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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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. HEAD? 15

The cage will remain a cage,

Even in magnificent flowers!

Share of a puppet —

Only humiliation and fear!

Vladimir Tigrov — in the past the simple Russian school student, then the rebel murderer, after the hero forgiven and the prisoner of the Superstar empire awarded with the president of Russia, and at present. The chamber was not single, together with it dozen more of boys sat. The truth it was rather spacious, from the unknown swore, but something like plastic, folding as in the bed train, with a thin soft covering above. As cellmates explained here, there is quite modern fekalioannigilyator. That is the toilet where after pressing of the button special radiation, splits up atoms, and then exhausts all waste from intestines.

Quite modern prison, with the round-the-clock video surveillance and even with the three-dimensional projection giving various images. Evolution of television. Is from what to move down to a roof. Especially if you at first properly were beaten, then roasted a primitive spark, and before it in already seeming infinitely remote past, evaporated in annihilation plasma. Further when he regained consciousness, the boy of a pripalila on new, using the torment tool the quasiblaster, but again did not calculate intensity, small heart almost instantly stopped. Fortunately executioners had to it an interest, and they professionally returned the boy from a next world, having caused a medical capsule. After heavy painful shock it was treated (after all at stelzan fine medicine) therefore it quickly recovered, and from burns of the second degree there is no trace left. Probably (those several hours that Vladimir was in an otklyuchka), it was carefully investigated and came to a conclusion that the boy, strange, not similar to other natives, it is still premature to kill.

For now Vladimir placed in a prison insulator of the central, planetary prison. It, of course, is better, than to go to jail somewhere in the province. Usual for the arriving beginners of procedures: the frisk, and other was not as Tigrov was already examined and scanned to literally each molecule and atom in the medical center. At the same time and having made a card file. Therefore the boy regained consciousness already in a chamber. On a neck there was legenky, soft as a scarf a collar.

Vladimir, having risen from a bed, looked round... The chamber looked on state strictly, walls, a ceiling and a floor are white the word snow, windows were not at all. This glossy whiteness even oppresses, neither a uniform speck, nor the slightest crack, too is lifeless. Bulbs are not visible, but light-as in the afternoon, though not so that hurt the eyes. And beds too almost lileyny with a legenky lemon shade, and black bodies of local prisoners boys, on this background look very contrastly and frighteningly.

Boys were selected probably in each chamber about one age. Having seen that Tigers regained consciousness, they carefully on tiptoe approached him. Malchishka-popadanets felt an unpleasant podsasyvaniye in the pit of the stomach. He is a beginner in chambers with criminals young children. And the round at boys frightening, brawny, black, only the closely cropped heads, is slightly lighter moreover at some on bodies burns and scars. At the same time all clothes with yellow number — as the observant boy identical both in front and behind managed to notice only violet swimming trunks and... Still same right hand on forearms.

The largest of children suddenly smiled and gave a hand:

— My sobriquet of Rocca. You can know so. And you have a beginner a moniker as?

Vladimir honestly, not without pride answered:

— School — the tiger, and criminal not yet, did not manage to steam plank beds.

Rocca and other boys began to smile more widely, their persons were not terrible, Slavic or Teutonic, with the correct lines. Not degenerate as quite often occurs among juvenile prisoners, and on the contrary children's physiognomies would be very much even nice if not black skin, and the shaven heads.

Vladimir right there about itself, noted that else it never met boys with any physical defects, or ugly, wrong figures, features. It, of course, is interesting... Perhaps to be stelzana cleaned a gene pool of people of Earth, made what fascists — elimination of physically defective individuals dreamed of?

Rocca broke the silence and it is exaggerated by a tender voice asked:

— And you person by birth?

Tigers was surprised to a question, but answered honestly:

— Of course, person!

Boys exchanged glances... Rocca rubbed a leg on a snow-white covering, knocked a finger about a leg of the chair attached to a floor... Shrugged not on age big shoulders (the adolescent athlete!) and answered with a ringing voice:

— Well-well... Whether you whistle... Painfully skin light... And for some reason did not grow bald, contrary to unshakable rules. We here for every second day are trimmed as if the SS-50 rocket is hidden in each hair.... — The boy kingpin blinked the right eye and shifted eyebrows, his large fists were reflex clenched — the Brand on the right hand is also absent...

Here the boy standing with it, slightly to the land, but is couple sentimentality higher (the most tall in a chamber), having covered a mouth with a palm, noticed:

— You think it stelzan? — The boy giggled. — But it is improbable, in a chamber to people to put...

Rocca interrupted with impatient gesture the workmate. Even nearly put a cam in a nose:

— Enough! We are perfectly seen both everyone gesture and any word write down. Can it just clarified and made a hairdress more fashionable... It does not concern us.

The high guy nodded and trying not to look at the beginner, is hardly heard whispered:

— Phage toy...

The last words seemed to Tigrov very ominous, and he asked:

— And what the Phage toy means?

Rocca looked back, his rather big head with rather high forehead, slowly turned on nearly bull neck. Yes massive, beyond the years the thick boy, though growth and not above Tigrov who decreased after teleportation. By sight the bandit, with a shaven skull, on black skin, is a lot of scars, and burns as from tortures, and fighting, but pure blue eyes of the boy were kind and looked with sympathy. Having inclined the head to his ear, it is almost indiscernible whispered:

— He uses boys as women...

Vladimir shuddered and as knocked down it was slapped on a bed... How about that... Here and it is possible, terrible vile... Brr... How to find a way out? To escape from prison?

But to develop thoughts was once, the mechanical voice judging by a separate pronunciation of syllables belonging not too modern to the robot was heard:

— People of Earth, from a chamber on an exit march...

In a wall broad pass was moved apart, boys moved to it, and reflex printed a step, without reminders were constructed on growth in a rank. Tigers remained to sit. The imprisoned boys did not make a din, they looked as the disciplined soldiers. Strange...

And here Vladimir saw the obedience reason. The boy who incidentally pushed in a back of the companion suddenly was lop-sided, the collar zaiskrit, causing severe pain. The young convict fell on knees...

— There is enough! — The cold team sounded. — Forward march!

Unexpectedly the entrance had a tall woman with a seven-color hairdress and a short stick in hands. She shouted, having pointed fingers to Tigrov.

— And you a macaque of what sit... Go work in mine, quite the healthy boy... And the slave hang the head from what it you are not short-haired.

Vladimir reflex bowed. The woman seemed huge, and really for two meters, with the weight-lifter's shoulders. And look in general born murderers. To work so, to work... He and was never an idler, muscles strong, went in the antecedents on competitions so will sustain...

Though it was also difficult to be expected, the robot unexpectedly objected:

— He was not interrogated yet, a fate questionable... Let will wait in a chamber.

Stelzanka bellowed:

— We do not have slave to force... Otherwise and these captured young children extremely painfully utilized for complicity to guerrillas. And so still we hold them live. — The supervisor lashed a hyper plasma lash, a set of the broken lightnings took off from a tube, having slashed with time of all young captives on backs. — Run march!

Having sighed, boys at once darted off, started gleaming light, against black bodies patches, they ran quickly, but all the same tried to hold on ceremonial in a leg, and in air there was a light smell of the fake and tickling nostrils ozone. The supervisor rapaciously smiled:

— Good boys... All of them from guerrilla gangs, coherent, intelligence agents, saboteurs, fighters seem harmless, but... They were lucky, to get into our paws right now...

Stelzanka struck with a lash once again though prisoners young children already managed to turn in a lateral corridor, the shining feelers all the same overtook all of them at once, having forced group to scream from pain again. Amazed Tigers blurted out:

— There is an equipment...

The supervisor smiled and, having taken to it couple of steps, grabbed by hair. The truth not too rigidly, on-voronyi a provorkoval:

— And you are a handsome man... Svetlenky such, and brows on the contrary black... Not a simple primacy boy...

Tigers tried to push away still her a hand, but only made to himself more sick. Stelzanka carried out on the child's cheek by the end of the switch. And it is unpleasant to Shchekotno. Vladimir felt fear, aggressively beautiful woman looked at it as the hungry cannibal, it is awful... Especially if you defenseless, in the world where people only pack animals. That not to exchange the boy suddenly bryaknut:

— And for what Rocca sits?

Stelzanka who, enjoyed fear and already mentally represented different types of tortures to which she wanted to subject the nice boy, having been taken aback from an unexpected question mechanically bryaknut:

— It killed a stelzan!

Eyes at Vladimir joyfully lit up:

— Means, you can be killed! And I...

Strong slap in the face interrupted his words. The supervisor recovered:

— No, of course, personally did not kill, otherwise to it not to live. But he headed office of young guerrillas who could commit an assault and kill one ours. Wounded it is not counted, they were quickly restored. For one stelzan we kill, not less than one million people... Rocca it is still live, but there will leave Zorg and he will be tortured so that he will forget from pain even the name...

Robot voice (and from what the car, here in prison such authority) interrupted a stelzanka:

— It is time to feed a primacy...

The supervisor roughly pushed Tigrov on a bed and was developed. Shook a fist up:

— I will reach you a can... — Darted a fleer at the boy. — Feed him electronic blockheads as well as other convicts.

The scratch was heard. From a floor as if a viper, similarity of a hose got out, already other thin voice said:

— Sit down directly and accept calories.

Tigers obediently villages, also gave hands to this corrugated trunk. That it is unexpected as will jump, the end extended as if the hood of a cobra also entirely covered to the little boy the person. Squeezed nostrils, there was nothing to breathe. Vladimir convulsively coughed, the rigid tube drove in a mouth, rested against the sky. In vain the fellow tried to tear off it, material of a man-made snake was stronger than the titan. In a mouth poured down, something like kissel, but awfully tasteless, almost opposite... Not to choke it was necessary to swallow. The throat unpleasantly tickled, but in an empty stomach the feeling of filling appeared. Feeding however, was short, the mask was gone, and the hose quickly cleaned up under a floor.

Tigers it is exhausted fell to a bed, it was filled as the car, having filled in a tank stomach, but having finally devastated soul. He is a prisoner now... The planet is occupied... Also it is possible to lie only so powerlessly, having kicked the bucket. Can fall asleep to be forgotten from a nightmare in a dream?

But also it to it was not given. There were already two ladies, the old acquaintance and one more, less massive, and external, more young with a chubby maiden face. The young woman winked at Tigrov:

— You were lucky... Maybe will do without tortures.

Nearly became Vladimir after these words badly. The boy turned pale, but after all found forces to rise and go on shivering, for fear legs for wardresses. But where it would get to, the senior supervisor threw to it a neck with the real lasso. But stelzanka quite correctly behaved, told simply:

— Follow us, and will be kvazarno!

Led, a step at more than two-meter wardresses wide. Vladimir had to run literally to keep up with them. But nothing, the body obeys, there is no weakness. A floor legs smooth, a little warm, barefoot on it it is absolutely easy. But all the same when it was necessary to climb abrupt steps, Tigers hurt to itself fingers of legs twice. It even surprised the boy why such technically advanced civilization in this construction does not use elevators. And that here you run so hundreds steep with the pointed corners of steps, even his lung and a strong body begins to overcome fatigue. Especially painfully calves ache. And rise long, stelzanka run quicker and quicker and the boy lags behind, the loop on a neck drags on... Again you cling a leg thumb, scarlet dewdrops of blood, being scattered, remain cowberry of the dark and steel field.... More young wardress for a moment having stopped picks up Vladimir and showers to itself on a shoulder. Its form soft as a velvet, but all the same here it is inconvenient to rest a stomach. Tigers are felt on a back by a palm and long sharp nails. Fortunately the girl probably not the sadist, holds softly, even strokes...

Vladimir before movement was already a teenager, of course, thought of girls, even tried to twist easy romanchik. Beautiful, sports, the excellent student and the activist, it was not ignored a weak half of mankind. But now internal clocks were wound off back, and the organism did not feel physical need yet, and had purely emotionally no time for it. The prospect of interrogation at stelzan of the nation of supersadists frightened, probably and Malchisha-Kibalchisha. Especially in the well-known movie that after tortures at it and a titmouse on a face was not painted.... But why, they really rise it archaic in the way... Train, perhaps? And diversion of guerrillas can damaged all elevators? At this thought it became easier for Tigrov. Stelzanka too probably having been tired of run began to tickle a marigold to Vladimir still rather gentle, not coarsened from a bosokhozhdeniye to the patch.

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