into a column and fainted. However, did not cover it with a gloom. Externally the guy was completely disconnected, but in thoughts he plunged into a certain similarity of a dream...

... As always in the usual solar morning it with the friends rushed on the wood. They liked to play war. War of people and stelzan was especially popular. The weapon, generally was from a tree, sometimes from plywood. They still were considered too small for physical works, however, there was enough rabsila and without them then...

Future gladiator Lev still quite recently was eight years cycles old, and year on Earth because of approach of an orbit to the Sun became 50 days shorter. Absolutely still in fact the child whom nobody perceives in seriousness, but It was not on age a strong and bright child. In the company of boys, Lev, undoubtedly, was the recognized leader, and in a fight could beat the fighter is much more senior, and larger fellow, than he. And to art of hand-to-hand fight Eraskander like with serious love and fanaticism. He wanted to be, it is strongest, cleverer than all, best of all. He was not afraid to say directly that when grows, Earth will expel all stelzan from the planet, and then will construct the Star ship, is more faithful even the whole flotilla and will free other enslaved worlds. All this strengthened the myth, about it as the heavenly envoy and the Messiah. Though in the village there were also servants of Purple Constellation, even they did not hurry to report on the highest administration. Still, being a small child Lev, sacredly believed in the exclusiveness. Therefore unexpected emergence in the village of several high-ranking persons not strongly impressed it. They arrived with the offsprings. Children of the employees of the mode invested by the power, drew live attention to themselves. In hands they had a plastic weapon, toy and, nevertheless, interesting. At a shot sparks which at hit beat with current skin took off, and for a long time shone on it. Dressed in shorts, bright undershirts in elegant sandals they were sharply allocated from almost naked rural poor. It gave them excessive impudence especially as on all planet Earth there were only two small factories on production of a kidswear, and toys and even many of children of the high-ranking helpers of invaders were forced to go naked and barefoot. It irritated Lev, he did not love impudent fellows, and these children behaved as little barin's sons. One of them shouted, imitating the father to the general of native police.

— Hey, you! Pathetic rural morons, kneel goats! If you see my boots, then start up your leader them with own hand will lick language.

Bright red boots flashed on the sun, on this planet they cost a fortune. Eraskander did not begin to suffer more though he and warned them and that if they though by a finger it is touched whom be from children's elite it not to avoid sending to factory of recycling. About this factory terrible legends, from there no who came back yet went. Said that do of people, combs, clothes, canned food, and other. On human skin and in the truth there was not a small demand, it together with products from hair and bones is enterprising realized in the intergalactic black markets. But Lev nevertheless could not restrain:

— You are a small shakalenok. Your father licks a bum to primacies to stelzana, and you will lick to me heels. — The boy specified on green from a grass and iskoloty about prickles calloused a foot. Hands and legs, knees, elbows, shins, and fists of the child were in grazes and bruises. He every day since early morning if there is a concept morning at eternal light, trained on trees, forcing down bark and breaking branches. From it his extremities were filled, reminding steel rods. However, externally scratched Eraskander was similar to the juvenile bandit at all, blue-green eyes of the boy flare as at a hungry panther.

The shot was in reply distributed, Lev managed to evade and, having dexterously dived, leaving from the next shots, struck in a jump of the opponent. Then having made a somersault, continued the movement as if Michael Tyson in the irresistible pressure. It is a simple, but effective poke the head in a chin. The blow disconnected much more senior, heavy and, perhaps, even the thickish boy, a mumpish paunch. The son of the general fell, and in right there other children, friends snatched on barin's sons. Those having been taken aback from this incomprehensible rage fired from the "pugalok" and almost at once got under crushings. They were beaten with all children's spontaneity and rage. When, little sirs were disconnected, from them took off clothes, took away hours, small mobile phones, and the most important weapon. Everything it was cheerful, children loudly laughed, clapped, there were also girls with wreaths from the marvelous flowers which are generally delivered from other planets, there were and absolutely still kids. There were only no adults who however, the presence would only spoil idyll of freedom and permissiveness. Children included extensive holograms of tiny phones.

One of the boys scratched about prickles told:

— It is simple, they can even give teams by voice.

The black, but with white head hair and one fragmentary tunic the girl was surprised:

— Yes as it is interesting! I want to see the blue fairy!

In reply the hologram zaiskrit, and the image of the beautiful girl with silver wings of a dragonfly appeared.

— I am ready to execute three of your desires.

— Class! — The girl said, having shaken the head topped sparkling on the Sun as if semi-precious stones a wreath. — I want cake with ice cream and chocolate in the form of a knight's castle.

— As at the ancient king Artur. — Prompted bare-bellied with drawing of a lilac wolf on the boy's breast.

— Just a moment! — The fairy flashed, having blinked the image, and right there appeared, holding a glamourous and at the same time majestic castle in hand.

— Transfer him to me. — The girl asked. The hologram put it a colourful construction in flags. The little girl seized him with hands, they passed by. The girl tried once again. It did not turn out. She violently started howling, pounding cams bitter tears:

— Again deception. False stelzana! They have only the true cruelty, and all a good continuous fake!

Gently patting on a back, Lev calmed it:

— These are illusions! They are called holograms. They can show anything as if in the fairy tale. It is not necessary to cry because of them. Perhaps we will better watch friends the movie?

— Yes show on cinema! — Chorus children cried.

The hologram in the form of the fairy, became even more and more colourfully, and the voice rattled as a ringing of serebry hand bells:

— What are necessary to you? I have one million two hundred fifty thousand colonial movies, for various races.

— Some more abruptly and more ridiculously! — Asked, vigorously podtopyvy bosenky legs children.

— Here and games have to be! — Told, having accepted severe, absolutely already adult look Eraskander. — I want though a little to have a good time and to show you how attractive can be progress!

— And what game! — Other hologram which accepted shape of the frog decorated with rosettes with a gold arrow asked.

— Such to fight and do some shooting! — Loudly Lev exclaimed, and the other children vigorously applauded as a sign of support!

— Then I offer star patrol. — Both holograms unnaturally widely stretched faces in smiles.

— Flashed the many-sided image. Lev Eraskander quickly from the quick born soldier asked questions how to use that or the weapon, to pass from level to level, game robots, through holograms answered it.

Soon the boy plunged into a wave of games. Other children watched colourful fantastic action movies or joined to the to the leader. It was cheerful, especially to Lev who easily passed the first level and was dashingly cut on the second. To other children it was more difficult, they had neither an experience, nor a grasp of original terminator peculiar Eraskandera.

One of the killed enemies holding the cut-down head in hand, sang:

— The pleasure my hero is vain — there will be o-yo-yo-y soon!

Eraskander the first departed from euphoria, it is possible under the influence of these ambiguous words: what will be when their hooliganism is revealed? It seems that he in general forgot about cruel reality... The answer came quicker, than he managed to reflect.

— Human macaques, to you bothered to live! Now I with you will play an evaporation roulette!

The voice which said it was children's, but unnaturally loud. Children stopped making a din at once. The one who pronounced these words was not a terrible monster. They were faced by the boy by sight ten, eleven years. Much lighter, and incomparably more brawny, than other native children. Even on clothes it was not strongly allocated, in one shorts, barefoot, however, in a seven-color cap and with gold bracelets in pebbles on hands too. In a hand of the boy small luchemt, very similar on toy, and not childly a severe look of the drilling poisonous-green eyes. In glazishcha hatred and prt wild desire to shoot, kill, from all cracks." This is their child! Children of our invaders" Lev guessed. He never before saw near a live stelzan, and their children moreover on the occupied planet closed for contacts a big rarity. The boy from race of misters was not terrible, even seemed comical in anger, but for the first time at the young leader of rebels young children, so unpleasantly drained in in the pit of the stomach.

— Which of you to tear to pieces first of all! Choose the insignificant small fry! — Stelzanenok darted a glance so full of contempt that seemed as if the invisible fist sadanut to you in a face.

One of girls it is frightened screamed:

— It it! Invader of the mini-essay.

The shot from the laser cut in half idyllic barefoot with white as lamb hair ringlets the baby. The face of the girl was distorted from pain and, was right there smoothed, the innocent dear left, the cut to pieces little body, having directed on the sky to Jesus. Children lifted shout, not which of them began to scorch from toy pistoletik, others rushed in attack, trying to bring down a stelzanenka from legs. The little soldier, cut children a beam, it was easy, it is easier, than to burn the heated needle a thin butter layer. Graviolazer mowed children with tens, and reciprocal shots only slightly zaiskrit skin, having increased rage of the boy chastener. The lion flatwise squabbed on the earth, avoiding deadly fiery strips of a pocket luchemet. It was rolled away and, having groped a weighty stone, having started in the opponent. More true the young fighter threw two striking subjects the first in a hand, another in the head at once, the intuition prompted that one stone can not be enough. And truly little shooter managed to bring down a laser beam the "present" flying to the head, but the second, flying on the broken trajectory, hit precisely on a hand, having beaten out luchemt. The little chastener rushed to the pocket laser, and already was almost in time, was to grab as the powerful blow of a leg rejected the weapon aside. Eraskander got up in a fighting rack, his small, but very relief muscles ran as sea ripples, being rolled under chocolate, only slightly lighter, than at the companions skin. The flexible body of Lev wanted the fights acting the child's sinews as if a wire. His opponent laughed loudly, his ringing laughter sounded floutingly.

— You are a little man, you want to fight with me barehanded. I stelzan, the great soldier, the mightiest empire in the infinite Universe. I will break off you empty hands, I will beat off all bodies legs, I will hurt your body into trillions of splinters, razmetav on all galaxy. I, such chickens as you, will cut down one hundred, is not present one thousand! And it without any superweapon of which infernal power you primacies have no idea! — The boy, also poigryvy, larger and not conceding, in a relief to the earthling muscles roared.

— Tell better the name to know your grave. — Bravely Eraskander said and coolly stepped a barefoot children's, but strong leg on the flaring coals which arose on the place of the stub burned from sporadic hit by a graviolazer.

— To you there will be no grave. You see these bracelets, they only with outside shine as gold, and inside are made of your bones. Will cut out a croquet sphere from your skull, and stones will go to bits! — The offspring of the nation enslaver who was enraged by ice tranquility of some primacy Nadsazhivatsya.

Lion, having lost patience (And can having solved — better once to strike, than hundred times to curse!) sharply thrust a leg aiming a solar plexus. The opponent blocked blow and tried to drive striking in quite wide and brawny for so tender age, the earthling's neck. Stelzan was higher growth, heavier and, perhaps, is more senior. It was felt fine school of hand-to-hand fight, combat training since the birth in a cyberwomb. The opponent was fast as a lightning, is strong as a tiger, is technical. Be before it the simple child, he would kill him as a fly, but Lev it is visible too was born not a sheep. Both fighters exchanged a series of furious blows, beat each other, put blocks, were cut with hands legs, the head. Both the elbow, and a knee, all receptions and deception was used. The lion was linked to the Tiger, generally, only two children fought, but it seemed that two elements fight. Ice and flame, angel and demon, Bramah and Cali, Lucifer and Mikhail. Both opponents moved so quickly that the escaped children could not follow their movements, fight was so rough. Then the speed of little fighters slightly fell, the fatigue began to affect. Though and stelzan had an unusual technology of fight, considering experience of thousand-year wars and with billions of civilizations, Lev perceived it at the intuitive level as if the fighting movements were put in the blood. His opponent was also amazed with so resistant resistance. Liser Varnos so called the boy from Purple constellation, was a prize-winner of a galaxy among boys till ten years. And here the new star enemy, the slave to people the lowest race, and fights as equals with heavier and experienced opponent.

— Who you learned to fight so?! — Hardly taking breath, Liser exclaimed.

— The person taught me. What it is struck? Thought people not the full-fledged animals not capable to hit you back. — To a lion it was very heavy too, but the boy tried not to lose speed.

— I will kill you a macaque. This matter of principle and honor of my race!

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