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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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It was Urlik. Eraskander however, expected something similar. The fat primacy forgave nothing to it. Having grabbed a spray, cybernetic in the form of a disk, Lev with a force started it after. The blow had precisely on the pork back, having strongly unstitched fat meat. Urlik roared and a bullet flew at an open door of an armor aero glider.

The car, similar to mix of "Mercedes" and "MiG", abruptly rose in the pink and emerald sky, nearly taraniv diamond-shaped, on four legs, a three-colored skyscraper with dozen of dragons on a dome-shaped roof. The roof came to the accelerated movement, the colourful cavalcade of exotic monsters rotated and poured in magic light of four stars.

Eraskander was developed, the broken bones burned, from fresh wounds blood, the remains of the cut predatory cactus dripped continued to potter about, scratching prickles strong plastic, orange with a blue ornament.

— It is a pity that got to the back, but not to a nape. Then the svinyachy gibbon would not be helped even by reconstruction.

To the scene already there arrived police flaneurs, fighting cyborgs and mucous natives security guards. Without thinking twice, pushed the person to the floor, having vigorously caressed shock bludgeons. From defeat of ultracurrent elastic skin of the gladiator smoked, and pain was just intolerable — this kind of electricity with a hyper light speed to rush on the nervous terminations, affecting a brain, immersing consciousness in an infernal nightmare.

Eraskander endured, without having published the slightest groan. Only a sweat drop rolled down from a high forehead, and the inhuman tension which blazed in young eyes showed what it costed it.

Nothing they will pay yet, and to shout and cover with a mat, only to humiliate themselves. Once is better to kill, than to damn one thousand times! While you are weak corporally, become stronger spirit not to fail on a humility bottom. The most terrible is not that pain that turned you inside out, and that that found under the coward's wrong side.

Medicine in the empire advanced: the broken bones will grow together, scars after regeneration will disappear completely. But who will be able to erase invisible and from it even more painful hems from human soul?

. Head? 2

You, the person, always dreamed,

To find the fellow in depths of space,

You thought that the newcomer "ideal"...

And it — a monster from hell!.

The situation on the planet Earth was strongly heated...

With coming to power of the new mode in Russia rough revival began. The country quickly returned the, earlier lost influence zones. As opposed to the SATO block powerful east block at the head of which there was Great Russia was created, Sitay, Andiya and other countries acted as its younger partner satellites. Danger of direct armed conflict between two military educations increased. Only threat of use of the nuclear weapon constrained the armadas which bristled up steel, from a fatal step. New third world war could lead to a total disappearance of mankind as species. It as if duel with such killing rocket guns that when firing will carry and shooting, and the victim with seconds.

The first mass test of the nuclear weapon on the Moon became the culmination of opposition. The situation reminded hardly squeezed spring.

* * *

Externally the capital of Great Russia Moscow looked grandiosely, and at the same time rather peacefully. Air differed in freshness, unusual for the megalopolis, electric cars succeeded internal combustion engines and made much less noise. It is a lot of greens, trees from all continents, there are even African palm trees imparted to a temperate climate. First-throned expanded, a set of skyscrapers and magnificent buildings of the diverse compositions, beds with exotic flowers, fountains, autobahns. Pure, well-groomed city; an uymishcha of the elegant laughing children, even unaware that universal already brought over them the sword which struck uncountable quantity of mightier civilizations.

The Russian astronomer Valery Krivenko was the first person who noticed the movement of the unusual flying objects. Usually reserved professor several times exclaimed:

— Came true! Came true!

Because of excessive pleasure when already except the opening you do not think of anything, hurrying to report a sensational thing, instead of an exit flew in a case with women's clothing. As females of a different dress can gather much that nearly crushed the bungler astronomer bellows, samples of various fabrics. Here even couple of large bottles with a French perfume broke against the growing bald head of the man of science, having nearly become sophisticated modification of the binary weapon.

Fortunately for himself Krivenko managed to dump information from the mobile phone in the Internet before the wife whacked it a plastic rolling pin on a head (having beaten out other painful and bright kind of stars from eyes). Information spread instantly and here soon UFOs recorded all stations of tracking of the world.

Several delfinoobrazny objects suddenly appeared from behind an orbit of Pluto. Judging by a trajectory, they moved from the center of the Galaxy. Speed of their movement came nearer to light, and that is interesting, they had geometrically correct forms. Like deep-water fishes with symmetric fins that is clearly visible modern devices of supervision. It is extremely unusual to ordinary meteorites or asteroids. The assumption that these objects have an artificial origin was the most logical.

Sensational news soon flew about all planet. Data on fast approach of the unknown flying devices shortly were confirmed practically with all observatories of the planet Earth.

Gradually slowing down speed, objects reached an orbit of Mars and continued rapprochement. Around the world it caused rough reaction...

The extraordinary Security council urgently gathered in Moscow. In the field of space exploration Russia already considerably advanced the United States Armetiki. Though in general the mankind dug in a sandbox, without having mastered even Solar system. And emergence brothers on reason caused a mixed feeling.

* * *

The security council opened after midnight and proceeded very emotionally. More hotly coffee with chocolate with which fair-haired servants treated seemed almost ice against the boiling passions. The first the floor was taken by the vice-president, the marshal Gennady Polikanov.

— The fighting ships of the opponent approached our territory. We have to attack immediately them by means of the nuclear weapon. If we delay, they the first will strike blow — consequences will be catastrophic. Modern war opposition of two superpancher, second of delay: a deep knockout from which never to rise! I vote: not to hesitate and cut all cash thermonuclear bombs and experimental an annihilation charge.

Several present generals amicably applauded as a sign of approval. But the President of Russia Alexander Medvedev smoothly waved a palm, all abated. The leader of the country huge, perhaps, even frightening, making tremble the whole world, started talking the well-known extraordinary low bass:

— I am respectful to opinion of the marshal, but from what he took that it is military starprobe vehicles? We did not even try to come to them into contact, and here at once such extremist assumptions. No, we have to be constrained and accurate as the surgeon at operation. I offer: to enter with them peace talks and to find out who are they and that from us it is necessary for them.

— Mister president, if we lose the suddenness moment, then will already be late. It is necessary to hit into full power while the enemy is not ready! — Marshall Polikanov almost shouted, pronouncing these words and, shook fists, large with sharp bones.

Medvedev whose wide person remained impenetrable as a mask of the Egyptian Pharaoh, without increasing tone, objected:

— It is better for me to know where and when to beat. Under my management Russia became the strongest state on the earth, having pressed the USA. Also there was it also because I not just strong, competent, but also patient head. And we do not know the real strength of newcomers. If they could reach us, then their technological level is much higher than ours. Only four years ago our Russian guy Ivan Chernoslivov entered on a surface of Mars. Who knows the Stone Age and cave morals can in comparison with aliens at us. Send them a radio signal that we are ready to contact with them.

The Minister of Communications the sickly person in earphones (he listened to the head of state, at the same time accepting the current messages from all points of the planet), with the small cunning eyes covered with mirror points, nodded:

— Yes, mister president. You wisdom embodiment!

Only aggressive Polikanov dared to argue with the leader. Though sung small a little, but all the same in it badly hidden rage was felt:

— I consider it not reasonable. These aliens not just like that arrived, having plowed a distance in thousands of light years. When you see them, I think, the horror will pierce you. It is time to declare martial law.

— This is correct. The martial law will never prevent. — Medvedev, made a turn floor the massive case of the titan and addressed the head of administration. — To Pisulk with beautiful words you to me I hope, made.

The head of administration, fiery red with small very cunning eyes, confirmed:

— Yes mister president at us templates are ready. You want aggressive, conciliatory or neutral option?

The leader of the nation after a second pause during which he slightly crumpled wide as a shovel a palm the edge of a silver cup (a strong indication of nervousness), answered:

— Neutral.

— All right the wisest! — The red-haired dignitary included that once again will bow to the head of state. Then, without falling to a chair, having bent and having given long hands, hammered with bright fingers on the keyboard. The address went, via the enormous monitor on which at once ran herd of the horses let in gallop, the lines executed by large printing letters.

And the president of the country, two-meter with the weight-lifter's shoulders, began, to read the text of the address to the nation. Several times Medvedev stopped and demanded to make this or that change...

— The leader of the nation should not be honey that it was not razlizat, but by a wormwood from which are spat, to become not to the person!

* * *

Almost all Galaxy was cleared of enemy starprobe vehicles, and strong points of planets fortresses were destroyed. Nevertheless, separate groups from the star ships of the opponent continued single sorties. The semi-broken Givoram's empire still furiously resisted space fleet of the mighty empire of stelzan. Already several thousands of galaxies in whole or in part laid down under a magnetic boot of this greatest empire. Givorama needed to share sad lot of the subdued and humiliated races.

Here and now the group of five starprobe vehicles chased the small ship which went to a hyper jump. Because of the small sizes it could just hide on one of the remote planets or even to land on one of secret bases of the opponent. This galaxy was one of the wildest and not investigated as if a black tear in this part of infinite space. Therefore such trifle as mother Earth, was not even designated on the celestial map.

However the supersensitive search equipment recorded intensive radio waves, residual quanta of nuclear tests, including streams of neutrons of an artificial origin. And starprobe vehicles, naturally, went for rapprochement. Bright flash on the Moon surface still more drew attention of fighting group, and spaceships finally changed a course. It became soon clear that before them other, earlier unknown civilization.

The commander of a starprobe vehicle general Lira Velimara gave the order according to which it was necessary to disconnect the anti-radar field and to move in the direction of Earth. High, very beautiful woman with interest considered life pictures on the blue planet. Couple of her deputies, too generals, attentively, even looked on new celestial, just open world with great concern. The computer gave an iridescent three-dimensional picture, then the cybernetic device deciphered numerous human languages. Most of all extraordinary similarity of people on stelzan struck worldly-wise generals. It caused confusion how to treat them.

Starprobe vehicles already orbited the Moon, and the radiogramm with the polite invitation was received from people of Earth: to enter negotiations. Star soldiers still hesitated. Of course, the encoded gravitational telegram is already sent to the center, but so far it will reach...

The lira decided to interrupt expectation, squeezed long fingers of the right hand in a fist having sparkled a ring with the minicomputer inside. Its voice sounded melodiously as turn of the automatic machine Shmeyster:

— I will enter with our brothers smaller negotiations. Let us be seen by all planet and on all channels. Gengir Volk!

The enormous general with the person of an evil angel sparkled eyes.

— Disarm human rocket stations on the Moon! — The fury roared.

— The commander, they can show resistance, having provoked the conflict. — Gengir showed the holographic image of the included plazmo-computer, appear, in it flight of each photon how accurate was a portrayal is visible. The general caustically continue. — The nuclear weapon-word the little mouse guarding a tiger in an ambush!

Velimara thinly giggled, in her young face there was so much debauchery and defect, as the Saint lost, looking at her the head. The star general said a tongue twister:

— The little mouse, of course, can watch the tank cat, but only that Murka played with it longer. The mighty warrior is such musician that after him all cry, even who did not want to applaud! Use the plan "Opening of an ampoule", standard operation.

— Kvazarno (Perfectly)! — Gengir rose in air and as if the kite (only without waves of wings) jerked to a belly where landing cars up in arm "dozed".

Several fighters of the class "Neutrino" left a starprobe vehicle and, having covered with the camouflage field, directed to the Moon surface.

* * *

The prime minister appeared on the Channel Russian One. The fat little man in hairy warts, like a sailor, abused star newcomers. It was the odious personality, even Russians did not love the thievish chief financier and the economist of the country. In the USA, on the contrary, newcomers were in every possible way praised, the main motive — of course, more developed reason has to be also Bol humane. Even theories expressed meaning that, at last, newcomers will finish with totalitarian dictatorships, first of all in Russia.

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