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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Boys are very proud of the dress, and especially caps with the peaks, headdresses which covered the hair which burned out on the sun. They now in clothes as misters, and others native a patsanyata — the bare-bellied bosota strong envies them. Though it is for want of habit not so comfortable in a ceremonial dress as it was stark naked and barefoot, jumping the tempered soles on hot prickly pebbles or genetically modified grass tickling patches soft.

Women's police even more elegant as if native little girls gathered for a ball. The majority of them preferred to clarify skin, to light bronze, and that they are styles even more nice. Especially as black skin, is not harmonious for Slavic or Aryan features, with blue, emerald eyes, mainly snow-white or golden hair.

Girls from native troops, gave strange shoes on high heels, but mid-flight the step turned into elementary flour. Therefore the footwear was slightly modified, and the heel changed the sizes, facilitating a step, and fabric that touched skin was soft, supporting comfortable temperature balance.

The infantry Stelzanov of course flew, their form, to a certain intensity allowed to hold various striking influences. Even the direct hit of the cruise "Tomahawk" missile could stir up the similar easy occupational fighter at best only slightly.

Cavalrymen appeared the most interesting participants of parade. Not on horses of course: myriapods-lifikaki, something ford of a hybrid of a caterpillar and camel. Very fast, the racing car will be overtaken. Equestrians and equestrians with flags, the weapon including cold.

But here and on horses there are troops... These racers very beautiful, too genetically improved, and on them the horsewomen decorated with ribbons and flowers. Suits as ancient Russian princesses on hunting, some girls and in shubeyka from magnificent bellows. Even faces sweated from sweat, but amazons do not complain though temperature as on the equator at midday, and they in such vestments, as for Siberia the distant twentieth century in the depth of winter warmly.

The large trained bears painted under all colors of a rainbow walk on two paws a system and almost precisely in a leg. At the same time play various musical instruments: balalaikas, contrabasses, drums, a violoncello, and even on violins. And it is very harmonious... Boys and girls from among servants rush flashing jumping sneakers, throw to them delicacies and serve drinks. Especially greedy bears smokat the vodka prepared according to Old Russian recipes. Children have no sneaker simple, they neutralize the most part of gravity allowing to jump up highly, and even for several seconds to hang in air.

Various numbers and other animals, as from among traditional for the planet Earth of forms of fauna, and from other exotic worlds show. Here for example what is costed by an animal with tiled armor and flying by means of the operated gravitation and richly painted wings only correcting flight...

Parade was worthy and the State councilor Plut Kidala with an obvious reluctance nevertheless was forced to approve:

— Is what to look at! It is not the most vacuum hole in the Universe...

* * *

The hall of a meeting was crowded. There numerous officials from the different ends of a galaxy gathered. On them richly decorated uniforms, in hands shiver luchemeta of various designs. Healthy, massive, with ready to tear a form muscles, males and females with furious views of scorpions in a human appearance, approvingly screamed, and quite properly clapped.

The state councilor made the speech. He spoke with pathos, inflating, on the contrary slightly blowing off a breast:

— On us responsibility to the power lies. To us, frankly speaking, to spit on this monster Konoradson's Misinformation. The main thing, any secret should not leave this planet. It is clear to you what I mean? There are claims to local government. On all, I emphasize, on all planets leaders of insurgentov-insurgents are known and destroyed or long ago work under a cap of intelligence agencies. And here the main leader of terrorists of Ermines and the Prince star (whose personality is not even identified!) still are not found. It is a shame on all galaxy! The leader is known by all planet, but about him the Security service does not know. And it at the strengthened local garrison whose arms we just contemplated, at a mighty espionage network, enormous army of cover. Our one satellites from a distant orbit are capable to fix all area of the planet at once, seeing the slightest details, up to a microbe.

Stelzana listened silently, at some eyes nervously ran, being afraid to be hooked by a look for the high, decorated with statues graceful, but at the same time and terrible unearthly a type of animals tribune. The adviser spoke despite all pathos quiet tone, but suddenly exploded bear roar:

— Shame! I will not suffer it! I give three days on search and capture of the villain, leader of microbes! I hand to Samolichno an award for his head! In case of a failure of all I will destroy, I annihilate, I will spray on preona!

From all scope the strapper thrust a pood paw on a tribune. The glass turned from an integral emerald from vigorody jumped up and, having fallen sideways, spilled on a uniform of the dignitary of the nineteenth class.

— Well, and trick! — discontentedly muttered Eroros. — Ranks of such caliber do not act usually this way! The endurance strong, best of all constrains passion of powerless rage of the enemy!

The adviser Kidala, continued to nadsazhivatsya:

— Primacies with excrements in a head, you think that it is not a shame when blow up the central palace in the center of the colonial capital. Any of these monkeys should not approach and is close to the residence. Where the security scanners fixing presence of minikvarkovy charges, a prosvetka by protective fields of all natives sticking in especially protected or just important objects. In a metallmeduza there will be a hyper plasma annihilation to you, for such negligence, and death of individuals of the highest race in the Universe!

And most it was a shame to Eroros. Yes technical capabilities of such enormous empire, allowed more abruptly than any X-ray, to highlight time of a body of workers on the enormous square having excluded an opportunity to incur to the palace, even a poppy kernel in tooth, but... Fagiram tired out in the black market, the most part of scarce details of hyper scanners, as a result those almost saw nothing. The governor haughty declared that the elementary prosvetka suffices, all the same these savages are too primitive, for high-tech blasting gifts. And it appeared there are no all is trivial; saboteurs carried by a thermodetonator in a stomach... Too the latest development for terrorists when the polymorphic subject easily creeps to the saboteur is inside and also quickly taken... A modern thing, hardly it could in the handicraft way to make guerrillas, as well as mini-termokvarkovykh a charge. Means or the black market — mafia is immortal, or even sinkh and others tried, having supplied people of Earth to weaken the main competitor.

Was heard shrill as squeal of the mother-in-law scalded in boiled water the trill is ringing...

— What else?! — Wildly the adviser bellowed.

— The important message from the hyper ultramarshal. — Declared a deep voice the robot, security with fifteen guns.

The secretary having aggressively shaken to the hall a fist loudly exclaimed:

— Be not under a delusion, to you not to avoid conclusions!

— I will give the answer now! — Threw, crumbed an emerald cup in the wide paw. — But you are waited by pulsarny washout!

High, but a little thickish type turned and began hysterically to shout something in the translucent device given the robot. Stelzanovets-sanovnik growled and howled. It was similar to squeal of a pig. Then he victoriously looked on people around — its look expressed wild pleasure.

— This mercury slug Dez to us does not go, he is more faithful it is detained. He will long sit until there are trials. Ha-ha-ha!

It lifted up fat as two logs, hands, having crossed a cross on a cross. It was the sign designating a victory or "Victoria" in Purple constellation.

— Now the planet can be evaporated, destroyed and burned. The limiter is broken and all is allowed!

Eroros did not sustain:

— It is our planet, and it is protected by the personal order of the emperor. And here in questions of extraordinary measures I am an owner. And only the emperor can give the order on destruction of Earth!

— Arrest the ultramarshal Eroros! Arrest this ordinary penalized person, without hesitating! — Threw without restraint began to patter heels on a floor.

The ultramarshal grabbed the ultrablaster. The governor Fagiram carelessly nodded to protection, the pier is quieter and itself said insinuating tone:

— It is possible and arrest, but the ultramarshal has the right to degrade only the head of Department of protection of a throne. And the planet really cannot be destroyed without sanction of the emperor. All of us know well that the emperor does not love when violate his instructions.

It was possible to think that the governor of the local planet is more authoritative than the galactic hyper governor, but furious squeal stopped.

— It is visible, I too got excited. So far we will not destroy the planet. And this Eros under arrest!

— Your high-eminence, all this trifle! We are waited by other guests if you deign to accept them. — Floutingly grinning Fagiram prokudakhtat.

It seemed that this animal had to blow up, but he also mechanically as if by others voice, answered:

— I will accept them! The meeting appears closed!

The adviser was developed and, exaggeratedly loudly stamping boots on marble coral covering, is proud having stuck out a breast, went to an exit.

— Its boots are grounded by hyper gold (metal on value in twenty five thousand times surpassing pure gold!), I can bet!

The ultramarshal Urlik Eroros mentally spat in a back to the dignitary.

— I will report in the center that such unbalanced types dishonor the power. For certain, this high-ranking mudak addict.

This is the soldier of Purple constellation told about himself.

When the adviser left, the anthem of the Empire of great Stelzanat played.

At the exit of the vice-hyper governor the soldiers who were built in columns and fighting robots met. Laser automatic machines and plasma luchemeta sparkled on the sun. The adviser with extraordinary dexterity for the two hundred fifty kilogram ink dropped in in armor the closed flaneur and flew up to the starprobe vehicle. Both secretaries preferred to use graviotsikla. The enormous spaceship without excess farewell tears, left in the unknown direction. Eroros it was expressed:

— It is possible to defile everything in life, it is only impossible to live a toadstool!

It seemed, it is possible to relax, but, several hours later, the ultramarshal received the message. It was the alarm signal of the highest level of danger.

— Emergence from external sector from intergalactic space of a huge flotilla of unknown fighting starprobe vehicles is recorded. Among them even flagman hyper battle ships. On all sector the automatic alarm is entered. The opponent moves to our planet. On its party overwhelming superiority. If the enemy does not slow down the movement, then collision will happen in two and a half hours.

— And where forces of external sector of protection of a galaxy? — gloomy, feeling forgery, Orlik Eroros asked.

In several seconds the squeaky answer followed:

— They constantly declare that their forces see nothing. In general all military starprobe vehicles are removed from this spiral site of a galaxy.

— And how neighboring planets? Their garrisons are notified? — It seemed to the ultramarshal that his interiors fail in a gravitational collapse.

Here already the familiar female voice of the general Sima answered, the maiden blurted out as from automatic turn a tongue twister:

— They have no rather strong cover. And we have new information, even more disturbing information. The quantity of starprobe vehicles already reaches many hundreds of thousands, and the polytypic tonnage and designs unambiguously speak about their inogalaktichesky origin. There are even battle ships a dimeter almost equal so well to us to the familiar Moon, with as if wadded boards. And some models are terribly elaborate, even gravioradara transfer, the bunches of the shining lines only broken.

Eroros violently gave a whistle:

— Similar to starprobe vehicles of sinkh and thousands of other star civilizations. It is very serious! Really it is new intergalactic war?

Other little girl general spoke:

— It is absolutely impossible without the whole brood of rodents in a military top, our galaxy still not boundary.

The ultramarshal desperately bellowed:

— There is an obvious change! You meant Fay the Ambulance? These wood lice could not pass so large forces without treachery and bribes!

Females generals confirmed with chorus:

— Stelzanatu's change! It is necessary to send the emergency cryptographed message to Department of protection of a throne urgently. We were impudently betrayed by traitors in the heart of the empire.

Orlik hasty gathered the keyboard, on the kiborgekrena the code and — stop flashed! The wide monitor unexpectedly went out...

— The external satellite of hyper communication is destroyed by volleys from the planet trans-Pluto.

Passionlessly the computer reported.

— To enter the duplicating system!

— The system is brought out of submission of external sector. She is directly subordinated to the governor Fagiram Sham. You are called, meanwhile, by Fagiram Sham. — From the automatic machine clattered.

The three-dimensional projection of the ublyudochny fat coal-black person flashed.

— Hi, my friend! You, I see, shocked! Wipe eyes and be stirred up. The power belongs to strong now. And you are weak as the jellyfish is thrown on the flaring desert sand. Full to you an okhlopka, but I am kind and, is easily appeased. Fagiram is ready to keep your pathetic life if you and your starprobe vehicles lay down arms and will peacefully welcome guests. You will swear on fidelity of the new power and, perhaps, will keep a position. Choose! Life or death...

The ultramarshal's head tensely earned. The service in special troops accustomed to composure and a pragmatism.

What to do in such situation? To die silly just like that, without advantage of business? Cunning mother of a victory, if at it also the gentleman of a happy occurence!

— I am ready to obey and execute orders of the higher management. Start up the order, the higher authority will issue! — Eroros roared, understanding that at once it is impossible to jerk pads to top.

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