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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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I pulled so that the cast from depleted uranium, balls and needles flew away — it is useless to use it against the statue. One of the needles flew to the boy and stuck in his vest, piercing it. Donald trump barely had time to pull it out and throw it away, suddenly poisoned. The puncture site immediately began to itch and reddened, it strongly resembled the poison of enchanted arthropods. The boy President rushed forward, hoping that if anyone was still alive, they would not soon recover from such a shock. Hardly even frostbitten fighters will have time again to take a position. On the run, the barefoot terminator boy Donald trump hit immediately from both machines. It was impressive, but the cartridges that regret at the dead bandits. Having slipped through the corridor, Donald trump was in a luxurious room, which housed a swimming pool with lowered water, and the corpses were so many that it is difficult to count at least fifty. The boy President himself stumbled over the body and almost fell.

— Wow, you made me pee apples. Well, and pomegranate, there's one thing Americans know how to do, but that's too dangerous, he almost bent.

Donald trump, however, relaxed early, and a long line of people hit him from the next room. Boy-President saved only the in this, moment he came on crushed shampoo and fell. Then he skipped across the bottom of the pool. And the room stuck out his face, a large head with a sloping like a gorilla forehead. Donald trump fired almost in unison, the subject fell. He was so large and heavy that even the legendary Nikolai Valuev was below his on head and easier on centner. Followed by a quiet barely distinguishable for Donald trump's ear order in English.

— Let go of gas, let them die this archivesink.

Donald trump threw another grenade, the armored door to the room has already started to close and he barely had time. When the explosion died down the boy, with an effort squeezed between the sliding doors dotted with rubies. Miraculously, the surviving lamp gave ultraviolet light. I saw three goons, bull, apparently fed on steroids, and quite frail people, immoderate a jewel to any Christmas tree would be deader than midnight to him. A particularly large diamond hung around his neck, it was the size of an orange. Donald trump figured about the cost, even if the gratitude of his command to give, even though the percentage, it will be a rich man. On the other hand, you can hide such a treasure for yourself. Sell of course the problem, but the devil tempter and climbs into the soul.

— I'll hide it, if you survive, then I'll decide what to do with it.

But who is this man, could be the Sultan.

The boy President felt his pockets and pulled out several passports. One of them was written in English— " Sadam Hussein — Lord of The Baghdad Caliphate."

Barefoot kid Donald trump whistled:

— It has been Sadly appeared! Well, what to do now! Not enough to fight the Caliphate!

The boy-President rushed on, to a number of shelves lined with books in expensive bindings. Donald trump drew attention to the fact that if you add the names made in Arabic, you get the phrase: Do not try to understand the wisdom of Allah, just be a man. The boy-warrior and the President of the United States hit the butt of the book, which began the phrase, the rack creaked away, opening a fairly wide passage. From it blew air with an admixture of honey and sea water.

Donald trump sang:

Love is a beautiful, scary path, this is known by everyone who entered! Don't let her get out, not come off it is impossible, Othello Desdemona strangled!

The boy-President ran down the aisle, he tried not to make noise, but almost immediately, he was rushed by a monster the size of a beaver, resembling a hybrid of a rat and a box of matches, with the image of a half-naked girl flying on a broomstick. Donald trump barely had time to go right and move the creature bayonet knife.

— This is another product of someone's imagination!

It's a rat suddenly as will give:

— Where are you Pinocchio steal machines running on diesel?!

Donald trump has his eyes wide:

You a rat? But I'm not Pinocchio...

Boxes-the rat squeaked, the number of its heads suddenly began to grow. There were two of them, then there were three, and the teeth lengthened... The boy-President has not sustained and has given turn. The bullets pierced the box, and flames erupted from the holes... The fourth fall clicked her teeth:

— Don't think you annihilated me! Silly scientist puppy!

Here is the most interesting place "movie," I interrupted. And Donald had to go back to running the Third Reich.

And this is a little tired. However, to finish off your opponent is much nicer.

Now the Nazis surround and Vologda. Goes tank crew Jane. In a series of E but named "Panther"-4, agile and lethal machine. Shoots itself, inciting opponents.

Jane is of course a very beautiful and sexy girl, and also in a bikini. Barefoot and so wonderful. Just super! On this you can look and not come off.

Jane shot out of a cannon "Panther" and chirped:

— Star in the sky I'll be the first of the first!

Are working girls. And the blood spitting Panthers ... Here is one of the newest tanks of the series AG pyramidal. Per person. Quite a small, but such burning. And so a bullet point. Don't stop it or punch it!

Amstrong is also firing and squeaking:

— I'm a superhuman girl!

And so shoots itself, and very aptly.

And then there are planes flying ... However, this is half the trouble. Here the Nazis were tortured. Red-hot iron cauterized her nipples Breasts, and smelled a scorched and very pleasant smell. And meat, fried and tickles the nostrils.

Yes, fiends and murderers. What just do not get up.


Trump angrily replied:

— Enough, show all sorts of stuff! You'll give the Germans the impression of being executioners. What are we?

Emmanuel giggled and noticed.:

— Everything was in history! Sometimes they were brutal. But let's not talk about it Donald! You're winning?

Donald trump sang:

— But frankly speaking — win all the polls!

Putin responded by saying:

— No way! It can't be!

Donald trump roared:

— Say beauty!

Emmanuel readily confirmed:

Yes, absolutely!

And the girl bare legs thrust forward. Pulled them, and shook in front of the boy-President trump.

He kissed the girl-Queen in the bare sole, and roared:

— You're a warrior just super class!

And how will spike, as will be throbbing muscles. Here is a fighter-Aryan American Donald trump.

Appeared suddenly in front of a boy-President of the broad highway.

Here on this road girls ran, several thousand at once. And all barefoot, and almost naked. Breasts and thighs are barely covered with precious stones and jewelry. Lots of very beautiful flowers, insects, fish, and hair. And such wonderful girls. And flash their naked, round heels. And ankle bracelets and roses of rubies, the Topaz of peonies, cornflowers, made of sapphires!

And brooches in colorful hair girls. How rich and beautiful it is! These are some pretty girls. Look at them, and immediately lit desire.

Donald trump was very pleased, looking at the girls with bare legs, and almost naked. Very beautiful warriors-very super!

Donald trump said:

We'll crush Russia!

The Germans are very tough, especially when they have foreign divisions. Girls fight very beautiful and wonderful.

Gerda is waging war on pyramidal tank. There is a great war. The Germans surrounded the Kazan. This is really cool.

Gerda shoots and presses the joystick with her bare toes. And so accurately shoots and kills.

Gerda is very beautiful and sexy. She can crush everyone. Warrior by the way is extremely steep!

The girl shot and tweeted:

— We are such that super!

Then fired Charlotte and hissed:

— Make money, make money-forgetting about fear and laziness!

Then took a very nice lupanul Christina, a girl with Golden-red forces:

— This is a very beautiful and very deadly!

Then Magda took lupanul:

— I'm a warrior with bare feet, and horns sharp!

Girls climbed forward, and destroyed the Russian troops. They broke all those red Commissars.

Gerda thrashed the Soviet parts and sang:

That's awesome! I'm star girl!

And again her fingers pressed the buttons of the joystick.

Warriors are very cool.

Although yesterday was tortured by pioneer. I stretched it with chains and weights. And red-hot iron burned body the young boys. And burned him in all his muscles and skin. Gerda burned him whole. And tortured to death. And so it was very cruel. And when bare heels boys the blazing heat of the iron cauterized. And it smelled very appetizing and pleasantly fresh, young, burnt meat.

And tortured the boy cruelly. And riddled him with everything. Pretty scorched. And loved it there!

Terminator girls used to eat pioneers, gnawing bones. This is a very tasty meat from the pioneers — the young, tender, lean! And it's very nice to eat it.

Trump is also tired of watching these outright stupidity and cruelty. And he focused on the battle. Left quite a bit to the Northern and southern grouping of the German troops joined.

Donald trump on it very hard.

Running out the Nazis by Soviet troops. Here the discrete and compressed... Especially those that fly girls in bikinis. This is such cool and dangerous! And legs at them naked tanned flash, and heels naked and pink.

And pressing the bare toes of the legs on the joystick, the girls induce the discrete to the Soviet machine. And press them... and break them, and flatten them into cakes, make them burn.

And discret this weapon special six or seven times the speed of sound develops, and it is completely invulnerable!

Eva, pressing her bare toes on the joystick, beeps:

"Glory be to the Third Reich and to us!

Gertrude, too, her bare toes pushing and roars:

— And total defeat! A perfect madhouse!

Warriors as we see, on very much much much. And act with the swiftness of a Cobra or Viper. Genghis Khan himself will not stand against them.

And Stalin all the more. And Stalin? Go up to him and give him a forehead! He will fall!

Eva, crushing Soviet aircraft, says:

— We are the white race and our enemies are black!

And how to press bare toes on the joystick. And turn the car around to attack. And girls are almost naked. To torment someone they were unbearable! And they act with knowledge! In General, Hellcats from hell!

Gertrude, too, bare legs as fingers push buttons of the joystick, and fired.... And turn your floppy:

It's Hyper and super! — Roars the girl and the terminator in one bottle!

Such is the beauty and the blonde born to kill!

Grinning to himself, and teeth like pearls! And torture like girls. Especially beautiful boys to torment. And when you stroke a smooth, boyish skin with a hot iron.

This General trend, and generally how to tell girls, almost naked, in his underwear one and super!

And who is against discrete stand? Soviet planes are rushing at him. And flattened into a composter. Not resist against German technology, and such reversals. The Teutonic geniuses created such a thing. And there are no obstacles and obstacles in the way.

Donald trump roars:

— I'm a tightrope Walker! The highest level! All they will crush and wipe!

After he turns around and roars, I'm a genius!

Yes, it's Donald — the coolest of American boys... All people from the category of super!

In short, moving myself girls... postrelivat very aptly. And often!

And Donald himself hisses... and says trump:

— Nobody can stop our America! And nobody wins! We are a nation of winners!

And he taps his feet on the floor... and the fight goes on and on ... without stopping, not for a moment...

But Emmanuel again Donald trump threw in the same place. Like show yourself in the world of dark elves.

Like, it is necessary to take away from China nuclear weapons. And Donald trump again in the body of the hero.

Emmanuel barefoot beauty explains to the American President-boy:

— This is your personal mission. Russia and China's nuclear weapons will disappear only when you and Putin finally fulfill your duty to us.

Emmanuel jumped and spun in the air. Then landed and continued:

— Up to this point it is the same world, but without trump and Putin. Maybe the world is quieter, and maybe safer! In any case, you can watch and rejoice!

While indeed it was seen as a catfight. Alenka and her team are fighting for Kazan.

Alenka scribbles from a machine gun. Bare feet and throws a heavy grenade. Throws fascists in different directions and squeals:

— Glory to our infinitely beautiful Motherland!

From the machine gun firing and Anyuta. And, too, barefooted fingers legs, as will throw a present of destruction, broke the German light tank and sang:

In the name of our mother of the Motherland, will be eternal glory to communism!

And then shot and Alla from captured bazookas. Then mumbled:

— As the birthplace of the great! In it the sweetness of the reserved herbs!

And as Maria succumbs to the Nazis. And swings into straight, preselected:

— How bulls we girls! May there be great glory in us!

And Matrona will take and bare feet, a whole bunch of grenades, run, and roar:

— The future world will be in communism!

And the girl after that as you want... And bounce! And will flicker a naked, sinewy calves.

Red Army girls are good. But Kazan is besieged from all sides. And it shelled the formidable machine: "Stormdancer", "Shturmtigr", "Stormlab", "Sturmius". Very dangerous and lethal. The caliber of the bombers they are increasing.

Trump is quite rubbing his hands, and hisses:

— Dozhmet their handsome! Till I is itself appoint Maynshteyna. He is the most capable of all!

Then the boy-President has bowed, on your knees. And he kissed the bare soles of the warrior Queen Emmanuel. After what was followed by his the universe in different, wonderful and a strong, more adult body.

Donald trump was now in a different world. Why is it not supposed to be here and what kind of a Messiah should honour a former student not too interested in. There is an exciting adventure, so let it be. Although the character has changed. And now the popdance and the President of the United States, he asked himself:

— It is easier to be trapped than to sow millet, to sow good is simple, and to sow good without getting trapped, at the unflattering relation to own simplicity!

But the assistant to the ataman asked:

"Isn't it too cruel to do that for a woman?"

King local spill blunt, somehow straw voice responded:

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