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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Several pairs of hands вепились in my outfit, grabbed a stick, shield, dragged her from head helmet, knocking her eyes.

My fear grew into a creepy horror and reached probably his limit, because I could not get frightened, it would seem stronger and bigger than at this moment.

Hands tried to tear me to pieces, распотрошить, disarm me, pulled her machine on the back. I couldn't resist, I saw nothing, because helmet наползла on the eyes, not heard because the range was a continuous furious roar of the crowd, Yes inside was eager not less frantic, as the drum beats, my heart thumping not felt because horror crept into every cell of my body, paralyzed and анемировал nerves.

The only thing that I was capable of, so it дуать, and only stopped to wonder how I still hasn't quite been violently struck, and as I consciousness and memory. Frantic dance of the thoughts, пульсировавшей in my head in a mad dance, singled out himself suddenly one малодушную and vile idea. I suddenly wanted to scream, "People don't hit me, I will not!" Stay longer this state several mint, so probably would have happened, though unlikely, would it help.

"What for you to die? Why should you be a cripple? You're not on yourthe the request came here and otIthe very arms! You don't even know what you fight! Go, go, get! Leave this place! It smells like death! Here the talk death was hovering so low that you can see her black wings! Get out! No one will give you back your life!" — were furious swirl in my head. Under the influence of this circle of thoughts with each passing second, I размякал and became all the безвольнее. And my hands and legs became like a wadded, and I couldn't manage. "'t give up and you will spare!" — heard a voice внтри me, and my fingers almost relaxed, but at this very moment, two terrible shock, such that затрещала on the head with a plastic helmet, stunned me, and in the eyes went colored circles and blemishes, and hit with a rubber truncheon, the same as me sliding and the burning of wild pain, which came on the cheek and nose, sobered up and led me into the feelings in the most unexpected way, PRоизвели the opposite effect, though, I'd have рухнть completely.

Instead of wool in the hands and feet, I felt, felt a surge of mindless, violent force.

Then followed another тычек club, этотраз under the lower right rib, very neatly in the liver, and only a miracle saved me from breaking down, because in that very moment, I dodged like a serpent, and blow lightly slid to the side.

Still seeing nothing of myself, I somehow inexplicably managed to grab a baton and pry it away from someone else's hands. Such action on my part was sheer as a surprise, and because I succeeded because of its suddenness.

Subsequent events I remembered extremely bad. All mixed up and confused in my head at one bloody's song and dance. Hands, feet, head... I didn't remember how he freed from кокв his shield. Helmet flew off my head, and I now saw around him violent chaos of fighting and those who attacked me!

Fatigue, with terrible force, born from pain and hatred all I окружавшиm because they just kept in the grip of my body and tried to make him a chop, I dropped right and left his hand, сжимавшую handle batons, fought and beat it with невообразиой and surprising speed. But there wasn't time to wonder my ability. I rang and rang all around-ear, closedtheg yourself trying to hit in the face, head, as soon as that received the baton I pushed a shield in front of you, like a bulldozer its SOVKOM and the crowd ahead somehow rolled back from me back then turn around and beat behind his back with отмахом and retreated on a vacant space, again a heaping blows on the front, again turned right back around and done the same thing on the opposite side.

Around me screamed, fell on their knees, and land affected me with cleft skin of the scalp and окровавленныи face, clutching his hands to his head, for the broken collarbone, having lowered to the ground "отсушенные"paralysed from falling into the nerve hands, and already there was absolutely nothing in this world except отвоеванного me at a crowd Piglet dimensions little more sewage hatch, which I led his duel with наваливающейся weighing on me.

I just didn't know myself nor anything else not чувствоал no fear, no grief, no pain, no strikes, which also befell me, but I still kaki-тонепонятным way managed защищщаться using batons and shields, and because they were passing. I did not exhaust understand how I, not admirer боявшемуся fight, managed not only disperse themselves around angry people in a radius of three steps, but break then, просекая their way to the edge of human landfill, in the long-drowned our ranks, and лишькучками some places still continued to fight, not offensive, and even not a defense, and self-defense, — all that we оказалис finally able.

Climbing out, fortunately, toward the podium and sending waved a few of the beats his pursuers, particularly zealously желавши do away with me, I almost обессилил, and he went away from the place of slaughter a few steps away, fell down on the stone slabs of a square, as when stricken.

Here was our tenth battery left in reserve and preparing to intervene. Before its deployed in two ranks formation gesticulating and shouting something our squadron leader. Here he gave the last instructions, and ranks slowly moved to the place of the landfill. Someone took my shield and a club. At the moment when they came to the edge of this huge pile-small, I lost ознание.

It disappeared immediately, as if I whether failed or, on the contrary, awakened from his sleep. Suddenly I was sweet and warm, terribly sleepy, and, most importantly, that any movement gave to me now to a special, sharp and unpleasant pain. All became indifferent. Forever themselves grew heavy stone fatigue, closed, and there is no such power was not able to open them.

That was happening around me already might not matter to me: I lapsed into unconsciousness.

Chapter 19.

I woke up on the cadets ' beds in native Dorm room, which had love for the year of life, love her m inhabit it. Its long-небеленные, поблешие, worn over the bed spins cadets the walls for some reason gave me, although I could not understand the causes of this merriment.

Past events did not want to pop up in my memory, but I felt that my body aches from beatings and fatigue, but I couldn't remember where I could be so hard and cool beat.

Any movement caused me burning, dull, ноющую pain in all members of the body. I only tried to raise his head on the pillow, but пурутруженные muscles have failed me and attempt brought me only suffering. My head immediately rolled back.

The room was somewhat dark. Apparently, on a table by the window burned Desk lamp. It was quiet, nowhere резадвалось no sound. It seemed to me that I am alone with no one around to the soul.

This thought became empty, lonely and sad, heart compressed with sadness.

I didn't know whether to call on the assistance of someone or not, I was afraid that nobody else is around, and the sound of my weakened voice унесется in almost cosmic void and drown in it. but still, in the end, I decided to scream, but from my battered chest came out with a groan, long and heavy.

Somebody stood up from the table, зашумев paper and gritting on истертому almost to the holes линолиуму the legs of the chair, and walked over to me, bent over.

-Woke up, said that someone, peering into my face through the semi-darkness of the room. -Glory to God, another one returned to consciousness and force.

As I tried, could not guess no traits of persons, nor the voice of the speaker. I wanted to ask from a standing above me who he tandKoy, but only groaned again just long and boring.

-Lie, lie, don't move! again someone said. -Lie...

And left me somewhere at the other end of the room to a Desk near the window, which I was not visible.

-It's been more than a day, as you are lying unconscious... after yesterday's events, " came back the voice that I could not recognize. You're one of the few who is now in a dormitory school. You are one of the most easily отделавшихся and least of all victims. Осталтных, those who heavier, was taken to hospital. Very many beaten... very much, " the man sighed deeply. -But, thank God, that there is neither dead nor mutilated. It's wonderful, I think. Although some had to be placed in intensive care... But in fact, it is a great folly: then, утварили square: throw three hundred and untrained police methods of struggle with the crowd, children Yeshe in fact, against the twenty, if not thirty thousand crowd is madness, madness and irresponsibility in the highest degree. And in the end? Nothing else and wait should not: all of these three hundred fine boys, three hundred magnificent молодцх, healthy, strong guys, heads and arms which could be useful for better application, now beaten, поранены, disfigured, cut and put out of action for many days, if not weeks... Oh, дачто to speak there! But you better sleep... you now, it is most useful.

I wanted to reply to the interlocutor, I can't sleep now because of the hellish pain, мучающей all my body, but I knew it I fail, and therefore was silent. Now all that's happened to me, I remembered sharply and clearly and scary, appeared suddenly before my eyes, like a flash, as highlighted on the movie screen among the darkness bright scene. I even instinctively jerked in surprise, when from the dark corners of memory jumped terrible, disgusting гримасса for плексиглассовым shield. From this trembling body pierced unbearable pain, and I groaned again.

Someone again approached me on groan, bent down to my face, but I again how myopic, couldn't understand who it is. I like floating in a fog, in a haze, enveloping my eyes and затыкающей, exactly wool in my ears. Memories found one after the other, alternating with whitish haze of forgetfulness and dusk clarity., and разболевшаяся suddenly, his head aching more and more, and it seemed that now about to burst. I guess when the flashes of consciousness found in me, that hurts it from the dreadful power of memory and mental abilities, but my imagination, not subject to neither the will nor entreaties of the soul, absolutely распаясалось and swept, jumping from one picture yesterday's slaughter on the other, will not stop this crazy race in a vicious circle.

Someone put a hand to me, such a cold, easy and pleasant-прозлажную, some special soft on my hot, fevered forehead, Sizzling hot, I thought exactly the coals in the furnace. This hand if it took away my head part of the heat and pain, absorbed them, and with them the absorbed energy raging memory. I felt something sharp and prickly with easy, комариным prick entered into my hand. Only now in a last moment before забытьем I realized that hand, лежазая on my head, women's, and no other hand can not be.

This conjecture seemed to flash struck me. She broke through the veil, окутывавшую eyes, it was gone. Overwhelming desire to learn, who are close to me впыхнуло for a moment, but immediately extinguished. Only then is undefined and vague managed попаст in me through this instant gap in a light slumber. Eyes of dreams closed under the weight of fatigue and unhealthy drowsiness, and I went to sleep, and fell into a deep sleep without any visions, like oblivion.

I woke up in the night. So I decided, because the light in the room was extinguished, and around there was pitch-black. I once again it was sad and sad. The darkness of the room seemed to me sepulchral the darkness of the tomb, and I immediately wanted to, to the children's fright, light, light as air, as if night took me by the throat and strangled her completely speechless.

However, my hands were so heavy and unwieldy, as before, and even body ached considerably weaker. Even the skin, as I noticed будито was softened, ceased to be an oak and became more чувтсивтельной why I felt that I was lying completely naked and in some places on my body imposed бинтовые bandages, and in a hand sticking out some needle and nasty pulls the skin.

The memory came, that someone in the room was вечероим, someone approached me, нагибался, even speak. And that someone was a woman. But whether it was at all or I have seen in my бредовом half asleep? And who is she? Where is she now? May be gone, but may lying asleep on the bed next. I tried to get up on his bed, but the patient neck again fail me, and my attempts to find out anything about my "babysitter" this time ended.

I lay aimlessly and felt gradually go from bruises skin pleasant softness of the bed, her warmth, and felt гаслаждался this. The body, especially with bandages, and hummed and pulsated echoes heart beats, but still through this какафонию прорывалось bled through, flowing all over my body, bliss.

Lay I probably forty or fifty minutes, listening to the night sounds originating barely only through the slightly ajar window. Then sleep again overcame me and I fell asleep before the dawn. Only when the first rays of the sun touched the sill, testifying that time is noon, I woke up feeling great relief, and found the strength to bare get up on the bed.

Not very bright light casts from the street from close to the Zenith of the sun, shone all located in room pink undertones born in slightly covering a window aperture pale pink curtains. This half-light pinkish accurately pointed out that the window came a clear day, the same clear and clean, like a smile of an innocent child. Sorry I didn't catch virgin magic charms July morning, when the air is cool, fresh and vigorous call, like a crystal, flavorful, as the divine nectar, упоителен as spring water and fresh as just broken from the branch of Apple varieties Duchess.

I looked around. beds of my comrades were empty, dented and неухожены. They were still with the dinner hour recent like, but this far in the memory of the day, when nobody even suspected that very soon will be a participant of the cruel slaughter, and most likely his Supreme sacrifice, which will break his arms and legs and instruct обалденных bruises. Then ve rested here after lunch for a few minutes before the command "Collection," and then in the small hours throwing on their beds machines, cartridge pouches with equipment, felt and комкали them, thinking that will put in order after returning from the building.

Still traces of the turmoil and chaos that arose in come charges on alarm: scattered on the floor notebooks, scattered, pens and pencils lying around in disarray field bags, which went to school, in the small hours open, незадернутое until the end of the window curtains, fallen from грядушек beds towels.

On the writing-table, standing at the window, I saw some tubes, vials, boxes, sterilization his mess-tin syringe and guess that all this едицинские facilities. Everything was laid out on the white fabric napkin together with блестщими Nickel pincers and clamps with cotton wool tampons. There was also a large бутылс somewhat dark, probably, iodine. Judging by all this, my room is located a medic. Maybe yesterday girl, putting my hand on his head? However, this may not be the girl that was at all: the state of my yesterday is not possible to establish, who is with me in the evening was busy talking. But this extraordinary hand on my head...

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