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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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This is a serious obstacle: such a monster is easily able to disperse an army. Fire-breathing, nearly impenetrable not only the stelae, but even catapults with stones of medium size, winged watcher, of course, required a special approach.

After the one whose body was possessed by the boy-President Donald trump, set fire to the tent of the local Khan, able to raise twenty-five thousand riders in one fell swoop, a large RAID of nomads became inevitable. But if this is all limited, the enemy power will become even stronger-will recruit new soldiers. No, just hit and Rob, that's not the way.

The young man rode across the steppe, cockroach snail ( very high-speed animal) were dissected clutches of emerald, woven into a kind of low hedge, blade of grass. The sides ranged Golden ears, between them sometimes flashed sapphire and ruby, as well as the color of Topaz flowers.

The air was filled with wine and honey, which clearly indicated the proximity of a deep river. Trees have become higher, appeared, similar the tip on Christmas decorations, palm trees. Dashing Donald was approaching the village. In the distance I could see towers with archers. Donald trump dismounted, tied a ten-legged snail. Then he ran to the water, the sensitive nostrils of the son of the tiger and the American eagle caught the smell of approaching ghouls. So it is possible to think about further strategy. A warrior, fed by an American tiger or even a lioness, is more used to acting with his body than with his head, can be inspired to visit on the spot.

He hid in the great burdocks, feeling their bare, muscular torso their soft roughness. In this ambush it is nice to sit on, the light above the head produces a orange-Golden light, it is reflected from a thin rippling waves, shimmering fancy mesh. Incarnate the President of the United States Donald said to himself:

— And why would we kill each other? After all, the world is full of joy, and created for life. Rulers, like large children play war, oblivious to the pain caused by them! Then he corrected himself by blowing his chest wider. But I don't have to be a rag if necessary to fight — then we will fight.

A group of girls appeared, accompanied by fifteen heavily armed guards. In the process of evolution, the elves were very similar to people, especially the figure. So beautiful girls, different from human females only the face.

The boy President Donald trump whispered softly:

— I wonder where they went?

Girls-elves were half-naked in loincloths some: to perform, and it means servant or slave. A free woman never walks down the street with her Breasts open. In the same way, only a slave or a servant of the lower rank will bare her legs above the knees in front of strangers. Beautiful slave girls carried on the shoulders of the great vessels and the network. At first glance , it seems obvious to draw water and catch fish, and guards, to the slave fled. Although, that's a lot of them, just to guard the girls. But perhaps there is something more valuable than fish and, therefore, they tightly bound the total chain that jingled.

Girls-elves set large vessels, have bowed. Behind them caught up with the local priest: a very obese type, seen swaying under a black robe of fat.

He read the prayer-mantle, and gave a sign. Slapping the water with chiseled bare feet, the slaves began to scatter the nets. They acted coordinated, as if performed it many times, and the chain didn't disturb them.

Then the girls began to tilt the vessels. As it turned out, the tanks were not completely empty, oil flowed out of them. It blurred through the water, creating a rainbow of colors shimmering picture. It moved downstream, forming a continuous film.

— Why are they doing this? — Thought the boy-the President of the United States Donald trump. His gaze clung to the girl's bare legs. They're beautiful. At all wonderful the world. Warm, affectionate, and fauna are so unusual. Flora too. On the trees grow large, lush, and outlandish aroma of color.

And girls all of these figures is perfect, smart, athletic, no fat. And the heels are so round. It's rare to meet girls barefoot. They're even on the beach in flip-flops. And you yourself are in the body strong, was a real hero. And before Donald trump considered himself somewhat shallow.

Here, however, he was distracted by a strange vision. One of the girls, in contrast to his almost black from the sun friends, were absolutely white. Its skin reflected rays, seemed mother-of-pearl. Have their race albinos phenomenon rare, so attractive color net pearls. A slave with such skin should cost a fortune, and here she is almost naked, chained drags quite heavy vessels. Strange! After all, a diamond worthy of the Sultan's harem. And there is not the slightest flaw in it, what a figure.

Only the Princess was similar, the same snow-white, with sparkling copper and gold hair. But he had never seen her naked, and only in his imagination could he imagine her high, well-shaped Breasts, with coral nipples and a light Golden hue. Like this girl, for example. The President of the United States found himself thinking that he had all the knowledge of the person in whom he embodied. He admires the girl and, at the same time, represents another. But isn't he Donald he sure did his Princess back, but what's she like in bed?

Usually such a cynical us President Donald trump was afraid of his own impudence: is it possible to allow such vulgar thoughts about the celestial! After all, this is the Royal family, not that he is fed by a beast.

Girls sandals from the kind elves have been increasingly placed online, some of them went into the water on the shoulders, outstretched hands. Slaves began to sing, especially beautiful was the voice of an albino girl. It seemed like the sounds of birds of Paradise.

Donald trump listened carefully, the waves caressed his ear, and the imagination drew that a gentle tongue of a white girl touched his cheek, as if he circled his lips and penetrated inside. How sweet it all is!

Thinking was suddenly interrupted. Cutting the water, the girls raced thick shoals. At first, Donald trump thought it was fish, but when the backs flashed, he was surprised to notice that it was translucent with fins rat jellyfish.

This is a very rare exotic representative of the water world, it seems, even inedible.

Albino girl screams:

Eat, animals!

Rat-jellyfish once in the oil, begin to twitch and flutter. It is clear that they freeze on drifting by inertia and getting on the network.

The guards rustled and began to shout, waving their spears.

Look, bitches. do not miss anyone, and then decorate your back lashes, and hit the fire round heels!

Girls-elves, obviously feigned, screamed, however , a couple of them have already met the whip and even a branding iron on the bare sole and so are nervously frowned and fussed.

Rat-jellyfish on the eyes of turned green and gradually accumulated in networks. They are becoming more and more, it seemed a little more and they will wipe the thin chain of girls-elves. Then the pressure suddenly stopped, the nets filled, and the slaves began to pull them out. Judging by the veins and veins protruding on their arms and legs, the elf girls were accustomed to hard work, but even they found it very difficult, especially when vessels filled with water were added to the cargo of the rat jellyfish. And the tall soldiers, the bastards, did not make the slightest attempt to help them.

Their commander approached the priest, roared hoarsely:

— Looks like we got a big catch today.

The priest replied:

Not small. Moreover, it is quite large specimens, such can be extracted only in the river Copiapo.

— Now we'll take them to the Emir's Palace. He'll be pleased with us. Maybe even give a higher position. What do you think, priest?

The Minister of the Church of another world, shaking the velvet tassels of the robe, replied:

— I do not advise especially to deceive ourselves. Emir is stingy, especially to his guards. Truth, priests valued more, fearing gods.

The huge guard looked around in confusion. And shrugging his broad shoulders, lowering his voice, he replied:

— Who is not afraid of them! Judge for yourself what it's like to be under their power after death, especially with the rat God!

The priest exclaimed:

— For the sins you don't even deserve such a severe punishment!

A number of the soldiers was frightened ripples. Heard became thin from fear of the voice, the fighters began, embarrassed:

— Save! What hope do we have?

The Minister of the Church, trying to give his tenor bass, said:

— That we will manage to reach high ranks and then we will buy to ourselves a place in Paradise bushes.

"It costs too much, priest, maybe even the Emir's entire fortune is not enough. The head of the guards muttered.

It was suddenly quiet like before a storm.

The exact second subtly rattled the air, and a hot arrow struck the breast plate of the commander. He staggered and began to settle, falling on his side. Three more arrows pierced him, causing him great pain. The other guards raised their shields just in time to hear the steel rain.

Then there was rending the ears of the attacking sound of the pipe. On the lawn popped gaily dressed dark elves, they brandished curved swords, about a dozen were in the hands of Luke. Kovalev, logically noted that rather silly, having such weapons, not to sit in wait, to ride like the eel, diving into the thick of the battle. Attacking fighters quite a lot, not less than a hundred. So the priest screamed:

— Good people, don't touch us, please. I bless you!

— Shut your blessings up! The furious robbers shouted."If you want to live, lie down on the ground!"

The guards hesitated: they wanted to live and, at the same time, feared that if they miss the prey, the Emir would skin them. However, the latest threat is remote, and the first quite real, far too few of them, and the commander died. President caught in a foreign world trump, seeing their hesitation, did not hesitate, and jumping higher, jumped out of the ambush.

— To Sultan Suleiman! Hallowed be his name forever and ever!

Small, but very muscular, Invincible looked very impressive, his bronze, tanned skin cast a purple hue, muscles played, and blond hair resembled a fire flame.

The nearest robber attacked him, but the young man-the President of the United States did not even parry, and almost went to the side, missing a blow, and a retaliatory attack tearing his head off. The guards immediately returned the fighting spirit. They lined up a hedgehog, struck with spears, stabbing two opponents at once. Girl-albino shouted girlfriends:

— Defend our honor.

The tallest of them answered:

— What is the use! Slavery will not become sweeter with the change of owner.

— Why has not the whip, and the one who holds it! The fair-skinned woman objected.

Part of robbers, apparently missed you on of female flesh, rushed on slaves. A man and in battle remains a man.

It distracted them, and let the guard to resist the first onslaught. The boy-President trump rushed into the thick of the bandits. He acted, guided by not logic, and emotion — protect girls! The first impulse of a man-stand up for a woman, get slapped! And then come difficult reflections: why useful — the devil has beguiled!

In his former life, Donald trump was not such a desperate Rubak-guy. But now he was influenced by the physiology of a new, powerful body. It made the young man bold and bold. Maybe even desperate, which was unusual for him before. However, it is not without reason that the wise say: being determines consciousness.


The former President of Russia, and maybe not even the former Vladimir Putin, a few bored. In fact, it turned out that he seemed to be not destiny. Soviet Russia under his leadership is half defeated. The Germans have already visited Ulyanovsk, and came to Saransk, and besieged Orenburg. Far they penetrated.

And then there is trump wants Russia to take all nuclear weapons. As it is vile and insidious. And that's what Emmanuel's up to. Truly is the witch in angelic guise.

Putin, of course,himself would like to do something! But he still can not do it!

The girls of course this strategy is really very beautiful. Grapple for example Anastasia Vidmanova. In the sky she is a genuine eagle. And fight the Nazis, she was scared.

Of course Anastasia is naked, and in one bikini. She doesn't need any extra clothes. To press bare heels on pedal steel rather tickled than hurt.

Warriors of different colors here ... Here on the Soviet tank is-3 fight Elizabeth, Catherine, Elena, and Aurora.

Four girls are very brave, and thrashes the Nazis. And: to perform the warriors don't confuse pyramid tanks. Though it seems that they are from no angle not to break.

But if you look, any car can and should be rammed. And warriors are doing well.

Elizabeth was laid in accordance with the E-50 and hissed:

— Nu and German ... as always for armor!

Catherine pressed her bare toes on the lever. Set fire to the Nazis, and squeaked:

You're lying!

In the forehead of the E-50 with 250-mm armor can not penetrate. But the girls are not discouraged. In fact, you can kill a caterpillar. And so they do...

Fascist tank does freeze. Punched accurately. And spits with a broken caterpillar.

That's what it means with her Russian contact.

In the hands of a young man-President of USA, or already pretty experienced warrior had two swords. This allows the hack to make deceptive attacks. In addition, a fairly effective tactic was the blows to the groin. Admission banal, but effective, especially if the attack is still on top of the swords — the attention is sprayed and impacts is striking. Donald trump held several such attacks, then the reception of the lady's fan. He blew out his eye, the tip came out through the back of his head. The next lunge cuts off the head, it flew far away. At once three robbers fell down one after another, they stumbled about the cut-off head.

— Under its feet are looking, shaggy!

The battle now became a little more fun. The girls fought off the guys, twisting the chains. A light-skinned slave used a dropped sword. Half-naked beauty, they acted very deftly. Here is the exact attack cut the attacker Herod tendon of abundantly poured blood. Another jerk, the girl was able to rip the belly.

Swift, Donald trump moved like a hurricane. That is not an attack, a heavy blow. Here he was grappling with a very large leader. The tremendous low-brow type for its dimensions turned out to be quite fast. The embodied student even slightly-slightly backed away ago. Then teased his opponent, showed his forked tongue:

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