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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Yes, tough guy the other way was impossible to me to call them, probably because I was sore afraid, well come up with. 't try they use the services of the city thugs, so still unknown, as it turned out. The gang is full of friends. Languages long, and this environment is so amorphous that we do not know where tomorrow will respond to what has got into her today. And the cadets themselves for CEE people of another warehouse. They have something to lose, they have learned to keep his mouth shut, and friends-among them one, two and a handful. Not will crawl, if any, that you will crawl. All this was me понтно. And I came up with, as now get away with this.

Of course, what awaits us, you could tell Grisha, but he probably wouldn't have believed me and thought again, I want to get out of it, though it is my desire already should have been suspicious of my friend. Blinded by thirst for quick and easy profit, he would hardly listened to my thoughts and assumptions made in this case. They would do something for yourself and bag, and пустилс the trick, then hastily invented.

Hey, C'mon come and make it all tomorrow, eh? — shocked I Охромова his proposal, and saw widened and widened in surprise his eyes. -Thy-the roots still not ущнают that we were here to-night, if you had he not say.

-What's the point? What ссмысл put it off until tomorrow, when behold, we have a purpose, there are only some, and business. We would have a lot of money. So why put it off this pleasant moment indefinitely. It is not known yet, but we make tomorrow the same as yesterday. You perfectly understand that escape now from the College is rare удаа, especially for you. No, you're wrong! You предлагаешькакую sense. Yes and not a millionaire I thee, o every night in a wheelbarrow dangle.

-Well, first of all, not every night, and, secondly, I myself tomorrow I'll pay for the taxi, it was your initiative. We've just because of this fuss, only that you proved to the contrary, that ride in a taxi we need.

-Yes, but I meant once to get quickly and do everything for sure, and you give all for some reason put off when we have almost reached the goal. It's absurd, and I refuse to understand you and your thoughts.

-And still, we have to do it tomorrow, I said.

-But why? indignantly asked Охромов.

-Because I thought about one thing, which you probably do not even thought, — decided to open their cards I seeing that he had already reached the state when ready to listen carefully to what I tell him. Now you can own at least something to swing in his obstinate stalks, because he waited for me to explain. -You see, today may be just simply so that they come and take what we discussed, and then шлепнут us здессь same or in some other place, where they enjoy this game. Шлепнут and that's the end. Why should they share with us деньгми? Who are these for them to leave us, witnesses and подельщиков, who not only saw everything with your own eyes, but did everything in his hands, alive? We're in a play, eat, generally, is a game, not a bluff, we're not even a pawn, you know? So, the ancillary material only, использовли and threw it away. And полуим we instead of money, you promised, a few grams of lead, and, believe me, with us, that's quite enough. Well, smiles at you such a prospect? I do not!

Охромов for a long time Cадумался. His face became black as thunder, and it was clear that in the soul of the friend roam heavy thoughts.

-But if you do-then all сегодгня, since we came here, — he said at last, and it was evident that he agrees with my own fears, and then by the drive somewhere these paper, hiding them in a safe place, and then call them up and demand a ransom in exchange for them, do you think?

His idea is appealing to me. In fact, as I thought: ingeniously simple as a stool, and also геиально reliably. Well done, Охромов, therefore, making you got another pot, on the uptake!

-Excellent, Grishka! "I said happily. -Only here it is not clear we take paper where and where we will store?

-Take as much as they do, and store will s a good and reliable place no dog will not guess. And, most importantly, that place will be right there. Eating I've one such very close and reliable, and they don't get, " he said with a sly smile a crooked smile, and sat frowning, looked somewhere in стоону past me and back behind me.

Here he floored me suddenly неожданным repetition of my proposal:

-Yes, all we need to wait until tomorrow. We need to prepare, to think it over, and clapped me on the shoulder in a friendly way, he added, " for a taxi, sweet root, we will pay вместе.я agree with you. Only this. We go there today still penetrate it will be necessary, Tob estimate that to him, there is some amount of work. Going to do today, so to say, the theory and practice tomorrow, right?

"Right, " I agreed, testing Boльшое relief. I immediately lost feeling that I go to were when I was involved in this case.

-Well, if so, it is all wonderful. Then forward, — Охромов took from his pocket a bundle of the handkerchief, and we went to the front door of the old building and still today, the day I stood and wrote poetry.

Chapter 14.

Picking in the dark in the keyhole железакой, which he called the key, and I think it was an ordinary lockpick, tothe Torah, inter alia, have yet to be able to use, Охромов cursed his cronies, втянувших it is a dirty business, because of which he is now forced to not sleep at night, to risk, to learn the profession of cracker and a thief, and intending finally slapped him instead of gratitude leaden bullet in his head. He muttered it under his breath, and I thought of something else entirely. What has become clear Охромову only now, was for a long time already not surprising to me. He repeated only all my arguments that I gave him a few days earlier and for a long time, until he tried to persuade me to take up the matter. I didn't feel like neither of bowing to him, nor, especially, moan with him myself. His nagging only angered me how angry any insight stubborn jackass that, until now stands on his own, and when it is already too late to correct, begins to exactly repeat what he tried to swing when you could still change things for the луччшему.

Me now worried that store, got me from the old man's inherited, somehow warrants, apparently, with the main building, where we are now trying to penetrate, and that it may be subject to a robbery. Where men know as far leads the way, laid on a slip of paper, that was Охромова, and where the end point marked on it. Something hauntingly forced to think of me that those for whom we now get the paper, were interested precisely this storage the entrance to which was in the annexe to the main building, but could be another, which is probably knew bandits, leading through the main building. They didn't know, it is likely that there can penetrate very simply, that every evening after dark themselves сосбой open the locks of the doors of the house, outbuildings, and need only wait until it gets dark, and get in there without difficulty, not breaking anything and not closing his picklock in the castle. But weak God, that they didn't know it, didn't know was that every night, as if specifically for незвнных guests, overlooks one old, полуразвлившаяся door, in fact, not conceding on the reliability of the armored door of the safe, and everyone who knows about it, can open it and enter freely, only to fall darkness over the earth.

Охромов still worked in the castle picklock. Passed probably already fifteen minutes, and he could not open it. From its persistent but unsuccessful attempts in a dead, dull silence windless night heard the sonorous metallic clang, and his curses you could hear probably not reaching the whole quarter. I began to fear, how would anyone of the residents of the surrounding houses, not called the police, waking up in the night to go to the toilet, and heard in open wide open from the heat and stuffiness window created by a disgrace.

Suddenly I noticed that the inside of the building for the blind, dusty glass something dim lights up the little yellow dot. At first I thought it was just my imagination, but then I have a whole minute was in abstract thinking and betrayed her values) it was discovered that the Ghost is светящеес Pyatnyshko not only was not mistaken me but approached quite close to the door on the other side so that is around it образовлся, permeated the flown on the glass dust, shimmering halo round. Someone came to the door from the inside close, holding the lamp or candle.

In the first moment, as soon as I saw it, it just froze from unexpected events, not expecting inside can somebody be. My heart thudded, froze, stopped from fright, and I stood as if rooted to the spot, unable neither move nor say a word.

Охромов noticed the light behind the window, but too late, and stood on one knee with the skeleton in his hands, looking at the light-eyed. His hand dropped, and Jimmy had of them, with a loud ringing of a запрыгав granite преддверью.

Twinkle appeared in the most extreme of all the doors of the main entrance, but after a while, went to the Central door, right up to the place where was busy, trying to unlock, Grisha.

We both, instead of to run, stood as полоумные, expecting that we will present to our comparison. I felt that I must something immediately do we need flee, or, at least, hide, our indecision and procrastination to anything good will not result. I saw a friend, as I was frozen on the spot, I wanted and couldn't say anything to him.

Ogonek lamp was already close from Central door that opened when I finally found the strength to do two wrong step, as if in a dream took his cotton hand безвольную the hand of a friend, and like a great rag doll to fight, filled with sand, and pulled it on himself and, don't know what forces, towed away from doors, having done a lot of noise his footfall and clang lockpicks that Grisha forgot to hook boot.

I brought him with a furious frenzy, engaged unknown where and придавашем me the strength and as soon as we hid behind one of the columns in front of the entrance door, which opened Охромов, opened, and from it seemed скрюченная figure carrier in front of a kerosene lamp in his raised hand over the head.

My heart skipped a beat because I learned in this figure of the old man, which met in the bar, which came in the terrible night in its resting-place, not less terrible, than he. His appearance was for me, like a bolt from the goals. I remembered his words: "I die this night!" — and together with the feeling of the unknown, unexplained disgust from the vile lies and deception for the sake of something unknown, all being felt that I was involved in a terrible game, terrible play, where to put to life, and, fulfilling the role убивют really, but somehow still alive.

Yes, the old man, although not swore, but said that he would die for him it was impossible not to believe. And now he stood before me, a few steps away, still walked with his kerosene lamp. I thought, if so strange why I have not met him, when he alone came visit the his portrait den, but along with this there was and scared that when I was in the dark catacombs of his store, he is somewhere nearby, snuck up behind me in the dark and watch what I will do. Where are all the same he was then? And why are allowed to carry me books of protected them Assembly, the value of which is conclusive great?

All the behavior of the old man to me, contested them farce with death seemed so arrogant, abusive and hypocritical that instead of hide and tremble with fear, I was ready to leave to him and to Express their outrage. The only thing that bothered and stop me is kind of shotgun, which he kept at the ready in his hand, putting his fingers on the bracket of the trigger.

Meanwhile the old man stood at the door, looked around, accompanying the head rotation by turning the barrel двухзарядки and illuminating the space around the kerosene "bat" in the stretched ahead of her hand and peering into the darkness, and probably see anything, to move forward, lighting his way and sometimes glancing at his feet. His fearlessness could only wonder because, despite the fact that he was with him a gun, we together, not offering a special health, but with a bit of trickery, could not only disarm his sudden attack from the rear, but also kill, if we had to.

The old man stumbled upon dropped Охромовым lock pick, заблестевшую in the light of the lamp among crumbling on the floor from the ceiling whitewashing and lime plaster, picked her up, several seconds examined, close raising it to a shortsighted eyes, put it in his pocket and carefully read behind us footprints.

If the marble floor was clean! But the traitorous lime gave the direction of our retreat, and the old man went on the trail of the right to a pillar, taking bayonets gun взведя both hammers.

I barely heard the clicks взводимых springs, as I had a feeling as if I was already may have planted in the chest charge of lead pellets of the fraction. Even felt mouth sweet sugary taste of his own blood, filling the warm muck my throat. Legs became numb, and I have not made a step, not move until both of iron, cold muzzle, леденящее breath of death of which penetrated to the body, even through clothing, not rested against my chest, and I saw the face of an old man, strong and fearless, lighted the lamp-light, his faded, watery eyes, упершиеся in me close, inquiring gaze.

-What are you doing here? — 't said exactly he hissed.

"Hello, " I said, hoping that the old man I remember, but his face in response does not appear and the shadows welcome. He did not recognize me or not wanted.

"Hello, " I repeated, for the minute to say anything else I had no strength, -do you remember me? I like you already came.

The old man looked at me, still incredulous, and stern, but now this streak and shadow surprise that laid on the face of a slight touch of confusion.

"Who are you, what's your name? — he asked the question after some confusion, not taking her eyes on me and not taking away guns.

I tried to remind him of a rainy night, beer bar, in which he sat down by me at a table, visit it даргоценного store and even his words that he had to die that night, and that it was to be the last. My words were incoherent, the voice was frightened boys, but what I could still he рассказат, and it was evident that in the eyes of the old man began to stir any thoughts.

He still stood there, уперши trunks hunting rifle me in the chest, but his look was already more than a soft, relaxed. He, apparently, that I was trying to remember, screwing up his eyes, and turned his look inside yourself. fingering something in memory.

When a person thinks that it is visible in his eyes. In the book "Magic, black and white", which a few days ago I had with me leaving the mysterious vault, there was even a whole Chapter devoted to the art of reading the thoughts eyes, but this science is so difficult that after a cursory reading it in one night, could not boast that I iota realized what it was written, and moreover acquired any iPhone sup practical skills mastered this art. I even tried to do her studies, because first of all, were required many hours of daily training psyche, eye and brain develop their capacity, and the path to this skill was so difficult and thorny, demanded the same perseverance, patience and attention, as any other path to perfection.

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