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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The mutual forced beating began.

Alien creations cut each other, melting and burning, from all types of arms. If to consider that fight happened in the open air, then it is clear that any shot found to itself a set of the victims. For several seconds the most part of dear "guests" was killed and the considerable part of a complex is destroyed. From blows of the most powerful charges enormous and small bodies scattered on the smoking splinters. The flame which captured marvelous flowers and trees flashed. The part of the crippled monsters pottered about, the separate cut-off extremities continued to flutter and fight in convulsions. Multi-color fountains of blood blurred on a carpet and a grass. At some beings blood easily lit up in the oxygen environment therefore many flashed multi-colored fire. Other beings directed to run, extending around itself a violent flame. The monsters consisting of radioactive elements burned carpets and even crumbled a granite stone, and mentoplazmenny fire devoured heavy-duty metal. The flame from beams and plasma, for certain, would proceed before full destruction of all opponents, and then in business starprobe vehicles would be got involved, having cut to pieces bad energy of total destruction all space in solar system and around it.

Fortunately, stelzana managed to include the paralyzing field. Eroros gave the first the order at the same time to close also space a power board. It was the pragmatic step if the big slaughter near the planet Earth begins, then from all Solar system there will be no stable nuclear kernel left. And even if he will also run away, the emperor can execute for it, and so fanatic way that it is better for to knock out brains at once.

The earth has to exist! Let the ultramarshal and infinately was grown hateful by these holes!

To plunder, but not to kill! Nevertheless, a large number incinerated and cut quite enough to blow up a situation! In the territory the area of several square kilometers continuous destructions of the island fire, the uncountable great number of dead individuals, from the majority did not even remain corpses, at best fetid dust and the smoking pieces. The ultramarshal was externally quiet, and at heart slono-hedgehogs rubbed. It appeared between the beam cascade and a reflector. On the one hand, accomplices in change of the empire, and with another — Fagiram and his numerous accomplices. It is clear, that change infected the highest measurements of the power, and just one prevention not to solve a situation. Still it can turn out that the main enemy resident collects all information from the tops. Distracted a heavy sigh of the young officer-aide-de-camp standing behind from reflections.

Urlik Eroros sharply turned back and unexpectedly soft tone addressed the young man.

— You, I see, sigh. Perhaps you are frightened by a type of corpses and blood?

Having negatively waved a hand, the aide-de-camp answered:

— No, on the contrary, I regret that I cannot thrust without your order a charge of the maximum power in this a gadyushnik. It is not enough, there are fotonno not enough corpses... — Stelzan frenziedly exclaimed. — As if I wanted to chop up all this menagerie!

— Yes, but your person was grieved by something. Other our soldiers rejoice, looking at a slaughter. — Eroros automatically felt suspicion, and strained. Of the ultramarshal even extended with Giperplazmomet a dulishch, showed the hologram in the form of a stream from multi-colored exclamation marks.

— I am terribly grieved by another. We are traitors of our Great empire now? It is awful! Those who betray Purple constellation and the emperor after punishment and execution are waited in the ultrauniverse by the conclusion in the hyper plasma reactor. There traitors are subjected to continuous bombing in painful quanta. There we will test such level of pain which is inaccessible in this Universe. Pain will pierce all cells of a body, without having left a free molecule. And the most terrible that there will be neither dream, nor rest, nor places to take breath.

Eroros having squeezed out a contemptuous smile (though itself terribly was nervous, even turned out for fear of a gut!), with deliberate negligence threw:

— You are frightened by sufferings? It is a shame, shameful to a collapse to the soldier of Purple constellation to be afraid of pain. And if you are tortured by enemies, you unless will break?

Young stelzan having stuck out a breast with pathos said:

— No, I am not afraid of pain. But one business to suffer torments from enemies day, month, knowing that they will end sooner or later. Another matter to suffer for change, to receive a penalty of God, Almighty God and to suffer billions of billions of years. In this Universe hyper plasma burns at once, and there, in painful very option, scorches indefinitely. Only one hope for favor of the Great emperor.

The ultramarshal in blow of a leg rejected covered with pimples to a lizard, and its giperplazmoizluchatel even threw out a destructive ray, having annihilated a foul being. Then Eroros hiding irony, said:

— Yes, the emperor is kind. I am sure that it will consider circumstances of our delivery. Be not afraid, we still will find a way to strike a mortal blow to the enemy.

— It is better to die, than to betray inaction. Perhaps we attack them, turmoil so far. — Offered having sparkled eyes the young officer.

— It is unreal, at us all communication is blocked. There will be enough explanations, elementary execute orders of commanders! — Strictly Eroros shouted.

— Absolutely! — The officer having saluted, it was developed and vzdetet.

— If you want to survive and rescue persons, then trust me! I will be always faithful to the imperial Homeland.

The ultramarshal began to give orders again if there is a star fight, it is necessary to save the capital at least. And people of Earth all the same will breed. At invasion 90% of mankind were destroyed, and now it is more of them, than during attack. If one thousand drives out of 40 billion, then again 40 billion will be in 300-400 years. At this age, rather small for stelzan, it, of course, will have uncountable intimacies. On condition of a survival, so in posthumous existence in other universe it is not especially believed. And everything destroyed is under construction even quicker. He and most wanted war, already there passed one thousand years of lack of large-scale military operations, remained veterans of those nice years of fast expansion of the space empire a little. Even without growing old many of them why stopped the course of life, were maliciously whispered to the inomirena — the karma spoiled by murders. But not to confuse Eroros with similar. It is so interesting and romantic — to annihilate one pressing of the button thousands, millions, billions of reasonable parasites filling the Universe. It is necessary to contact at any cost the emperor, then, maybe, will entrust him retaliatory expedition against sinkh though it will already be large-scale war.

Here Fagiram. His black sweaty physiognomy slightly shakes.

— You something painfully cheerful. It is, maybe, provocation of your people?

— A quasar, you will not swallow! None of my people will not begin to intercede for natives. — Confident tone with the shining eyes said Eroros.

— Yes, well! And I remember how you relieved of the death penalty of the one who was called the star boy who forever crippled the son of the state councilor. Not at me it was, and that I would violate your order. What for strange softness? — Fagiram gave to the very unpleasant physiognomy suspicious expression.

— On that there were reasons. — Just tore off, letting the know that he will not express on this subject of Eroros. — And in general, why you teased these villains who are brought together from all universal dumps!

— The stupid local government went too far. They rehearsed a meeting with the emperor. You what vakuumnogolovy these people of Earth would know. — The governor, krutanuv with a finger at a temple inflated to himself cheeks.

The ultramarshal logically answered:

— Dullness of the slave, is plus, and mind minus! — Having looked back, added. — Gerlok where? He took measures of the emergency defense?

— I gave too necessary orders as far as resources allow. We are ready to defense. I charge to you, the marshal to enter negotiations. — Unexpectedly Fagiram became kinder.

— First, the ultramarshal, and secondly, is better to do it to you. You invited them here, they know you better, especially sinkh. Long ago you program them? — Eroros suspiciously blinked the eyes.

— Well! Time you are such coward, I will deal with them.

Having left a question without answer, the marshal-governor took off as the rat from the burning house, and rushed off to a starprobe vehicle. However if sinkh still kept similarity of discipline, other star Egyptian vultures entered a condition of a hysterical trance. Fagiram's starprobe vehicle was attacked, hardly he left the atmosphere of the planet Earth. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately (better the bastard would die!) it were only small fighters. Having received injuries, the ship left under protection of fleet of sinkh. Violent space freebooters, having lost a number of the main atamans, were full of determination to attack the planet. However starprobe vehicles of Gold constellation blocked a way on the lawful territory. Sinkh were much stronger than concourse of pirates and mercenaries of all colors. Their fleet was much better armed, as for squadrons of other worlds, they fluctuated. Privateers and bandits shouted, threatened in all languages, watering each other with evil words in all ranges. But did not decide to go into battle. It was clear that any dump will destroy the vast majority of spaceships together with passengers.

Both parties stood in intense expectation, millions of starprobe vehicles were ready to let out quintillions of watts of killing energy at any time.

Dashing animals stiffened in space sky,

Though some reason, it seems, also is!

But technicians the power goes on the evil purposes,

Insidiousness, but not honor will get advantage!

* * *

The space is filled in with the perelivisty, every second changing colors flame...

The hellfire flashing and devouring all interiors, destroying flesh. A volcano which is burning out everything that is live inside. As all this is familiar! But this time, maybe, hell real?! The patience — and here pain abates. Vladimir opened eyelids. It seemed to it that he sees the star sky. From surprise blinked, and then again with effort opened them. Yes, it is valid, he sees an exotic star carpet. The unearthly origin which is extremely densely covered with precious garlands of stars of a sky. Tens of thousands of the brightest stars will stick together and shake imagination. The body, appear, soared in vacuum, without feeling a support. The unprecedented show so shook the boy that he fainted, having disconnected from reality.

When ability to think again returned to it, it could already control emotions. Under it there was a firm soil again, he hardly got on feet.

The show which appeared before it was not for the faint-hearted people. First the boy thought that he goes crazy. The majestic city, the capital of a galaxy Dinazakura appeared in all the wildest beauty. Magnificent multikilometer skyscrapers, giant temples, unimaginably huge statues, cascades of gardens and fountains, the shining devices, enormous billboards on which could be located fifty Olympic stadiums and many other things. If to add millions of polytypic colourful and extravagant aircraft, then for the fourteen-year-old boy of the beginning of the XXI century it was already over any limit.

And still the fear was not. There was an extraordinary excitement, and even indescribable delight at the sight of such unimaginably colourful magnificence created by hands of reasonable beings. Everything in this megalopolis was grandiose and is bewitching. In the sky several stars shone. The brightest pink-yellow star, two green, one blue and two almost invisible cherry and sapphire that is natural at so intensive lighting. Nevertheless, despite strong light, did not hurt the eyes and was not hot. Temperature is very pleasant, the legenky cool breeze blows.

The boy walked on the seven-color sidewalk, the sidewalk framed in the flowers, statues, multi-color flashers is crystal the polished tile. Barefoot, children's soles felt very smooth, even perhaps slippery as ice, the giving luminescence, but fortunately not too hot surface.

In total in it the futuristic megalopolis, was mirror sparkling and it is dazzling magnificent, even utilizers of garbage were executed in the form of exotic animals and birds. They opened mouths and politely thanked when to them threw garbage. When Vladimir threw off the melted-off and jarred on mini-soldier's boot from a leg, from the sidewalk as if it is a water smooth surface jumped out a musorshchitsa-bird. It was from a-headed eagle-hen, but proportional a big beak, a trunk of the striped eggplant framed with three orders of magnificent petals. Each row differed on color and a form of escapes, and wings had mobile as the video a coloring at all. Feathery and at the same time flower musorshchitsa swallowed the footwear which became unusable for socks, is melodious prochirikav:

— In doubts to torment itself we have no reason! In all Universe there are no guys more desperately! Real men throw garbage — stelzan kill the stranger! Stelzan kill the stranger!

Vladimir it is lost waved to "musorshchitse-primadena" with a hand and gave out:

— The most surprising in the person that does not surprise him enchanting, but strikes banal!

It is however strange that the heavy-duty military footwear melted, and he did not get, even pretty burns. However, the clothes, it seems, too did not suffer though the magnificent overalls were lost. But something remained, and not so it is a shame to it to go on the city in an elegant undershirt and shorts, normal clothes for the boy to hot weather.

Though Vladimir was also confused the bare feet, extremely inappropriate in the capital where each statue, the machine, the fountain, composition, this or that construction shone deafening by the shouting luxury. As the beggar oborvysh in government quarter of St. Petersburg, involuntarily you redden when someone approaches you.

The moment is a little pedestrians on streets in data, generally it were children. As it is one of the central sectors of the megalopolis, eminent stelzana lodged here. Just there was a period when to mini-soldiers provide short vacation what to learn though slightly lives without wearisome mushtra, to let know pleasures of the childhood. Besides this small in comparison the barracks period the holiday interval, was some kind of encouragement, for progress in study and combat training.

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