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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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— Goddess!

— Lucifer! — Giggling, replied the maid.

Then they got into an ever-changing atmosphere with a strong wind. It blows from the front, then Vice versa presses in the back. And the enemies are constantly changing, they fly like wasps, on the contrary crawling like poisonous snakes. But to come constantly to fight, while jumping from one platform to another, and even grabbing artificial flies and lizards by the legs, flying with their help from traps. Some copies of: especially hybrids butterflies and flowers: breathtakingly are beautiful. A mixture of a dragonfly and Tulip sparkle, rainbow colors with the intoxicating consciousness of smell... Quaterno! Snarling jaws snap back as electronic rat traps, foot teeth sparkle lightning. There is also a larger five-meter and ten-even fangs. Vladimir managed to slip past them. One of the monsters: a hybrid of a tank and a Scorpion, with a roar jerked, flying burning candy:

We're not being photographed! No quarks! The brave warrior President sang.

Again the young man receives from annihilation outbreaks damage. And young girl now even worse, again tore off barefoot, graceful pace. But she at one extremity jumping, not thinking about the retreat. However, there is nowhere to go.

— At us one way, either to survive or to die! — Said with a somewhat banal pathos Alfara.

The young man-the President confirmed:

— And only together! The black hole is lighter when in the ice ether: a pair of burning hearts are burning!

At the cost of incredible effort, superhuman tension they managed to pass and it, although the body is not left alive.

The next stage is the desert: with brutally sucking green sand, it is impossible to stand still for a second, your feet are stuck, and you have to shoot and stab. Here they are fighting against the militants in masks, some in armor. Fighters of different styles, features, and hybrids Scorpion with cactus, bug and spanner! Fly grability I can't hide or escape, laser beams will disperse the sand. In contact with the body: a hellish pain, the insides seemed to be squeezed out by a roller, and poured hot oil. Tetralet dive, dropping bombs in the form of a ghoulish skull with a lot of burning eye sockets and spewing violent, in their thirst for destruction rays!

President Vladimir however, is not lost. He performs a kind of dance, passing between the streams.

Alfara even quipped:

— Russian whist: near with you wings soar!

Vladimir Putin, dodging burning, the tri-color flames picked up:

— Commander, our shelves were lined up in a row!

Together the boy and girl stabbed with scissors, using the technique: "jet waterfall" stacking enemies of the lush packs. So many different creatures, splintering, crumpling, or flashing. This is a stunning grotesque-not devoid of humor, especially when the tetralet in the form of a kite and an axe, turned when hit, in a falling trickle: Golden in turquoise nettle, caterpillars:

— When you shoot, stand on your toes, mobility will be greater. — Suggested Alfara

Vladimir Putin automatically noticed:

— Less stable.

The naked girl did not agree:

— How say, the dynamics always stronger static!

In confirmation of his words, the girl cut down the beam rushing structure, resembling a tin can with barrels. She broke into pieces and fell to pieces. Already in flight, pieces of the defeated target turned into a pack of purple hybrids: bumblebees and chimpanzees. These strange beings, fought with each other: with every moment, becoming all less, dissolving in the atmosphere fighting virtualki:

— Well, how? Quasi? Asked, frowning Alfara.

— A very cool, main thing is decent! — Said Vladimir Putin. — It's nice to live among lasers and plasma! And to hear the planet explode!

Here the President remembered how because of him the third world war nearly began as the world slipped on the verge.

The girl laughed:

— And experience in combat with me orgasms! And walk and frolic! What I appreciate is the sense of humor in men.

Vladimir Putin was becoming more confident, so he effortlessly: destroyed following the fairing. It resembled a piece of wood covered with steel. Exploded not immediately, it took even a few weapons now. In turn, the rays erupting from the clawed hooks, interrupted President Putin's brush.

— That bottomless pit! He shouted in annoyance. — You have to think of that.

Alfara like mocking, said:

— Are you talking about?

The girl moved her burned bare fingers.

— Hit me in the face with a brick. — One hand doesn't work. — Said Vladimir Putin. — Where's my super flesh?

— Don't worry, soon there will be more, regenerating bodies of life.

As it turned out, she was not mistaken. But drugs it turned out little, brush has recovered, and numerous cuts and pain remained.

The next stage of the volcano eruption, it is necessary with incredible speed to be carried away to the top, shooting at combat cyborgs of the enemy. A cyborg is just obscenely pretentious hybrids ancient Hollywood terminator and contemporary creatures of the cosmic evolution: ultralighting of tankosava. Vladimir Putin( for it is usually not so typical, although old age was taking its toll), already dead tired, before my eyes flickers, the monsters and the surrounding hostile environment and the end edge of all that could be seen. Elfara began to fall and limp, her bare soles were covered with blisters:

— My boy, how you have a hard time!

President Putin staggered, replied:

— And you, I see you slide into collapse!

The whiny girl was noticed rocking a big bust.

— I haven't had such trainings for a long time. Generally we are a peaceful Empire and anyone not going to attack or rather not going, but each individual is the way of military training. It's not a joke: more than twenty-one thousand years of war! Here you are crossed himself, just in case little! I've spent seven years on the surface of a neutron star!


Vladimir Putin gave a whistle, with some irony:

Wow, seven years is a lot!

Girl, warrior bared large as sturdy horses pearly whites:

— Well, firstly, we live now almost indefinitely, and secondly, the neutron star is quite comfortable, full of the industry of pleasure and entertainment. His is a joyful pastime. Gravity's neutralizing! — The girl winked.

You boy quaterno?

— While special superremote no! — Noticed, exhausted Vladimir Putin.

The girl also got to the very tonsils.

Is you chase, that you at least understand something in military service. Don't you have a drill, or are you weak? Asked Alfara incessantly, furiously shoot at the monsters.

Vladimir Putin became a boy shooting back, and sometimes chopping( the latter is even more difficult), barely taking a breath, said:

— A was in the past time: when Russian army entirely professional. It serves volunteers for money, and recruited them from different countries.

— That is mercenaries! Summed up Alfara. — But they are not reliable and can go to the side of the one who pays more.

Vladimir Putin, cutting another ugly, in the form of a warty dragonfly, a soldier, sighed sadly:

— It's not impossible. But still, most of the mercenaries are Russians by nationality. So, they will not betray their Homeland. And not betrayed!

Warrior fingers barefoot legs brought the beam and crumbled: a cross between macaques and kiwi:

— And in the case of a large war in the past there were problems with the call.

The boy-the President brushed the three heads of the hybrid dragon and a cactus toadstools( they painfully pricked in the biceps stinging needles) said, trying to call the voice was not whiny music.

— Could and arose! But Russia still won all the wars! NATO was defeated, China defeated and even a monster like the United States obeyed.

Here, of course, Putin lied a little. More precisely floated specific and extensive misinformation. But it played teenage hormones and really wanted to stand out.

The girl made stupid eyes, firing from the radiator with the tongue:

— They have army, that on call?

The young President objected, gutting a hybrid of a tricycle and a squid:

— No! Also a civilian. That's her strength and weakness. However, the enemy troops are well trained, in particular the United States defeated one and a half million of Iraq, losing less than two hundred soldiers. Agree impressive success.

Putin got a strong poke hyperplasy. His youthful, muscular chest was scorched. The boy fell, but immediately rose. He tried to keep cheerful and fighting mood.

Although, of course, to talk about the success of the Americans, he was not too pleased.

Not bad! — Alfara put in charge of a fighter, nominalwage big bug that ate the self-propelled gun. He was blown apart. — But we had the ratio of losses in their favor: much steeper.

— What does it depend on the technological level! The boy President licked a trickle of blood from his split forehead.

The beautiful girl chirped, her voice sounding like silver bells.

— Of course it depends. Every discovery in the military sphere brings the moment of victory closer!

Alfara singing, rocking sumptuous hips, her voice aroused a new uncontrollable forces:

Russia: you are my native country,

I will be faithful, faithful always!

You burn summer, in cold ice,

Cool stream, flowing water!

My chosen one is whiter than snow, chalk,

The transparent lips touched the wine!

And the spirit is strong, but powerless body,

To suffer from wounds, it is doomed!

There is no peace in the cosmic ether,

Roaring battle, and words can not tell!

Madness going on — around the world,

And innocent blood flows again!

We escorted the resounding temples bells,

And if the wind stopped, the roar of the crowds verse!

And the firstborn was born with my moan,

I will dedicate offspring timid verse!

And the son will serve his Fatherland,

All enemies will be defeated by a steel sword!

And the flag of Russia will not SAG limply,

All villains in the battle will break!

Homeland and the rocks and the oak woods,

And the laughter of children, the Bor trill of a Nightingale!

For the Motherland fought not for fame,

And to live in happiness: you and me!

The girl sang to give Putin pleasure. For herself Russia, the country is still at the level of savages. In fact, what people are still backward, even if they have presidents getting old!

When she came in front of them was an army of corpses. It resembled chopped meat salad, of the products generated by the imagination of Picasso: once his brain is flooded ocean hyperplasy. The beautiful girl, moving her burned bare fingers, asked, barely taking a breath:

— Do you agree with me Vladimir?

The President of Russia replied with pathos:

"I love my Country as much as you do. — Trust me Aliviada.

The warrior corrected, knocking down with a throw of bare toes, a hybrid of a mosquito and a hippopotamus:

I'm not Eliada and Alfara. The girl grinned like a Panther. — Alfida now your arch friend of trump.

— Sorry, slip of the tongue. — Very tired. The young man swayed on his feet. In one series, the so-called quasiboson, who made a dozen huge universes, and then voluntarily, from all the advantages and sold into slavery!

As you can see, Russian President Putin has shown tremendous erudition in modern fiction.

— That's radiation pressure. It's not really that bad. — Warrior suddenly for such a fabulously beautiful terrestrial body showed two long, scarlet tongue. — Slave and goddess, so ultra-star rhyme!

And this level was left behind. Although a lot of blood has been spilled. Warrior left graceful, crimson traces, barefoot, chiseled legs. She is such a charming, charming and sexy warrior.

And when at the next stage on the guy and the girl began to fall virtual stones, roughly hewn in the form of ancient gods, a couple of heavy hits, almost two of them did not finish. The bones of Vladimir Putin's lost its ' elasticity, they are causing unbearable torment, they broke. Alfara also extremely exhausted, and kept the super.

But beauty warriors??? from this even more charming, and touching.

The boy-President, after the injury snapped:

You lie! You can not break the will of the Russian people!

Alfara aggressive confirmed, embossing angry, devilishly frilly, innumerable, prickly monsters:

— I not from Russians, but of those who born invincible!

Vladimir Putin, losing strength croaked:

— Inhuman courage distinguishes our nation from other Nations!

A boy and a girl were cheering each other on. They even thought of leaving myself to give up or break. They won't go all the way. Although burned, covered with blisters, beautiful and strong bodies of boys and girls.

Our will is in the fist! Vladimir Snapped. And punched the monster with the mouth flesh-eating piranhas.

Alfara confidently added:

— Will this index finger that holds the trigger of lokamata — the weakness of its suicidal!

The young President continued to move. Cut multiple attacking creatures, rasbridge their sticky blood.

The girl stepped barefoot in puddles, and burned. But she didn't stop firing.

The warrior said with pathos:

— Nobody's gonna stop us! No one can defeat us!

Vladimir Putin agreed with this:

Nobody will! And nobody wins!

The young man stepped out of the line of fire. A whirlwind of plasma and fire swept over him. A real tornado. The boy-President and the girl burned his back. They were covered with large blisters.

Alfara squeaked:

— Do not bend the RAM's horn!

Vladimir agreed with this:

— No doubt, not bend!

The boy scrolled, and crawled under the fireballs of all guns. And everything was burning and burning.

Alfara did stretching. Skipped over the head of the devil's tornado. She turned and threw a grenade with her bare toes. Then she tweeted.:

— I will not retreat before the enemies.

Finally at the end of a couple of young men were waiting for melee, the most horrible monster, cooked last. The monster can be seen from afar, he is a real monster.

The elf whispers.

— The best thing for us to do is pair up. Together fending off attacks — this generation of virtual hell.

Vladimir Putin agreed:

— Only then will we have a chance.

It is incredible the thing was made of liquid metal mixed with the multi-plasma, in the hands of gravi-nucleya swords. Each limb is terrifying in its own way: one is covered with warts, the other with abscesses, the third with thorns, the fourth with splinters, the fifth with broken diamonds, the sixth with razor blades and so on. They are the "hand labor" flashed with incredible speed, the attack comes simultaneously from the top, side and bottom. And not three-dimensional space, and immediately in eighteen dimensions! This means hundreds of simultaneously opposite and at the same time similar planes of attack. Barely have time to fight back, and even if it is possible to cut down the hand, then immediately grows a new one.

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