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Putin And Trump Save The Universe

29.03.2019 — 29.03.2019
During a historic meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin, both presidents were abducted by supercivilization. As it turned out life in the universe is under threat, and may stop all the processes of reproduction, if you do not return from the parallel universe of powerful, magical artifact. As it turned out, the presidents of the United States and Russia are best suited for this role.
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— Why you have tried! But I'm in the wedding night scared to death and slashed with a knife Emir. Too still a small was and wild. For this I should have been killed, but the character of my ruler is not such that deprive torment. So I was sent to grind flour in the kitchen. There were three boys working next to me, we were constantly spinning a heavy wheel, for the slightest stop we were beaten with barbed wire. The girl was indifferent, washboard abs, was involved, the voice was like a bubbling brook. — As time went on, the boys could not withstand the brutal almost without sleep labour, poor feeding leftovers, abuse and died in their place came the other. I somehow survived, and even managed to grow. Then I became an ordinary servant, the Emir forgot about me. I worked like an ant pony with the other slaves. And bleak and so was my young life!


She didn't tell me about the quarries. Poet and she was easy to spin the millstone, as being a girl, she is already hardened. And the boys-the elves died.

Warrior was a Golden and erotic...

Donald trump even remembered his youth. How he became interested in one girl that was having pump, and had the relief of the muscles are the envy of the guys.

And he was only fifteen. Unique feelings of youth, such sharpness. Especially when young, muscular bodies touch each other.

Oh, well this Putin, in Russia it is the law and order and the state. Absolute power, in the hands of a man who does not have enough imagination to use it somehow more interesting and bold.

But to get all the women to walk barefoot, and to prevent aging. That would be the real embodiment of the realization of absolute power! Ah, to become the dictator of America-having finished with this inefficient democracy! Emperor Palpatine was right-it takes a dictatorship to succeed!

The girl spoke calmly and even in an almost cheerful tone, obviously not wanting to awaken pity for her. Felt the character-the strength of body and soul.

— I'm not interested! You're too beautiful to be innocent, now you're mine. — The chieftain threw himself on the girl, knocked her down. Beside himself with rage, Donald trump jumped back with all his might struck the Kitsch with the hand on the neck.

The chieftain growled like a wild beast, his neck thick, but then Donald Invincible thrust his half-bent fist into the carotid artery, hit was accurate, and his opponent fell silent.

— That he wanted to swallow beyond measure. President trump snapped.

The girl stood up and dusted herself off. She only smiled in the answer, even seemed, in retrospect is read some regret. Such a strong body really yearns for love.

She's beautiful. — Said out loud the President of the swordsman in the body of the hero. — Great thing. — Looked around, didn't raise a fuss, but apparently the thieves are not used to that chieftain quietly with the women can not do. And added:

Kitsch can be understand and regret.

The slave raised her black, thick eyebrows, which so went to her blond hair:

It doesn't make me feel any better. However, if it weren't for you, I would have dealt with him anyway.

— How? Donald trump asked, grinning.

— Strangled in the arms, then knee to the bull's-eye. The girl giggled and drew her teeth.

You're fast! You think everything's gonna be easy for you? Especially the attempt to escape from the numerous Horde. — Donald trump was somewhat surprised, such a frisky slave.

There's a chance! The girl protruded a full, tanned, ripe melon-like breast with strawberry nipples. — Need to confidently go out of the tent, take the Queen and mistress of the chieftain. More nerve and they'll let you out.

— This is also a strong move! Although, seeing around you the leader, can smell a rat. — Noticed, playing bicep, Donald trump.

— He doesn't have to be with me. I could have driven him. After all, we women from love acquire wings, while men wither and fall like a cucumber dandelion. The girl giggled and licked her scarlet lips. And playfully looked at the hero.

— Depends what kind of woman. Another can inspire you to rise above the stars. Here is you, for example your eyes, surges as emeralds! Rather, they are something between an emerald and a sapphire. They want to look and hard to break away! Donald trump said fervently, feeling a growing excitement.

— I see you're genuinely in love with me. But making love when you're surrounded by hundreds of enemies, it's too much. So let's leave the camp first. The proud slave offered. How her nakedness was Regal, and the relief of the muscles replaced the clothes.

— You need to release the other captured girls. Otherwise, it's a pack of brutal deal with them. — Dashing billionaire President tore off the muzzle of the leader and began to train a colored bandage.— I'll never forgive myself.

What are you doing?? — The naked beauty was surprised.

— 'll all go together! He has an interesting talisman, either an insect or a reptile. — The President-the billionaire trump raised Golden heavy bizarre thing.

The slave girl explained:

— This is a special symbol by which the evil gods patronize the robbers. He say makes its owner invulnerable. At least some people believe it.

— Here is one believer lies! Donald trump pointed his fingers towards the motionless body.

— Priests usually sell these, sell it, Yes, there may not be entirely Golden. Scratch your finger. The cunning slave offered.

President-billionaire trump did so, looked closely at the strip. Contemptuously deserted:

— It's easier to build a snowman in the desert than to find a selfless priest.

— A beautiful phrase, but it is better to replace the desert of hell. The beautiful stranger suggested.

— And still cut Kitsch, send it to the Virt. — She added.

"To slaughter an insensitive man, that is not what I was taught by the forest, the field, and the mountains! Especially since I'm not going to eat it. — Suddenly in Donald trump, the former owner woke Mowgli.

Don't be silly, my knight. This is our common enemy. Spare him: it's as stupid as not cutting pigs. Die and spread the stench around him. In the slave suddenly appeared a lot of anger, even the chest shook.

— Don't talk about elves like that. I'll give him a chance and then we'll see. — Snapped Donald Trump.

But to be safe, won't you? The girl stroked the hero almost black from constant exposure to the sun, muscular shoulder.

— Look! — The President-the billionaire lightly hit in the jaw Kitsch. Hard tied him up, gagged gagged, cramped in the back of the hands and feet.

— Now the bandit won't untie! So cute to win more honorable than killing!

— Maybe you're clean. — Catching an angry look, Donald trump girl immediately recovered, ringing a voice, said. — I saw you in battle, you just shone.

The President-the billionaire trump sternly said:

— That's what when we get out, you have to pretend to be overjoyed. And I'll pretend that you are the leader. His ugliness is good for us.

— A voice! The slave asked incredulously.

— Since early childhood, I learned to imitate the howling of various animals. This is necessary to successfully hunt. And wow, the voice of the ghoul forge — trivial, but these drunks don't listen.

— So confidently said in Donald trump the former carrier.

— There's not much to argue! — The girl kissed the boy in lined with tiles of the muscles of the stomach, and then began lips to rise to the head. The hands of the billionaire President caressed her firm Breasts, the girl purred like a cat, then she pulled away from him with an effort.

No time! Well, Batyr, give me your prank.

Donald trump, pretending to stagger, got out of the tent and rather rudely pushed the bodyguards.

— What are you standing there like a statue, I just had a revelation of gods!

— Yes, we're all ears great! The bandits whispered.

Followed tight order:

— Sound the collection, to raise all regardless of who's drunk and who's sober. We are waiting in front of fabulous treasures.

The snow-white, Golden-tanned beauty also came out of the tent: she had a very happy look, her eyes shone:

— This is simply divine! Such a man has never known my womb! He gave me an unknown power. Cried a merry girl.

A gang of rapidly drove forward. The news that there are untold riches could awaken the dead. Then Donald trump realized that he was slightly mistaken, the bandits gathered at least a thousand. Many cockroach snails, other Hiking.

What is in front of them and the chieftain could not come to mind. Because chest burning and even move intricate talisman. The President-the billionaire trump, and he was surprised that the metal can move, maybe magic. Though the girl pretending to passionately kiss the hero, he whispered:

It's beads inside.

The boy was a little tickled that he could hardly contain his stupid smile.

— So here is army listen me closely! On me poured out black the grace!

Now I draw a complex hieroglyph, through which the immeasurable power and power of spirits will pour out!

The robbers howled happily. Voices began to be heard:

— Lead us to the great treasures!

We'll crush everyone!

The President-the billionaire has long been understood that the time has come to act decisively. I yelled at the top of his strong like the roar of a Buffalo voice:

— I can't drive you myself! I am at the very center of magical energy, but it can be transmitted at a distance. While I'm the evil black gods will give us success. Darkness you hear me?

— Yes sir. The aide bowed low.

— The city of... — Then victorious in the success of the popdance slightly hesitated. The girl prompted him. Continued even more resolutely Torch, with the enormous wealth should be ours. Go Horde to him and take the citadel by storm.

— Yes! But there are high walls! The assistant hesitated.

— When you climb on storm, they will fall to your hooves! — Donald trump radiated contagious confidence, and the rest of the Tati were filled with enthusiasm.

— Long live the ataman! — Barked, excited by the exploits of the bandits. — We will concede nothing, we will sort a fortress on stones.

— Then faster, it is necessary to attack the fortress before dawn. Who does not have a horse, let him sit behind his friend. — Hard ordered Donald trump and added. — Hurry up!

"Glory to the Lord's wisdom! — Growled all at once.

The gloom fell on its knees:

— I'll justify the honor!

Donald trump received power, continued to speak:

— You go first! Be invincible dragons! We'll crush everyone! Who does not kneel will be destroyed, and who falls will become a slave! Command forward!

A huge avalanche rushed in the direction indicated by the liar.

Horses were about a thousand so the "landing" places enough for all. Now, as the bandits always superstitious and greedy threw the old loot to get a new one.

The President-the billionaire pretended to pray and whispers a spell. We must play our part to the end. However, when the Horde disappeared from sight, he burst out laughing uncontrollably:

— How hilarious! Such simpletons, especially the Gloom. He must have been so happy to be such a cool commander.

— Dream came true idiot — to get ahead of the chieftain. The slave added, and touched her bruise on her left cheekbone.

He however, did not spoil — giving the face a manly expression.

— Maybe this is the most intimate thing we have — the desire to rule. I suggest we release the girls immediately. — Donald trump is full of enthusiasm.

— Of course! — Former barefoot slaves rapidly began to appear commanding manners. — However, they have already started to shoot down the chain.

Indeed beauty, began to thrash the shackles, intending to knock them down. They tried very hard even the bodies began to Shine with sweat. Why seemed even more seductive.

The young man-the President approached him and yelled:

— Girls, let me help you.

In the answer there were frightened cries. Then the conversation took a "Snow white", he tore off the face of the young man a handkerchief.

Fear him not! This is our guy!

— Then help us! The beauties shrieked.

The President is a billionaire and in a past life, had a certain skill, and things went smoothly. Released the girl jumped, stretched your legs, dipped limbs in the Creek. The young President, looking at the marks left by the shackles, scratched delicate skin, said menacingly:

"And dared to trample such beauty to such an extent.

— It's all happening at the orders of the Emir, the rest of the scapegoats. — Said the tall girl. — He was the chief executioner of the others before him buck.

Snow-white warrior added:

— And try to surpass! Not so angry Khan as rampant ham.

The President-the billionaire has agreed:

— Good observation.

There was a pause. Quite the expected difficulty. Donald trump hesitantly said, hardly taking his eyes off the beautiful, almost naked bodies of slaves:

— I'll try to get you out of the shackles, then...

Girl-albino gave a vote:

— And here it is! Worryingly view in his head, adding. What happens then?!

— Run through the woods! Donald Trump Shouted.

The girls hissed in unison:

Come on! We fished, hunted, persecuted, and then slavery, beatings and painful death.

The billionaire President trump realized that he did not think a little. It is not enough to throw off the shackles, it is necessary to give freedom! After all, all revolutions and their leaders stumbled on an insoluble dilemma — it is impossible to rule without violence, and if there is anarchy, the number of arbitrariness will only grow. For anarchy is the dictatorship of every strong, over every weak.

— This is a very difficult task! Need to think about your further fate. In the meantime, end the yoke. — The billionaire President got to work. At the same time trying as often as possible to touch the naked female skin.

While Donald trump was sawing the shackles, he did not stop talking to his partner.

"What does the sorcerer want to come for?"

The lost warrior shrugged her shoulders, muttering:

— I can only speculate. You see, if you process rat jellyfish, you can get such a powerful magic potion that even the weakest elf will become a hero for a while. However, for a short time and the potion should not drink more than three times a day.

The billionaire President's face was almost black from the sun. I remembered a very interesting cartoon about Gami bears. What every tale is the personification of reality, even in another universe:

— Even with such a limitation, it's a good help in battle.

— Not every mage can do that. I'd say even more, need a ad hoc school herbalists. The slave girl squinted with the grace of a crown Princess.

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