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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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Teeth and girls will like its and sunbeams will start! Here is with them the and need compete! They are cool warriors, hellish light.

But against them, too, fighting girls. Here, for example Mirabela-beautiful pilot-ACE. She already Pokryshkina catches up on the number of downed aircraft.

The girl likes to kill? What a girl! And sparks fly when it comes to the death of Fritz the hour!

Warriors jump when sitting at the helm of the aircraft and send their opponents to hell.

Mirabela fights so hard that German planes are shot down. And she's maneuvering. Crushes the Krauts and sings:

— From the sky the star fell, bright hrustalina, I'll sing you a song about Stalin's hometown!

Cool girl-nothing against her you will not say-well done!

And Mirabela's hair is the color of gold leaf. She is truly the greatest warrior.

Fighting beauty-it is the class above all, Russian pilots! A real demonic and charming harpy. And fascists under its strikes very progress has been slow!

Mirabela sings:

"Space, space... I love you, and I'll cut you all to pieces!"

And shows a long pink tongue...

But the city of Baku is doomed. It can only be supplied by sea. And Luftwaffe aviation is rampant. It is becoming more active and aggressive.

Like winged bulldog dogs. And tear Soviet planes like a blotter.

Putin is trying to attack from Stalingrad and then the German on the alert. And while their tanks E-series, far stronger than the Soviet. Fails to oppose the Wehrmacht practically nothing. Except valor, and the use of half-naked girls. But here red fighters stop. And again shoot tools, and there is an exchange of blows.

Trump philosophically observes:

— Our German and American girls are the coolest.

Autumn passes, and Baku is gradually captured by the Nazis. Here and Gerda with her tank crew on the alert. The e-50 tank is, of course, a large, protective power. It just can't penetrate the front of the Soviet machine. Yes is moving itself this mastodon. Breaks itself with frenzied rage. And crushing tracks Marines.

Putin-Stalin is trying to break through the Germans and throw through the Volga. But this is a bad decision. Soviet troops at the initial stage of the operation hang.

And a lot of tanks trivial sinks.

Gerda already pressurizes the last house in Baku. She's tough.

Not like Anderson, but also loves to run barefoot in the snow, and sharp pebbles.

Here breaks the Soviet gun, and shouts:

— We are the coolest in the world!

And bares his teeth himself, who saw the real Panther, frightened.

The warrior took it and sang:

— Gerda loves to kill! What a Gerda!

And winks at himself, and eyes the color of cornflowers. Wonderful beauty. And a harpy. Likes very men. All four of the crew have a group sex. And they really like it. And who does not like it! Warrior, of course, wants a lot.

Charlotte also shoot by pressing the bare toes of the girl's legs on the buttons and hisses:

— I am what is super! I'll tear everyone apart!

After that red beast push with his bare feet, and again aptly shoot.

And as the will swings into. And will bill the winning.

Gerda took and sang with a grin of teeth:

— We are the ones who will grind all on fangs!

Christina confirmed:

— So be it!

And sparkle itself pearly teeth. This is really from Queens who loves joy and laughter. And to reign for a long time. Her heels are so pink, naked, round and seductive. I wish I could burn them with a hot iron!

Magda a girl with Golden hair Peeps:

— I'm a warrior cool no wonder! With a knockout punch!

And bare knee as shakes. And on armor will move.

Then Magda will beep and:

— I'm such a whore that will burn our enemy Germany.

Indeed, the e-50 tank drove decently.

More than a month there were fights for Baku. After that, the city with numerous oil wells fell. This is generally the biggest success of the Wehrmacht.

Yerevan resisted for the longest time in the Caucasus. Surrounded by Turks from all sides, he held until the end of December. But he also came to an end.

The Germans strengthened in the Caucasus, and strengthened their positions in the area of Stalingrad.

The red army again tried to attack, but again, hopelessly linked to the defense of the Nazis. The t-54 tank still could not start mass production. And thirty-four Germans spanked like a fly swatter. Even the lightest E-5 could penetrate the forehead T-34-85. And she did.

Trump felt confident and cool. While he wins. One is only worried about the deal with Japan, the Americans may come for his soul. But nothing, believe the Krauts in his victory.

Here is already launched in a series of gas turbine engines. And this is such a power that a hundred tons of cars are very frisky.

Trump with a smile lion noticed:

— After the loss of the Caucasus, the USSR is doomed! It remains only to finish!

Putin objected to this:

— We have already lost the Caucasus in real history, but still won!

Trump logically objected:

But not against me! I'm the coolest and scariest!

Putin disagreed:

— There were monsters and worse!

Trump chuckled, this boy is the President of the United States and noticed:

— Scarier can be and Yes, but smarter there is no!

Putin did not say anything... it's new in 1946. The Germans had collected a considerable force. They also had to literally scrape up reserves. Rescued is that the foreign division. Fortunately in Europe a lot of people. But in winter they were afraid to attack.

Putin struck a new blow near Leningrad. Soviet troops were able to move at the cost of enormous losses on twenty-twenty-five kilometers, broke through the first line of defense. But then they stopped.

The Germans are strong and they have a lot of tanks and self-propelled guns. Plus, and jet aircraft dominates the air. Aircraft from the Germans and more and the best quality. Already more than three hundred aces shot down more than a hundred aircraft. And in leaders was until Huffman. But he was already being overtaken by Albina and Alvin. They collected the bills very vigorously. And knocked himself, and knocked very active!

Trump has strengthened the Leningrad direction. And Soviet troops moved to the middle of February to their original positions. Donald, meanwhile, began to increase the production of more advanced pyramidal tanks. Which from all angles are protected much better than the Soviet. And virtually impenetrable.

Trump on this topic even sang:

Our mud tanks are not afraid! And all Germans know how to fight!

Putin shook his head:

— Well and Fritz ... Invented pyramidal tanks! Or maybe it really is weak!

Five Soviet girls led by Alenka running barefoot in the snow, fighting near Leningrad. Girls have left only the panties, but the frost and snow. But don't be afraid of the enemy's barefoot beauties. And flash themselves naked, round heels, and even laugh:

— We are such beauties! Let's face it-that's great!

And they're grinning at themselves. Such cute Russian girls faces.

Like angels from heaven. And beautiful and perfect lines.

Girls run to themselves, shoot on the run. And they throw grenades with their bare toes. Highly aggressive beauty. And as the grenade will fly, so Germans in all directions scatter.

Alenka gives turn, and throws the bare stalk a grenade. Throws Krauts and beeps:

— I am a super girl!

Annie then runs, jumping through the snow. He throws her bare foot grenade, and squeaks:

— For the Motherland, for Stalin!

And it gets tighter and tighter!

And then Alla. Warrior as we see not simple. She's in a Siberian winter barefoot, in a striped uniform with a number chopped forest. And the drifts creaked under the bare sole of the girl. And left prints of elegant feet. A red-haired pretty girl then worked and sang to herself. What about drifts? Never mind. Legs quickly become accustomed and hardened, and no longer cold. The main thing is not to stand still, and constantly arrive in motion.

There's nothing stopping you then. And nobody wins.

Red Alla sang with delight:

— No one can stop us, nothing can defeat us! Russian wolves are smashing the enemy! Russian wolves-salute the heroes!

And again bare foot launches a grenade. And throws the Krauts in different directions.

And then Maria, the girl with Golden hair rushes. So sexy and beautiful to the extreme. And as barefoot leg throws a grenade, and as will spread all the villains. And sing:

— I am a Golden dandelion and all will crumple!

And then the girl will jump and turn over in a triple somersault.

And here the girl — the girl-terminator, so aggressive and strong. Balls of muscle roll under the tanned skin. Try to be the girl you sunsya — tear off the head.

And she threw a bunch of grenades with her bare feet. Such a Greyhound and mighty girl-hero.

And also Matrona in the colony was sitting. And she walked barefoot in the snow, dragging a log behind her. And forces in it steep bull. That girl is such a massive and combat.

The girl growled:

— For Russia and Stalin's order!

Then to twist, like a whirligig in Salto! And howls at the top of his lungs.

— Oh, the cow in the vastness of space!

And bare-chested shakes.

Alenka continued to fire from the machine gun. And then barefoot leg, as will launch a gift of death, and sing:

— I'm Alenka's great girl. All the Nazis with his fist will knock you down! Is a very cool coat! And tear Adolf to shreds!

Then the warrior how to show language.

And jumped, rolling over in a somersault. And how her tanned, bare feet flashed through the snow. Like propellers.

And then there's Annie as the take and slapped... And bare feet throw a grenade. And scatter the Krauts.

Then he chirps:

— I am the girl that Superman and the real! And let Hitler play in the box!

And then rushes Alla. That's a girl-fire! Her copper-red hair flutters in the winter wind like a proletarian banner. Very already she is sexy and beautiful, and so hot, burning.

Alla remembered how the guards wanted to rape her in the colony. She gave them in the balls, and proposed: want sex guys — pay!

Then showed his stormy temperament. And then, for the first time in months, she was full.

What about sex? That's great! With men, you get a lot of pleasure. And why are some girls so afraid of that? What's wrong? On the contrary a very wild fun! And at all simply super!

Alla loved with men, and not necessarily beautiful. The main thing that they were hardy and fun lasted as long as possible.

Alla left bare foot grenade, and squeaked:

— Skidded! Skidded somewhere! Brought me! Brought! Skidded somewhere! Get on the horse!

Then the girl jumped even higher, jumping up to the clouds, and it cut through hair the color of flame.

These are the girls of the highest class.

And then there's the beautiful Maria, fighting. And he's grinning his angelic face.

And winks her sapphire eyes. And her black eyelashes move. Such a wild girl.

And screams to himself:

Let's rock this world! Stalin is our Holy idol!

And he'll jump, do a triple somersault. This girl is wild and incredibly cute and sexy. So much she has was already men. And anything cold was gone. What else does a girl want?

The most important and pleasant when you touch guys — it's all great for virtually any girl. And how it will start, that it does not stop.


Mary you are a beautiful girl, and your hair burns brighter than gold leaf. And legs, so accurate and delightful that it is better and it is impossible to imagine for itself!

And that leg threw a grenade again? And she flew, and broke the mass of fascists.

And then Marusya runs through the snow. What a girl. More than two meters tall, but very muscular and athletic build. What a warrior! With such not zabaluesh! Take and a trivial tear off his head!

And as the take and the jump a crate of explosives to the Nazis roll!

That's the kind of girl-hero to a young man a pleasure to deal with! Such a and horse on gallop will stop, and in a burning hut will enter! It's the terminator girl! She is the Supreme cosmic mind and spirit! Able to pluck the stars from heaven!

Yes if Marusya something starts, it will be equivalent to that as if a club moved on a top!

Well, Mary and a girl — the ultra-high class!

In short, the five has gone wild. Many laid.

But still the red army had to retreat.

And at the end of April, as soon as the roads dried up, the Fritz moved to Saratov. They are already armed with the latest pyramidal tanks. A very enormous power.

Here Gerda and her crew moved to the AG-50. Here from all angles under the big inclination armor in 250-millimeters. So that forces routinely now girls not going to win.

Rod they themselves in the car and shoot. The gun is strong and lethal. The tank is quite fast on a gas turbine engine. And rushes herself, pounding at the enemy.

Here thirty-four received in a forehead and, to it tore off a tower.

And the girls joyfully screaming:

We're devils!

And Baring their teeth. And their teeth are pearly, and sparkle like gloss.

Gerda laughs and chirps:

— My most aerobatics! And a barefoot maiden carriage!

Then warrior again how weird Soviet machines.

Metal splatters and splinters fly in all directions. And the mass of dead metal.

Charlotte also fired, pressing her bare toes on the joystick and bellowing:

— The future is ours!

Christina, too, using her bare toes pressed the trigger, firing machine guns, and squeaked:

— No force can stop us!

Golden-haired Magda, with a grin of teeth, and a bright smile, answered:

I'm great!

And how to press his bare fingers on the pedal. German tank adds move. And lupset a Soviet position. That's cool.

Fritz are already coming to Saratov and begin to surround...

Very little chance. And trump is already forming the Caucasian divisions.

Putin says dissatisfied:

— I know your nature! Bury Russia. Do not give a real chance! So do not go to war!

Trump with a snide grin suggested:

— There might Zaruba on the remaining Russian missiles?

Putin grinned and growled:

Bone in your throat!

Emmanuel said:

— While the boys suspend your game! First, see what I have to go through!

Trump was slightly surprised:

And in such a real beauty must go!

The girl-Queen replied, licking his lips:

"Through what makes us Queens and men real devils."

After that, the painted beauty waved her bare foot, and the landscape once again changed radically.

Emmanuel's body began to glow, pleasantly, but dimly with a yellowish tinge, like an old lamp through a thick lampshade. The air smelled of ozone, a flying fly fell down like a fighter jet that fell into a tailspin. Something was really going on...

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