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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The commander did not sustain, constraining effort of will the torn anger, muttered:

— Here everything is not so simple. And how identification crystals? They will scan substitution at once.

The boy made the cunning person and giggled:

— And here everything is far more elementary, than it seems! Military have crystals of an identification and persons of economic army that made them much more available to acquisition in the black market. Here everything is already in advance prepared. And language will not give out, the girl perfectly owns a syllable of aggressors. There is, however, a risk of full individual scanning, but it is risk justified, conduct to us a lot of time and it is not necessary. Execute Gornostayev's order!

— With pleasure! — The bearded commander it is bad grinned.

— Then today in two hours. For now meet her double. She very strong and well fights. Well, you keep here. See you soon! — The holographic image, the black little boy in shorts having turned pale disappeared. In air there was only a slight smell of ozone.

Suddenly bark of a thick log burst and with ease of caress the half-naked olive and bronze little girl fluttered out from there. It was very harmonous, beyond the years brawny and tall. Her hair sparkled the seven-color poured scale, fashionable for females of Purple constellation. Having made a threefold somersault, the girl stretched hands, then crossed them.

— Bravo! Cool! Kvazarno! — Youths guerrillas shouted.

The leader frowned.

— Dexterously, but know, the baby, is deadly game.

— I will make it faultlessly! — The girl smiled and jumped up even above, her body was several times scrolled by the propeller in air, and the acrobat very much dexterously grabbed barefoot legs a log, thus, having hanged in horizontal position. Her muscles strained also because of, it the sharp relief appeared even more distinctly.

— All to take fighting positions.

"What beautiful brawny legs and ideally correct breast at it..." — the leader inhibited suddenly arisen desire though customs on the earth became simpler, the remains of former culture had still an effect. But they did not see women any more so long ago... Among people still there was a conservative opinion that girls should not risk battling in guerrilla groups, and war especially man's business.

The commander also noted:

— Well, to what it sharply traced muscles, even at the strongest guys such relief seldom when will be seen.

Really though people also became genetically best of all, so the slave has to be rather strong, hardy and hardy to perform a hard work, but because of reasons of safety and pride of the person did not make equal on force a stelzana. The race of Purple constellation in the vast majority, differed as if the cast steel of a relief of muscles which does not have skin.

All took in advance allocated places...

* * *

In two hours other girl appeared...

Yes, they are very similar, even clothes, is more true its almost total absence. For Labido Karamada, recently arrived here, this unkempt planet was too wild and hot. Therefore it also came almost naked, barefoot, decorated with bracelets from precious and an unearthly origin of stones here. However, as pleasantly when naked skin is caressed by the sun, and naked maiden a foot slightly pricking, blades, branches, shishechka tickle. Only on a belt at it the easy ladies' blaster, and hung on a hand — mix of hours, the computer, scanner and phone.

— Brr! How many trees! It is possible to build the palace kvazarny governor's! — Said, having widely stretched hands and having rounded a coral mouth the aggressive predatory beauty.

The girl guerrilla, smiling, smoothly came her to a meeting. Having thrown up a hand up, she welcomed it the salute characteristic of the movement of imperial yulingov-pioneers, subjugators of a megagalaxy.

— I am glad to see you, my sister. To you, I see, these native plants are interesting?

— Apparently and you, time you got here. — As well as you, time you got here! — Labido threw a leg a fragment of bark and dexterously caught it sponges, having begun to chew vigorously.

— I came not because of cones, I just like to walk one, representing from myself the savage. These silly natives bothered. — The girl guerrilla as a trunk an elephant moved with a nose.

— They, though silly, but very amusing and did not manage to bother me yet. Strange... I cannot understand, it seems to me that I somewhere already saw you. — Stelzanka began to blink, trying to find the necessary file in the brain, similar to the computer.

The young guerrilla almost without running start made a quadruple somersault in air and landed almost closely to Labido.

— Yes, you saw me on our central planet Stelz.

That contemptuously sniffed:

— No! And our central planet is called in a different way. You that native?

— And unless natives have here such fine hair to such wonderful smell. Smell!

Karamada mechanically shipped the person in seven-color waves of indumentum of a dugout and right there received blow a knee in a solar plexus. During the next moment the guerrilla broke a belt with the weapon and rejected aside, having got up in a fighting rack. Probably, she wanted to fight as equals. The commander, however, did not approve theatrical effects and an accurate shot from the blaster killed the bracelet holding kiberchasa.

— Hands up! One movement — and I shoot!

Further it was simple. Only the bracelet of hours had to be changed. One of soldiers offered a trophy. When the double of a libido of Karamada disappeared, it was possible to be engaged in the original.

The female from army of hated invaders was strong connected by a trophy wire...

Interestingly, how many to it cycles? Thirteen or twelve? But as stelzana grow quicker and more people, growth it was much higher than the average adult woman. And the figure which is quite developed and athletic, with muscles, dry and still not excessive.

It is a pity that it is necessary to liquidate such beautiful girl, but there's nothing to be done. There is no other way out! War is the most fascinating game, the number of participants is unlimited, but is constantly reduced!

One of tall youth guerrillas did not keep, touched a graceful light brown leg of the girl. The calloused hand of the woodcutter walked on an anklebone, went down to pink slightly dusty foot, felt fingers. The girl winked at it:

— Well why it is so shy, you such beautiful, black with a fair hair.

The boy sincerely smiled in reply:

— And you too a miracle, nogotochka of fingers cast as pearls.

Other young man gave a hand to a breast, from a touch that instantly bulked up. The magnificent bust of the beauty reminded the ice cream which is laid out by a hill honey plombirnoye with juicy cherries nipples. The girl prourchat:

— More courageous boys, I want to feel your caress.

Young men, almost teenagers darted hungry looks at it, healthy organisms demanded sex. Even the commander Pantera felt heat in loins. It because of rather rare in the modern world dense and already with beard streaks of gray, seems against these youths (though boys some only externally) almost the old man. And the girl so attracts, especially lighter, than natives, glossy as if gilded skin, pearl large teeth invitingly the opened mouth. Labido's voice became languid, with aspiration.

— Give have fun with me, then release, I about you will tell nothing.

The girl gave a miaow from delight when hands clasped her brawny hips, and the largest two-meter guerrilla with even redenky small beard, began to pull down a down more true hardly covering fabric attracting flesh.

— I will present you a chasm of pleasure and itself I will derive fantastic pleasure. — The stelzanka was not in good voice also pretense drops. Raped by zvermi-guerrillas to be so romantically, and aroma of the coal-black brawny, long ago not washed male bodies strongly excites. Her former partners so strongly did not strike, thanks to bioengineering of a stelzana are almost completely deprived of smells, in the war this superfluous.

— You can even on two quicker at once. — Labido invitingly winking, licked catlike sponges.

Panther blew up, contempt won against an animal rush:

— Back! Let's not lose the human dignity with this whore. Unless you do not see to what it is the corrupted race deprived of the remains of honor and conscience. Animal instincts and lust in so young head and what it will be when grows?

The girl was not a coward. Bellowed by voice of strongly angered sovereign:

— I am already adult destructor and the full-fledged soldier — the slug understood! Having escaped, I will pull out your beard on hairs, then I will start up rotten meat on dog canned food! — Stelzanka cried even more loudly, muscles under skin were rolled by spheres, endeavoring to break through strong as an anchor chain a wire. — And you that boys you cost, twist it, give out to us and we with girlfriends will deliver you the ocean of pleasure, spending money right and left, lands and slaves with slaves in an award!

The commander said hardly having given to a severe voice coldness:

— You see gram of repentance. Only the death can wait for it. And it will not be easy. I otstrelyu to it at first hands, and then legs.

Children moved back. In their eyes the regret was read, to lose such pleasure. But to contradict hot and fast on punishment to the Panther, nobody dared. Stelzanka was torn so desperately that under the wire made of a superstrong alloy skin was torn apart and very bright, scarlet blood acted. And fat diameter meter the log to which she was tied already cracked, becoming covered by small cracks. Guerrillas strained, getting the weapon, being afraid that much stronger, than the person the alien witch will break loose, having rushed a cheetah on them.

The leader, having transferred to the minimum power, pritselit the blaster...

Suddenly someone's hand laid down to it on a shoulder.

— Calm down, Victor Vediamidovich!

The terrible commander became puzzled. His original name was secret which he hid even from Gornostayev. And its weapon though nobody to it seemed, instantly slammed a safety lock. Even the furious tigress of Labido, calmed down, having stood, bugryas intense muscles.

— You who? — Hatched the Panther.

The figure in a gray tunic was strange familiar.

— You can call me the Guru or the Sensei... — The voice was as an ocean surf in windless weather, in it force and softness was combined.

— Yes I recognized him — he is a great Sensei. — With a shiver in a voice the second person in group Antonov whispered.

— Well, the Sensei, you can go on the affairs... — A panther unwillingly gave easy bow and tried to remove the blaster from a safety lock.

— No, you will not kill her! — The guru's voice with an invisible look and a strong-willed, clean-shaven chin became more rigid.

The commander continuing to battle with suddenly the become disobedient blaster, it was discharged by the whole turn of words:

— You what became stupid, the old man? Stelzana — born murderers. My brother was brutally tortured, ripped with live skin and, having strewed with radioactive salt, hung up under the scorching sun beams, having forced to look at all this village. He writhed and died in terrible torments. And soldiers laughed at it and another hung up, and they were more than one hundred. When they calmed down, even forbade to bury them. Those who dared to disobey were hung up nearby, and hooking an edge hook. And my mother and five children were dissolved alive in acid, what from them remained after tortures is more right. And mine...

The sensei sadly smiled, his teeth were surprisingly white and fresh a uniform speck, despite more, than thousand-year age of their owner. And the guru's voice unexpectedly looked younger:

— Will be enough, all the same not to convince you, but in own way you are right. But our planet is threatened not only by troops of Purple constellation. From many thousands of galaxies aggressors of all colors were flown. The volcano of the evil broke loose and threatens to flood and devour all Universe. All of us should unite, even with stelzana to battle together against the general universal evil. And this little girl only a small, but important stone in a star mosaic. Each person is similar to a grain of sand in the desert, but unlike the most extensive desert of the having side, this grain of sand has no self-improvement limits! — The guru carelessly rocked the head. — Excuse Victor, we will talk later!

Graceful gesture by a hand, and the heavy-duty wire burst, and in a second the Sensei and the girl disappeared.

Risking to give itself, the commander thrust a charge to that place where the stelzanka just lay. Having crossed, tastefully swore:

— Better I will connect the neck to a loop, than I will unite together with stelzana even if against the Satan!

* * *

At the moment when it seemed that all interior boils down, and lungs literally burn out, involving in themselves a live flame when the heated streams of superheated air blow, burning each particle of the exhausted body, paralyzing the konvulsionny movements of the overstrained muscles. The feeling reminding finding of mix of a lava and boiled water deeply around a volcanic eruption. Then it became unexpected easier. Pain began to disappear, surprising ease appeared. Yes, it was also felt by Lev Eraskander when his spirit began to leave the charred body...

... Here he comes off a surface and begins to contemplate events, as if from outside. The remains of the broken melted-off starprobe vehicle are visible. Huge variegated types of monsters teem with incalculable packs. In the light of an enormous violet and emerald star they such special bright with a radiant modulation. Not so terrible, on the contrary, fantastically beautiful in the coloring. Povinuyas to incomprehensibly force majeure, the soul continued to rise upward. Colourful monsters quickly decreased by surfaces. The spirit is included into a stratosphere. Here all planet, pink-yellow, first huge, then promptly decreasing in volume is visible. Here it size about a round table, here about a wheel of a pendofon, here about a soccerball, then about a tennis ball and after — is less than poppy kernel. All new and new galaxies, inconceivable congestions of star splinters and scatterings flash. Soaks up soul in a tunnel, and it flies, along a corridor bright seven-color strips on a black background flash.

"Where I rush? — Perplexed the boy thought. — Riddle... probably, in other megauniverse, to the hyper world".

Ahead of a tunnel there was all brightest light increasing on intensity. On state and imperial uniform and firm religion of Purple constellation after death stelzan goes on court where it, according to affairs or military valor, gets on the first sky, is more true in the following hyper Universe. There it is embodied in the flesh, receiving a rank how it jealously and truly served Stelzanat, the emperor and the people. The religion said that Great and God Bog gave to stelzana all Universe to eternal possession, and other races on enslavement. Everything that promotes the Universe gain is justified. Feats on fronts and in the back. Heroism promote obtaining higher status in the new megauniverse, and this most important. Big valor was considered to be killed in battle, having especially shown self-sacrifice, having carried away thousands of lives of enemies for the life. There are also other, even more high-organized Universes with a large number of measurements and the infinite sizes therefore ambitious stelzan can count on eternal advance on a career ladder. And here where there are emperors? Really for each of them the Megauniverse is prepared? But Lev of people therefore it is not obliged to believe in similar nonsense.

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