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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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The Underrated Actress knew logic was originally supposed to play a part in her thought process somehow, but she had forgotten that as if it had been stupid. All she knew now was that she was fully prepared to go all the way with another woman for the first time in her life, and the fact that that other woman had a penis? It felt nothing but right and hard. She was long past pretending she was going to put a stop to this moment, well, at least three or four minutes past pretending.

Eliza roughly pulled Buffy's head up for a kiss, their tongues dancing and sliding as they explored. Buffy yanked on the drawstring of Eliza's bikini bottoms, and received a slight shimmy to help her pull them out from under. Buffy's answer was to groan and bite down on her lip, willing herself not to shoot off another copious load as she pulled the bottoms out from under.

"I've wanted this for so long, Faith."

They could both feel Buffy's penis bumping around Eliza's entrance, and Buffy actually whinnied at the sensation:


"Do we need a protection?"

The question barely registered with Buffy.


Eliza kissed her neck, then asked again:

"Do we need a rubber?"

"No, I'm on the pill."

"Excuse me? You're the one with the third leg, lady."

Buffy flushed with embarrassment at her gaffe, then felt her desire rising to a new and fevered pitch at the thought of delicately blowing a load off in Faith.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"It's okay. So?"

"I don't know what you're asking me, Faith."

"Can you get girls pregnant?"

Buffy rolled her eyes.

"How would I know? I've only had this thing for about half an hour."


Eliza wanted to point out that she'd had it a lot longer than that, but what was the point? They both knew that penises...peni...a penis didn't just suddenly appear on a woman one day, and yet Sarah was keeping it up...the pretense and the penis.

"You probably can't, but let's be safe. Plus, it might help you hold off a little longer too."

Eliza's hand flung blindly to her nightstand drawer. She opened it and awkwardly reached inside, pulling out several condoms at once. Most hit the floor, but she managed to hang onto a few. She quickly shuffled through them, then handed Buffy a gold packaged one.

"Here, a Magnum should fit you."

Buffy took the package and ripped it open, then realized that she had no hope of getting it on. Not only had she rarely dressed anybody in one, the angle now was completely different and confusing for a non-expert.

"I can't."


"I don't think I can."

Eliza smiled and grabbed another one that had fallen onto the mattress, tearing the foil open with her white teeth as she half sat up. She expertly took hold of the condom and began rolling it on, but Buffy pulled away.

"Wait! You can't do that."

"Sure I can, just hold still a sec."

"No, Faith..."

Eliza had the tip covered and began leading the condom the rest of the way when Buffy stiffened and came.

"Jesus, again?"

Buffy's head had fallen to her chest, and it took several moments before she looked up shyly through her golden spikes formerly known as "eyelashes".

"Sorry, but your hand was all soft and warm and..."

Eliza removed the Latex Birth Control Device and tied it off. She tossed it into the trashcan next to her bed and returned her attention to the women straddling her.

"I'm on the pill anyway, I just wanted to be extra careful. This whole deal's really strange for me, no offense."

"None taken, and trust me: you don't know strange until you're the one with the penis and another set of twins."

"I'd offer to feel them up for you, but I don't think you could take it."

"Probably not because just you saying that made them kind of clench."

Eliza chuckled again, but Buffy's face was nothing but serious.

"I think maybe I'm being a bad lover. Let's concentrate on you for a while."

"Don't worry about it. I'm already so wet I..."

Buffy disappeared between Eliza's legs, and with the first swipe the brunette knew she was in the hands of a master Eater Outer. Sarah obviously knew her way around anatomy of the female kind, and she had the Southie coming at will. After her second orgasm, Eliza surrendered.

"You need to stop unless you're trying to kill me."

Buffy rose up to meet her, face to shiny face.

"I so want to be inside you."

"Go for it."

Buffy did, or at least she tried to, but it wasn't as easy as it seemed. Her rod wasn't all that controllable when it came to the actual entry part of sex, and her frustration was mounting as she tried to mount. Eliza's legs kept moving, shifting this way and that as she impatiently thrust up to rub against the Head Slayer's head.

"Stop teasing me!"

"I'm not!"

Eliza's diluted whiskey colored eyes opened and she saw at a glance what the problem was.

"Aww...I've got you covered, baby."

Eliza took hold of Sarah's shoulders and forcefully put herself on top...except Buffy didn't move a muscle.

"Stop trying to top me, F."

"I'm just trying to make it easier, but how come you're stronger than me now?"

Buffy couldn't wait any longer and she reached down and grabbed hold of her penis.

"Hold still, I'm going in."

It was awkward and fumbling, but she was a woman of her word and she ejaculated the second she hit the halfway point.


Eliza waited, holding Buffy close.

"Shh...we're not in a hurry. Just stay right there."

Buffy hardened again in less than a minute and she began thrusting slowly.

"You're so hot and tight."

"And you're so big and hard."

Buffy's body tensed, present, but she was able to hang on.

"Okay, don't say stuff like that if you want to get any pleasure out of this."

The Vagina Wearer laughed.

"Just fuck me and let your dick do its thing."

Buffy exploded again, but her erection came back as she felt Eliza's legs wrapping around her waist.

"Come on, you're not even all the way in. Let me have it, every inch of you."

Buffy shuddered and groaned, determined to stay hard for more than ten seconds. She pushed and sunk in another inch, then waited until the tremors passed.

"Tell you what: you fuck me like I know you can, and I'll pinch you off if I can get there in time."

"Does that work?"

Eliza chuckled low and sexy, making the Golden Girl's whole unit twitch.

"Sometimes. Or maybe you could recite the Gettysburg Address. Had a guy do that once."

"Did it work?"

"Nope, plus the dumbass was reeling off chunks of the Declaration of Independence."

Buffy laughed, still hard and barely able to believe how wonderful it felt to be buried deep inside of Faith.

"So...show me what it means to be a woman."

She accompanied that statement with a wriggle of her hips and a tightening of her legs around her waist...Buffy's, not her own...and Buffy went for it.

She began drilling Faith, coming without any discernable lapse in her hardness. Faith started off in control, but soon fell into an incomprehensible ecstasy. She was getting the fucking of her life, and at first it was her own hand that kept getting her off until Buffy got the hang of it and shoved the Dark Masturbator's digits aside and used her own fingers.

Eliza felt wild, out of control like never before, and at first she matched Buffy stroke for stroke, bang for fuck, but then Buffy blew right past her. She was moving too fast, too hard, in a way that once again seemed humanly impossible.

Eliza kissed her, then whispered into her ear:

"Slow down a little."


"You're starting to hurt me."

Buffy stopped instantly and tried to pull out with a puzzled and horrified look on her face, but Eliza wrapped all four of her arms and legs around her Inhuman Lover.

"I didn't say get out, I said slow down. There's a big difference."

"I don't want to hurt you, Faith...but I'm not even going full force yet."

"How is that possible?"

Buffy looked at her:

"I'm a Slayer, just like you. Why can't you take it?"

"Well, I guess ten inches is my biggest, plus I've never had anybody who could push so hard and fast. It feels good, but you were getting a little rough."

"Sorry. I'll try to be gentle."

Eliza kissed her, then bite down on Buffy's lip.

"But not too gentle. I like it when you get all aggressive."

They had sex in several positions and Eliza was exhausted, her sweaty head resting on her torn to shreds pillow, a few of its feathers stuck to her neck, breast, forehead, and elbow.

Buffy was currently sprawled on her side, one hand propping up her head, the other slowly trailing a feather down Eliza's body.

"Let me know when you're ready again."

Eliza opened one eye to look at her disbelievingly.

"Holy fuck, you're a machine. I feel like I need new batteries or something."

"Well, you're definitely going to need every ounce of your Slayer stamina."

"I've got no 'Slayer stamina', but I am big with the yoga now."

Buffy laughed:

"And I'm still big with the yogurt, so..."

Now it was Eliza's turn to laugh.

"Damn, that's got to be one of the worst ones."


"Used to know a guy who called it his: 'Baldheaded Yogurt Slinger'."

"Faith, that's disgusting."

"Yeah, plus that thing was wicked small. Nothing like this baby."

Her hand slid down to lightly encircle Buffy's pretty peen.

"God, don't jerk or I'm going to..."

"Maybe I want you to."

"Faith, I mean it!"

"I mean it too. Let's see how long you can hold out, Stud."

There was amusement and a challenge in the brown eyes that met Buffy's green, determined peepers, and Little Miss Sunnydale rose to meet the challenge in every possible way. Eliza maneuvered them until Buffy was on her back and she was straddling her, her fingers trailing all around every sensitive spot Penis Girl had.

"Okay, now here's the rules..."

She entwined her hands with Buffy's and steered them up to the wrought iron headboard, encouraging her to grasp onto the thick bars. Satisfied, she trailed her own hands back down Buffy's body.

"Now no matter what I do, you can't take your hands off the bars. You've got to try not to come, and even though you're doing way better with that whole self-control thing, well, I'm not going to be unreasonable. If you come a few times, that's cool. I'm going to grade you on a curve."

"I don't know if I..."

Eliza began kissing a path down the trepidatious Slayer's body.

"Don't you wanna make me happy?"

Buffy groaned out "yes" as Eliza's lips hovered over already quivering penis. A soft kiss was Buffy's reward.

"That's my good girl."

Buffy totally lost track of time and space. All there was for her was the delicious torment that "Faith" was dishing out, a pleasure so great, it bordered on pain. Buffy fought with everything she had to hang onto the headboard. She was the Slayer after all and she didn't back down from a challenge, not even one that made her shake, sweat, plead, moan and spray her seed all over the place even as she fought for control.

She did pretty well, her shiny, new penis sometimes following her commands, but it soon became clear to both of them that the woman toying with her could make The Slayer come whenever she wanted her to. And it came as no surprise to Buffy that her mean as a snake lover loved the power she had over her. The brunette teased, tortured and generally made Buffy dance for her like a trained monkey...and Buffy loved every second of it.

When Buffy's Sexy Trainer was finally finished with her, she collapsed on top of her Capuchin-like victim.

"Damn, I could get used to this."

Buffy's voice emerged shakily:

"Me too. I think I might finally be done."

Eliza laughed, then kissed Buffy's cheek.

"You know I can make you hard if I want to."


"Hey, you can let go of the headboard now."

"I don't think I can."

Eliza kissed her again, then slid up to help Buffy uncurl her fingers.

"Holy fuck! What...How..."

The panic in Eliza's voice had Buffy pulling her hands loose and looking at what she was looking at.

The headboard was trashed, the thick powerful bars twisted and mangled like a Slayer had been clinging to them as she tried not to grab her lover and fuck her brains out.

"Sorry. I didn't realize I was..."

"'Sorry'?! 'Sorry'?! What the fuck are you saying?"

"Well gee, why don't you overreact? You knew what could happen when you..."

Eliza's hand grabbed Buffy's chin and looked her in the eye.



"Holy fuck...You are Buffy."

Buffy smiled: "You got your memory back!"

Eliza looked like she was going to faint. "No I didn't. I...How...How can you be Buffy?"

"Faith, you're so pale. Are you okay?"


Her voice rose to the point of hysteria.

"No, I'm nowhere near okay. Buffy isn't real!"

"I'm pretty real, although...Ow!"

Her yell snapped Eliza out of her shock.

"What's wrong?"

"...Nothing, not anymore."

Buffy looked down and then up, repeating the looks with a grin.

"I'm back to just 'Buffy' parts."

"You mean..."

"Yep, penis free and loving it."

Eliza reached down and when she encountered a vagina, she pulled back in shock.

"Your cock's gone."

"I just said that and you look even paler now. Stay right here, I'm going to get you something to drink."

She got up and walked out of the bedroom, her walk the walk Eliza remembered, not the bizarre and so irritating you wanted to slap the shit out of somebody, anybody, "Helo Prance" from before. She looked again at the destroyed headboard and thought back to how Sarah had picked her up and carried her so effortlessly, how Sarah had recovered her erection in rapid fire, impossible time, over and over again, how Sarah had made love too hard and too fast for any human to give or receive...

"Holy fucking shit, I just had sex with Buffy Summers...Buffy Summers with a ten inch machine of a cock. I must be going nuts."

Just seconds later Buffy walked back into the bedroom holding two bottles of Gatorade. She sat back down on the bed.

"Orange or blue."

"You can have the orange one."

Buffy smiled and opened the bottle for her, then handed it over.

"Drink it all, we lost a lot of fluids."

"You need about fifty then."

Buffy smacked her on the shoulder:

"Ooh gross! I meant 'sweat'."

They drank in silence until Eliza spoke up.

"So now what?"

"I don't know."

"This is crazy. You're Buffy."

"That I am. Would you be interested in being with me without the..."

"You can always buy those, Sa...Buffy. I'm pretty okay with you being a girl any way you want to do it. But right now I just can't wrap my head around the fact that you're really Buffy Summers."

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