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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— You are not absolutely exact. They, maybe, and not the most aggressive in the Universe, and the oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere quite ordinary, though oxygen-helium more widespread. Their variety of cultures and religions is simply unique. For one planet and one look this quite extraordinary phenomenon. Though concrete information on the planet is also secret, what we know, is already enough. Extremely seldom there is such unique variety of races and cultures within one look limited by a small ball floating on an ellipse in vacuum. It is a lot of various countries, nations and people with strong national and religious feeling. And history of wars with the most various occasions! Religious conflicts! The trans-species, racial competition strikes! Where on other planet you will meet so many nations and religions moreover so fanatically convinced of the correctness?

Yuliny winked at the headdress. A cap having divided into parts on number of pets began them to show according to the hologram the colourful, drawn animated films, and each animal different cinema. Thus representatives of inogalaktichesky fauna could eat and have a good time. But the Yuliny imer Cyd despite smiles in at once dozen on a stomach, answered with quite strict tone:

— Gerifory-plutoniki too bisexual beings, only breathing gaseous plutonium. They almost exterminated themselves in wars. They believed in the exclusiveness too until they were sprayed on atoms by even more exclusive stelzana.

Konoradson shook the continually though without spekh of the changing form-headed:

— It not absolutely that. They had two-three states. And at people of Earth even during a space era the dissociation characteristic of only preindustrial planets reigned. They had no uniform religion and now it is absent too. A variety of cults strikes, and some of beliefs is unique are unique.

Yuliny slightly came off in air, and his glove began to start up multidimensional projections, trying to entertain not only winged small fishes, but flying tomatoes with heads of an animation Mouse. Those giggled and squealed a little from delight, and it was talked by itself:

— At stelzan the uniform and central religion was entered by their first emperor — the Roaring fire Great, the founder of a modern dynasty. It, of course, the uncommon personality which is very advancing the time the effective commander, a universal ingenuity in communication with the colleagues. Top of demagogy and seduction. They "pack of star dragons" seized total power and simulated new monotheism, having enslaved not only flesh, but also I smother.

The senior senator, it seems, agreed, but far not completely, the Sylph as the cleverest peeped: "the corporal slavery conducts to loss of life, spiritual immortality", zorg long answered:

— It is right, but they had very similar and, a religion generally dominating before. Their former views did not change an essence, having only slightly evolved and modelirovavshis according to the requirement of time. And all the rest was proclaimed devilish heresy. In particular, evolution is a destiny for defective races, and stelzana are made just like God Boga therefore they were given all infinite seven heaven including an incalculable set of the hyper Universes. At people of Earth not so. At them the same revelation is interpreted differently. Many people of Earth trusted, and still believe that receiving rescue and eternal life depends on one comma. One syllable decides where to you the eternity in infinite torments or pleasure in paradise is prepared. Three main religions broken into currents a set of beliefs combated on this tiny sphere more small. At people "three" is a magic number, as well as at us three-hollow though it, it seems, and not absolutely logically.

Yuliny without special enthusiasm objected:

— In many worlds this number is cult too. Three dimensions, three persons, three main states in usual vital conditions of primitive planets. Allocate also three main segments of the Universe — time, matter and space. The two-cavity is an unnatural mutation and ugliness. What did you find more attractive in religion of people of Earth?

The senior senator rose in air on the chair height, winged animation tomatoes too, began to flow as as if caterpillars of garden and garden tractors, sparkling multi-colored as at fantastic butterflies wings. The voice of the metal aksakal, became even lower tone:

— I know something about this planet. They have, in my opinion, the best early branch — the Buddhism in spite of the fact that this belief arose in dark centuries and she is full of a reasonable basis. From them the most progressive branch of Confucius. He correctly spoke: "If we did not learn to distinguish life as we can learn to understand death". Here Buddha's wisdom is hidden: "Do not do of me God, and be improved! Live in good and the world, cultivate in yourself will, save wisdom and knowledge because the knowledge is capable to give you immortality and happiness. Do not hope for gods. Each person has to cultivate in himself qualities of God". It was progressive, and all persons of no character and the underdeveloped worlds believed in supernatural forces that they protect them and can solve all problems. That is why many worlds so easily surrender to aggressors, taking them for angels. In ancient times people had wise individuals — Buda, Platon, Confucius.

Konoradson made a pause, winged zolotopery small fishes and tomatoes butterflies began to catch the musical instruments extorted by gloves and headdresses of zorg. Then the flying menagerie began to strum several melodies at once. And music laid down in such a way that did not mix up at all, and was even harmonious. The senior senator noticed:

— What they amusing in the eternal children's understanding of the world, but we will return to our conversation. Other concession — the youngest of the main religions, but also the most dynamic for the end of the twentieth the beginning of the twenty first century. To the moment of invasion of infernal army of Stelzanat. It is Islam that designates humility. Monotheism. The one God — Allah. One prophet — Mahomed. Devout affairs win paradise with fine guriya, and impious, that is, the others, go forever to hell, to eternal torment. In general the fear of death also created all these illusions. Individuals have fathers and do the father in the sky, they are afraid of death and invent immortal souls, hell and paradise.

This time Yuliny did not begin to hide contempt in the tone:

— Typically for other civilizations. Anything unusual. Stelzan have God Gospod and close idea about seven high-energy megauniverses where great soldiers and those who serve the emperor get. They seriously claim that they were given the power over all parallel worlds and the Universes. That only they, stelzana, are created just like the Almighty Creator of the Universe, and other types and races gemmated from slime or streams of hyper plasma. They at best have to be slaves or get under total destruction. Yes, any who has brains can doubt their religion.

The senior senator admiring game of the orchestras flying in air, nodded:

— Obviously the principal and uniform reason which created the hyper Universe cannot be neither is cruel, nor is unfair. All gods are created just like individuals. They are beings of the different worlds and attribute to the gods own traits of character. Anger, cruelty, willfulness, inconstancy, and also illogicality of acts. Many of them, in essence, pagans, and look at everything from force position. Awarding the gods with mighty muscles, but giving them the stupid brains.

Yuliny replaced a bayan looking like a precious beads Sylphs, and the started-up harp, and the tonality of sounding became more melodious. In skilled Zorga there was an interesting thought and he hurried to share it with the colleague:

— This right remark, the Misinformation, but here of what I thought. I heard your conversation with our younger colleague Bernard Patton. I have one thought. Perhaps, legends of Gods, it is supersupercivilizations with history in many kvintillion of years? And they still exists though externally almost do not prove. Though if to think prove hyper reason, we would notice it?

— That is you do not think that the finish of any civilization a non-existence. — Asked slightly having flattened flexible as plasticine a body the Senior senator.

From Yuliniya's boot several tiny power clots took off, to a raid they suddenly grew up, having turned elegant machines, such which usually like to play small, brisk kids. Well, and restrictedly reasonable animals right there snatched on presents and began to have a good time with passion of younger generation. Zveryata-inomiryane pressed on the simplest wheels of management of pads and turned on delightful extravagant machines. They reminded chaotic movement blowing the mind beauty of a coloring of balls in a lottery drum. The assistant to the Senior senator with great feeling said:

— Of course, is not present — not existence in principle is impossible! Just successors of hyper civilizations, and I agree with the theory of stelzan, live in other megauniverses with higher power level and a large number of measurements. Perhaps even they so developed that are capable to create other worlds, the Universes, measurements. And our Universe is a shadow, a weak cloudlet in an infinite construction of a boundless makrokosm. It is possible that our Universe, in comparison with an incalculable set of other mirozdaniye, less romokol is infinite (fundamental nature of a particle, the tenth on degree, after a quark, and too not a limit according to the theory of "an infinite nested doll").

Konoradson with affection looked at games of such darlings and amusing beings... Frolic carefree, naive, living in the whole universe with the kindest owners. The rights of the Sylph the cleverest of them, watched various movies and cycles its already eight hundred much (at zorg a cycle by one and a half times longer than terrestrial year!). So this beauty already knows a lot of things, is capable to play in a virtualka, quite difficult executions up to strategy. The subject touched only twice by younger, undoubtedly too the seen everyone and erudite colleague not too originally, but is of special interest as in it yet secret which is not solved even by wise zorga is hidden.

— The thought that, reaching superlevel, supercivilizations moved to other hyper Universes was not the new theory and even created the new worlds and spheres, the most unusual and designs, inconceivable for us. Because here, in this unfledged Universe, it is necessary to give certain freedom to the worlds and individuals. There is a theory, as zorg can ripen and move in the hyper megauniverse where their opportunities will immeasurably grow, but to the former Universe there will be no business any more. — The senior for couple of seconds put six hands crosswise (A regret symbol about force majeure!) — She will continue to give rise to other civilizations, blood will flow and to dominate pain. Alas, gods are, as a rule, angry or indifferent. But Giperevolyution at all the ruthlessness the excellent mentor. But it is already so abstract conversation full of a pure fantasy that I suggest to postpone it. For now we better think of our younger brothers from the planet Earth.

Yuliny judiciously answered:

— I read out by method of telepathic scanning information on Hinduism and a rekarnation, on similar philosophies. Anything unusual. All this many times repeated on billions of other planets. To me already half a million cycles, and I saw too much. To people of Earth hardly to surprise us, it is difficult to find something new.

Konoradson having sent the telepathic impulse which replaced design of machines with whom animals rode and had a good time continued:

— Here not. There is one more strange and extraordinary concession. It is the main planetary religion of Earth. Christianity — the most mysterious and extraordinary religion in the Universe. It is mass religion which even before brutal aggression of fleet under Lira Velimara's command was practised by the most advanced and civilized state formations of this planet. This religion taught love even to enemies.

The senior senator made a significant pause. A sylph flew up to it, she at the same time both rode and played, showed figures of a result of just passable mission. "A new record" the magnificent animal peeped. Konoradson threw it goodness knows where from the arisen dratsenny wine glass the ice cream decorated with flowers and berries. The Yuliny imer Cyd squoze the word.

— Well, but also it is not new... In my opinion you too in many supporter of such doctrine.

The senior senator this time more emotionally, than usually exclaimed:

— And for it died! Without fear and a regret, went for the most cruel tortures.

— Yuliny interrupted.

— what is also not unique. There were enough fanatics everywhere and at all times.

Misinformation pretended that did not notice tactlessness:

— But there is one unique. Their creed — a cross!

The first assistant to the Senior senator, parried in style of the professional tennis player:

— The cross as the subject of worship, is strongly widespread among warm-blooded because from friction of two crossed sticks fire turns out!

Konoradson replaced a speech tonality with quieter, perhaps, even insinuating:

— No, they have this another... The cross is...

The alarm signal cut through space, having broken off philosophical debate. Danger of type H-hundred! The starprobe vehicle is surrounded from all directions by thousands of the fighting ships of unknown opponents!

— How system of the prevention? — Passionlessly the Senior senator asked.

The captain a telepathic tongue twister blurted out:

— We were already aware! We not just like that here were wrapped, undoubtedly primitively cooked up trap, but is not fleet of stelzan. These are fighting starprobe vehicles of sinkh and hundreds of other civilizations. This configuration of space submarines does not raise doubts. They are thousands, tens of thousands... They synchronously move from all directions. Such armada is in borders of the empire, but is far from external borders. For certain that stelzana at the same time with them. Then everything is explained by it.

The senior senator quite reasonably doubted:

— The fact that they managed to gather specially for the sake of us moreover for such short term is excluded. Here smells of change. To these guys, apparently, not to us.

The captain of an inspection starprobe vehicle of Diamond Constellation, getting ready fighting systems, not without irony assumed:

— But whether not to give them chance? Perhaps, they want to get our technologies or for the first time in the history to bring down at least one our starprobe vehicle. Count on number.

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