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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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And the young body is so exhausted and tormented, as if a column of tanks passed over you.

Finally the heir to the throne was up with the government of the Lodge, and solemnly declared:

— Heavenly justice has been done. Donald trump the Undefeated has won! And therefore we take on the obligations assumed in advance and, now this earth by the will of the Lord should be buried the United States of America, becomes the property of the Space, maiden Empire!

Donald trump was breathing heavily, and barely kept on his feet. With an effort of will, the boy President squared his shoulders and protruded his scratched, muscular chest.

The audience clapped, beat their hands feebly alone, while others zealously... Especially trying a little bit crazy-Queen Emmanuel. Still would phenomenal the American Empire proved saved from death. It remains only to put the United States finally on its feet.

Yes, they could not foresee everything!

But she sooner or later with their witch-rodnoverie will. And the United States will be back on its feet again.


And the eternal boy-President trump will also return to the system.

To begin with, the young Prince is honored...

They throw flowers at him. Wash off blood and sweat from relief muscles. Smear scrapes and wounds healing potions.

Numerous lacerations and burns to disappear right before your eyes...

Donald trump returned to the strategic game-the Third Reich against Russia.

In the winter of the forty-fifth year, Russian troops have not achieved anything significant. And in the spring of the same year Fritz broke to the Caspian sea.

There is already boiled these fights... In the air on a jet ME-262'S fought, Albin and Alvin. Beautiful girls in bikinis showed the power of the new German fighter. The speed is over 1,100 kilometers per hour, and five aircraft guns.

Albina knocks down a Soviet plane and chirps:

— I'm the girl who beats everyone!

Alvin cuts down the Russian car and screams:

— I am the beauty and captivating salon of murder!

And girls spank bare feet. They're so beautiful and pretty. This is really a warrior.

Albina cut off the Soviet YAK and hissed:

"In the name of the Third Reich!

And grinning, flashed pearl teeth!

Alvin fired, too, and so aptly. Shot down three Russian aircraft in one burst of aircraft guns. And tweeted, showing language:

— Our army is the greatest glory!

And winked at his warrior companion.

And Albina took and surpassed its. One push barefoot graceful leg on the trigger shot down four aircraft, and chirped:

— We'll have a total robbery!

And the waist of the girls so thin, and muscular! That girl is a real beauty!

And her hair is so lush, white. What a wonderful blonde, and you can admire her for hours.

Alvin fired again. Shot down two Soviet aircraft and squeaked:

— I'll make a fist of anyone! Don't tease the evil beast!

And how to wink sapphire eyes. Oh, how beautiful she is!

In General, such a wonderful couple. Pressed the trigger barefoot at the same time... and shot down six Russian aircraft including the Tu-3. These are amazing girls. So they want to love and kiss.

And the girls themselves are really very lustful. And definitely before going to bed, make love with three or four men at once. It's so romantic. And a lot of fun for a temperamental female body.

That's like whores making love. And more killing people. And act and sophisticated, and with steeply.

Alvin knocks a couple of Soviet LA-7 and turns back-to replenish ammunition.

Albina also shot down three more, and discharged air guns. The girls come back and sing:

— Glory to our Motherland-perish foes! The coolest-Prussian soldiers!

And wink at themselves. Of course try against in such to resist.

The Caucasus is already cut off by land. And German tanks are moving along the flat coast of the Black sea.

Here the crew of Gerda in full blow. Beautiful girls on E-50. The car is very well protected. The frontal armor is 250 millimeters at an angle. A side of 170 mm, and also at an angle.

This machine is the level of protection is not inferior to "mouse", and her armament 105-mm gun length, caliber 100, E has no equal.

Here strelyat yourself girl on Soviet vehicles T-34-85, and giggle to myself:

— We are girls super! Russian not resist!

Gerda struck the Russian tank is-2 and purred:

— No one will stop the Third Reich!

Charlotte fired, too. Broke out of the Soviet machine, if a needle oil and chirped:

— My move, it's always mate!

Christina lupanula on the Russian infantrymen from machine guns and squeaked:

— I am warrior super!

And barefoot leg again pressed the trigger, destroying the Soviet soldiers.

Golden-haired Magda pressed caterpillars of Russian infantry and squeaking, said:

— In the name of our phenomenal power!

Tank is really a monster under seventy tons. But the engine is coping. Moreover, the plain move is much easier. This time trump is not Hitler, he knows where to beat and how to beat! This warrior, which can be called, that he super!

Trump, of course, can do a lot, and very much capable!

And pressuring the girls of the Soviet soldiers...

Gerda spoke about this:

— A who says about humanism-spyware! And laugh. And then breaks the Soviet howitzer caliber 152 mm. That's a fighting wench.

When these terminators in the case of the Nazis and in fact is luck and victory!

Girls, of course, grin, and roar, having knocked out the next Russian car:

-What a success — we are above all!

So against the monsters trump Soviet forces clearly fold. And they do not stand up against such threats and power.

At the same time German troops coming to the Volga Delta. Widening the gap between the Caucasus and the main Soviet forces. Very tight Russian parts account for.

Trump is definitely a genius. And his bombers are reactive and invulnerable.

For example, the Ju-287 the machine with a negative swept wing, and is very maneuverable. What a beast. But as crushes. This plane carries the girl Stella. Also barefoot and in a bikini. And how he destroys the red army.

Very pretty blonde. At all simply girl-super!

Stella deals a crushing blow to the Soviet positions. Destroys bunkers, bunkers, bunkers, and other fortifications. Produces missiles.

And whole artillery batteries rise into the sky. Broken anti-aircraft guns, twisted trunks. Detonate ammunition. A mass of tears and chaos. And goes to the Soviets thorough.

Stella giggles and says:

— I'm a midnight monster, and a playful, cruel Cobra!

After what I would've kept winks. Her eyes sparkle brighter than sapphire. And her lips are scarlet, lush, velvety. That's the terminator girl. Everything burns in a row, and breaks armor, with such ease, as if it were baked biscuits.

Stella shakes her bare foot and says,:

— Glory of the Empire of the Third Reich! Glory to heroes!

And once again sending a military gift.

Warrior, trombev returns. Knocks itself barefoot, round heels and says:

— Solar heating, lunar lighting, power distance, prison education, the contingency fee is absolute destruction!

And the girl sums up:

— That's what awaits advice under our management!

Myself and sparkles with pearly teeth. She realizes that she's worse than the Panthers, a typical hyena. But if it does, it will.

And again grin...

The Germans over the summer, captured Dagestan and part of Azerbaijan and came to Baku. The Turks rushed in from the South. Stalin-Putin tried to beat in the center, but there fascists held a strong block. And in General, nothing happened.

The red Army tried to advance again, but got bogged down in a tough, and deep defense.

Trump once everyone was anticipating and noticed. He focused on the Caucasus and won there. And Putin could not keep those lands.

With Japan, the Americans messed around for a long time. But gradually running out of the sea. Numerical superiority played its role. The samurai gradually ran out of breath. Their industry could not compete with the American. But all the tips trump, including the fact that the US knows the Japanese code, helped the country of the Rising Sun to tighten resistance.

Japan still held the Philippines, put up such a tough resistance that America moved across the Islands, literally from palm to palm.

So while the allies were shackled and the Third Reich is not threatened.

By the beginning of autumn, the fascists had captured most of the Caucasus and started storming Baku. City stubbornly defends, the entire literally gripped by flames. Drive and oil wells.

Five beautiful girls: Alena, Anya, Maria, Alla, and Matrona, to protect the city.

They alone panties, fighting heroically, not willing to retreat, nor surrender.

Alenka throws a grenade with her bare foot, gives a turn to the Nazis and says:

— For the glory of the great cosmos, and our mother Russia.

Anya is also firing. Also throws a grenade bare toes, and chirps:

The new frontiers of our great Motherland!

And fires again, destroying the enemy. It all the energy of eternal youth coolest of the cool Ania. And the boiling energy of a real superstar!

And then Alla made the turn. And ran her bare toes with a heavy grenade. And so will Bang on fascists. And squeak with phenomenal delight:

— I have a demonic force!

And again, the girl shows his teeth, like a tiger, scenting sheep.

And here and Maria in battle will join. All very accurate... will Smash the Nazis, and propolice:

— For Holy Russia!

And barefoot toes, as he takes and throws a grenade. In all sides fly fascists. And their arms and legs and heads are torn off.

And then there's the girl — the girl giant. Nothing but panties. Too as will take and will start at once the whole bunch of grenades! And he'll hit the enemy. And all pootryvat head. Here is a warrior-a real woman-hero.

And smashes the Nazis, torn like a blotter portion. That's the Superman girl.

Alenka again gives place to the Krauts. Mowing down a line of mercenaries. And then with his bare toes, he launches a killer grenade. Knocks out a bunch of fascists.

And beeps itself:

— Glory Of Great Russia!

Then the fire is sparkling, and a Greyhound Annie. Also starts the toes of her bare feet, the gift of death. He throws the Nazis in all directions. Gives them all myself and squeaks:

— Glory to destruction and annihilation!

Very cunning and strong Anyuta.

And here and red Alla enters into battle, running barefoot just three grenades. The Nazis got very cool. And grinning to himself and growl as Cobra, which burned tails.

Red Alla was once arrested and imprisoned by the NKVD.

First, she was taken to the search room. Ordered to undress. The girl was embarrassed before the eyes of the three guards. Then her clothes were ripped off. And roughly ruffled her hair, almost pulling them from the root. Climbed hands, dressed in rubber gloves in his mouth. Pulled my tongue. Very roughly groped and crumpled the young girl, almost to the child of a breast. Searched literally every inch of skin. It was especially painful when Kolupaev fingers in the bosom of Venus. They tore the hymen.

And then in the fifth point loaded hated, major warden and his long thick finger. Painful for of course, and humiliating, and hate and frightening. Then Alla was waiting for a cold shower,and a prison robe with a number. They didn't even give her Slippers. I had to walk barefoot on the dirty floor. And thrown into a crowded cell. Where twenty-five places, there were a few hundred people. It's good that there are only young women and girls — not so stinky.

Alla was taken for questioning. They beat with rubber truncheons on the bare heels, and beat with a belt. There were too many prisoners and not enough time for all the investigators. Poet questioning passed quickly. The girl was stripped to the goal, just tore the robe without underwear. And asked questions, and beat the belt on the back and the Pope. Or bare feet with a rubber baton.

Alla, however, pretended to be a fool, and did not sign anything, and did not give anyone.

Every day she meticulously searched, seeing as the girl is painful and disgusting. In the end, it forces torture. They tied the wire to the iron bed and let the current. There were electrical discharges.

Alla lost consciousness from pain shock. And finally signed that was a saboteur, but so no one and not has now issued.

Got on the women's zone-a youngster of special strict regime. There barefoot and in a robe worked all year round not a sawmill. Nothing but even tempered and never sneezed.

Yet right from the bed is not asked the army. Things were tight at the front. Alley gave shoot a couple of times. And making sure she's able to enlist the Red army.

What is much more interesting to fight than the forest to cut wood and branches to cut.

The entire five of fundamentally fought only barefoot and half-naked. Even in the most severe frosts. However, the girls preferred the southern sector of the front.

At the end of September is hot and in direct and figurative sense of the word!

The Germans pull "Sturmtiger" and lead a massive attack. Everything is destroyed and demolished from the face of the earth. The whole building goes off with one shot.

Tough Germans without a doubt. Even very frisky and greyhounds. No one can stop these fascists. Even the gorgeous five girls can't do that. And bear the Nazis damage, but moving.

But Baku still flies one of the first dikalov. Gertrude and eve are sitting on it. Such here is beautiful girls, and, too, in one wearing bikinis and barefoot.

Such a beautiful steal. And their car in a laminar fur coat-invulnerable to small arms. But she shoots down Soviet aircraft — by way of a battering RAM.

And girls operate by means of a joystick. Such here is frisky and back warriors. They seem like no one will ever stop. And not win. They have so much rage and ecstasy of death! The warriors truly sing pantomimes to the Third Reich and the destruction of all life.

Yes, these beauties can't stop even a bullet. That's what they call a super team!

Gertrude pressed the joystick with her bare toes and rammed the Soviet fighters. How full-sounding and cool it is.

And the girl sang:

— All that happens, it will be, and with us and fist blow will not go away!

Eve hissed, too, and roared.:

And my calling is to be a girl terminator!

Again, the warrior grinned. And showed pearly teeth. And because it really is the beauty part of what makes everything great!

Hammer the Nazis and the Russians. Very smartly and with passion! Here is Fritz — cool and badass!

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