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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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That's a giant crocodile.

Half-naked Emmanuel realized, that a new comrade on the brink of demise, new sense of partnership has reinvigorated it courage, suppressing fatigue. Warrior-Queen darted forward, barely managed to beat the sword nearly cut the animal's paw, released on full-length claws.

And where only forces are starting!

The blow was good, although it was given to the brush, the skin burst, viscous orange blood poured. The tank battleship jumped, trying to bring down the mass, and was hit in the fall. The second organic-mechanical monster caught his partner, trying to get his teeth, and got on the lip. Blades flashed like a lady's fan, it is difficult to break through the skin, but you can scratch. To get away from the third monster, the demon lady had to perform an army command: fell-pressed, walking blade on the belly. True, and it stung a little barrel, it is terrible when darn skin. And from the gun muzzles erupted a burning flame.

It swept up and licked the warrior's already torn skin.

Again Emmanuel jumped, she remembered the dance of the wild swans, and tried to save traffic. Large size tanks-battleships now played against them, big inertia problem with the reaction, it is difficult to gain just the right speed. You can go and rake blades, buckets, sliding the face, bristling with guns croup, tails, and steamboat pipes. To strike this terrible, surreal nightmare, inflicting minor but painful wounds and trying to avoid the huge jaws and a quick, strong buckets paws.

The second breath has opened, and the warmed-up muscles already not so painfully ache from fatigue.

While the devil Queen was lucky, she managed a couple of scratches, then a small jagged cut on her back. Then nearly managed to escape, and hooked on hip, breaking recently wearing the armband. Now such an incredibly beautiful and sexy Emmanuel was again completely naked girl. And it is a shame, and her feminine dignity was humiliated. Although this culinary hellhole for men to consider work. Isn't her naked body a pride and a crown of beauty?

Certainly a shame, a damned mechanical beast! The anger and frustration just bursting every molecule in my body!

And rage gives new forces!

A warrior-Queen in a rage jumped high, kicked in the neck, and then stabbed the sword deep into the periscope. In the same moment, she was thrown away by force, so much so that the caviar tearing the skin fell down. Completely disarmed, Emmanuel fell, colored circles floated in front of her eyes. The tank battleship leapt at her, another child of mechanical hell jumping at the same time. Warrior-Queen barely moved, getting a new burns from the spitting fire of the guns. The beasts collided, then the monster with the broken swords spat out a large clot of bloody parts, he hissed, collapsed on the sand, bent into a lamb... and quiet. Looks like the tank battleship's dead!

The warrior-Queen, shaking her blistered Breasts, and stomping her bare feet, screamed:

They're dying! Only stupidity is immortal!

And swept bare feet on the flames, almost feeling the heat. Outwardly indestructible monster was mortal!

Such a thought cheered Emmanuel, especially as it is much nicer to kill is not reasonable creatures than cute girls. However, the head was a brass band, and she became like a warrior in a trance fought, physical overload and exhilaration! The second tank-battleship received a hole in the armor shell.

The warrior Queen has rapidly shortened the distance. The enemy became more vulnerable.

Naked with muscles like cast steel, Emmanuel took advantage of this, expanding it with a few strong strokes, getting close to the cauldrons. A sharp jump she jumped on the shell, but burned bare girly feet, all she managed two swords to open the main artery of the mechanism that blew up the boilers, then the death of the tank-battleship was just a matter of time. From pipes even knocked the nastiest dirty-brown smoke.

Witch and star Queen in one bottle, bellowed:

Is going to win! Those who yearn to break the shackles!


The Queen girl rose to her toes, though her scratched, tanned, and muscular legs and shivered with tension, chirping:

— In the name of space and higher of reason! You're burning!

Indeed the monster was fading rapidly, the movement became more sluggish, the tail even changed, as they have such mechanical distortions of color. However, they still attacked the warrior witch together, once she barely managed to slip out of the cylindrical teeth that left additional bloody stripes on her ribs. And the saliva eats away at the flesh worse than acid, even the nipple came off. Nevertheless, and the second they ascended gradually with arena. Interestingly, he is aware of his own death or not, feels fear, or maybe doubt. Still no reason, then all primitive, some instincts. The cauldrons inside the creature jerked, and the hull split in two. And Emmanuel herself was thrown away by the wave, the shard at the same time cut in half the navel. But the lady Queen is unstoppable.

Even if there is no living place on it. The body, which could be the envy of Mrs. universe, all the burns, cuts, ulcers. But will is indestructible!

Against one fight is not so scary, in addition, the animal-machine well, who would have thought, stung him to the front bucket, making the wound in the thick skin. And then he was thrown away, apparently by a squeak, he was painfully.

The eternal girl-Queen swept through the flames. The heroic animal distracted the monster.

Emmanuel could not take advantage of this, it's so embedded obliquely in the eyes, which is quite difficult, because stopping a tremendous fall. Then, twisting in the air, she cut the shell. Child of the underworld or maybe dump the crazy designer began to stumble. Transformed into the likeness of the God Mars, the warrior witch jumped and stabbed. The tank battleship was weakening, the blood spurting more and more.

In contact with the spray, it corroded the already cut and burned skin of the girl-Queen, like acid.

Naked Emmanuel even managed to knock out a few teeth — large as daggers. Falling on the gravel, they changed their light, and even began to melt, sticking together in a solid mass of stone. To finish off the monster without a heart is not easy, since six girl-the witch tried to hit him out the window, but every time he missed, shaking hands, overwhelmed.

A warrior-Queen in annoyance, barely audible hissed:

— Here is the dragon antiworld, mind boiling, and the body does not respond. The flesh is a chain, only to the soul the psychology of the prisoner, and most of all afraid of freedom!

How hard it is to finish when worked veins, like a taut string. And ringing from overstrain every cell, beautiful, strong body.

The girl-Queen accidentally stepped on a tooth, the dagger — blade was crawling like a cockroach . Oops, oops: a red-hot ramrod, pierced its from naked toe, until the back of my head. So shook the whole body, even pushed under the skin of smoke.

And not only, but also from the nostrils, red hair from the blood. It seemed to you like a sheep pierced with skewer and roasted alive.

On the bare, burned leg of the warrior-Queen again rubbed the animal-machine, and the trembling was gone, the smoke ceased to bring down. Emmanuel jumped with the last of her strength and thrust the blade so deeply that the hilt disappeared into the eye socket. The brush was covered with a nasty liquid, the girl was thrown with such force on the gravel that the bones crunched, and the young sorceress shone at least a week to defecate with blood.

Flew even several pearly teeth, broken mouth.

— Hits like a crowbar, stupid forehead! The magnificent star Queen Emmanuel moaned.

On naked, and proud a girl as if a ride German tank "mouse."

Consciousness hovered on a thin thread and only by an extraordinary effort of will, the noble sorceress-Queen wove a rope, climbing to the light, from the hopeless darkness . Even the demons or angels to be afraid of hell. And in time to push off his knees and elbows to move a meter. Technotronic thing in the last mortal agony, snapped his jaws, catching teeth, gravel in the place where only what was Emmanuel.

A bit scratched only on torn in wounds legs, and side.

Then the tank-battleship stopped and rumbled, the whole body was covered with a network of small cracks, but did not crumble. Small, but numerous trickles of blue smoke enveloped, deformed body of the defeated monster.

The fire licked again, like a wave of surf and without having burned the heels of the eternally young witch

— Victoria! — Wanted, as they were taught at leisure, the boy-President Donald trump, to cry out the angelic girl-Queen, but her lips only helplessly whispered a victorious word.

Everything floats in front of your eyes like you're looking through lenses, and bombs explode in your head.

The animal-machine jumped up to her, and licked the broken nose of the female Gladiator. Unapproachable in her proud nakedness, Emmanuel realized that if it were not for him, she would not see victory. In that case, she would have been out of the game, or forced to, was not quite honest.

And a broken jaw with broken teeth, but not so painful. Can be, something and to speak.

— Thank you, bro! You to the bone, my Amigo! — Imitating blatnomu jargon, breathed out warrior-Queen.

Star Queen Emmanuel, of course, knows too much.

Animal-machine nodded pretty face, teeth are gone, and then waved suddenly grown disproportionately large ears-radars. As it was nice, lacked even a plane, with corps banana, there is no better pineapple!

And no longer terribly saddens stripped and burned skin. Joy fills the heart.

Numerous huge bears and even a few candies and flower girls were already running out into the arena, they were putting on hooks, what was left of the tank-battleships and unceremoniously dragging them. Seeing their creature out of this world, clicked his tail, and disappeared into the gravel. Emmanuel, tormented, looked at him wearily, and a demonic, or rather Royal tear came out, falling on the hot gravel, and hissed.

It was very painful to lie down-under the broken and charred back of a frying pan, but there were no forces to rise any more. This is the most intense battle of her long life. Painfully whining, every cell, every vein, every bone, her flawless, angelic beauty of the body. Flashed in the mind of the aphorism—

— Work and talent as husband and wife, give birth to success only in a couple!

And slightly turned to the side, gathering the remnants of forces.

Then another aphorism, no less wise, and also to the place:

— Even the great scientist, invented anaesthesia in the throes of victory!

Ah, warrior-Queen mentally already rushes on a white horse,like a triumphant.

She really didn't even notice how the girls themselves, shook, rose, splashed in the swollen bruises face with ice water, and the big girls, much higher warrior-witches, jerked his hands up — a sign of victory that was ripped away from the surface. Alyonushka felt a sharp pain in the wounded shoulders, as if from the rack, gasped:

— To God be just a little bit on the full cross — gritting crucified.

And even a little giggled and grinned in a gap-toothed smile.

From the stands flew flowers, balloons, ribbons, thousands of culinary products crowded, trying to break through to the arena and at least touch his goddess. Seeing that the Royal in nakedness Emmanuel completely reached, her beauty was put on a gold, diamond-studded stretcher, and carried closer to the crowd, allowing not everyone, but the richest and most noble to touch, to the freshly baked idol. Shouts:

— Greatest! Wise! Superman! Battle Queen!

Of course, it's honorable, but not too nice.

Warrior-Queen winced when she touched, sticky paws, she was expecting the main, namely the key. In mind flashed a doubt, but for what exactly, she made this bloody circus. Just to test your courage and show your coolness? Or divorced as "sucker" (thieves human jargon, terribly liked the affectionate devil!) . Yes, and feel, insect legs, tentacles of sea creatures, walked on the downed fingers of her long-suffering legs. And when covered in baked breast, Queen of the cosmos, Emmanuel furious:

— Freedom comes naked, truth barefoot, happiness without pants, but envy would still encourages on paw!

And poked the burnt blistered butt to the candy. Heavily blasted, he turned over, pulling his legs shift:

— You hurt me, mistress! I'm a poppy seed chocolate, not asparagus!

You're not so hot with fun anymore.

Warrior Queen threatened to rhyme:

— I will become a ruler: I will put everyone on a diet! Because hungry diet — the inspiration of the poet! From nettles, seductive bouquet!

Became much easier, because the body of the witch is much better human.

The beautiful girl kissed Emmanuel's feet, washed from dust and blood, bare, graceful, beautifully calloused, rang with a silver voice:

— Cool goddess, tenderness and beauty! Give a man — that dreams come true!

And even terrible blisters, and cuts began to heal in the eyes.

Cake replied, maintaining a playful mood, cheerfully humming:

— Instead of a woman's Tits, it's just candy! The truth is not new-it costs two rubles! Here kitty-kitty-meow — heaven in a rocket! And on Mars chicken with greetings!

And tickle the bare soles of a beautiful woman.

Warrior-Queen gritted her teeth, the idiocy of this situation will bring anyone to white heat:

— Where is the key, my rightful trophy!

In response, only wild laughter and ringing retinue ... even eardrums stabbed.

Suddenly before it there was a whole mountain, height in Ostankino TV tower, from various folders and papers.

A veritable Everest of bureaucracy, casting a pale yellow light. And it keeps growing like a giant mushroom after the rain.

A dozen sweets and cakes screamed at once:

— Sign the Queen girl, sign it! Every act is a page, from the heart!

And before her there was also a fountain pen, the Tsar cannon.

Reviving Emmanuel quipped and sang with a sneer:

I would wolf down bureaucracy.,

To papers deference there!

So it is better to engage in culinary sadist,

Simple and banal Blowjob!

The giggles became thin,and unpleasant to the ear.

The mountain once disappeared, and in front of the warrior, star Queen was several ranks of warriors with long, crooked sharpened spears and terrible armor, and faces... Even for a horror movie too nasty.

A kind of embodiment of the army of the underworld.

Legion of monsters in unison yelled:

"If you want to climb, fight us valiantly!"

And the spears became even more, and the ranks stretched to the horizon.

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