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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Freaks, as he hates them! And stelzan and grandiloquent pacifists moralists...

Ivan Gornostayev from everything to scope thrust a fist in a wall from a sandalwood. The thick elastic wall sustained a furious swing. In rage the head of insurgents continued to strike weighty blows. It seemed to it that the fist threshes a black ugly physiognomy of Fagiram — the hated monster governor of the planet Earth...

Then asked Ermines under legs tried to crush the snow-white donut presented to the guru. But usually culinary product seemed, escaped an impenetrable army boot. It strangely enough calmed the head of insurgents, and, he stretched a palm, trying to give to a voice softness, said:

— Be not afraid, but... To see at once the whole settlements dying of the superleprosy sent by hyper fascists it... No! To me It still this Guru gave Jesus Christ's example, the Creator of the Universe suffering a cross and a beating. I answered it it: the person who pulled out their chair the sharp pricking nail deserves respect much more, than showing stupid patience of a case!

Chapter 17

In space as if burn

Wild monster of an eye,

As if speak to all of us,

That over the world the thunder-storm storms!

From various ends of the great empire strange and disturbing messages arrived. On suburbs large congestions of star armadas of fighting starprobe vehicles from among the states aggressively hostile to purple constellation began to be observed. Inside the situation was not too smoothly too. There were vague messages on rebellious plots, grew more and more and, gaining scales corruption more. Speeded up cases of withdrawal of the capitals in the offshore, evasion of taxes from economic generals and marshals-oligarchs. Prolonged peaceful existence, led to gradual decomposition of the hyper totalitarian state, to eternal antagonism of the bourgeoisie of the eager freedom and parliamentarism, liberalization and the market and the absolute autocratic monarchy with repressive police force. Theoretically only military communism, could be harmonious at a totalitarian despotism, a pure command management system. However the era of ecowars, could not but generate the market relations and a new class of capitalists money-bags, the person interested to influence a state policy of the empire. Here already the despot emperor capable to spray any of them on photons and, is not necessary. Without saying that oligarchs were not owners, and were considered only as tenants, without the right to descend something. And there is no family per se in stelzan. All nation a uniform family, led by the father the emperor. Strict army pyramid... Karl Mars and Trotsky's dream was realized in megagalactic scales. And Marxism in the most radical option mixed with Nazism. Economic and fighting armies, equality of women and men, the general husbands and wives, germs are born in incubators to whom Evgenetiki's department decides to be born. About infancy training to be at war or more precisely to kill! The nation purpose — the power on all mirozdaniye which it is only possible to reach. All other nations — no more, than fuel and a rabsil of a military vehicle. The relation — normal animal to cattle is far more tender.

But Zorgi the intervention generated some liberalization that has already an adverse effect on stability of political system in general. And enemies do not doze!

The head of Department of protection of a throne considered the latest data from suburbs of the empire. Strange movements and even impudent attacks from the opponent.

The minister of Department of love and justice also received disturbing data, but on lips of the amazon deviless the mysterious smile played. So strange movements disturbed her, but the space tigress with hair of color of the hyper plasma fire felt rather a delight, than alarm. Starprobe vehicles of the largest hostile empires behaved aggressively, trying to approach as it is possible closer to the center of the megagalactic power. Not clear impudence, especially if to consider that militarily Stelzanat became even stronger in recent years. Persistently rumors went that the emperor prepares new war. Who does not want to become history the greatest of the greatest!

The multiarmed servant the robot interrupted reflections.

— Oh, great superminister Gelara Biter! You are called on special communication.

The minister of love and justice easy pressing of long sharp-clawed fingers started the six-measured image where from chaotically located preon and sprayed graviavoln the cybernetic mechanism put the message. Similar cryptographed messages could not almost be read without the most difficult code key. Before beginning to listen to a gravioshifrogramma, Gelara hardly noticeable pressing of a key created a silent zone, especially impenetrable for any listening. Now even the competing intelligence agencies because almost any modern equipment was powerless against absolutely silent zone could not record the deviless. The wafer-thin voice transferred the message.

— Our zvezdoletny fleet cannot break through in empire heart. Speed of movement is insufficient that in in advance determined terms to come to key positions. Business can reach premature collisions with fighting fleet of the empire. We ask to clear the main highways of troops of the opponent!

Gelara Biter cast away large shaggy burning as one hundred torches the head, having taken a gloomy form, and large teeth sparkled. And the arthropod continued to peep.

— We ask to give us all codes and codes of your starprobe vehicles and fighting stations. All system of cybernetic management, notification and control.

The manager of general Department the superminister clenched fists so that those crackled, and from nails sparkles flew. The maiden demon murmured:

— These are sinkh and League want that we completely disarmed. Well, all right! We all the same will forward them also splusny. But really they do not understand that it cannot be made without head of Department of war and peace. Such tradition. Security officers fight with each other, and all threads in hands at the emperor. There is a Department of honor and the right, the ministry of tranquility and safety, Department of protection of a throne. Still Love and tenderness, too the kind bitch heads it. And nobody trusts anybody. All watch one after another. To destroy the emperor, having overthrown a dynasty, — good business, but the empire can be scattered and get under occupation Not to ask for help of zorg! The difficult decision is necessary! However, the main thing is to destroy the emperor, and then it is possible to deal also with the external enemy. What will she undertake? Only the most limited measures. But after elimination very much it would even be quite good to push off sinkh and Space league with zorga. How to reach it? It the ognezarny knave has also on it the plan. For now it is necessary to persuade the emperor to invite huge star fleet of zorg in empire heart, allegedly for joint reflection of attack of the Intergalactic coalition. Hyper galactic war — a thing very serious. And the integrated boundary empires, the republics, the huge empire of sinkh and many thousands of civilizations have quantitative superiority. If to add internal enemies and the conquered worlds, then the final result of war becomes even more doubtful. The department of honor and the right also has to be involved.

Gelara Biter low-frequency, but hysterical tone began to dictate the answer... Having finished, removed a zone and pressed the pink button. It was very opposite to it and it is scared, to betray the emperor capable to read mind at distance and in general the personality so mysterious that even she never saw his faces... Having bared the superminister reclined on a bed, her large scarlet nipples sparkled as the strawberry crowning balls of golden and chocolate ice cream of breasts. If very rare man's copies are races and were able to afford to look ugly, then all women differed in faultless addition and cast muscles. Women in Stelzanat are twenty five percent more, than men (the artificial proportion formed by electronics in an incubator) that forces females to be more active in search of partners. Gelara suddenly felt shame, to betray a dynasty, to set up the autocrat, to make regicide. . And the four of cute youth aide-de-camps, already massaged it legs, having begun with seductive casting as a cockleshell nacre of heels and fingers rising above to calm the shrew because behind external, devilish beauty of the maiden one of the most important executioners of the hyper totalitarian empire broke. Already one of these boys of stelzan having buried the angelic face, selflessly caressed a bosom of Venus, the charming torturer, being surprised unexpected coldness usually of such temperamental and insatiable maiden. The smell of fragrant honey, tropical herbs and aromas truly of imperial perfumery proceeding from divinely fine flesh of Gelara turned to young men of the head, the passion overflowed, threatening to break off them as if thousands of hot stallions jumped on veins and the trembling veins...

* * *

As a result of the most powerful explosion the room filled in with thick darkness. The fact that the room was deeply under planet soil strengthened fear even more. It seemed that the darkness presses hundred-thousandth freight. Numerous voices of various shades from a dense elephant, basisty bull roar before shrill thin peep of a mosquito filled the room, having created cacophony of sounds. It was possible to distinguish only separate remarks.

— Our shelter is revealed!

— The collapse threatens!

— Total kildyk!

— Escape who can!

From above new cottons and explosions followed. One of webby beings pushed Eraskander under an elbow, then strongly cut a wing on the case. The lion swayed, but resisted standing. The opponent tried to develop attack, from a toothy beak the curse dodged:

— Brainless, chernodyrny pulsar!

Angered, having grabbed by the webby wing covered slippery as at a frog, skin, the young man, having developed, threw through himself this reptile. The extremity of an inomiryanin from a shake-up crackled, having released the fountain of muddy-yellow blood. The creature was cut down from painful shock. Someone from workmates of this hybrid of a bat and the pterodactyl opened fire, standing up for the workmate. The young man took up the captured arms too and, having made a fan turn, having passed a spittle of destructive hyper plasma up to the right shoulder, answered with a well-aimed shot, thereby, having cut off the crocodile of the flyer who went crazy with a head.

It was in the dark difficult to take an exact sight, and the multi-laser beam killed some more diverse beings, having strengthened panic. Remains inomiryan scattered in different directions, some at collisions were torn as if grenades, splinters of chitinous covers, various armors, and that a fighting armor various, escalating damages and mutilations. Reciprocal volleys from luchemet of all designs fell down, mainly violet and green beams pierced the extensive gloomy room. It is a little more — and the "friends" and "brothers" who were just present at meeting would shoot down each other.

The lion also thrust the category behind the category. It was captured by excitement, desire to kill these reptiles, mollusks, spongy, arthropods and other types unknown terrestrial zoology. Including also beings from radioactive elements. All of them were enemies of the human race. They needed to be killed as the annoying bugs stinging insects, mad dogs. All tension disappears, and the ecstasy by fight, desire to cut, burn down, evaporate is felt. With rest, looking as in the twilight lit by beams of blasters and other similar destructive agencies remains of ugly monsters potter about. But in such turmoil Lev could also run into a crazy light stream of deadly intensity. Though the boy thought of it least of all, he felt immortal, capable most to hurt, to this cruel, truly ruthless, constructed on the principle the most mean survives stronger, and the worst... to the world created by the Almighty Sadist!

The thunderous voice threatening to break off ear membranes returned the flown into a rage fighters to reality.

— Cease fire! It is our general death! Immediately to pass with everything to a starprobe vehicle Kuverotez!

Strangely enough worked, so much in this voice was tone of the being who is given rise to rule. Various beings rushed in all directions. They were about three hundred. Still there is approximately so much, or it is even a little more, it was necessary to lie in the cut and melted off look.

The lion followed them. Slightly burned it with a laser beam. This pain not God knows how many, but nevertheless cooled a boyish heat. The young gladiator instinctively stuck to group of humanoids. It managed to squeeze together with them into big modification of the elevator. With an enormous speed as it was the highway, vacuum with a geomagnetic path, the group humanoid rushed along infinite corridors of an underground labyrinth. The concourse was not too big — twenty individuals, but tiresomely noisy. The lion even dybyas, noted:

— Though bark of the Pug can only make laugh elephants, you should not start up army preparation on laughter!

Speed of the underground carriage repeatedly exceeded sound. In the ordinary elevator it would be deadly, and here fighters were helped out by a gravitransformator. In this labyrinth there was the whole web of such vacuum corridors that along them it was possible to pass all planet to the opposite side. Eraskander's companions were in a black camouflage and fancy horned masks. They about something were whispered, language was barking as at jackals and hissing as if a brood of cobras. Then underground transport rushed obviously up the hyper skyscraper located in other point of the planet, but Lev of it did not know. At the young man hands itched to thrust from luchemet on this concourse of some creatures, to the inomirena it is good if it is even better than a stelzana — these monsters invaders are hated to all human race. And they already rushed up on a giant construction, times when on the earth also the grandfather of the first governor of Egypt was not born yet.

Such huge skyscraper could leave in a stratosphere, and from there starprobe vehicles went practically at once to a fast hyper jump. It is favorable if you want to escape from prosecution and from the practical point of view also. In the similar building there were both shops, and the medical centers and the whole industry entertainment. A cabin as if mad, slipped out on a surface huge, in thirty square kilometers, the roof serving at the same time and kosmoporty. At lightning speed horned little men jumped in the starprobe vehicle, ready to a departure, which remotely is looking like symbiosis of carrots and a lamp.

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