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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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That safely with the enemy to be counted!

In the head something flashed as if flashes of sparks blew up. On a breast big weight, appear, pressed that the body is deeply. The lion moved, then, having sharply collected all forces, jumped and opened eyes. Also it was not necessary to do it...

He was buried under a thick layer of mix of sand and the remains of a starprobe vehicle. In eyes the flame blazed, and Eraskander was again disconnected...

The young man recovered through a couple of hours. He with great difficulty managed to get out from under fragments.

— Nothing to itself zapulsarit!

The boy did not refrain from the human surprise expressed in shape taken at stelzan. The landscape indeed reminded nonsense of the patient with schizophrenia.

The jungle with a surface from rectangular figures of moving sand, vegetation red-violet, the sun huge green, and the sky, on the contrary, yellow. Atmosphere, obviously, oxygen-helium. Was very hot. The star despite the enormous sizes, is not brighter than the terrestrial moon (her Eraskander saw in underground a cinema hall and few times during preventive repair of light reflectors).

Their starprobe vehicle crashed into quite high mountain. From it quite there could be a quite good review though trees are so huge that on their background even baobabs seemed dwarfish plants. Strange, the planet is quite suitable for life and where then humanoids or their cities? Everywhere desert wild landscape and trees more than a kilometer high, moving barkhans of sand, plants of kristalloobrazny forms. Krone at trees dense, with lianas, with the huge flowers and specularly brilliant leaves suitable for start of fighters. One of enormous plants vividly sparkled, having moved with a multilayered octagonal flower on which leaves all multi-iridescent palette rushed. And it is very strange! Absolute silence, silence heavy, ominous. Neither birds, nor animals, nor insects.

Eraskander was stirred up:

— That is most subject to influence of the environment, at whom seven Fridays during a week!

There will be enough philosophy it is time to work! The main thing now to find the weapon, boyekostyum literally collapsed from blow though probably it and saved to it life. The starprobe vehicle partially escaped, there has to be a weapon and, perhaps, living workmates. Flying in a starprobe vehicle could not move away strongly far from planetary system of the capital of a galaxy therefore to send a signal or a graviagramma it is possible. If the course of a starprobe vehicle was zapelengovan, then military experts easily will understand that it was the hostile kapersky ship, and then life of the fugitive boy will be ended in terrible torments. However, on it there was a slave collar, but it is possible to invent a story with violent stealing.... But whether here will believe in it whether or will even want to spend time for analysis of a fate of the insignificant slave person. And still he knows about plot, it is essential, but what's the use — will squeeze out accurate information of it, and then liquidate. Who needs the excess witness moreover the person. The situation was very difficult as it is accepted to speak at people: without bottle not to understand. The impressive part of a starprobe vehicle still smokes, streams for some reason cause association with Aladdin's lamp.

— Here to find to me magic gin! — Eraskander told. — Otherwise the friend should remember the fairy tale: about Robinson Crusoe. Only the island too big as the emperor's ambitions is also hot as if lips Vener.

The lion resolutely entered into the damaged part of the ship. Everything is destroyed melted off. Melted threw, plastic, a terrible stench, it is full of the corpses charred as stubs. A metal floor is still very hot and burns barefoot, hairless, with clean skin and equal as at the child fingers, but strong, a beautiful cut of provolok-sinews of a leg of the boy slave. It is necessary to jump up to pick up the scattered weapon. Yes, it is necessary to find ammunition. Transmitters in a type of their importance were supplied with special stabilizers and had the strengthened sheeting therefore there was a chance that especially important equipment in fighting conditions managed to escape.

Eraskander, in due time, well studied instructions therefore easily developed a box with buttons and began to gather a code.

Here the voice on mix of a kosmolinga and language of stelzan provereshchat threat:

— Raise extremities, a reptile!

Type with a round body, in a space suit, that leader of nayemnichy pack directed to Lev four hands from luchemeta, and held one more a partition, the sixth hand was killed, hanging a weak-willed lash. The space suit, apparently, accurately froze it.

— Lay down arms, you, the stelzanovsky bastard, a nedorostok! And now turn and depart from the transmitter.

The young man departed, carefully going on hot sand, askance glancing at this spider whose eyes, surprisingly big and wide, settled down on each side. Possibly, he, as well as an insect, sees multilevel pictures. It not sinkh, but too foul creature, most likely "ftorik". Sinkh much more harmonous and breathe the oxygen-helium atmosphere, and in the nitrogenous environment they without devices die of lacunar defeat. And these types live and enter a metabolism on fluorine. They are lonely and hostile. Fluorine — an element extremely rare and aggressive therefore to similar subjects it is necessary to go on the vast majority of planets in strong space suits.

The spider gathered something, then stridently and at the same time creakingly provereshchat in the language.

Eraskander decided that it will be better to disconnect him. Having hooked a leg a splinter, not paying attention to strong burning of the heated metal, the boy started it in the head, and hands threw two flat daggers charkas which stuck to brushes, wet from sweat (ftorik did not notice them). The enemy reacted as the cine cowboy, but to the young man having promptly jumped aside, it was succeeded to avoid defeat by beams. The opponent partially beat off attack, but the sharpest chakra got to soldering of a space suit, having damaged a surface. Beams of the strengthened blasters evaporated a partition, having punched huge holes in a covering. Having made a somersault, Lev started a heavy piece of metal from a floor, having picked up one of luchemet at the same time. Shooting on the run, young terminator managed to destroy all five healthy extremities and even, just in case, the broken sixth paw. The opponent nevertheless managed to burn slightly on a tangent skin. Has to be, a space suit at damage itself, povinuyas to the saving program cut the injured extremities, providing tightness. Fluorine, following from holes, literally smoked in the atmosphere, entering exothermic reaction with oxygen. There is a lot of it, and pressure twice bigger than terrestrial.

The lion terribly cried out, trying to imitate hails of officers of Purple constellation.

— Also do not think, chlenistonogiya to move, but not that the head will scatter!

The spider in a space suit goggled.

— I only called the friends on a dirfokoda. Do not dare to touch me, otherwise they desintegrate you.

The lion slightly became puzzled. Thought, it seems, sensible, it is only doubtful that he managed to transfer exact coordinates of sector and the planet in such short message and even if kept up with a tail of a prompt comet time, then after such fight hardly his accomplices will want to look for this planet.

— You though itself know where we are? — The lion terribly shifted eyebrows, and played the pointed biceps of the right hand.

— They know, zapelengut and will find. And on you will try experimental tools of tortures — the fluoric creature Spoke maliciously.

— Yes, like hell, you are necessary to them! — The young man twisted fingers at a temple. — Ballast on a bottom, to the captain all the same!

Arthropod a being distorted an attractive face in a grimace:

— In vain, on this starprobe vehicle there is something interesting to all of us, and sinkh know it.

— What at you? — Asking a question the Lion at the same time examined the room, reasonably believing what at wild Egyptian vultures of space will be what profit.

— Silly stelzan, you are still so small! — Condescension in tone of "ftorik" looked obviously false.

The young man mechanically rose on toes and straightened to himself already rather big, athletic shoulders. Prognusavil artificial bass:

— I am rather big to kill you! You will lose life! And extremities is a trifle, it is possible to regenerate or implant them the cloned parts of a body.

Inomiryanin began to use cunning:

— If you kill me, at all you learn nothing. And if you well behave, guarantee the boy corporal existence.

— Not to you, an insect to dictate to me the terms!

Having already outright become angry, Lev in anger jumped up to the opponent, being going to punch the muzzle which is looking like an aspen. It should not have done it. The surprise — the electrothread with the category paralyzing the opponent shooting without extremities was hidden in a belly of arachnoid. Having taken off with a speed close to light, the cybernetic cobra punched the young man through.

— You are prostrate, a pathetic primacy! Now you mine!

Cramped muscles a wild spasm, but the boy tempered by life did not faint. Action of the category was similar to defeat the most ancient poison of a curare.

The spider the head managed to transfer the transmitter to sound management, having an opportunity to give teams by voice.

— Now you will be taken to pieces, brutally tortured, and you will ask about fast death!

The spider stood and nestled on a partition. To it it was very heavy too, and it fell into a light slumber.

* * *

Time went... Before a mind's eye of Eraskander memoirs rushed. Here he is still a beginner by miracle escaped from underground mines, carries out the first sparring. The sensei, whose real name secret, but among themselves it still is called Yoda, on one of favourite guerrilla underground the movie. The guru smiles, teeth healthy, large, white, and an eye it is never visible. In any case never Eraskander saw the top part of the face, this wizard. And the Sensei is not so kind at all as some consider before accepting in an intimate circle of adherents, tests the runaway boy slave for durability. The lion endures strong nervousness, the first opponent is much more senior and is twice larger, and this adherent passed the excellent, not knowing indulgences school of martial arts. Here it shaven-headed, narrow-eyed with enviable muscles under black skin, and a belt, red with the white ornament, making all clothes of the novice monk. Eraskander always easily won also against peers, did not give in to children is more senior. Fighters of younger group in one white belts, without coming off look at them and conclude a bet. Among them the hearing went that Lev filled up a stelzan, and therefore despite growth and age the Star boy the favourite is small.

But an ogolets did not expect last hell from the person of such speed, at once passed prompt and strong blow in a chin, teeth clanked, but the consciousness was not disconnected, on the contrary Lev reflex punched a leg on a meeting, having hooked on a knee.

Though the opponent professionally did not hold gravity on a forward extremity, the biting answer felt having reeled. The boy slave was overflowed by rage and he rushed on the vis-a-vis. That tried to catch the layman, but Lev without paying attention to pain in a cheekbone, loaded to the youth novice with a shin in a liver. That sighs, because of a mouth blood clots take off, the finishing blow, in the head falls and follows. The jaw bursts as if millet from the torn bag the beaten-out teeth pour. Other novices gasp, is prostrate the boy of which also the teenager to call early one of the strongest fighters from among pupils. The horn — the end of fight sounds. But Eraskander on a platoon, it and struck further a series of blows while skeleton of the opponent was not scattered in bloody flour. The invisible hand rejects it and the voice of the Sensei sounds; the exceptional case of "Iodine" is emotional:

— The Young lion is enough. You are able to fight, operate a body, but learn to rule also over emotions! Do not do by the ally anger, do not derive strength from hatred. Because God is love! The evil is more aggressive, but is incomparable more weakly than good!

The lion did not believe:

— It still why! Unless dictatorship of stelzan does not testify to the return?

The sensei logically answered:

— No! Confirms force of creation, the fact that the Universe literally teems with intelligent life. The life-giving beginning means dominates in all mirozdaniye!

There was a scorching all body pain, of course flour, but spoke about gradual easing of paralysis. What now to do?. The boy tried to remember words of the great guru. Yes, the guru and the Sensei owned magic force, were able to move mentally objects, influencing matter. This ability would be useful also to it, but nobody learned its receptions of the highest spiritual power, referring to early age. And can from the very beginning Lev seemed to it too aggressive, perfectly mastering the most difficult methods of single combat, but not too diligent at all the abilities in knowledge of philosophy — enlightenments!

The spider recovered meanwhile. It over and over again gathered a code, sending graviovolna to air.

Unexpected howl, and knock was interrupted by actions of a spider. Sounds were loud and strange. Knock, some howl, a gnash enormous bones on metal. Temperature began to increase, and the gnash amplified. The spider desperately screeched. At this moment one of the blood-stained pirates managed to recover and rise. It is visible, it was breed with the increased survivability and phenomenal regeneration. The spider ordered.

— Hold on a sight of a primacy!

Then he rushed to an exit and again jumped back.

— It seems that to us end! Relieve it of torments! No, wait...

Hairy as a grizzly bear, with the head of a crocodile, the star corsair got a huge hatchet and, having accepted a rack, brought a knife over Eraskander.

— Compartments at first hands, and then that body which is valued most of all by silly stelzana!

What mechanism worked here, it is unknown, only the young man felt unknown feeling. It seemed to it that it is capable to hold a lethal weapon not hands, and all over. The pirate became puzzled as the enormous hatchet shaped from an arkhikalestka (material is eighteen times firmer than diamond) stood in air as if zastyv in liquid metal. In despair the mercenary grabbed a knife with two hands and very much pressed on a handle. The lion felt all rage of the pirate and, at the same time, the force. Having sharply changed a tilt angle, he passed the opponent's blade forward, having taken a deceptive detour, and the edge chopped the enemy. Having divided into two halves, the ugly monster failed on a floor. Eraskander felt the greatest rise.

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