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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"Okay, stop chattering nonsense, and you are delusional, like a madman. The devils that impossible! Let's leave soon the dawn will begin. We ZDEwithь do nothing more, come on, come on out. You're nuts about it so much thinking, I said Охромову and pulled his sleeve.

There's nowhere to go? if онулся and already asked soberly he. -As gone? We have done nothing.

"What are you here want to do? You saw that the building is protected, that here the guard there. Or do you suggest to Rob a right to his face? Yes it you will never change. Maybe кокнем it? And that easily, right? Especially if уесть that he had a shotgun, but with us absolutely nothing, not even mount some задрипанной to him on the head remedy...

Охромов to think, and to finally dispel his doubts, I added:

-Yes, and also something in this building nothing I know not what your friends want to take. The whole building was: should they have absolutely nothing. Blank and transparently.

-How so? surprised Охромов. -As there's nothing there?! you can't be serious! They same to me scheme Dali! What do you think these guys are a joke all doing? Watch this!"

He handed me a slip of paper on which was carefully depicted the inner layout of the building. I learned there is the big hall, which I have just passed, and the intricate weave corridors.

Red oily feature go the whole scheme was launched route through the building. He intricately wound corridors up to the door marked with a special symbol: the Latin letter R, нарисованой dotted line. Next bold trail pencil crossed the door and led to some side sleeve of the building, going to the left.

For a moment I wondered what this cecum, but then it struck me that this is probably the Annex, where I have been, and who now, as assured the old man, belongs to me, and the long way through the main building is laid only because the guys that was sent here Охромова knew about the existence of a shorter way back to where you could get to the goal much faster and safer.

I asked Grisha, so it gave me a non стелажей and shelves, with which we had to take the documents, "junk", as he called them. They оказалис recorded on the reverse side of the same paper.

-At least you can understand this? I asked him, examining solid columns of figures.

-Not now, but they told me that everything will be clear on the spot. In fact, they собиралиь also here with us first approach, however, see how it all happened. Maybe if they were here we would all clear?

-Yes, I am and so all is clear, " I said, " it is not clear why, if your friends have стольподробный plan of the building, they did not go themselves, and choose to use our unskilled, frankly, using the so thin and delicate matter? And more strange is the fact that they probably should have known that here spends the night watchman. The old man, though weak with the mind, but ружьишком but armed. You know, if now to think soberly, all this looks like a mockery with their hand over us, don't you think?

-I do not know. Me about the old man said nothing. I myself am scared of not less yours. Especially frightened when the lamp suddenly seen behind the glass. Heart fainting.

"Yeah, I saw, " I said from jokes, " you like shock turned, standing stock still, you can't go. If I were you behind a pillar not dragged him by the hand, the old man would both of us caught. However, you know, he guessed that I was not alone, and on the street who stayed.


"There you well.

"Why, if he knew, then both of us почакал? Passed would menturu.

"As you see, the police he didn't want to call.

-Listen, and if he is not called the cops, then, the reason fears. Maybe, let's... again try to climb it. To threaten старикану supposedly not tend to your own business, old crank, and take what we need.

-Listen, Охромов, " I retorted, " don't go on the rampage. You once for good, for good was released. Do not hope, that the second time all тебетак smoothly come. I always said you were crazy. Come on, let's go! I'll not go. With me one visit is enough. Maybe the old with the police do not get along, but I think he will find, as избавитьс from your corpse. Without even leaving the building. Believe me.

And that you are there if you try? The old man knows this house, as sowies five fingers. You will be led by the nose as much as he wants, like a cat with a mouse игратть you and I will...

-Okay, I'm not going anywhere, " interrupted my beliefs to your own address Охромов and turned away as if offended.

We were still standing at the entrance of the building for some time, and every thought of his own. I, on the one hand, of course I wanted to get money, but I understood that even if we do it on the bill, it will be mere pittance compared with the value stored in the cache securities that bandits are going to abduct, and then, probably, will sell rabid money kDa a cordon.

With one hand I could, of course, say Охромову: "C'mon, don't be sad, come on, I'll show you another entrance to the building where we are, no one will stop!" but on the other hand, it turns out that I myself let plunder gained me inherited by the will of luck excellent library, rare books collection, the price of which is even impossible to determine, for the already small Asti, that was me, you could say that the price of all that there is stored, is enormous. The old man, when handed it to me, spoke of her as the great Shrine and the great richness.

What I was thinking Охромов I didn't know.

Suddenly I noticed something страное around. From thoughts of my distracted me a strange smell, which appeared in the air. Охромов also began to sniff, leading nose from side to side, and wince unpleasant, you can say, just stinking spirit.

Really the air in a few moments Oka soaked some отвратитеьным stench, which all increased and усиливалос with every second.

-Listen, I don't understand, " said, clamping nose, Охромов. What пахер?

The sharp odor ызвал irritation, and in a few minutes we both felt nausea. To our surprise he was not going to пропадат. But there was something more amazing and ominous.

Quiet streets of the city in предательском silence filled обволакивались some strange strange yellow fog in which it was impossible even to breathe. It was not clear where that comes from, whether from above, whether crawls somewhere from the side, but it was clear that we urgently need to get out of this, until we both were suffocated in the yellow haze.

We rushed towards the school that had the power. Fifteen minutes until we ran along the streets of the city, located in the valley, they were a real hell. Everywhere around there was this strange yellow fog. He did not give dyhnut full breast, I разламывалась head, several times we with Охромовым puked. In the stomach already was empty, but he still continued дергатся in spasms.

Finally, the road went up into the mountain, and breathe it immediately became леге. With every meter rise we felt easier breathing. Soon we climbed the street pretty high up and ran out on the wasteland from which a view of the the city lying underneath.

Up here is not that poisonous, suffocating suspension, and we stopped to catch his breath and come to the senses. When we finally come stood enchanted by the fantastic and terrible scene the unfolding before us.

The city was not visible. He plunged into some abyss. Where the streets were higher, and their yet to be seen, she swayed on them, like waves of this sea, only much slower, and цветм they were yellow. And it was obvious that the sea is significantly dwells. Are visible only врхние floors of buildings. Those that are lower here is-here is already were to disappear from the surface, and the highest sticking out from this quaking darkness, how fantastic reefs, as the above-water rocks in the sea how surreal images on the picture of a crazy artist, decided at its canvas portray a conglomeration of a rectangular, angular, too correct form of mountain formations, thick, like spikes now dot the yellow surface of unearthly yellow sea.

The sea how it was clear, was played by bad weather. The rush of his muddy deadly, asphyxiating волнпродолжался with rapid speed. And we can understand why this is so.

In the centre, somewhere поередине, in the midst of this vast ocean yellow abyss, absorbing the city, powerful jet hit the sky Titanic geyser, выбрасывающийвысоко in the sky huge clubs orange-purple smoke. There, far away in the sky, at a dizzy height, available only aircraft, and rare, strong birds, hung with purple mushroom mew, iridescent purple bursts terrible cloud that has overshadowed a half of the horizon, which already densely розовела dawn streak of dawn. It was almost day, and was already fairly well turned bright, so that we could see in the smallest details.

Great clouds of gas, fountain spouting up, broke into the cloud and disappeared in it, but down, down towards the earth, descended yellow-brown clear that the lower the lighter became, and, settling yellow already and dense matter, преващалась in tight veil, колышущуюся over the city, through its streets between the houses.

Abyss rose higher and higher, geyser beat all power and thought ослбевать, but on the contrary, it seems, became her stronger level of the yellow haze became higher and higher, until finally the last, highest roofs of houses, standing in the valley, not plunged into it and disappeared into it completely.

We stood spellbound are unique spectacle. I can't even say how much time we've seen this terrible picture, but, apparently, for a long time, because, when came around, wave the yellow haze already достигликраешка wasteland, swallowing the street where we got up here, and to the East are already very beginning of the dawn, and the first предутренняя dawn turned into a broad band of dawn, on a light background which a thick grey cloud became still darker and scarier.

All this time we have not spoken to each other a word, and even when realized that удушлива shroud of catching up to us and already настпает us on the heels, the mole, not сговориваясь, hurried to the school. Fortunately, that the road to it was farther up the mountain, and there was hope that there this trouble will not come.

Wasteland when we left already resembled a sloping beach on the unearthly, yellow, slowly, lazily колыхающегося sea spilled to right and left, how was visible, without end. At the bottom of this арующей Majesty the abyss of death stood recessed town, and who did not wait for the dawn. And only the most recent, the upper house street from the wasteland down, poking out of her by his upper floors as the skeletons of dead ships, наткнувшихся on the coastal rocks.

Shocked by what he saw, we didn't talk to the school. Here привыча be on your guard, wait any minute accidental catch and immediately make the decision to not get caught, willingness to suddenly break and escape that there are forces, ducking away from the chase, do it and brought us out of his daze.

We перебросилис a few common phrases have no meaning to anything at all not relevant, but the dreams stopped and not already talked to the barracks.

That we just saw only that survived, neither I nor Grisha speak were not able to. It settled immediately somewhere at the bottom of the soul, and did not want to stir your senses and докапыватьс to very unpleasant experiences.

To their beds we got in without any пиключений, and, barely touched подшки, I immediately lost in a dead sleep, though sleep was of no meaning because the team to "lift" the remains of some half an hour.

In the morning it turned out that the school is also shrouded in the same yellowish smelly fog, but not in such a sickening as night, with the smell of sweet-cloying, elusive, not sharp, but временаим щекочущим nostrils. He looked like he could, from time to time, coming down upon the city, and therefore nobody paid attention to him than the two of us with Охромовым.

Everything was as usual: the rise, morning exercises, Breakfast, divorce classes.

At about ten yellow fog cleared away, leaving no trace, and only in the afternoon the school and rumors of a big accident at the factory химичесого Association "Khimprom", that in the city among the population numerous poisoning, and that there are fatalities.

Wake up in the morning I was tough. I barely got up from постли and then the whole day terribly sleepy.

Morning self-learning took place for me in the struggle with sleep, which, in the end, I was overcome and, расстянувшись shamelessly in the back row, I have remained so until the afternoon. I was woken up only when the time is right to leave the building for lunch.

Dinner passed slowly, without appetite. However, училищную slops could destroy the appetite only this fruit, I.

The evening самодоготовку I also spent in a dream.

Just for lunch began to spread rumors about the accident. Someone call from morning home to many classes did not came to teachers, most of which had the apartments are not in a military town that was PI school in the city, never returned from a night похождеия many самовольщики. Gradually, in the evening, about what happened already knew all school.

Охромов approached me before жином. By that time, I slept well and quietly already наал интересоватся worried all the theme.

-Have you heard about the accident? "he asked me as if he did not see anything had gone in the night.

-I not only heard, but also seen with my own eyes... and you too.

With him there was something wrong and if he wasn't afraid to stand as a witness before the court, then probably went roof.

-Yes-Ah, " he said distractedly cry. It was evident that some musings of torturing it. His face appeared shadow of anxiety and удруенности. -I have heard that there is even fatal cases.

"No, " I said, to reassure him, although he strongly doubted потму that almost choked in the aid stinking fog while the atmosphere just some fifteen minutes, — I think that there has to be such. We're with you too have tasted the stuff, and, as you see, alive. I don't think чттобы from this you can finally hoof discard. Nonsense!

-Well, I'll go call the house to a friend, you know, just in case, what's up with her and her родоками, — угюмо said Grisha.

-Хоешь, I'll go with you? — I was in the escort. -After dinner and go!

-Well. Only you-why?

-Yes, I also friends call him our former. I'm not like some not forget old ties.

-Well, if you are not well. And from them was at the same time conveyed greetings. And, вообщет, I am not joking, and I wanted to bolt at all put upon thee including Grisha was clearly not in themselves.

-Well, okay, okay, sorry, " I said soothingly.

After dinner, I felt again the abnormal, unusual for me craving for sleep and realized that I didn't want to go, but, having subdued himself where trudged after Охромовым, although he gave me to understand that it is not necessarily so. Why gone — I don't know, moreover, that I lied and did not want to call any of her friends, who, as Grisha I were a "hoot".

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