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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— It is vain! Though the insignificant virus can overcome a gipermastodond, having bred to kvintillion. — Konoradson sent a teleimpulse to pets (do not panic we will not allow repetition of a shake-up!), those began to be turned as if rings of the boa trying to enter into a hypnotic trance.

The captain Midel without the slightest shadow of nervousness said:

— They fired a volley, rockets many thousands. We is still too far out of a zone of defeat of their luchemet.

Winged small fishes and butterflies tomatoes began to show nervousness. All of them faced more often and jumped aside from each other as if gas molecules. But harm was not done, so the automatic system covered them with a protective cocoon. Besides, it was even pleasant to the flying small animals from collisions and they with enthusiasm plunged into this entertainment. A sylph as the cleverest provereshchala in a rhyme:

Before you legion of enemies,

Various creatures darkness big sets!

But more troubles go from fools,

Stupid councils, all pettiness!

Konoradson landed on a floor and simply ordered:

— Our force field will sustain all their most modern types of arms. Keep cool and scan, just in case, charges.

In Yuliniya's hands there were three volsheblaster at once (the sacred weapon of zorg, other civilizations still unsuccessfully tried to create similar, but so far tried to obtain only particular successes. However, there were systems and with such name, but it is only the pathetic parody on a volsheblaster), the skilled inspector offered:

— Everything as always will be made accurately, but can go to a hyper jump better.

The senior senator in this case answered with the aksakal's reason:

— No, let will understand all senselessness of the attack. Why to run away, give them a reason to burst with pride. Transtemporary protective fields maintain any attack.

Bernard who took off from the next hall exclaimed:

— And without excess pacifism!

* * *

Thousands, tens of thousands of rockets and shells flew from all points of space. It seemed, the African bees were enraged and rushed all rack on the lonely traveler who disturbed their rest. The part of rockets had a system of homing, but a significant amount flew rectilinearly and is uncontrollable. Some rushed on a spiral or more difficult trajectories, being divided during flight, complicating use of counterrockets. The starprobe vehicle Zorgov as if was shrouded in a silvery and transparent cocoon, and bravely rushed towards to the opponent. The force protective field accepted and easily reflected blows. The most part of rockets could not even explode, the part was rejected, and the part blew up on outer side, having scattered by beautiful fireworks. Flashes of trillions of photoblitz and the reflected particles filled space. Several hundreds of rockets, having reflected or having flown by by, directed to the attacking star fleet. Luchemeta met them by plasma routes, but the part of rockets broke, taraniv and having overthrown fiery Gehenna spaceships inomiryan. There were so many starprobe vehicles that they hardly avoided collision, seeking to enter sector, achievable for effective laser fire. Part of the ships from among the largest, a class the battle ship and gross battleship, nevertheless fired a repeated volley. This time the loss and losses in view of rapprochement kosmoarmad were much more essential. Explosions and serious destructions even on large submarines followed. In one of space dreadnoughts of League of the worlds detonated a unit of fire... The hyper plasma sphere instantly inflated, razmetav on photons several boats of maintenance... At such density of defeat even strong fields did not give absolute protection. In rage starprobe vehicles opened mad fire with luchemet and plazmomet, but did not reach a zone of effective annihilation. Multi-colored beams, being crossed and being knocked down, threw up streams of particles, creating unique scale of a marvelous play of light. When splinters of starprobe vehicles got to plasma and even more pernicious hyper plasma streams, streams of giant fireworks flashed, being scattered by sparks on vacuum.

— They ionize each other. These types lost control over reason, and now will not stop, d not razmenut themselves on photons yet. It is better to go to a hyper jump, — With a notable regret in juicy the bass player a voice the Senior senator said.

Bernard it is quiet, with affected indifference answered:

— No, let they will receive a strict lesson for edification of descendants, but if your high-grace wants, then we during any moment are ready to go to hyper space.

The captain of a starprobe vehicle Gur an imer the Midship section was still too young, and at heart itself would wish to use the mighty weapon of a starprobe vehicle.

On the person Dez of an imer there passed the wave similar to liquid steel.

— How many lessons do not give them, to sense will not be! But to allow to ruin itself to these microorganisms, I will not become.

The starprobe vehicle went to other hyper space, having suddenly been gone from screens. But several large-caliber megalasers managed to strike on its protective a trance-vremenomu I weed and, having reflected, to strike the closest starprobe vehicles of the coalition. When hundreds of various and half-civilized, morally, civilizations accumulate in one place, ready to break off the opponent who suddenly disappears, their most natural reaction to vent unrealized rage the friend on the friend. As pack of wolves, having missed a buffalo, they seized the drinks. One of the shooting starprobe vehicles leaders belonged to antikapersky service of sinkh, and the superbeam reflected by the laser cut a starprobe vehicle of the piracy emperor Hera Farizkhezharamala who strongly shot ahead. It was the ultramodern experimental weapon therefore the starprobe vehicle of the pirate burned down instantly in hyper plasma flash. Furious colleagues returned fire. Space vessels of star freebooters and mercenaries began to shoot at police and army starprobe vehicles. The impetuous bacchanalia and the terrible intergalactic meat grinder began.

Races and types began to sort out the relations with each other, remembering all imaginable and inconceivable offenses. Starprobe vehicles blew up in hundreds and in thousands. First battle was conducted by separate groups, then two main were created — sinkh and two of their satellites, and hundreds of other civilizations joined together with mercenaries and corsairs.

Many civilizations were dissatisfied with expansion of sinkh, their greed and insuperable thirst for a profit. Boundless bribability and love to money were included into the numerous proverbs and jokes clear without the translation to any life form. Remembered also that during active war of a sinkha on the quiet got and occupied many worlds.

Both groups fought so furiously that the stop of fight could be only one — final destruction of one of the parties. Starprobe vehicles were literally knocked down with each other, ramming at a sublight speed. Sinkh were better armed and organized, as opposed to their opponents was more. Quantitative overweight compensated qualitative minus. To a zone of fight all new and new forces were tightened. Tens, hundreds of thousands of cars cut and melted each other. In fight rockets, torpedoes, vibrorockets, spherical fires, lasers, mazer, vacuum bombs, destabilizers of space, vortex bombs, slepogaza, crown plasma categories and luchemeta of various types were used. Here and there networks, metal spheres and clouds of objects, neutron radiation and other most exotic types of alien arms were used.

Both parties as if were enraged. Pirates went on a ram, trying to board, despite sublight speed. In near fight qualitative superiority of "mosquito boxes" sharply decreased. Just as the karateka loses shock power in viscous fight. Here to a staz five giant gross battle ships having flared, it was scattered, and three more despite deadly risk, were boarded.

Star corsairs, broke into compartments, filling in the opponent with heavy fire. Sinkh answered, trying to make ambushes and to break the opponent in parts. Robots took part in fights, many of them exploded, encumbering corridors.

The leader of pirates Zherra Sinzha, broke to commander point and arranged ruthless dismantling.

— That insects! Did not smell the burning vacuum, and the singing plasma, be so sated with it!

The starprobe vehicle which lost control opened fire at the ships of Gold constellation.

Couple the next cruisers it was scattered as glass under blow of a lomik. It seemed, to sinkha the end, they were restricted more and more, seeking to tire out with a stern to burning stars, without allowing to break off a distance.

Other ataman of space pirates the eternal rival of Zherr Sinzha — Kass Fang a semi-fluid jellyfish crept in boyekostyum, the reminding rocket mini-cruiser.

— Listen to me, reptiles! Maneuverability of arthropods fell! On a boarding!

The space galleon cut a power flypaper, the self-made attracting field into full power. Several seconds the vessel of privateers flared an impenetrable aura. At a huge speed the corsair ship crashed into the flagman battle ship of Gold constellation, having moved apart a force field. Powerful lasers burned fat armor. Thousands of freebooters one throw rushed into the punched tears. Kass awfully hurried, in half-minute the overloaded reactors will jerk, and pirates have only one chance — to capture the battle ship or to die. Corsairs were cut and shot with rage of fateful. Not ready to near fight of a sinkha receded, covering with poisonous and grassy blood narrow corridors. One of auxiliary reactors of an enormous starprobe vehicle jerked... The Ftorodyshashchy pirate threw the minikvarkovy grenade into plasma. The galleon of freebooters also detonated, having strengthened destructive effect. The battle ship of Gold constellation began to be scattered on pieces as the house of cards which hanged in zero gravity.

Zherra Sinzha an enormous ten-legged pangolin, creaked:

— It was necessary to buy a starprobe vehicle is newer, at the same sinkh, but not to lower all production! Now the future will be for me!

The corsair ships strengthened an impact, desperately pressing the outgrown camarilla. Suddenly the fight picture sharply changed. In the back there were starprobe vehicles of other huge squadron entirely consisting of sinkh. Ruthless beating of the diverse coalition began. In this union there were even worlds with the internal device strongly similar to feudalism, even on slaveholding and a primitive-communal formation. Other forms of government could not even pick up terrestrial analogs. Better the sinkh armed and being under uniform command intercepted an initiative and methodically began to evaporate the opponents. Tens of thousands of starprobe vehicles continued to blow up, in many splinters fighters of recently formed league continued to potter about. Zherra Sinzha quailed: its enormous boyekostyum already smoked from an overstrain.

— We take up plasma friends! — The confused leader shouted. He tried to take away the captured battle ship of sinkh. Other space freebooters, having understood what waits for them, went for desperate break and, having lost the most part of the ships, dissipated in a boundless star chasm. Even the huge gross-likor of Zherr Sinzha however, was brought down (on it dozen of vessels of a similar class brought down blow), and hardly managed to jump out on the saving boat. At the same time he lost almost all the companions.

— There is a lot of mobsters, and life one! — The pirate muttered. The part of fleet of sinkh made an unsuccessful attempt of prosecution. Other diverse armada was gradually destroyed, breaking up to separate splinters, thawing as thawed snow under the bright summer sun. Grandiose fight with a set of fires of color of emeralds, rubies, sapphires, diamonds gradually died away, contracting to the focal resistance and focal prosecutions.

The fleet of stelzan which is nearby not movably watched battle as if it was others territory.

* * *

The captain of zorg attentively observed from the hyper scanner. It gave the chance to see well from hyper space.

— Sometimes these creatures surpass itself in a shizoistika, but this battle — a marasmus masterpiece. Who and for what collected tribes of pseudo-reasonable? — Bernard made an inhaling of a tube with the category of hyper current (hyper current — much higher level of electricity at which streams of superelectrons move millions times quicker than light speed, and repeatedly stronger impulse, and move in a set of another dimensions), the powerful category gave a zorga of forces, it was overflowed by energy, and the surface of flesh began to shine as the boots polished by shoe-polish.

The senior senator, having thrown out picturesque beads from two forefingers, animals of all colors began to catch strange gifts. It was heard peep and ringing shouts. Only the Sylph zastyv on the place, its flying machine froze up as if UFO, and an animal being polymorphic, changed a form having become by sight as a platform sole of times of VMV. Moreover peeped: "Big war is about to happen! I see over the Universe whirlwinds of furious attacks again!". Konoradson having made by her a sign supposedly all will be excellent, serious and judicious spoke:

— Obviously, it plot consequences against the Purple crown! Or, maybe, they prepare joint universal war? It is quite possible that even against our race! There is a lot of options, and we are obliged to inform the Supreme Supreme political council. And still, though the transtemporary field is not vulnerable for their types of arms, it is necessary to consider, as if these bisexual did not construct some essentially new weapon. We should be vigilant and, it is desirable, to have couple of fighting starprobe vehicles for secure. Send inquiry to the Commonwealth of free galaxies. For now we continue a way to Earth. Here, generally x-ray and scale the radiating stars therefore it is better to enter densely populated regions of a megagalaxy quicker. And it is even better, in that galaxy where there is our destination. It is necessary to hurry, intergalactic war did not burst yet!

— Is, your high-grace! — Chorus other zorg barked.

Invisible to an eye, but with enormous emission of energy flash — and the starprobe vehicle instantly moved in space.

Chapter 19

Others planet... Others earth...

And what, the person, you forgot in this world?

From this hell so just it is impossible

Sweep out litter as if in the apartment!

But if the reason is given you also a pressure,

You will not be afraid of monsters,

Take the striking axe in plasma hand,

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