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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Liser sharply increased speed, his face which is already covered with bruises became crimson from tension. It thrust all the rage. Eraskander kept cool "Rage your enemy, start up rage will burn your opponent". Small stelzan too ten times got it on the person, broke several ribs, on a swarty body of the boy bruises spread, blood dripped.

— That you float a primacy! — The juvenile son of an underworld laughed loudly. It strengthened an impact and now the decisive blow sought to find everything, having slightly weakened protection. Having pretended that he already completely exhausted, Lev revealed.

Varnos thrust with an ultraboundary force, having thrown all body weight and group of muscles. Eraskander dived and an elbow precisely got to the neck basis. The blow was strong, besides passed on a meeting, having struck a carotid. "The great soldier" failed dead, from painful shock heart stopped. The children standing nearby amicably applauded. Our Russian guy filled up the hated invader. On shorts of the prostrate opponent the hated semitsvetny flag of invaders was represented. A lion, having told lies to shorts, broke off them on small pieces, having scattered in the parties. All fatigue descended, the pleasure literally raged in each section of a body:

— Here it is mean glory of the empire! Trample down its splinters, all stelzana will become the same rotten corpses as this soon! — And he stuck with a leg into the blood-stained opponent's body, without paying attention to pain in the broken fingers (The opponent was worthy a stelzana!) . What was farther, Lev remembered vaguely, in the head suddenly darkened, muscles the spasm grabbed, twisted him, having thrown on the crumpled grass. The beam of a paralyzer covered it together with children. In further memoirs there was pain, very severe pain is much more severe than present. Professional executioners brutally tormented a children's body, they asked nothing, did not ask questions, they did not need information, it was tortured only out of revenge. It was revenged first of all for the fact that it the person dared to raise a hand, and to lift the main thing successfully on the mister. Therefore executioners tried with might and main. The feeling of pain was so real and expressive that Lev fear woke up, he was beaten by a strong shiver. Then he calmed down and he is wounded, but pain from wounds is not really severe. Having undertaken unreasonable freight, he is shipped in Feeling of sufferings, both physical, and moral. The course of life full of torments had an effect. From this reminiscence of the first baptism of fire; The lion regained consciousness, he was beaten by a strong shiver. Yes, he is wounded, but pain can be endured. The boy calmed down, took the first-aid kit, his owner always carried it on a belt. Eraskander processed wounds which already began to heal, also accepted couple of nutritious pills with the amplifier of muscles. The body was poured by force again, the young man felt cheerfulness in a body. The instinct prompted that in an underground labyrinth it is quite real to get lost. Having shouldered Hermes, Lev went on a tunnel, seeking to reach station. The grid under legs was cold and prickly. Fortunately, skin standing so coarsened that even you do not pay attention to such trifles, and here only hulk of the foe on shoulders is a serious burden. But for some reason Eraskander could not force to throw the hated owner where far away or that it was even better, to leave in the elevator doomed to self-destruction.

The station to which there was a young man was not absolutely desert. Several multi-colored searchlights lit the gray-violet platform. Here too there was life. A fetid small group of garbage with various deformed and crumpled capacities. On it insects with a trunk in the form of a usual playing accordion and two dozens cockroach pads crept. There were bugs more oppositely, of the size of a cat, casting manure and very thick shaggy extremities in ulcers.

Eraskander in style of the philosopher of Renaissance was expressed:

— Vile always nearby, but perfect it is eternally unattainable! Who creates an outrage that villain who creates vile, that criminal... So after all who then God Creator?

One of bugs suddenly peeped in reply:

— The world is created by creation!

The lion smiled and friendly waved in reply to a semi-reasonable creature. Then made, several steps, a grid under legs became even more caustic, very sharp needles stuck out of it, naked calloused soles of the boy began to burn. It was good incentive to quicken the pace, especially pressure upon needles was strengthened by the additional weight of Hermes. From the platform there were several corridors. From one even the muffled music sounds — some mix of hard rock and clang of tank caterpillars were heard. Also gave an echo of jackhammers and dog bark. Perhaps, there was some disco of nestelzanoidny beings. The prospect of a meeting with crowd not of absolutely reasonable youth, variegated and polytypic, besides probably pumped up by pleasure preparations, was not from among pleasant. Especially, on stelzan looked, how at a source of all troubles and sufferings. Other races were afraid and hated star parasites, ruthless aggressors. And this planet was concourse of villains from all corners of a mega-galaxy. Not that Lev was afraid, but in case of dismantling it is necessary to kill again what he did not want. Here in a vault the imperial authorities make light of everything, a foul place which I use in the purposes too. And still the young man decided to check everything and to reconnoiter... Even cursed himself for excessive sentimentality, murder, especially wild types, did not cause a remorse. Not to constrain itself, it is better to hide the formal owner. It still was unconscious therefore let will better have a sleep. In a dream of a stelzana are quicker regenerated, and wounds at it not deadly. The hollow pyramid with the chopped-off top was the ideal place, near it there was a statue of unimaginably terrible monster, can even, local god. The lion without ceremonies threw Hermes, this haughty general as if a garbage package in a ballot box.

At once the grid under defenseless legs of the boy almost ceased to be pricked. Trying to go silently, Lev elastic gait moved on a sound...

The plan was simple. To find transport and to be chosen from here. Perhaps it will also be possible to cover up tracks. The flaneur was hired under others name, and mini-robots already managed to wash up a cabin. Possibly, the Ministry of criminal safety already not for the first time observes such dismantling so all records can disappear in a "wonderful" way. Here another is interesting. He overheard about confidential rockets. Why it is necessary for his owner? Perhaps appearance of "Gorillas" not accident?

The boy, of course, took with himself the weapon, the first-aid kit, synthetic food. Here only the cybernetic invisible raincoat belonging to the owner, unfortunately, failed, having turned into a useless rag. The lion moved very carefully as foxes. And the corridor continually gave branchings. Lighting was very weak, and at times at all vanished therefore in many respects it was necessary to be guided by hearing. And it at the young soldier aggravated by nature and strengthened by trainings. Hardly audible steps, and quiet breath drew attention. Eraskander stood...

It was necessary to wait not long. The indistinct hard to distinguish figure flew a ghost. The lion strained sight, trying to consider unknown type, not only in part of a range visible to a human eye, but in other ranges. So already best of all... It was the humanoid subject. Walks as if a fox, stealthily, as if disappearing from someone. If it stelzan, then is interesting what it does here? Usually the cruel and impudent look goes directly and is afraid of nobody. It is necessary to learn: in this case it is mix of curiosity and a pragmatism... At a depth of tens kilometers when around millions of others and hostile types, even stelzan seem almost the person. The object of supervision curtailed into very narrow corridor, it even had to turn sideways. The lion followed, the intuition prompted — will be very hot...

* * *

The power over the planet upon passed under control of the ultramarshal Eroros. Fagiram Sham, in fact, was discharged of management of the planet. Besides, the head of external sector specifically lectured it concerning reconstruction of the Kremlin.

— Your brains it is worse monkey! — Shouted at full blast (not so much from the fact that was really angered, however, for the sake of that as much as possible live individuals observed humiliation of the nastiest governor!) Eroros. Where you took information on such sizes? Even during drawing the first blows practically all territory of the planet was scanned. We have cybernetic records of how practically all planet before war with our invincible empire looked!

Gorillopodobny Fagiram stooped and groaned:

— It is information of star fleet of Superdepartment "Wars and victories". It is inaccessible for us.

Eroros roughly pointed a finger long with a sliding nail to the governor at a breast and, tutorially maintaining thunderous tone, said:

— However it is in computer archive. Besides, you in stores have all information which is written off from a human computer network. So available all data on this construction. You are the real moron! It was difficult to guess to get into the store? Not without reason say that a flattened nose and black skin — a cretinism sign! Imbecile, chernodyrny head, as well as your grandma Velimara!

Fagiram, was straightened here and, having started turning kulachishcha, nearly rushed to a fight. He began to squeal in reply as the pinned-up pig:

— Perhaps you and my uncle, the head of Department of protection of a throne, in creatines will write down?

Eroros bellowed in reply as if scorching from a gun:

— Because of it you fans of boys were not thrown out from a position yet. As if I do not know how many you put in the pocket, trading in human skin and a bone!.

Both stelzan were ready to break off each other to pieces. Fagiram Sham sparkled eyes, but Eroros was more senior on a rank therefore he reconciled so far.

The power, seemingly, needs to scratch the ranks slightly. The system of collaborationist management was simply decimal. It is corrupted a zabyurokrachena excessively, so it was necessary to clean a little too it, here for example, properly to stir up local helpers....

Ronald Daklinton was forced to salute and bow coward even to the ordinary soldier from Great Stelzanat's army. He in panic was afraid of stelzan as the rabbit is afraid of a hungry wolf. But it had an opportunity to unburden the heart on smaller helpers of Purple constellation. In the opinion of puny bipods it was like the president of Earth and the largest police rank. Though he was also afraid of invaders, but the thought that they can leave, threw him and some other collaborators into a coward shiver. Insurgents hated native politsayev even more, than inogalaktichesky newcomers. The jackal selecting the scraps left by a tiger is pathetic and deprived of charm of force and killing respect with what allocate a large predator. Politsa were loyal to the empire, though liked to steal. Several were arrested for edification and after tortures executed. And did not even begin to dump on stars, having decided that there is too much honor. Preferred roughly squared stake what the humiliation consisted in addition in.

Through similar execution as if lowered helpers thieves. Others were given strict dressing down, supported with good blows of static electricity. Everything changed, the stupid fear of puppets was replaced by feverish excitement. As the city which became the occupational capital of the empire was not in proportion huge, it was decided to be united with a grandiose tourist complex. This complex was calculated on reception of numerous tourists practically from all empire, was much persons interested to see the only planet where there live biologically similar people of Earth. After closing of the planet the complex of magnificent buildings and dazzling palaces began to fall into decay. Now it was updated in accelerated tempo. Constructions took a brilliant very clean form. The enormous sizes hotels were decorated with numerous architectural complexes which by means of mechanics were easily set in motion.

Part of native service personnel lodged in fancifully curved houses of a kosmoturtsentr. Began to pay regularly. Earlier at all nothing was paid, forcing to work slavishly under supervision of ruthless supervisors: robots or that it is even worse local politsayev. All native tinder funguses dressed in bright festive suits. Gardeners and robots gardeners hasty as yeast dough, flowers and trees of the exotic sizes and coloring grew up. Only one multi-colored and various complexes fountains there were more than five thousand, and any design did not repeat. Here exotic art of different planets and worlds was combined. Other fountains represented battle scenes, various types of fighting starprobe vehicles, fantastically various representatives of flora and fauna from all Universe. There was among them a place and to local gods — to Zeus, the Neptune, the Torah, to Perun, Heracles. Everything literally without exaggeration sparkled and shone. The illuminated and tinted streams created unusual effect. Fires of buildings shone as the ground jewels. It was valid so: Synthetic semi-precious stones were highlighted from within, making inexpressible impression. For strengthening of effect there were reflecting mirrors, and in the dark it was so fine (technical capabilities allowed to develop reflectors so that there came artificial night!), that even the worldly-wise ultramarshal Eroros was surprised:

— It, maybe, is even wrong. Any vakuumnogolovy will understand that it is a facade.

— You gave such order, a chernodyrny head! — Being maliciously shown, Fagiram parried.

The ultramarshal answered with cold tone:

— From the center arrived to update the order everything. To make the planet model, some kind of show-window. — Eroros suddenly sharply raised a tonality. — The reasons of the order do not concern you! And the Kremlin, time began to build a mastodon, and it is necessary to complete it. All the same zorg know that we destroyed it together with the native president long ago!

— Unfortunately it is three-hollow "metallyug" too a lot of things know. If I only could I them! — Fagiram reflex squeezed kulachishche, having crushed a strawberry frog. Between thick, hairy fingers of the governor blood streams began to flow thin (two flowers orange and green).

* * *

The loud, supported with violence orders were distributed on all planet. Mobile robots builders were put to use. Cyber-workers moved as ants. Living things were given strong stimulators that they did not know fatigue. Recovery work was humming in all large cities. The planet was given a safe look. Hunting for guerrillas who got into the woods more and more deeply began. Thickets, magnificent with multi-color foliage, covered almost all planet, many of trees repeatedly surpassed baobabs, reaching hundreds of meters in height. Guerrillas liked to hide in such trees where a hollow as a mountain cave. However when stelzana wanted to find for them, always found because even special suits were powerless for gamma radiators or search magoradar. Many guerrillas were forced to curtail war. They were dissolved among civilians which are strong with application of the latest police technologies filtered. Fairly become loose colonial system made toilet.

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