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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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"It turned out!"

The lion understood that he can own phenomenal spiritual power.

Paralysis disappeared, and it easily cut the opponent, and luchemt under the influence of only one his thought itself it appeared in his hands.

The Ftorodyshashchy insect screeched:

— Do not shoot! To you the primacy is no place to disappear! My friends will arrive here soon! Damned stelzan!.

The beam of the blaster interrupted its shouts, having cut a spider a cranium. Air indoors smoked, turning into a suffocating oxide of fluorine. The lion hurried to jump out of the compartment which turned into a gas chamber.

Outside strange howls reached.

On the street the wild chaos, similar to invasion of demons from an underworld reigned. Around creatures, huge, similar to dragons tyrannosaurs, teemed. But a terrestrial reptile, to them still, oh how far, these were growth in several hundreds of meters. Except them also insects with snouts, kaknbsp violently rushed; buckets of excavators, spotty multi-color snakes of half a kilometer with fiery breath. In air huge butterflies, obviously, not chitinous structure flitted. Fortunately, to these monsters it is obvious not to the crumpled metal fragment. Wings of butterflies were poured and is dazzling sparkled on the sun. The star became much brighter, and its beams cauterized naked swarty bronze skin of the young man. The lion, despite gripes in eyes, nevertheless managed to pay attention that stars there were two. Perhaps, dramatic changes in environment were also explained by it. The new star of a ball is three times more than diameter, than the terrestrial sun, was also thrown up dreadfully by intensive emerald light. Air temperature passed far for one hundred degrees, when falling on sweat droplet soil threateningly hissed. Possibly, these creatures with the advent of the second star creep out of vaults.

Eraskander observed a show, unprecedented for the person. Giant creatures got out directly of soil, coming up, lifting a wave of green-violet sand, breaking off the soil. Perhaps, the sun on Mercury so shines. It is possible that this star will become just about even brighter. It is good that green light softens attack to organs of vision. The lion became puzzled: in such situation it, as if in a trap. One hope for "deliverers" who can easily become executioners.

Temperature continued to rise, inflicting suffering...

The strong boy, being dripping with sweat, ran back to the room. There the suffocating smoke of fluorine oxide continued to curl. The made a hole corpse rolled on a floor. It is better to get rid of it, having written off, if something happens, on external creatures.

Eraskander quickly buried a corpse in sand, and at this moment it was noticed by one of exotic monsters. From its huge mouth reminding a cave the flame fountain blazed. Having made a jump, decent for such gravitation, Lev left a zone of a fiery shaft. Then a turn and a threefold somersault with leaving from under a stream of fire which is started up by a monster after. Fire burned down very strongly, melting sand. Having developed, the young man fired on the enemy from a luchemet directly on an oskalenny muzzle. The laser beam partially cut a predatory mouth of the opponent. The animal jumped up, having dashed away up. Though luchemt and cut protivn6ika on a maximum, the cut flesh of an animal right there grew together as if it was made of the magnetized liquid metal.

Air temperature already came to two hundred degrees, and monsters became more active. The lion dropped in in a starprobe vehicle in search of more powerful and effective weapon. Bare feet of the boy danced on the frying pan which was so heated as if under it the volcano was thrown up. In calloused, sweaty hands got to a gravioruzhya with a plasma charge. The bulky weapon, but destructive power it is enormous, plasma charges blow up as a bomb. Through a sight the red self-directed spot is visible. A shot — plasma precisely struck in an oskalenny muzzle, the most powerful explosion, dazzling flash, as from a small hydrogen bomb followed. Sprayed an animal on quarks. In passion the young man began to scorch on other giant monsters. What for? it is simple, was too hot, and the brain could not suppress aggression. Huge monsters flashed and exploded, their remains fell on a planet surface, spreading mercury balls. The Gravioplazmenny weapon shot as a machine gun. The most part of monsters fell under categories.

But then something unreasonable began to be created...

Small balls directly in the eyes began to roll down in pieces from which giant monsters, like two peas in the pod similar to the former appearances, only even more frightening look were created again. Huge butterflies flew up in the atmosphere, a scolding wings a hot wave again. What would not be stupid or strange these beings, but all of them understood from where there is a firing therefore directed on storm of the crumpled case. Charges from the gravioplazmenny gun constrained monsters for some time, but everything has a limit. And categories came to an end.

The raging creatures laid over the fighter from all directions

Around furious grins, wild Squeals, the madman howl, including in the ultra-range tormenting ears. The most awful, is streams of the throwing-up fire which flooded all space. It was necessary to hide in the ship case again. It is simply amazing that did not burn the guy alive. But it is visible this day its forces found inhuman firmness. Creatures had phenomenal force too. They tore the heavy-duty case of a starprobe vehicle, its armor covering as a cardboard box.

Air temperature already read off scale for three hundred degrees. Flesh began to char, and everything began to perceive consciousness in a faltering and screen look. Oskalenny mouths... The atmosphere oversaturated by oxygen... The ordinary person would already die long ago of all this. The lion was just lucky that suddenly open abilities supported life and consciousness in the exhausted body. The young man felt ill at ease. Seeing the heated mouths which are throwing up a flame, at the boy thoughts of death — mysteriously and extraordinary bright flashed.

— I do not want to die! Only surviving, I will be able to help mankind! — Eraskander shouted and choked with the burning air wave. In language the blisters easy were blown up the spasm squeezed.

Death... What behind it? He for the first time thought of it when he was tormented in the cellar of the Ministry of love and the truth, but then it was too small. The religion of stelzan learns that after death the individual born by the soldier of Purple constellation moves and revives in other Universe. There it continues to be at war and serve the empire, his personality and are held in remembrance, and other types after death become slaves to the empire. Precisely the young man did not remember and was not so strongly familiar with their culture. And where to be to it, he is a person? Probably, the slave, so always under a yoke.

However it is children's nonsense, in everything to rely on stelzan! Perhaps people, especially Christians are right...

The last partitions fall, heat, like a wild animal, devours flesh. Here it is hell where each particle of a body flares and suffers. And nevertheless the wise doctrine, and the word of belief at people of Earth, though is deprived also an insignificant share of appeal.

Already out of the corner of the eye Lev saw how the sky darkens, and from air white and blue balls which, falling down, blow up and burst pour. In the head the sound of bells began to sound... Then the heated iron pierced in a body, having shipped space in a pitch gloom of radiantly dazzling flame...

Chapter 20

Mean, cruel chastener

Zealously serves the empire!

And in practice the traitor —

Low and pathetic servant!

In other point of a boundless space, on far Earth, the last preparations for visit of the inspector came to the end. By hearsay, before arrival of a starprobe vehicle there were few days. Shook labor and the colonial device as if fatally sick in fever.

* * *

Arrived to the planet (and it became sensation) samolichno: state councilor of the nineteenth class, curator of sector, deputy hyper governor and galactic hyper governor of the twentieth class. These advisers were higher on Fagiram Sham's rank. Therefore they were met as distinguished guests as rehearsing visit of the Senior senator from incomprehensibly ancient though perhaps the civilization begetting stagnation.

It seemed that all planet was washed a supercleaner. Everything literally sparkled and sparkled on eternally shining sun. At night Earth was lit by mirrors from a thin mirror giberfan. It seemed that the sun does not set at all. Many of people forgot how the star sky looks. The covering of roads was replaced, having filled in a surface with a heavy-duty varnish, and the landscape was even tinted luminescent paint, leveled and oiled trees. Even along country roads broke beds, and near them — fountains. Everything was huge by the sizes, marvelous forms and coloring. Stelzana, as butterflies, loved all bright and big. Enormous flowers beautifully looked together with assemblies of sculptures. They sparkled emeralds, reddened rubies, blue sapphires, were gilded more brightly than the most pure gold.

Podkhalimny attendants of a superimperiya overdid, having smoothed and having decorated the planet to improbability.

Airfield where the distinguished guest had to land, sent carpets, magnificent so — long legs drown knee-deep, and fabric and drawings that not in the fairy tale to tell, a feather to describe, too was too. Such privilege on etiquette only the hyper governor and officials a class is worthy is higher. Fagiram tried not for nothing. In addition it allowed to write off the multi-billion stolen sums.

The ultramarshal Eroros supervising recovery work first objected. But hints on a lack of eagerness and on financial frauds brought down from it speed. It had the enormous income from underground trade in human skin, bones and other parts of a body too. Especially large sums paid sinkh, it is possible because human skin is so similar to a similar cover of stelzan. It was possible to invent before a female that removed her from the most furious look in the Universe.

At once from two departments "Wars and victories" and "Love and justice" arrived the directives strengthening the power of the governor and broadening him powers, having finally confused a situation.

Formally the ultramarshal Eroros submitted to Department of protection of a throne in spite of the fact that Earth was dreadfully far from the mother country. Because of what there were legal collisions and duplication of functions.

But that it was necessary to carry out festive parade on the occasion of arrival of distinguished guests consensus will reach quickly enough, though did not do without squabbles. Fagiram it is boastful declared:

— At us, than to make impression on distinguished guests! Parade will be worthy...

Trinity and really appeared on an enormous starprobe vehicle, terrifying in a form as if a double killer whale with the heads of sharp daggers. The truth it became clear at the last minute that the hyper governor and his charming assistant, postponed visit because of urgent matters in other part of a galaxy. For that with the adviser there arrived two of his secretaries. Tall females in the purple leather suits ornated by silvery and ruby thorns with frightening drawing...

Together the adviser they with a roar went in air, moving on an invisible eye to a ladder. The adviser was athletically difficult, but in difference from other stelzan, very much massiven. His muscles were hypertrophied as if a caricature from the magazine of the body builder. The space suit at the grandee is transparent to a waist, probably the large rank wanted to make demonstration of muscles impression on natives.

And on a special air path there took place parade. The first single fighters of shock fleet flew. The most mass model in the form of predatory translucent with the proceeding thin barrels of radiators of a slope, further a design as if a hawk with arrow-shaped wings. Behind them two and triple cars, too similar design, but are larger.

But more exotically the tanks soaring over a surface looked. They were similar to similar terrestrial cars of the beginning of the twenty first century, but only even more flattened with spark fins on boards. Naturally flying as all fighting designs of Stelzanat were adapted there are military operations in various planes.

Tanks nevertheless differed a little both by the size and on design. Broke a set also of arms, including also the latest assault hyper laser guns.

The equipment flew by air as if some of very long boas. Large cars soared a separate column trying to approach on types, smaller around them, flying around so even it seemed that man-made, mechanical plants bindweeds braid thicker, but also moving trunks.

Peculiar also graviotsikla looked, on them stelzana executed aerobatic maneuvres, moving, back to front, showing to a trajectory raid in the form of polygons, or even more difficult figures. Soon and other cars also joined this "round dance". In particular the assault boats which are looking like curved as a wing of a seagull a bucket of the excavator, only instead of teeths the trunks of various tools bearing annihilation. Killing devices bedash under a terrestrial camouflage and changing a coloring in the automatic mode that even more strengthened impression at natives. Despite external awkwardness, these powerful cars in flight carried out maneuvers "accordion", "fan", and then their movements became unpredictable also at all prompt as if balls in thrown by jugglers virtuosos.

There were also enormous walking robots here... In a type of low fighting efficiency, it consisted on arms of army of Great Stelzanat, but showed them in qualities of the captured weapon captured at others, the civilizations broken by Purple Constellation.

Cybernetic monsters up to one and a half kilometers high impress, it seems even cling legenky cumulus clouds. By sight the walking robot — a typical tick with launchers, from his paws shudders the earth. Jump up stones... Trees are shaken as if fibers in a brush, and flowers on branches tinkle heavy, bronze hand bells...

Here diskoleta, are rich on classification too, and move differently rushing sideways, turning in air a spinning top. In air also launchers of tiny rockets soar... By sight they as trays in the form of fish, and from a back, continually jump out, and then needles of rockets hide.

On this background the marching native infantrymen look almost miserable. The truth to them sewed an elegant form, the varnished boots and sparkle on the sun. Soldiers are strong, harmonous, young. Ahead already absolutely still boys drummers and trumpeters. They in shorts, in the animals embroidered in the form of pictures golfs and the sandalika only made at factories, too with brilliant, glossy skin. Shirts white as tow, but across seven-color strip of a flag of Purple Constellation.

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