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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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The scarlet nipple flashed like a ruby.

The stadium went the buzz, no one expected a girl, but still look so young will be able to overcome immediately the seven warriors of daisies. Several bears with cabbage heads instead of heads jumped out into the arena, and hind legs on a caterpillar course. They began to take root, bare feet of the defeated girls with hot metal. One of them, when the burning substance touched bare, like a chiseled heel, screamed and tried unsuccessfully to get up. But blood, tiny fountains have treacherously flowed from wounds.

Again a red-hot iron touched bare toes, but a girl can't get up.

Looks like the chamomile woman isn't living. A wild cry broke the pause.

Even the surface of the planet is shaking.

— Let warriors do not disgrace us! -The Empress is screaming so frantically: what is sand and gravel, rises as from a hurricane.

Well, just a tsunami on land. But then everything just calms down.

On the arena there are curvaceous beauties, in the bathing suits decorated with emeralds and rose petals around hips. The skin too, almost like satin, movement rather Oriental dancers than soldiers, here Breasts, but three of each.

And the nipples sparkle like stars.

Emmanuel spat in their direction, the spit suddenly turned into a cluster of gems scattered on the surface. The girl-Queen has spoken:

— War is the best entertainment, but the worst rest!

Words are true. Especially when your own skin starts to Shine with sweat.

Yet fatigue is not tangible. Almost naked Emmanuel flexing his muscles. Its sporty beauty can be admired for hours.

Donald trump is a boy-the President poked under Putin's elbow and said:

— That's beautiful! Agree!

Mr Putin kept answered:

— Beautiful words no! But it puts us at a disadvantage!

That sounds the horn and a new battle is rolled.

Opponent:, too, apparently far not the fittest. Apparently scared by the fact that they put such a cool warrior-sorceress-Queen, and for fear to come after death in a bad place, they are clearly a coward. Emerald roses-Amazon bypassed Emmanuel from all sides and tried to attack together. This is the right tactic, but each did not want to stick out and hoped for a partner.

Than this synchronous swimming, only with the risk of running into a Barracuda.

The demon, incarnated in female flesh caught in their weakness, afraid to swing the sword, she forced them to go back, leaping Panther on singles. When you cut one, and even frightened girl enough two or three, simple attacks, or even a single sharp blow. Here fell with a heavy groan one, screamed with a split belly the second, almost immediately bled out with a severed artery the third.

The liquid flowing out of them is very bright, inhuman.

Sophisticated Emmanuel even began to save movement, however, had to run. The last two rose girls tried to get away, hoping to get back on their feet. Their bare, almost mirror-like feet began to sparkle, reflecting the incredible shades of the heavenly bodies.

It would drive any man crazy!

The Queen devil ran after them like a wolf after a wounded DOE. One she managed to cut down, the second finished off with a mark arrow cabbage bears-cowardice is not encouraged.

Lying girls, jumped naked, chiseled legs, and then calmed down.

The next batch of fighters was in gold and Topaz. This time there were only five of them, but much larger, with mounds, rolling, under almost black skin muscles, obviously with a lot of experience fighters. And the skin is covered with thorns-girls-cacti, which is much worse.

Although these beauties are not without appeal.

Especially strong and tall was their commander, a head and a half taller than the star Queen Emmanuel and heavier at least fifty pounds. Egret was also quite despicable, in the style of a Cobra leaving the rest to attack the devil Royal blood, a warrior armed with a sharp blade with four cutting edges a hook, and figured a decisive blow.

Wanted to hit opposing her: to perform the girl-Queen.

Emmanuel was on the lookout, but it's so hard during a fight to keep track of everyone. One of the "Golden" cacti-Amazons, she managed to plant on the sword, making a somersault and abruptly turned, but got a sliding scratch on the shoulder blade. An awkward lunge and cactus needles stabbed the devil in the shoulder and chest. Stuck in muscles.

Emmanuel swore in rhyme:

— Who are the warriors barbed, that in fact stinking worm!

And she burst out laughing, showing her tongue.

Blood dripped on the gravel and sand, it was painful and very nasty. Then this Cobra three times I almost broke it, catching the latest attack on the rosy cheek of the girl-Queen.

The scarlet liquid also splashed.

Emmanuel was furious, hugged the girls, was gone, especially in this muscle is very unpleasant equine face with a horn on his forehead. She began to chase after her jumping frog and doing flips.

The witch-Queen spun on her toes and flashed her bare legs.

At first to take her, this lady king Kong failed, too strong, and with the reactions of a rattlesnake. Emmanuel then used a trick, pretending that she was shaken from a really strong blow of its hook, a warrior-witch, instead of continuing the rotation of the body and slash with the right, what a warrior-cactus ready, fell down. At the same time the blade slid across the steel and brushed clutching his hand. She still not knowing what happened to her claws, tried to hit, half naked Emmanuel with a sword, throwing a clumsy shield.

You're not going too fast!

Then there's the other, the Golden cactus-Amazon tried to flash the devil in the back, but faced with a massive "Cobra". Emmanuel received the "Fan-mill" cut one relief, the chocolate press, and the other, releasing guts, striking just above the pubic bone.

Devil Queen even abundantly stained by blood, spinning like a top, it brings together legs, dodging the sword, one warrior, shot down another. Almost dislocating her arm, she threw her right sword at the base of the skull, making a wide swing of the cactus girl.

Very strong was the cast, broke the bone of the opponent.

The last prickly Frau was taken aback, and received a cheerful blow to the nose, but managed to recoil. Ignoring the blood, whirled his nunchaku. Emmanuel spread her arms and stabbed her in the trembling flesh. Barbed Amazon gasped and fell.

Her legs were convulsing.

Came a short break, the warrior-Queen had received several light wounds and tired, and hot and exhausting. The dead and seriously wounded girls were dragged out, apparently, to give them the last honors, but at the same time the red-hot metal ruthlessly plunged bare, round heels of beauties. To Emmanuel flew naked girls with fabulously luxurious wings of butterflies, brought a weak, but pleasant to the taste of wine. The head warrior-Queen flashed, not poison? But the thirst was stronger. After a few SIPS, she felt more cheerful, only her bare feet, sleek, very beautiful and tanned legs began to itch painfully from the hot sand and prickly gravel. A verse formed in my head:

Can't be defeated,

Who is brave and pure of heart!

Though life is as thin as silk thread,

Drink blood intoxicating!

Too early to rejoice! Shouted, knackered Emmanuel Empress. Queen-warrior thought she was, apparently, artificially with magic amplifies voice, even here on the sand and the gravel walked the waves, like the sea. — The next couple never lost!


And in the voice of a horrible monarch sounded confident.

More the power of the enemy — the higher the value of the victory! — Confidently objected naked Emmanuel, proudly straightening the mill, and shaking almost naked, under a thin strip of fabric, tanned Breasts. — To beat weak, that chew sand-available everyone, but causes vomiting!

She's almost naked, and muscular, bloody and glistening with sweat, looks — amazing!

There was a crunch and a noise, like elephants stomping, two women entered the arena. They were so huge that they could be mistaken for titans. Look scary, got out of the vein and veins perekreditovanija muscles. Face tattoos, colorful dragons, starting with the neck, going on her cheeks, and pokes his head for wide foreheads. Ruby panties and bras in the skull, complete the picture, giving them a black with a purple tint the bodies of bloody hue. And feet, like a bear, caterpillar, and even emergency jet nozzles.

Leave footprints in the gravel.

That's terrible! Whispered, barely concealing the irony of a warrior-Queen. — To connect a snake and a hedgehog heard of, but that and of itself, is a mixture of a little tank and a great prostitute, only see now!

And quietly giggled — how funny it seemed a private joke.

Female terminators did the ritual strokes, playfully swiping swords over his head, it was evident that, despite its size it is very agile and fast creature. It is not the blades, and the blades of the modern helicopter, separating from the ground multi-ton mass.

And the balls roll the muscles under the tanned skin.

There was the sound of a horn that sounded like a tearing iron, the ladies-ambals began to move, they seemed to be unhurried, but they felt an irresistible power flowing from the mouth of the lava volcano.

Their bodies are hot and steaming.

Emmanuel took a step back as if frightened, ran barefoot, round heels, and when they approached, abruptly jumped forward, trying to take intake dual fan. Those, however, reacted immediately, one even managed, strike blow foot, with rapidly rotating the tracks and beating jet nozzles in full thumping shield-maiden-Queen.

It was like a heavy pile.

The girl-Queen screamed, and jumped back, ribs ached, bra burst, already completely exposing the high, with scarlet nipples Breasts, which were bruised and tiny blisters. Emmanuel understood what it means to the fighters of high class, burning with pain and shame retreated. The terminator women rushed after her, trying to finish as quickly as possible.

Warrior-Queen was backing up, first slowly, then almost running, too they quick. Two ruby thugs began to drive outwardly the young warrior, the most dangerous, from different angles, and at different levels, almost simultaneous attacks, forced her to move in a ragged, unpredictable rhythm and did not give not that attack, but even really defend.

The girl-Queen thought that the motley audience devoured her eyes, her naked and frankly gorgeous Breasts.

Flickering pink, round heels Emmanuel tried to break the distance, adding speed, but the divas were not asleep, a couple of times hooked fugitive. Their blades caused much more pain than ordinary steel. Even hot iron is not as painful as this obviously enchanted metal. Then the devil-Queen of the star Empire, tried to get closer, but bumped into the tip, getting a deep mark in the naked chest.

If not for the phenomenal reaction, it could break through and heart. Emmanuel swung, almost losing her eye, and the blade cut off her temple hair. A clipped strand of flame-like hair fell apart in the wind.

A little hooked and the skin in the ear blood came. She, pinching, crawled, scarlet trickle on his temple.

Amazon-titans moved and noticed everything, it was clear that this time it is really the best warriors, exhibited against a simple warrior-Queen, albeit in a magnificent, but still almost human body.

Emmanuel, glistening with sweat, felt tired. Hands and feet began to pour lead, it seemed that the gravity increased, swords heavier, and the air thickened. The bare soles burned like a hot pan.

Warrior Queen realized that she might need to leave this body and hope to ever get in the universe of fantasy and dreams. What's next? After all, if she dies here, she may not be able to incarnate in the former material world, which means... The girl-Queen was furious and suddenly ashamed of her bare Breasts, and burns and wounds. And a song sounded in my head. The one she read, while traveling to the future, in a novel by a science fiction writer, on the tip of which she is looking for good and justice: the warrior-Queen and was in such a mess. The song made a strong impression on the half-naked Emmanuel, and in this one most corresponded to her inner mood, and distress.

And the voice was as full as silver bells.

In the sea play sheep waves,

I'm in the arena naked sword fight!

Look at the enemy threw proud,

Troubles dashing and pain-transcend!

Yes, I was born once, a powerless slave,

Logs pulled, shook on a back boulders!

To be in tension, in the same vein native element,

Shoulders caress whip of the executioners-the rascals!

Someone is rich and in a shade with beer sleeps,

I'm under a scorching stream, waving a hammer!

It's a custom so terribly ancient,

Need obedience to princes to soak up the milk!

But lucky-if you can call, then lucky,

Sold the virgin from the mines and sent into battle!

It lit me up with a fabulous insight,

Was not just a slave, but a woman cool!

But it does not happen, believe me boundless happiness,

A terrible opponent got, and I was wounded!

Cut me in the battle of evil to pieces,

God charged me — fine!

But don't give up, the strength of the last fight,

Let her kill people, curse the gods!

This course is now racked with guilt,

And I can't find the right words here!

The song of the proud Gladiator girl calmed and allowed Emmanuel to gather, added cheerfulness.

The muscular, sweaty body of the beautiful Queen was filled with energy. Even sweat covering like butter body shone stronger and brighter, from which the royalty began to think of perfect beauty.

The warrior-Queen began to breathe more evenly, automatically protecting herself from the heavy blows of the divas, each of them four times heavier than her. The main thing is the search for weaknesses in the played pair, painted killers. It is difficult to do this, women tanks are real professionals. However, it is possible, one of them is possibly younger and hot slightly ahead of his girlfriend, because of this Amazon underworld for a very short period of time remains without proper protection.

Like the terrible tank "Tiger", revealing for a brief moment vulnerable joint between the hull and turret.

But it is so fleetingly subtle that the enchantress is the Queen of Emmanuel hesitated — she had enough reaction and speed. However, there was a chance if you force them to make one suitable for her is a sandal sequence of attacks, then appeared a Ghost of a chance to stab right under the breast. Although Emmanuel is a great risk to expose his light with the tiny horns in his head.

Usually these horns are impossible to notice, but the period of the highest tension, they protrude. Just as the bare soles of the legs begin to glow.

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